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❝There is never jealousy where there is not strong regard.❞

Washington Irving

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"I have graded last week's geography examination," Mr. Feeny announced as he walked to the front of the class with a stack of papers in his hand, "And the highest score was achieved by—".

Cory cut him off, "Minkus. Was it achieved by Minkus? Does it go to Minkus? Minkus, right?"

Elena stifled a laugh at Cory's interruption.

"Mr. Minkus," Mr. Feeny finally finished as he rolled his eyes at Cory's behavior.

"That's a shock," Cory said sarcastically.

Elena laughed along with the class while Shawn pulled out a crumpled piece of paper from his backpack.

"Thank you, Mr. Feeny," Stuart ignored Cory's comments, "Your bonus question was a real stumper."

Aiming the paper ball at Stuart's head, Shawn smirked when he hit his target and heard Stuart's monotone 'Ow'.

Mr. Feeny just continued to hand out the rest of the test papers, Shawn and Stuart's interactions being nothing out of the ordinary.

"Miss. Owens, great improvement."

"Mr. Baker, very nice."

"Miss. Martinez," He paused at her desk and she smiled confidently, she'd studied all weekend for that test and she was sure she'd gotten a good grade, "Excellent work."

Elena smiled as she took her test paper and saw the big red 'A' on the top corner of the first page.

'This kinda makes up for the fact that I had to miss out on a basketball game with Cory and Shawn' she thought to herself.

"Mr. Matthews, well, there it is."

Cory looked at his paper in shock, "A 'C'? But I actually studied for this test! Why'd I get a 'C'?"

"Let's see. Where to begin." Mr. Feeny flipped through Cory's test, "Well, for one Mr. Matthews, this section of the map is not East Germany."

"It's not?"

"Perhaps you heard of a little incident with the Berlin Wall?"

"Was that during baseball season?"

Elena laughed, only Cory would ask that.

"There is no East Germany anymore." Mr. Feeny corrected him.

"But the textbook says it's right next to West Germany."

"Yes, well, the textbook also says that Alaska and Hawaii will make fine states someday," Mr. Feeny sighed as he finished handing out the rest of the tests, "Things change, Mr. Matthews. Unfortunately, the Board of Education doesn't have the funds to keep up."

"Then how am I supposed to keep up?" Cory asked, bewildered.

Shawn immediately went to work, turning his test paper into a paper airplane.

"How much did you get?" Elena turned to him.

"An 'F', nothing new."

Elena rolled her eyes, "Shawn."

He sighed, "What do you want me to do Lena? You know I can't study alone, I get distracted by air when this textbook's in front of me and you didn't want to study together."

She sighed, "You know why I didn't want to."

"I thought it was a very successful study date."

"You and I must have different meanings for successful."

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2 Weeks Ago

"Okay, so if three times three is nine then the square root of nine is..." Elena trailed off, waiting for Shawn to answer her.


That had been his response for the past ten minutes, "I killed a man yesterday."


'Well, that didn't work' Elena thought as she rolled her eyes at the dreamy smile he had on his face as he stared at her.

It was cute, she had to admit and it did make her blush but she did want him to pass this test.

Elena smirked as she got an idea, "Y'know, Stuart's really good at math; I'm 100% sure he's going to get a full mark of the test. Smart guys are really attractive, I might go ask him t-"

She was cut off by Shawn slamming his hands on the table and running out the door.

Elena ran after him, trying to catch up, "Shawn! Where are you going?"

"Minkus thinks he can steal my girl with his big brain, well he's got another thing coming!"

'What have I done?'

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"You failed that test because you spent the entire day chasing Stuart threatening to kill him, you had him running for his life!"

Shawn smirked, nodding his head, "You're right that's not successful,"

Elena smiled thinking he'd finally realized what she'd meant.

"That's what I call a very successful day."

"Whatever," Elena rolled her eyes while Shawn picked up the paper airplane he'd made and threw it at Stuart's head.

Stuart didn't even look up from his notebook, "Ow."

"Are you ever going to give him a break."

"I might if you agree to marry me."

"You're an idiot."

"As long as I'm yours, I don't care what I am."

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I can't believe that Capsize has gotten over 1000 reads and 100 votes, thank you so much to all of the people who have read, voted, and commented ♥♥. It means a lot and I hope you liked the chapter (sorry it's so short though).

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