Chapter 1

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" Mother is a verb. It's something you do. Not just who you are."

- Dorothy Canfield Fisher

(YEAR 2068: Paris, France 2:00 am)

Elder Carol Danvers ended up walking and searching for anyone and her son which she spent hours in finding for bad people. She ignored her tiredness which she kept battling other intruders several hours after her son got abducted. This time, she was on the streets of Notre Dame where she had gone. Just behind her, she heard a loud threshold from the alley and looked around as she ignited her fists. The elderly half-Kree becme more suspicious after what had transpired.

" Who the hell?! It must be one of those enemies again! Better check who's that attacker, " she angrily thought and walked around. Then, she noticed something and ceased flashing her hands. It was a young blonde woman with cybernetic parts on her limbs lying on the ground. She intently looked at her. " A cyborg? How did she get here in the first place?! The Kree must have been sent this girl as a trap..."

Much of her armor is cracked and the exposed parts of her body was adorned in multiple cuts of varying length, though many did not appear to be life threatening, but her life was still in danger as there appeared to be a clanking chugging noise emanating from her body. Carol noticed her waking up as the cyborg got frightened. The elderly woman touched her hands and showed assurance when she helped the younger one to stand up.

" It's's okay. I'm here. There's nothing to be afraid of, my dear, " the elderly Kree-hybrid calmly spoke.

" I... need to find..." the cyborg coughed and paused as she felt weakened after the crash.

" What is it? "

" My... family..."

" Where? Who? Can you explain it to me? "

There's a beeping and the weary cyborg fell unconscious in Carol's arms. The elder was alarmed to see her lying down the ground.

" Hang-in, there! I'll take you somewhere else safe. "

The elderly woman carefully carried her and flew away. She found a place where they could stay for the meantime. The dark dawn sky began to rain. She found an abandoned building where the two could stay. They entered as Carol found a couch where the younger one could rest. Then, she carefully studied the cyborg and saw a battery which it would be losing power.

" Let's see what I can do to charge her, " she thought and focused on illuminating her both hands and transferred her photon energy to the cyborg. The young woman opened her eyes and got surprised to see the senior citizen's powers. " Don't worry, I can manage this. "

" Where am I-?! " the cyborg gasped as she woke up in a cold sweat.

" You're in Paris, France. "

" P-Paris?! "

" Yes..."

The younger one became baffled and moved her head to and fro which she was never familiar of the place back in her universe. Carol sadly sighed as she remembered what happened to her and her son as the Kree and Lizards had separated them, earlier. The cyborg looked intently at her face. She was curious of the old woman was feeling.

" Is something bothering you? " she curiously asked.

" You mentioned the word family, " Carol silently wept and clenched her left fist. " My son and I had a trip earlier to this city, but he got taken away from me! Those horrible men, they will pay for this!! They will regret what they have done! "

" Who? "

" Them..."

" I see... I will help you find your son. But I'm in no physical condition to fight right now. "

Carol heavily sighed as she heard the younger one's assuring words. Somehow, she was pacified when she rubbed her eyes. The cyborg looked concerned at the old woman and held her hands. However, time had begun growing short, and the rain appeared to not be letting up soon.

" Thank you. We will just need to stay here and wait for the rain to stop, " the half-Kree elder replied.

" What's your name? " the young cyborg lady asked.

" Carol Danvers, aka Captain Marvel. How about you, dear? "

" Gourai Titanius. "

" Can you tell me how did you get here? Did you have something to share? "

" That information is currently classified at the moment, " Gourai replied and sadly sighed.

" I see. For now, you have to stay away from any enemies you will encounter. One of them took my son some hours ago. This world has become too dangerous to live, " Carol nodded and secretly read the cyborg's mind.

" I see. I will find your son, Ma'am. Don't you worry, " she tried to get up. " Thank you for saving me earlier. "

Carol helped her to stand up and gave her something to eat which she began looking inside the kitchen. Finally, she found a piece of bread and a glass of water which she gave them to the young cyborg. Gourai smiled and started to chew some bread.

" Right now, let's wait until morning. The streets of Paris at this moment are grimm and skirmish. You won't like to see what you're encountering, " Carol spoke.

" I can handle it. "

" I guess so. "

Carol and Gourai both sat on their seats and ate their early morning breakfast while waiting for the sun to come up. The young cyborg woman looked on the window especially the streets of Paris which she wanted to ask questions to the old lady.

" What is this place? " Gourai asked.

" Paris, France, Planet Earth. Former City of Lights. " Carol answered.

" Earth... "

" Yes, it's now conflicted by the evil Kree and Lizards for fifty years. "

" Kree? Lizards? "

" Blue and Pink skinned aliens from another galaxy and some reptilian men. You will see them soon. "

" Yes, " she nodded.

" Those people are sinister and dreadful, " the elderly woman sternly warned. " They take people as slaves and some get killed from them once they fight. "

" I will make sure to save your son, Ms. Danvers. I promise, " Gourai smiled and gently patted the elder's back.

" I hope so, my dear..."

Gourai and Carol spent the rest of the day inside the building as they were vigilant from any infiltrators who would come on the streets. They spent talking of their previous lives as the young cyborg woman and the elderly half-Kree got interested to learn from each other, especially about the Earth before the invasion happened. There were times they spent patrolling on the streets and searched for anyone who survived and killed. Days into months, Gourai became closer to the old woman who considered as her mother in this new universe whom she had met. Carol treated the cyborg as her own daughter. On that day, the two spent walking on Champs Elyseés where they went to search for more people in hiding, especially the one who the elderly woman had mentioned before.

" Did you see anything, Gourai? " the half-Kree asked.

" No, I did not, " Gourai shook her head.

" We better keep on going. "

The two continued walking when suddenly, they heard a loud crashing sound from a distance. It was a mecha. And it had just thrown something into the side of a building and was priming its primary laser cannon.

" What is that? " Carol curiously muttered.

Gourai scanned the mechanical menace and analyzed the build of it. Carol also checked as she noticed something in the machine. The mechanical object had alien letterings which Carol was very familiar of them. Gourai became more baffled in reading it and turned to her older companion.

" Carol? I don't understand these writings, " the cyborg said.

" It belongs to the Kree! It's a trap! "

" Trap?! "

" Yes! "

The machine woke up when it heard and sensed the two women in front of it. Carol illuminated her both hands as Gourai was preparing for her cybernetic arms for battle. It began hitting the two as they quickly dodged the attacks.

" What the heck is that?! " Gourai cried and kept targeting the machine.

" The Kree sent it to spy on us, " Carol answered, hitting the robot with her photon blast.

" What now? "

" We'll try to hit it! Then, let's get out of here! "

" Where are we going? "

" To Rouen! "

Gourai scanned the Kree Sentry machine which she knew how to target it. Carol was distracting it, however the machine targeted to capture Gourai as it opened its right hand and grabbed her. The young cyborg tried to break free and cried when the half-Kree elder attempted to use her super strength to break the young one free.

" Carol! Help! " Gourai cried.

" I'm trying! " Carol angrily gritted her teeth in ripping the giant mechanical hand apart.

The machine stood up and knocked the elderly woman down. Gourai loudly yelled as she got separated to her companion. Carol slowly stood up and thought of following it.

" CAROL! "


Failed in saving her younger companion, Elder Carol Danvers helplessly watched the machine going farther as her eyes watered. She remembered that fateful day when her son got abducted by the enemies.

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