Yoohyeon - Black Suit

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Genre: Action, fluff(?)

edit and inspiration from drn_160

Pic: some of the pictures to help with immersion

(Yoohyeon POV)

"Comms check, comms check, this is Rabbit standing at point alpha, dreamcatcher please check in, over." I hear JiU call over our radio.

"This is Chick standing at point bravo, over," Sua responds.

"Wolf on guard at point charlie, over," says Siyeon, from her spot overlooking the front doors.

"Cat, standing with wolf on guard at point charlie two, over," Handong responds from her spot facing the other side of the doors.

I raise my right hand to my earpiece, before responding, "Puppy standing by at backstage point delta over."

"This is Panda, standing at stage area point echo, over." Comes Dami at her spot next to the stage.

"This is Fox, comms are working perfectly, and surveillance is a go from point foxtrot, over." comes the voice of Gahyun from our temporary base.

"Look alive girls, the top brass wants to make sure that the Hope Diamond doesn't get discovered or taken away before they sell it for a good price." JiU says over the radio.

"Guys," I say, cutting into JiU's words, "do we really have to go through with this deal? I know we need money and everything, but guarding the auction of a piece of history that should be in a museum for everyone, are we really doing the right thing here?" I ask.

A brief radio silence follows before the radio crackles back to life.

"Look Yoohyeon, I know it's not the right thing to do, but it is necessary to keep our company afloat, our security company has been running short on funds and we really need this gig to make it, so let's just do our job and forget about it okay?" JiU says through the radio.

"Fine..." I say, in a tone that I hope sounds neutral and not depressing.

"Let's go back to our duties shall we?" Dami says.

"Acknowledged, over and out," I say as I make my way around backstage, looking for anything suspicious.

"Fox to dreamcatcher," comes Gahyun's voice over the radio, "I've just received word from the top that we are potentially expecting a 'special guest': our old friend Y/N the Phantom Thief, so be on high alert, look for suspicious cards carrying his call sign and people who are acting strangely. Over and out."

"Acknowledged Fox, Puppy over and out." I say as I return to my patrol.

"So old friend, you've decided to come and join the party?" I say to no one in particular, as I turn down an empty corridor.

"That depends on your definition of a party, miss." A voice says behind me.

I reach for my sidearm on my right side before turning around, bringing it out of its holster, and pointing it toward the source of the voice.

"Y/N the Phantom Thief," I say, as I keep my gun trained on him. He looks harmless, in a regular black suit with a blue shirt and red tie, and his oxfords. But his reputation proceeds him: he's well known for 'stealing' things back to their rightful owners, such as valuable jewels and artworks, he will find a way to bring them back to their owner, accompanied by his trademark call sign playing card. As much as I commend the things he does, I'm doing my job right now and I can't let him get away with it.

"Hello Miss Puppy, or should I say Kim Yoohyeon?" He says, bowing slightly with a cheeky smirk on his face. If only the situation was different, then I would try to get to know him more.

"How do you know my name? And how did you get here?" I ask in shock as I reach for my earpiece to call for backup, all the while keeping my gun pointed at him.

"This is puppy calling dreamcatcher, I have Y/N the Phantom Thief concerned, requesting backup, over." All I heard was the sound of radio static.

"No point trying Yoohyeon." he says in his oddly calming voice, his hands raised in surrender, "I've jammed your signals here so no one can interrupt us. And call me Y/N, I'm not in costume so I believe that calling me Phantom Thief is unnecessary."

"What do you intend to achieve, phantom thief, here to bring the hope diamond back to the National Museum of Natural History?" I ask, tentatively taking one step closer to him.

What I didn't expect was him to close the distance between us, pushing away my weapon and my back against the wall. Our position was so close, we were like inches apart from each other's faces.

"You know me so well Yoohyeon," he says, disarming my pistol and returning it to my holster. "You always know what I'm about to do." at occasions like this."

Looking at his face, I couldn't help but notice that he was pretty cute, dare I say even good-looking. He also smelled nicely of lavender, which I guess was his cologne.

"You're just gonna steal it back and return it to the museum," I say indignantly, struggling not to act shy in front of him. Feeling my face flush, I try to get a distance away from him, and brush my suit straight.

"You know, outside of meeting at events like these, I really would like to get to know you Yoohyeon, you're very pretty. I'd love to know the real you, outside of fancy suits and pointless security missions." He says, fixing his red tie in a confident manner which I find oddly attractive.

"Why do you do this? You're not being seen as a hero to the public, you're just seen as a thief in their eyes. What do you have to gain from stealing artifacts back to where they belong?"

He seems to ponder my question, putting both of his hands in his pocket. Leaning on the opposite wall from where I stand, he answers my question.

"To answer your first question, let's say that I can't stand people that steal history for their own financial gain when it should be shown to the people, they should be allowed to tell their story to the public."

He stands up straight from the wall and begins to walk in the opposite direction from me, before giving me his reply.

"And yes, you're right, I'm not a hero, I'm a phantom thief. And stealing is what thieves do best, even if it's a person's heart."

And with that, he just disappeared into thin air in front of my very eyes. Surprised, I made my way in the direction that he went, to find nothing but a Queen of Hearts card with his call sign on it, but with an additional heart drawn on it.

Confused, I put the card in my suit pocket, before the radio crackled into life.

"This is Rabbit, come in puppy, over." JiU's voice comes through the radio.

"Puppy here, Rabbit please speak over."

"Where the heck were you Yoohyeon," JiU says to me in a panicked tone, "Gahyun just told me that you were in a blackout zone for 5 minutes, what happened? Do I need to send Handong and Dami over?"

Internally I debated whether or not I should tell the rest of Dreamcatcher what had transpired 5 minutes ago between me and Y/N the Phantom Thief. After a brief struggle between my internal angel and demon. I make my decision.

"I'm fine Rabbit, I don't need to see Cat and Panda getting violent. I had the situation handled. Over."

"What happened Puppy? Over."

"I ran into our old friend, he had me cornered briefly and was bragging about how he would pull his act off, over."

"Wait what, did you capture him Puppy? Over."

"Negative Chick, I couldn't catch him. He was so swift, he literally disappeared into thin air in front of my eyes, over."

I didn't dare bring up the exchange between me and him during the five minutes due to shyness, as I've never really been approached by many guys, nor have been called cute by any.

"Darn it. Dreamcatcher stay alert, the auction starts in 10. Look alive, stay sharp, be on the lookout, Rabbit out."

(Third Person POV)

Soon, the auction went underway, with all the rich families attempting to score some random piece of history for their own private collection, hidden away from the public, unable to tell their story to the masses.

As the dreamcatcher girls (sans Gahyun in the comms room) stood guard over the auction, Yoohyeon couldn't help but think about Y/N's words, about the history and personal gains of the rich. She found his beliefs to be worthwhile, and not that of a typical thief.

Just as she was thinking about the whole ordeal, the Hope Diamond came onto center stage, and all the rich people began to bid astronomical figure sums of money into obtaining this piece of history. But as the numbers grew higher, the tension in the room for Dreamcatcher rose exponentially: they knew Y/N the phantom thief was here for the Hope Diamond, but nothing has happened yet.

As the auctioneer was calling for final bids, all of a sudden, a white top hat with a blue ribbon band suddenly popped out of the crowd, and spun its' way towards the display case where the Hope Diamond lay. The lights cut out for a brief second, and went on again.

As the lights came back on, the crowd and Dreamcatcher were in for a bad shock.

"Y....Y/N the Phantom Thief!" Came the screams of multiple people down from the crowd.

As he stood up, Yoohyeon saw that he was not in the black suit that she saw him in earlier backstage, he was now in his trademark costume: a white suit jacket and slacks, with his blue shirt and red tie, accompanied by his white top hat, white cape, and monocle on his right eye.

He took a bow to the crowd. "Greetings, ladies and gentlemen," he said in his confident and charming voice, making the younger ladies in the room swoon.

"OI Y/N THE PHANTOM THIEF! YOU AREN'T GETTING AWAY THIS TIME!" a voice comes across the floor as JiU makes her way through the throng of people. Which was proving to be difficult due to the younger audience rushing forward to catch a glimpse of the elusive phantom thief.

"This is Rabbit to Dreamcatcher, Y/N the Phantom thief has appeared on stage, I repeat, he is on the stage this is not a drill. Puppy, proceed to backstage to prevent escapes. Cat, you're with me, head to the stage now. Fox, monitor security footage, keep us posted. The rest of you secure the exits over!"

As JiU and Handong got through the throng, they immediately pull out their sidearms, pointing them at Y/N the phantom thief, who was casually placing the Hope Diamond into his suit's inside pocket. As he sits on the display case, he looks towards the two girls, he smirked in his usual cocky manner, his monocle glinting under the stage lights.

"We have you now, Y/N the Phantom thief, drop the diamond and surrender now!" Handong yells.

"Ah, where's dear Puppy? I was hoping she'd be the one to catch me." Y/N says, almost in a disappointed tone, slowly standing up.

"That's out of the question, Phantom Thief," says JiU, her pistol pointed directly at his chest as they converse in an oddly civil manner, "Surrender now and we might just let you leave alive."

"You know, Rabbit," says Y/N as he leans on the case where the Hope Diamond previously laid, "this is why Puppy is the more interesting one out of Dreamcatcher, you seem to forget that," he stops before he pulls his cape with his left hand over his face, before spreading it out, with smoke billowing out, "I'm different from a thief that wears all black, I am a phantom thief, and you can't catch a Phantom Thief!"

Then came a loud "BANG", to which everyone in the room covered their ears, and in the blink of an eye, Y/N the Phantom Thief disappears from view.

As JiU and Handong were looking around, a playing card was shot onto the stage, cutting into the floor. Picking it up, JiU read the contents on the card, with Handong looking over her shoulder.

'To Dreamcatcher,

I know that you are all conflicted by the job you guys are doing, I am writing this as a proposal. Look for me with the girls where magic comes alive, there I will present a better alternative to your current job.

Namsan tower on Saturday, 7pm.


Y/N the Phantom Thief'

"Rabbit to Fox, any signs of Y/N the Phantom thief on surveillance? Over." asks JiU over the radio as she places the card in her pocket and holsters her sidearm.

"Fox to Rabbit, no signs of him, he's either actually disappeared or in the crowd, over."

"Rabbit to Dreamcatcher, secure the exits, search every single guest before they leave. Over."

"Puppy to Dreamcatcher, I'll search the backstage area to find him, over."

(Yoohyeon POV)

"Let's see, if I were Y/N the Phantom Thief, where would I hide right after completing the heist..." I say to myself as I patrol the backstage area, my gun at the ready.

Just as I made my way down the corridor, I stopped one of the staff, "Where are you going?" I ask.

"On my way to secure the rest of the manifest for tonight, top brass wants to make sure nothing else was stolen," he says, I look at his badge, making sure that he was the real deal before going.

"Carry on then," I say, as I head the opposite way he was heading.

"Hang on, can you tell me the original exhibit number of the Hope Diamond?" I ask, knowing that Y/N the Phantom Thief has an uncanny ability to memorize ridiculously complicated data.

And sure enough, the staff member recited the number without blinking.

"There you are Y/N!" I say, pointing my gun at him before trying to signal the others. The next moment, my gun was knocked out of my hand by a playing card.

Facing him, I saw that he had his trademark card gun out, pointing it at me.

"Go ahead, shoot me for all I care, Y/N the phantom thief." I goad, trying to cause him to make a mistake.

"And why would I do that? You know a gentleman should never hurt a lady," he says, gun still pointing at me as he closes the distance between us.

"You know what I'm doing is right Yoohyeon, so why not just let me go?" he says imploringly, pinning my back against the wall.

"How did you even get away from the stage in such a short time Y/N?" I ask, and I realize that this was the first time I said his actual name, and not addressed him as the phantom thief.

"As my father always said, 'a magician must never reveal their secrets' Yoohyeon. Some things should remain a mystery."

With that, he leaned in and quickly kissed me on the cheek, before speeding down the corridor and out of sight.

As I came back to my senses and realized what had transpired, my face was a burning mess.

"Hey, you just stole my first kiss, you thief!" I yell as I run in the direction he ran. Finding, to no surprise, that he had disappeared into the night.

"Puppy to dreamcatcher, the target has escaped, over."

"Damn it!" came the disappointed voice of Siyeon over the radio.

"Puppy to Rabbit, what do we do now? Over." I ask JiU.

"Rabbit to dreamcatcher, we pull out. The job is done, and we couldn't stop him, we pack up and leave now, over," says JiU.

As I place my pistol into its holster, I place my hands in my pockets before going to meet the rest of Dreamcatcher at the base of operations. But then I realized that there was something in my pocket.

Pulling it out, I realize it was a playing card, pulling it out, I see that it was addressed to me.


What I said at the beginning of the night still stands, I'd love to know the real you, outside of all the fancy suits and pointless security missions. So would you be kind enough to meet me at Namsan Tower this coming weekend at 5pm? I'll be waiting for you there, see you then my lady.

Forever yours,


PS: dress in semi-formal.'

It took me a while to process what he was asking me to do, before I made my way to the base, that he was asking me out on a date. As the thought came to mind, my face went pink.

"Are you okay Yoohyeon, your face is all red?" Asks Dami as I start to unload my pistol.

"Huh? I'm fine Dami!" I say, shaking my head, and fanning myself. "I just got asked to go on a date later this week by someone I met tonight," I say shyly.

"Date?!" came the combined voices of the 6 girls.

"Yeah, why is everyone so surprised?" I ask, perplexed.

"That person must be brave to ask you out," says Sua, making her way to pat my back, "Good luck on your date, I hope you come back with a boyfriend," she says, winking at me.


On Saturday, I show up at the promised location on time, wearing my favourite green polo shirt with jeans, accompanied by my black Converse. I was actually pretty excited, not knowing what Y/N was like in real life, or what he had planned for the evening. I sit on the bench at the bottom of the tower, waiting for him to find me.

As I scroll through my phone, I see the article that I had seen for a few days: 'Smithsonian Institution thanks Y/N the Phantom Thief for the return of the Hope Diamond'. Smiling to myself, I think about what was to become of us. JiU said that she had received a deal from a mysterious investor who had a proposal for Dreamcatcher, the rest of the members were meeting them today, whilst I was going on a date.

"You know you should take a picture, it'll last longer," I say, noticing the young man sitting next to me. "I thought you wouldn't show up at all Y/N."

"I know, I know, I'm sorry Yoohyeon," he says, fixing his casual navy suit jacket, as he turned to face me, "I had to pick up a gift for a beautiful lady earlier."

"Oh really?" I say sarcastically, fighting to keep the blush on my face from showing, "Who's the lucky lady and what did you get for her?"

"Why, it's you!" he says, seemingly catching my sarcasm judging by his smile, producing a bouquet of pink roses behind his back. "Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady."

I felt my face flush, as I accept the flowers into my hands.

"Should we get going?" he says, as he stands up, and holds out his hand for me. "There're a few things I'd like us to do before tonight." he finishes.

"Let's go then!" I say excitedly, holding onto his hands as we made our way.

(Third person POV)

Y/N and Yoohyeon spent their time together, taking photos and chatting about their daily life. The two gained many looks from passersby, with many assuming that the two were boyfriend and girlfriend. Causing many moments where Yoohyeon became a speechless blushing mess and Y/N had to take over.

"You know," says Y/N as he takes a sip of his strawberry latte, "I never understood why your group hates me so much, I mean, you guys must know that you're working for people who are dealing with illegal business right?

"We used to work for legal businesses only," Yoohyeon says, sipping her americano, "but the market became oversaturated with companies like ours, and we were struggling with cash flow, hence we ventured out to the shadier side, none of us enjoy it too much, but we have to make do with what we have."

"Which is why I have a second meeting to go to," says Y/N, getting up from the bench they were sitting at, and holding out his hand yet again, "Would you be so kind as to accompany me?"

"Of Course!" Yoohyeon exclaims, jumping up and hugging Y/N's strawberry latte-free arm, as the two made their way to the meeting point in joy.

(Yoohyeon POV)

"I thought you said we were going to a meeting, not a magic show," I say out of curiosity, looking around at the hall, where the sign 'Kid the Magician' was shown.

"Anywhere can be a meeting, Yoohyeon," he says, in his calming voice that I've grown to like. "I just need to quickly go somewhere okay? I'll be back when the show starts."

"Okay, see you later then," I say. What I didn't expect though was a quick kiss on the lips by him.

He quickly left, leaving me with my cheeks going red.

(Third Person POV)

"Remind why we're here to watch a magic show again JiU?" asks Siyeon from her seat on JiU's left.

"I told you before, I got a proposal from a potential employer to meet here where 'magic comes alive' at Namsan Tower at 7pm, that's why we're all here."

"Did the potential employer tell us how he'd find us though JiU?" asks Dami skeptically.

"Uh, not really...I'm sure I'll be able to recognize him though, so let's wait and enjoy the show in the meantime shall we?" JiU said in a tone she hoped conveyed confidence.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," came the voice of a man over the mic, accompanied by flashy music.


"May I present, Kid the Magician!"

As a man in a crisp black suit made his way onto the stage, applause sounded throughout the hall, but there were seven gasps that were muffled by the clapping.

"Hey Gahyun," says Handong, "is it just me or does Kid the Magician look like Y/N the Phantom Thief?"

"Hang on, he does! Let's tell the others!"

Soon the girls were informed of their suspicions and they were now convinced that Kid was Y/N.

But their shock was not as bad as the one that Yoohyeon had received at that moment.

"I'll need a special assistant for a trick I'm about to perform," he says on the stage, "Who would like to be my assistant?" he asks, miming looking hard into the audience.

"Trick question, sorry guys," the "Aw"s of the crowd sounded out, "but my girlfriend is here with me today, and she's going to be my special assistant. Yoohyeon dear, would you please come up to the stage today?"

Feeling like her face was on fire, Yoohyeon slowly got up and makes her way to the stage to cheers and gasps from the crowd, also shocking the rest of Dreamcatcher, now realizing who had asked Yoohyeon out on a date.

"Girlfriend?" whispers Yoohyeon to Y/N as she takes her spot next to him on the stage.

"I can call you other things if you want, if you'd take me as your boyfriend of course." says Y/N, cupping his mic to speak to Yoohyeon in private, "Trust me, and follow my lead."

The rest of the show went on without a hitch, with Yoohyeon being the perfect assistant to Y/N and the crowd enjoying the interactions between the couple. To them, they seemed like a long-time couple, but in truth, they were just a match made in heaven.

Watching Y/N confidently performing his magic tricks in his black suit, Yoohyeon felt like her heart was now enamored by Y/N, as if her heart was stolen by him.

(timeskip to the end of the show)

"Unfortunately, it is time to end the show for tonight," Y/N says to which awes sounded in the crowd. "But no worries, I'll see you next illusion," he says before bowing and vanishing in a puff of white smoke.

At that moment, Yoohyeon notices a playing card with a red rose on her table, picking it up, she reads it.


Meet me backstage, the guards will let you through,

See you in a bit my girlfriend xO.


"You heart stealer..." whispers Yoohyeon, her face heating up again.

At the same time, JiU receives a card from a member of staff. Opening it up to read, the rest of Dreamcatcher crowds over,

'JiU (and by extension Dreamcatcher)

Please make your way backstage, I assume you all have many questions to ask, I will provide them after we talk business as well. The guards will let you straight through.

See you there,


"Let's go girls," says JiU, "Time to meet our potential employer."


"GIRLS? Why are you guys here?!" exclaims Yoohyeon as the rest of Dreamcatcher arrive backstage.

"We could ask you the same thing, Miss 'Girlfriend'." teases Siyeon, to which Yoohyeon turns away blushing.

"I know I told you to find a boyfriend, but I wasn't expecting it this soon you know," laughs Sua at the expense of Yoohyeon's reddening face.

"Okay dreamcatcher, please stop making fun of my girlfriend please." comes the voice of Y/N, making his way over and hugging Yoohyeon, causing another round of cooing from the members of Dreamcatcher.

"Should I call you Y/N the phantom thief, or Kid the Magician now?" asks JiU, extending her hand for a handshake.

"Just Y/N is fine," replies Y/N, returning the handshake, "It's nice to meet all of you not when I'm being chased or threatened by guns."

"Oh yeah," he adds on, "I'd like to introduce you all to my girlfriend Yoohyeon as well," he says in a slightly abashed tone, hugging Yoohyeon slightly closer to himself as he says it.

"Uhm...I'm sorry to interrupt, but surely you invited us here to watch more than a magic show and you two showing off your love right?" says Gahyun, as Dami mimes vomiting behind her.

"Ah yes...take a seat ladies, I'll explain."

And so began the explanation on how Y/N's father was the previous phantom thief and archaeologist, who specialized in returning stolen artifacts to their original owners, he has now retired, managing a museum in Korea specializing in artifact preservation. And how Y/N had taken up his cape, working with more magic and theatrics to return the artifacts.

"So let me get this straight, you want us to work for your dad's museum as the permanent security staff, and on occasion, help you with the heists?"

"Yes Sua, that's my proposal here. You won't be doing any illegal work, my dad's museum is legit, and the pay is good with welfare too. And when we go on the heist, consider it paid vacations too." Y/N finishes.

"It applies to everyone, correct?"


"And Yoohyeon isn't getting special treatment?"

"Maybe as my girlfriend, but otherwise everything else is the same. So, do we shake on the deal?"

"Say no more, I, JiU, representing Dreamcatcher, accept the proposal. It'll be our pleasure working with you Y/N."

"The pleasure is mine JiU," says Y/N, giving a hug to the rabbit leader, before quickly releasing his hug, "my apologizes that I can't hug you guys, otherwise the puppy would get mad at me."

"I wasn't jealous!" exclaims Yoohyeon, although her rosy cheeks says otherwise.

"So I'll see you girls at the museum on Monday," Y/N says as he gets up, "My contact information is on this card." He proceeds to produce 6 cards out of nowhere. "The museum address is there too. So if you'd excuse me, I still have a date to go to with my girlfriend here."

As Yoohyeon was half dragged out of the room by Y/N, the sound of Sua shouting "USE PROTECTION!" came down the hall, causing the couple to laugh.

"So, Yoohyeon," says Y/N as they stood at the top of the tower, the two of them alone, "Did you enjoy tonight's date?"

"It was the best date ever," she says, hugging Y/N on his arm as they stood at the railing, overlooking the night view of Seoul. "Who knew that I would score such an amazing boyfriend tonight?"

"So...are we boyfriend and girlfriend now?" asks Y/N, leaning onto the railing and looking at her with his hazel eyes.

A kiss on the lips initiated by Yoohyeon gave him all the answers he needed.

"Okay then my dear girlfriend, do you trust me?" asks Y/N.

"Yeah, why?" she asks.

"Follow me," as he stood on the ledge, with Yoohyeon following suit.

"Ready? 3,2,1 jump!"

As the two of them jumped, with Yoohyeon screaming her mind out, she felt her fall stop as she flew into the air.

Opening her eyes, she saw that she was now gliding over the spectacle that was Seoul city in Y/N's arms, with his white hang glider cape carrying the two of them through the night sky.

"I'll say it again," Yoohyeon says, kissing Y/N on his cheek, "BEST, DATE, EVER!"

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