V25: Miserable State of the World

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A/N: Thank you pnccakes for the help in this chapter~! : DD

Also note number 2, the title is a translation of some lyrics from one of my favorite OSTs in the series called Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles. The song is called Aikoi


It was after Ayame's fight with Eun-ha, Haruka went outside to get some snacks. As she did, she was walking through the hallway while drinking her soft drink and was eating a slice of pizza. Haruka was minding her own business as she hummed an upbeat song. While she was walking, she saw a familiar short orange-haired teen with purple eyes, wearing the Hitsue uniform as his back was against the wall. He had his arms crossed and he was giving a somewhat mischievous grin.

Haruka took a small glance before going back to eat her pizza and walked past him.

"Wha- hey! Don't just ignore me like that!" The teen said as Haruka continued to walk and hummed random songs. "Hey!!"

Haruka finally stopped in her tracks and she looked at him straight in the eyes, she suddenly shoved a slice of pizza in his mouth. This caused the teen to stop speaking and had to munch his food.

"Tachibana-senpai, can I PLEASE ask you to leave me alone?" Haruka told him and glared.

"W-what's wrong with that?! Didn't we used to hang out often? You were my favorite kouhai! Why are you suddenly cold to me?! Is it because I confessed to you, Haruka-chan?" Tsubasa asked her and Haruka could only look at him with disgust.

"Of course not! It's just..." Haruka drank her soft drink before pointing her finger at him. "You. are. Creepy!"


"Now stay away from me, creep! Perv! Yuck!" Haruka angrily said and she walked away from him and went back to her room.

As Tsubasa watched Haruka leave the hallway, he couldn't help but to just smile and chuckled to himself. He thought it was cute, and remembering about how they were back then, he just had a slight chuckle. Maybe it really is time to let go of the old times. Tsubasa used to like her, though Haruka wasn't feeling the same. It was understandable as he is a playboy and no girl would want him, so it was alright for him.

'Have fun, Haruka-chan. But be safe out there, everything is not going well for everyone...' Tsubasa thought to himself as his smile fell and he left the hallways back to his club's room.


OP 2 Sequence


"There's something going on..." Ayame said as she looked at Kouichi with a serious expression. Kouichi looked back at her with worry. "It seems as if one of Hitsue's club members knows about PSYqualia and Planet Cray's stuff."

"And Eun-ha told you this?" Kouichi asked and Ayame gave a nod. "This is quite alarming.."

"How did you know about her, Kouichi?" Ayame asked back.

"Ah, I met her at Card Capital. We fought there. I got to know her in the shop." The blonde replied. "Though I gotta be honest, she's odd. I think she's spying on us..."

"Then that makes sense, maybe she had to know you because you use PSYqualia."

"I see... Hitsue's quite mysterious." Kouichi looked at his hand as he turned it into fist. "Speaking of PSYqualia, I still have problems controlling it. It's quite... hard..." His eyes twitched as he felt the pain in his head once again.

"Welcome back to this year's Vanguard Tournament!" The announcer's voice was heard throughout the stadium's speakers. Both Ayame and Kouichi looked at the hallway's speaker before looking back at each other and nodded. They went back to the waiting room.

"Yo, where have you guys been?" Kaoru asked. "Anyways, Kojima's up. She said 'best regards to Kourin Sendou's handsome son.'"

"Now she's not even trying with the nicknames..." Kouichi muttered as sweat dropped from his face in a comical manner. He let out a sigh before looking at the stage and smiled.

"You can do it, Haruka!" He said and Haruka heard this. The auburn haired girl looked back at him and gave a wide smile and waved back.


"And now for our next fighters: Haruka Kojima of Miyaji Cardfight Club!" As the announcer spoke this, Haruka went up the fighting table and waved her hands at everyone.

"Next is Xiaojian Xiang of Hitsue Cardfight Club!"

Then, Xiaojian appeared. He was looking sternly as he also approached the fighting table. But as he looked at Haruka who was wearing her fighting gloves, he smirked and wore his gloves as well.

"My... I never expected you to be my opponent." Xiaojian said, causing Haruka to pout.

"You were expecting someone like our Sendou and Kai weren't you?" Haruka replied. "Sorry, I'm not a child of a Legendary Fighter."

"Oh no, no... that's not what I meant." Xiaojian let out a small laugh. This confused Haruka a little bit but she just shrugged it off.

"Are you both ready?" The referee asked them.

"Yes!" Haruka said and she took five cards in her hand, Xiaojian did the same.

"Alright." Xiaojian gave a nod as he looked at Haruka.

"Let the fight begin!"

"Stand up, Vanguard!" Both of them said as they turned their starting Vanguard face up.

"Beginner Liberator, Irenevere! (5000)"

"Involution Star-vader, Carbon. (5000)"

The fight then started, and both of them looked at each other before giving a nod to each other.

"I'm going first~! I'll draw and ride Hard-Working Liberator, Bessour! (7000)" Haruka said. "Then I move Irenevere to the back and I end my turn!"


Hand: 5
Soul: 0
Damage: 0/6

"My turn, I ride Abolition Star-vader, Neodynium! (7000)" The white-haired male spoke and grinned, moving his forerunner to the back. He then rotated both of the cards to start an attack, "Boosted by Carbon, Neodymium attacks! (12000)"

"No guard!" Haruka declared.

"Drive check, no trigger." Xiaojian replied, showing Eclipse Star Vader, Charcoal.

"Damage check, no trigger as well~ (Rookie Flare Liberator, Baron)" Haruka said and smiled as she put her card on her damage check.


Hand: 6
Soul: 0
Damage: 0/6


Hand: 5
Soul: 0
Damage: 1/6

"Draw! I ride United Liberator, Siqmatic (9000)" Haruka said. "Then, I call Divined Liberator, Baramus (9000) I attack with my rearguard Baramus! (9000)"

"No guard, no trigger from me. (Disorder Star Vader, Iron)"

"I attack with my vanguard Siqmatic boosted by Irenevere! (14000)"

"No guard." The male declared, looking back at her with a serious look.

"Drive check! No trigger once again! (Heating Liberator, Glovarum)" Haruka said as she looked back at Xiaojian with a serious face as well.

"Damage check, no trigger. (Star Vader, Colony Maker)"

"I end my turn!"


Hand: 6
Soul: 1
Damage: 1/6


Hand: 6
Soul: 0
Damage: 2/6

"Stand and draw. I ride Star-vader, Colony Maker (9000)" Xiaojian said. "Then I call Star-vader, Vela Junior Dragon (9000) to the rear guard. I will attack your rearguard with my rearguard Vela Junior Dragon. (9000)"

"No guard!" Haruka said and she retired her rearguard.

"Now, I attack with Colony Maker boosted by Carbon! (14000)"

"No guard, once again!"

"Drive check!" Xiaojian took a card from his deck and smirked when he saw it. He then showed it to Haruka. "Critical Trigger. (Star-vader, Paradigm Shift Dragon) All effects goes to my Vanguard. (19000 +1)

"D-Damage check! First check, no trigger! (Bluish Flame Liberator, Merlin) Second check! No trigger as well. (Heating Liberator, Glovarum)"

"I end my turn." Xiaojian said and smiled.


Hand: 6
Soul: 1
Damage: 2/6


Hand: 6
Soul: 1
Damage: 3/6

"Well, that was quite unexpected!" Xiaojian spoke. "I didn't mean to get a critical there~!"

"Tch..." Haruka then grinned. "I see, we're going to have a good fight here! Well, let's continue!" She then drew a card from her deck and smiled. "Protecting and liberating the nation with her bluish flame and golden armor! I ride my avatar, Bluish Flame Liberator, Guinevere! (11000)"

Xiaojian could only smile in excitement as he watched her.

"I call Heating Liberator, Glovarum (9000) and Rookie Flare Liberator, Baron (7000) I activate Baron's skill. I choose a grade 3 card from my hand and reveal it. (Bluish Flame Liberator, Merlin) And now I'll search on my deck for one grade 3 card named Guinevere and reveal it." Haruka said and she put the card on her hand and then shuffled the deck. "Now, I'll attack with Glovarum boosted by Baron! (16000)"

"No guard! Damage check, no trigger! (Abolition Star-vader, Neodymium)"

"I'll attack with my Vanguard! Guinevere boosted by Irenevere! (16000)"

"I guard with Star-vader, Paradigm Shift Dragon! (19000)"

"Twin drive check! First check, no trigger. Second check, heal trigger! (Liberator, Rafaela) I give the power to my Vanguard and I heal one damage!"

"Damage check, no trigger. (Disorder Star-vader, Iron)"

"I end my turn."


Hand: 7

Soul: 2

Damage: 3/6


Hand: 5
Soul: 1
Damage: 4/6

"You know, you're really good at this fight!" Xiaojian complimented with a smirk. "All fair and square. I'm totally enjoying this."

"Thank you, kind sir!" Haruka smiled at him.

"But... what are you going to do now?" Xiaojian finally spoke in a dark tone, as the way he looked at her was wicked. "You know, the plan?"

When Haruka heard this, she suddenly faltered and she looked at the white haired individual with a nervous expression. "Huh? W-What are you talking about?"

"I know everything, I follow what Chaos Breaker and Gyze wanted: the Despair and Destruction." Xiaojian replied. "So? When is this going to happen? Sooner or later? I'd love to see what happens when it actually does."

"...Where did you get all of this information?" Haruka asked, and she was finally speaking in a serious tone.

"I know about your father, and yes I have my sources." Xiaojian said as he placed his finger in his head. "The cult of Gyze, which was hidden ever since the defeat of Gyze 20 years ago. Now the family of Kojima has thought of doing the same, which is to revive the deity once again and you are the vessel that they used. It was a failed attempt to do so, and yet to think that the deity would still be revived is quite a surprise. Gyze's pact is still within you, so they can try to attempt it once again."

"The only plan that I know is that they're still going at it, but heck if I know when they will do so! I escaped from them already, and I don't want to hurt my friends!" Haruka told him angrily.

"Is that so?" Xiaojian could only chuckle. "Well, what do I know? I'm only here watching from the sidelines, besides watching your best friend succumb to PSYqualia, I'm waiting for the next part which is about Gyze coming back. That's all I want to see, and I know it's inevitable. Because you know what they say... The Show Must Go On."

Haruka gritted her teeth in annoyance and anger, she didn't want to hear any of this coming out from someone's mouth. All of those things aren't something anyone should know, but even so... she doesn't want any of her friends to know. Especially Kouichi.

"I'll make sure it won't happen, ever." Haruka said. "Me and my brother are both trying our best to stop it from happening, so your Despair whatchamacallit thing is not going to happen!"

"I see, alright then." Xiaojian chuckled and drew a card from his deck. "My turn! O, dragon of despair and chaos! Obliterate every hope that is filled from those who get in your way! I ride my Vanguard! Star-Vader, Chaos Breaker Dragon! (11000)"

"Chaos Breaker..." Haruka muttered, suddenly having a vision of the Chaos Breaker Dragon unit in her imagination. Her eyes widened a bit.

As Xiaojian discarded a grade 3 card from his hand, he let out a smirk as he spoke. "Generation Stride! Death Star-vader, Chaos Universe! (26000) Counterblast 1 and I'll turn another Death Star-vader, Chaos Universe up on my G-Zone." Xiaojian said. "Chaos Universe's skill, you choose a card from your hand and it's locked."

"What?!" Haruka was surprised by the skill and she took a card from her hand to put it on the rear guard in a locked state.

"And then, Chaos Breaker Dragon's skill! Counterblast 1, and discard a card from my hand. Then, I activate Carbon's skill; Since you have a locked card, I'll search a grade 1 or less card from my deck and call it to the rear guard. Call, Star-vader, Heliopause Dragon (7000) Now, I attack your rear guard with my rear guard Vela Junior Dragon. (9000)"

"Tch... no guard." Haruka said and she put her rearguard to the drop zone.

"Now, I'll attack your vanguard with Chaos Universe boosted by Heliopause Dragon! (33000)"

"N-No guard!" Haruka looked at her hand, and realized that none of her cards are enough to guard.

"Triple drive check~ First check, no trigger. (Star-vader, Colony Maker) second check, stand trigger (Shockwave Star-vader, Dysporium)! I stand my rear guard and give the power to my rear guard. Third check..." Xiaojian grinned and showed the card to Haruka. "No trigger~! (Iron Wall Star-vader, Thorium) Oops, that was bad~! There was no trigger!" He chuckled.

"D-Damage check, no trigger." Haruka said as she put a card on the damage check.

"Now I'll attack with Vela Junior Dragon~! (14000)"

"I guard with Liberator, Rafaela (21000)"

"Heliopause Dragon goes to my soul and I end my turn."


Hand: 8
Soul: 2
Damage: 4/6


Hand: 5
Soul: 2
Damage: 4/6

"That was close... but I won't let you win!" Haruka said as she panted, she looked at her damage zone and then back to her hand. "Stand and draw! Generation Stride! Dark Bluish Flame True Liberator, Guinevere Mavros (26000) I activate Guinevere Mavros's skill; I choose a card with the same name as this unit and turn it face up, This unit gets drive +1! I activate Irenevere's skill, I put this unit into the soul. Then I look at the top two cards from my deck and call one of them, then put the rest to the bottom of my deck. I call Rookie Flare Liberator, Baron. Then I activate Guinevere's skill; Counterblast 1 and I retire two of my rearguards. Then I look at the top 5 cards from my deck and call three of them. I call Divined Liberator, Baramus (9000) Rookie Flare Liberator, Baron (7000) and Hard-Working Liberator, Bessour (7000) And I'll put the rest of the cards on the bottom of the deck. Then the called units plus my Vanguard gets +2000 power each."

Haruka then looked at Xiaojian with a serious look and continued to do her turn. "I attack with Baramus boosted by Baron! (20000)"

"I guard with Shockwave Star-vader, Dysporium (21000)" Xiaojian said as he put the card on the guardian circle and he let out a grin.

"I attack with my vanguard Guinevere Mavros boosted by Bessour! (37000)"

Suddenly, Xiaojian discarded a card from his hand and put another card on the guardian circle. "Perfect guard. Iron Wall Star-vader, Thorium."

"What the... so that's what you have up in your sleeve..." Haruka gritted her teeth and she took a breath. "Quadruple drive check. First check, no trigger. Second check, stand trigger! (Liberator, Blazblue) I stand Baramus and give the power! Third check, draw trigger! (Liberator, Reihar) I give the power to Baramus and draw a card. Fourth check! No trigger!"

"Too bad, that didn't hit me at all~!" Xiaojian then let out a chuckle as he continued to look at Haruka with an evil grin.

"I-I attack your vanguard with Baramus! (19000)"

"Intercept, and guard! Vela Junior Dragon and Turmoil Star-vader, Zinc! (21000)"

Haruka could only put her hand into fist as she looked down in anger. "I end my turn..."


Hand: 9
Soul: 3
Damage: 4/6


Hand: 1
Soul: 2
Damage: 4/6

"Well... I guess the vessel is getting too mad now! I better not anger you more but just like what I said... I love giving despair to my enemies. So this time, I'll give you... the FINAL TURN!"

"What?!" Everyone was shocked to hear what the white haired guy had declared. "No way, he's doing a final turn? That's too confident of him!"

Xiaojian grinned once more as he did his turn, with a chaotic smile painted on his face. "Once more, with the power of this mighty dragon, I will bring you hope and crush it with despair! Stride! Death Star-vader, Chaos Universe Alththani!! (26000) I activate its skill; soulblast 1, and I'll turn another "Chaos" card up from my G Zone. Now, you choose two of your rearguards and LOCK IT!"

In shock, Haruka could only put her two rear guards into a locked state. 'Am I going to lose this turn?! No... I shouldn't! I don't want to break my promise to everyone!'

"I call! Abolition Star-vader, Neodymium (7000) Disorder Star-vader, Iron (9000) and Star-vader, Colony Maker (9000)" Xiaojian spoke. "I activate Iron's skill; Counterblast 1, and I lock your rear-guard Bessour. Then, Colony Maker's skill; I counterblast once again and call a grade one card or less from my deck. I call Eclipse Star-vader, Charcoal (7000)"

At the sidelines, everyone in the Miyaji Cardfight Club were all worried. They didn't expect that Haruka would be cornered like this, as she is one of their strong cardfighters in their team.

"I attack with my rear guard Iron boosted by Neodymium! Iron's skill is activated, this unit gets +2000 (18000)"

"No guard!" Haruka said. "Damage check, a heal trigger! (Liberator, Rafaela) I give the power to my Vanguard and I heal one damage!"

"Good, good~ That seems to be a miracle isn't it?" Xiaojian said and chuckled. "But remember, this is the final turn after all! I attack with my vanguard Chaos Universe Alththani boosted by Charcoal! (33000)"

"I... I guard with Liberator, Blazblue, United Liberator, Siqmatic, Hard-Working Liberator, Bessour, and Heating Liberator, Glovarum! (36000)" Haruka said as she put most of the cards on the guardian circle. 'Please... don't get any triggers!' She thought.

"Well then, first check! No trigger. (Star-vader, Chaos Breaker Crisis) Second check, oh look! A critical trigger! (Star-vader, Paradigm Shift Dragon) All effects to my Vanguard! And now... third check!"

Everyone was in anticipation, what would he draw? They all thought. There was nervousness in everyone's minds, especially to those who were cheering on for Haruka. Haruka also gulped in nervousness as sweat dropped from her forehead.

"Another critical trigger! (Star-vader, Paradigm Shift Dragon) All of the effects go to my Vanguard as well! (43000, +2)" Xiaojian smirked. "Now, feel despair as your hope drains from your every single being! Take this attack, chaotic world destroyer!"

Haruka suddenly saw a vision of the Link Joker unit once again in her head, as it looked down on her vanguard Guinevere and then attacked her with no mercy. Her body trembled, seeing how evil the unit was. Her mind immediately got out from that vision and she looked at her cards.

"D-Damage check..." As Haruka continued to do her damage check, she didn't see any more heal triggers. And so she lost the fight.

"The winner: Xiaojian Xiang from Hitsue Cardfight Club!" The announcer said and the audience were cheering. Xiaojian was just smiling, happy to bring out despair to his opponent. Haruka wasn't feeling the same. She could only feel anger and despair filling up her insides.

Haruka looked down as she gritted her teeth in frustration, she took her deck and was about to leave the stage but she felt Xiaojian's stare at her. She looked back and saw him mouth the words "Good Luck" to her. She felt more and more anger and she just walked back to her club's room.

"Haruka, it's alright." Kouichi spoke as he was about to approach Haruka and was about to pat her as well but Haruka quickly moved slightly away from him.

"Are you okay?" Watanuki asked when he saw her gloomy expression, but then Haruka quickly gave a forced smile as she looked back at her friends.

"I-I'm okay, guys! Don't worry about me! Ahaha..." Haruka said to them and let out an awkward laugh. "You know, we win and we lose sometimes~!"

"Are you sure you're-" Kouichi spoke but Haruka quickly shushed him as she put her finger on his lips.

"I am fine, Kou-juunana~! It's just a shock that I lost, y'know? I mean... I do keep winning a lot so... it's okay~!" Haruka said to the blonde as she gave an assuring smile to Kouichi.


"Well, I gotta go to the toilet! See you~!" Haruka spoke and she left the room, still leaving the club members worried about her. She usually isn't this gloomy, and they're concerned about why.


As Haruka was walking down the hallways, she couldn't help but to cry as she rested her back on the wall. She sobbed quietly, not wanting the others to hear her.

'I just... want everyone to be okay... I don't want this! I don't want to hurt anyone!' She thought to herself as she cried.


To Be Continued

[ED 2 Sequence]

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