V4: The Childhood Friend

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OP Sequence

"Rookie Beast Knight, Axis! (5000)"

"Godhawk, Ichibyoshi! (5000)"

"Oracle Think Tank…" Watanuki spoke, "When I first heard about Ayame-san being Toshiki Kai and Misaki Tokura's daughter, I actually thought she'll use Kagero or Genesis."

"Hey, my mother used Oracle too." Ayame glared at Watanuki.

"It's my turn first," said Kouichi. "Draw. I ride Beast Knight, Exo. (7000) Axis moves to the rear guard and I end my turn."

Hand: 5
Damage: 0/6

"My turn," Ayame said. "I activate Ichibyoshi's skill. I look up five cards from the top of the deck and search for one card named 'Goddess of the Crescent Moon, Tsukuyomi' from among them. And since I found one, I superior ride it, and I'll put the cards in the bottom of the deck. I ride Goddess of the Crescent Moon, Tsukuyomi (7000)"

"Just like Misaki Tokura on her older fights!" Kaoru commented and grinned.

"I call Virtuoso Housekeeper (7000) and Weather Girl, Lassi (7000)"

Hand: 4
Damage: 0/6

"I attack with Tsukuyomi, boosted by Virtuoso Housekeeper! (14000)" Ayame said.

"No guard," said Kouichi.

"Drive check, no trigger (Higher Deity Protecting Official, Amatsu-hikone)"

"Damage check (Beast Knight Siren, Algilea)"

"I attack with Weather Girl, Lassi (7000)"

"Guard, Beast Knight, Frozegal! (17000)"

"End turn."

Hand: 5
Damage: 0/6

Hand: 4
Damage: 1/6

"My turn, I draw." Kouichi draws a card and looked at Ayame and he smiled, "I ride Beast Knight, Nexus! (9000) And I call Beast Knight, Gilgal (7000) and Beast Knight, Argogal (8000)"


Hand: 2
Damage: 1/6

"I attack first with Argogal, boosted by Gilgal (15000)"

"No guard," Ayame declared.

"I attack with Nexus, boosted by Axis! (12000) I activate Nexus's skill, counterblast 1. I search up to one Grade 3 and I call it to rear guard; I call Beast Knight Leader, Ixion and I shuffle my deck."

"No guard!" Ayame said.

"What? Ayame doesn't guard?!" Kaoru exclaimed in shock.

"Don't worry about her," replied Kouichi. "This is how she plays." He gave a smile. "Drive check, critical trigger! (Beast Knight, Amamitara) I give all my effects to Nexus! (17000)"

"Damage check, first check (Miko of the Daybreak Moon, Akizuki) Second check, Heal trigger (Lozenge Magus Fine) I heal one damage and give the power the Tsukuyomi!"

"I attack with Ixion (11000)" Kouichi said.

"I guard with Efficient Carp"

"I put Ixion to my hand and end my turn."

Hand: 3
Damage: 1/6

Hand: 4
Damage: 2/6

"I told you guys," Kouichi said with a grin as he looked at Kaoru and Watanuki.

"Why are you proud of your opponent though…" Kaoru said.

"I smell something," Watanuki muttered and smirked as he looked away.

"Shut up!" Kouichi yelled and blushed hardly. While Ayame only kept quiet as he has a blush.

"A-Anyways it's my turn! Stand and draw! I use Goddess of the Crescent Moon, Tsukuyomi's skill! I look at the top five cards from the deck to fine Goddess of the Half moon, Tsukuyomi. Since I didn't find one, I put all cards to the bottom of the deck and I ride Goddess of the Half Moon, Tsukuyomi! (9000)"


Hand: 5
Damage: 2/6

"I activate Tsukuyomi's skill. When I have Cresent Moon, Tsukuyomi and Ichibyoshi in the soul, I soulcharge 2. I call Shrewd Concierge. (9000)" Ayame said, "I attack with Tsukuyomi. (14000)


Hand: 4
Damage: 2/6

"No guard," Kouichi declared.

"Drive check, draw trigger. I give the power to Shrewd and I draw."

"Damage Check, no trigger. (Beast Knight, Gilgal)."

"I attack with Shrewd and I activate its skill. If I have a Vanguard 'Tsukuyomi' in its name, it gets +2000 power.  (16000)"

"I don't guard. Damage Check, no trigger (Beast Knight Leader, Ixion)"

"Shrewd's skill. I counterblast 1 and I draw two cards. I choose one of them to put in the soul and the other one stays in my hand. I end my turn."

Hand: 3
Damage: 3/6

Hand: 7
Damage: 2/6

"I stand and draw! Rise up, my Vanguard! Beast Knight Leader, Ixion! (11000)" Kouichi chanted.

"There it is," Ayame smirked. "His ace."

"I call Beast Knight Commander, Garmore VII! (11000) And I activate its skill!" Kouichi said, "When this unit is placed on the Vanguard circle or the Rearguard circle, and if I have a Beast Knight Vanguard, I'll search up to one High Beast from my deck and call it to rear guard! I call Beast Knight, Gilgal (7000) and this gets +2000. (Gilgal, 9000) and I shuffle my deck!"

Hand: 3
Damage: 3/6

"I attack first with Garmore! (20000)" Kouichi said.

"No guard! Damage Check, no trigger.(Goddess of the Full Moon, Tsukuyomi)"

"I attack with Ixion boosted by Axis! (16000)"

"I don't guard!"

"AGAIN!?" Kaoru exclaimed once more.

"I told you," Kouichi said. "This is how she fights. Twin drive check! First check, no trigger! (Beast Knight Ally, Hol Horse) Second check, stand trigger! (Beast Knight, Frozegal) I stand and give the power to Garmore!"

"Damage check! Draw Trigger! (Battle Sister, Ganache) I give the power to Tsukuyomi."

"I attack with Argogal with a boost from Gilgal! (15000)"

"Guard! Lozenge Magus Fine! (19000)"

Kouichi smiled at Ayame, "I attack with Garmore. (16000)"

"Guard and intercept! Battle Sister, Ganache and Shrewd Concierge! (19000)"

"I end my turn." Kouichi said.

Hand: 5
Damage: 3/6

Hand: 4
Damage: 5/6

"Hey Kouichi, I can't believe we're fighting again, you know." Ayame said.

"Ah…" Kouichi laughed a bit. "When was the last time, again?"

"Three years ago, Kouichi."

"Wait, Kouichi. You never fought for three years?" Kaoru butted in.

"Well… yes. I stopped and focused on my studies, even though I wanted to become a Legendary Fighter." Kouichi explained.

Ayame just sighed and spoke, "Well it's my turn. Stand and draw, I activate Goddess of the Half Moon Tsukuyomi's skill. I look at the top five cards and find a Goddess of the Full Moon, Tsukuyomi. (11000) I found one so, I superior ride!"

Hand: 5
Damage: 5/6

"I counterblast 2 and I draw two cards, I choose a card from my hand and I put it on my soul." Ayame said, "Stride Generation, Moon Deity Who Governs Night, Tsukuyomi! (26000) I activate its skill. I choose a face down Moon Deity Who Governs Night, Tsukuyomi from the G Zone and turn it face up. I choose a card with 'Tsukuyomi' in its card name from my hand and put it into my soul. And since I have a heart card with 'Tsukuyomi' in its card name, I look at five cards from the top of my deck, search for up to two cards from among them, I put them on my hand and the rest on the bottom of my deck in any order."

Kouichi smiled as he stared at Ayame, and Ayame smiled back.

"I attack with my Vanguard! (33000)" Ayame declared.

"Guard and intercept! Argogal! Beast Knight, Amamitara and Beast Knight, Frozegal! (41000)" Kouichi said.

Ayame then smirked, "Triple drive check! First check, no trigger! (Higher Deity Protecting Official, Amatsu-Hikone) Second check! Critical! (Psychic Bird) I give the effects to my  Vanguard! Third check! Another critical trigger! (Psychic Bird) The effects all go to my Vanguard!"

"What the heck?!" Kaoru exclaimed in surprise while Watanuki's mouth was agape due to shock.

"It goes through, huh…" Kouichi muttered and he sighed. Then he looked at his deck and back at Ayame. "Damage check! First check, no trigger. (Beast Knight Siren, Algilea) Second check, no trigger. (Beast Knight Commander, Garmore VII)"

"Is he even gonna get some triggers?" Kaoru said.

"Let's see," Watanuki replied.

"Third check…" Kouichi looked at his deck and drew a card, "Heal trigger! (Beast Knight Healer, Alexia) I give the effects to my Vanguard and heal one damage!"

Ayame just smiled, "You're lucky today, huh."

"Guess so," Kouichi gave a smirk. He looked at Ayame as he continues smirking at her.

"I end my turn," Ayame said.

Hand: 4
Damage: 5/6

Hand: 9
Damage: 5/6

"It's my turn, I stand and draw." Kouichi said, " Stride Generation! Sacred Beast Knight of Destiny, Tenes! (26000) Beast Knight Leader, Ixion's skill! Counterblast 2. I'll search up to two High Beast from the deck, and I call it to rear guard. I'm going to retire Argogal and Gilgal."

Kouichi looked back at Ayame, "I call Nexus (9000) and Exo (7000) These two units plus my Vanguard gets +4000.  And I activate Tenes's skill; I choose two cards from my drop zone and return it to the bottom of the deck. I choose a face down G-unit and turn it face up. I will search one High Beast from my deck and call it to rear guard and shuffle my deck. I retire Garmore and call Argogal and it gets +2000 (10000)"

"I attack first with Argogal, boosted by Gilgal! (17000)" Kouichi declared.

"I guard with Psychic Bird (21000)" Ayame said.

"I attack with my vanguard, Tenes, boosted by Axis (35000)"

"Perfect guard! Higher Deity Protecting Official, Amatsu-hikone!"

"Triple drive check! First check, draw trigger (Beast Knight, Yunes) I give the power to my Rearguard Nexus and I draw. Second check, critical trigger! (Beast Knight, Amamitara) All effects to Nexus! And… third check!"

"What could it be?!" Kaoru exclaimed.

"Stop acting like an announcer, Ishida…" Watanuki looked at Kaoru annoyed.

"It gives more intensity, man!" Kaoru replied and gave a grin. Watanuki only sighed.

"Another critical trigger, and I give all effects to Nexus!" Kouichi smirked.

"What the…" Ayame muttered.

"I attack with Nexus, boosted by Exo! (39000 +3)" Kouichi said with a smile.

Ayame looked at her hand, "This… this isn't enough to guard…" She gave a sigh, "No guard!"

"Damn!" Kaoru yelled, "If Ayame's gettin' some heal Kouichi will be damned!"

"Well, well, let's see." Watanuki said.

"Damage check," Ayame said. "First check, no trigger (Miko of the Morning Moon, Haruzuki) Second check, no trigger too. (Shrewd Concierge) And third check, no trigger. (Goddess of the Full Moon, Tsukuyomi) I lost, Kouichi." She smiled at Kouichi.

"I… I won again…" Kouichi mumbled and took a breath. He looked at his avatar, Ixion, and suddenly his head twitch in pain. He was seeing something as he continued staring at the cards.

His eyes glowed and as he looked around him, he saw another place. He saw Ixion standing in front of him and Kouichi was surprised.

'Is this Planet Cray?!' Kouichi thought. 'Ixion?'


"Ah-" The blonde boy got out of his trance and he looked around. Kouichi is on the club room with his classmates and they were looking at him in confusion and worry.

"Are you alright, Kouichi? You look like you've seen some ghost." Ayame said, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"S-sorry… I was… i-it's nothing. By the way, i-it was a good game!" Kouichi assured them and smiled awkwardly.

"Did you sleep late?" Watanuki asked.

"N-no, not really! I'm fine!" Kouichi replied.

Ayame then crossed her arms. "You know, I can't believe that you've actually improved after three years. Did you really stop playing?"

Kouichi blinked and he shook his head, "No… I just started playing again yesterday, but it seems like… I've been playing for so long that this all seems normal. It's really weird."

As the blonde boy looked at his wristwatch, he took his cards back to his deck and put it on his coat's pocket.

"Well, since I win… about the deal?" Kouichi spoke.

Ayame smiled and nodded, "Yes." She then glanced at Watanuki. "Both of us will join the club. Kouichi still needs some guiding so I'll have to be there."

"A-Ayame… I told you I'm not a child.." Kouichi muttered though Ayame heard him, but she just let out a smirk.

"I see! So, you two are going to register as new members of this club." Watanuki took out a form and gave it to them.

As Kouichi and Ayame signed and wrote on their forms, Watanuki kept staring at them.

Kaoru glanced at Watanuki and taps his back. "What's up?"

"Oh, I'm just thinking… the other club members weren't informed of this, but then it's better than having little to no members."

"Nah, don't worry. Just tell them on the group chat."

"Alright." Watanuki took out his phone and started chatting.

"Here you go," Ayame gave the papers to Kaoru.

Kaoru grinned at them and spoke. "Welcome to the club, Kouichi and Ayame!"

"I'll be looking forward to working with you guys!" Kouichi bowed and smiled at them as well.


Outside the club room, there was a female student staring at Kouichi and the others through the slightly opened door. She gave a smile and puts her hand on her lips.

"Fufu~ I guess I'll join as well~"


To Be Continued

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