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A/N: Thank you pnccakes and YeKamNotYeKam for helping me out again~!

Second A/N: Yes, the title is based off of King's Raid's Pandemonium chapter! Also the song is Deja Vu by Dreamcatcher!!! Please listen to the song during the same part, it's really good hehehhe

Akuhei Amari, Mitsuo Amari, Akari Amari, Mitsuki Amari, and Haruno Sasaki belongs to pnccakes

Shiboku Fumito belongs to YeKamNotYeKam


Special OP Sequence


Once the mother figure of the family flatlined, everyone in the Amari family was in deep scars... inside of their hearts, obviously. They couldn't believe it, despite their decision of letting her be at peace in the realms of heavens where she could be playing around with the angels and gods up above.

"S-She's..." Akuhei muttered to herself, feeling tears drop down her bright sapphire eyes as she went over to give an embrace to herself as she tried to hold in her screams, shouts, cries, everything she'd been wanting to let out. There was no way she could keep this to herself once she arrived back home. However, one thing she didn't know was... something much bigger is about to come her way, or should I say... the world's way.

As Akuhei sobbed, Joichi held her close to him. Embracing and rubbing her back, assuring her that it'll be alright and that she should stay strong. All in all, everyone gave their condolences to the Amari family. Thank you, Akuhei cried out as she went back to embrace her loved ones, feeling the warmth fill up her heart.

Suddenly, the raven-haired female received a call ringing from the phone. Despite her still trying to grieve for her mother's loss, she had to pick it up. The familiar voice was ringing in her ear, the voice of a brunette she knew well that participated in the tournament.

"It's over, Akuhei Amari." The man spoke softly through his phone, and this caused her to be shocked at what she just heard, "And don't speak in Japanese with this manner, I wanted to keep it a secret from everyone around you right now. Especially Mit-chan and Joichi, they wouldn't like to hear this~"

"What do you mean, it's over for me? Haruno, explain." The female asked her ex, but all that she could hear was just a laugh from the brunette across the phone, "What's so funny, Haruno Sasaki?" She asked with an annoyed expression on her face as she walked away from the club members that were gathering around her mother's body.

"Hm? What's wrong, Aku-chan~? Scared?" Despite the question made, there wasn't a single response from the female as she was trying to hide the fear in her expression with a cough. The taunts still didn't disappear from the brunette as his bright jade-colored eyes stared back at the tournament field in front of him.

"And what is this manner you want to talk about? Is it really supposed to be such a secret that I can't speak Japanese about it?" The female was still speaking the language of her hometown, and this just caused the young brunette to let out a laugh once more.

"Because it's something related directly to you, my beautiful little blossom~" Haruno still continued with the sweet talk, and Akuhei's fear slowly died down but yet was instead replaced with anger and disgust in the male's voice and tone. She just sighed out, putting her left arm across her body so that the other arm holding the communication device could balance properly.

"Fine, explain to me then," The tone of the woman changed into a serious one, anticipating what Haruno had to say, "Make it quick, I have other business to attend to."

"Alright, my dear~ Well, remember in the tournament when you beat me? You obliterated me so badly back then, didn't you?" Haruno just laughed, still seemingly relaxed as he went to sit down on a nearby chair, "With that PSYQualia power of yours, you're unbeatable, right?" But... Why is this topic brought up, the one with jet black hair wondered to herself.

"And what about it? What are you trying to imply?" The anger started to rise up in her voice, a frown formed on her face as she waited for an answer that came slowly. Another chuckle just came from the brunette with joy and amusement clearly on his face, "Huh? What's with you? You always keep laughing like that, it's so annoying."

However, what came first was a sigh from the man as the smile was still there, "Huh~ You never let me beat around the bush, you're always so rash~ Isn't that right, A-ku-chan~?" The tone of this voice was annoying her more and more with every breath Akuhei took, a growl slipped out of her mouth before finally retaliating back with her words.

"Shut up, will you cut to the chase already?" Even if Akuhei said so, she could still hear another laugh coming from him. However, she didn't want to show this annoyance too much as she was still in public. She could only let out a sigh as she listened to what he had to say.

"Your PSYQualia... Keep it in check." Wait... What? What is he trying to imply here? Akuhei wondered this to herself as she tried to think of a possible reason, but none came to mind at the moment as all that was in her head was how annoying the man was along with sadness and grief for her recently deceased mother, "You know, you're so scary back there~ It really is something powerful, but as a person who knows its power... just stop, please."

"It's not like I'm not trying to control it, Haruno..." She spat out with annoyance, letting out a sigh as she thought back to when she lost control during the tournament. She could remember how cruel of a person she was, her menacing look that she gave to others, the insults and the rudeness she gave still haunts her till this day... but at least she got it under control, I think so, anyways?

"I'm only trying to tell you to control it, you know?" Haruno's voice turned serious, more serious than he'd ever been before. Despite being such an apathetic person to those around him, his voice seemed... caring for someone like him.

"And why do you have to care about me so much? You're not someone who usually cares about others..." Akuhei muttered, but the response didn't come as she expected.

"Well, I am usually like that... but with you, I really am worried," Worried? That's strange for a man like him, Akuhei thought to herself as she heard the said statement. Akuhei didn't believe this at all and just let out a sigh, looking up towards the hospital ceiling with the same frown.

"If you're toying with me, I'll destroy you till there is nothing left of that body and soul of yours," Akuhei threatened softly, but all she got was just a soft sigh as she looked back down while hearing the familiar voice ringing in her right ear.

"Huh... You really don't believe me? And it's because of our past, isn't it?" The brunette asked, but Akuhei couldn't figure out an answer. The female with jet-black hair just sighed as she replied with her usual rashness.

"Of course, it's so rare to find someone like you that actually cares for others," And with that, she could hear Haruno saying that... it's because it was her, "Huh? You still can't move on from me breaking up with you for the past three years?"

"No no, it's because of the fact that... I know you the most out of everyone, that's all," Akuhei just accepted the fact, and now she asked about the said power and how it would affect her, "I just heard that... something's coming." Even with those words, the young female was still confused at what Haruno was trying to imply and asked what he was trying to say, and all that came out of his mouth was just a single word, "Gyze."

"Are you messing with me?! What the hell do you mean—" She was quickly interrupted by a sigh from the male before her voice was about to get louder. The dragon of destruction that wreaked havoc from more than ten years ago? It's impossible, and there's no way that that thing would be able to revive like that.

But wait, Haruka's the vessel, she thought to herself... It already happened right in front of her eyes, along with that mysterious dark aura that Haruka had been emitting. So it really was Gyze, Haruka's really suffering from the fate that she had been destined to suffer from this cursed power of the void.

"Trust me for once, Aku-chan... My corporation has been researching with others for a little while now," But Akuhei still didn't understand why and how her powers would lead to such chaos, "Well, it might... I mean, you might be directly involved in this issue. Well, your PSYQualia will attract more attention to it, I suppose."

Once the female heard this, she just let out a sigh, "Thank you, then... I'll be careful," The female thanked Haruno as she continued to speak once more, "Thank you, I suppose... for worrying about me and stuff. But don't you dare think that I'll actually be going back to being interested in you."

"It's alright, I don't mind~ I know you have your little boyfriend, Joichi~" The male teased as he chuckled out once more, "But still, it's such a shame~ I really miss you, you know?"

"That's your problem. I'm hanging up, I need to... take care of my mother's legal matters. And... I'm inviting you to her funeral, just don't be harsh and do any weird things in such a formal ceremony." Haruno just nodded at the statement and just replied with a 'mhm' before the both of them hung up. Akuhei just muttered to herself one last time, "He's such a weird man..."

But wait, if what Haruno was saying was true, and according to her experience with Haruka... Does this mean that her power is slowly getting stronger and stronger with every second there is now? Her bright multi-colored eyes twitched as she stared onto the floor, worried about whatever was going to come towards her.


It was already around midnight, and for some reason Kouichi had noticed that none of the Kojima siblings were there, including Shiboku as well. It was entirely odd and suspicious, with everything that's been going on he wondered if his vision and dreams were true. But that should be too far-fetched, right?

This day, everyone was celebrating, drinking beverages and eating their foods. Even Team Q4 and the original members of Miyaji Cardfight Club appeared, congratulating the teenagers for winning the tournament.

During the celebration, Aichi Sendou also slipped his tongue saying that he and Kourin were about to have another child, which was a surprise for everyone. Kourin could only let out a disappointed sigh, but she was happy nonetheless.

"What?! Mom and Dad are having another baby?! Yay!!" Ai exclaimed in happiness and she embraced her brother Kouichi.

"Yeah, they are." Kouichi replied and just smiled at Ai, ruffling her hair.

"You already knew of this?" Ai asked, and Kouichi just nodded. "That's so unfair!"

"Well, dad just decided to tell me about it." Kouichi said.

Even Kouichi's twin brother, Eiichi, heard of the news due to Kouichi sending a message. The eldest brother called their parents and scolded Aichi over the phone, causing some of their friends to laugh.

Overall, it was a fun celebration. Miyaji gained a lot of attention, and needless to say Kouichi suddenly had tons of fans, mostly girls. Miyaji's club members were laughing and teasing him about being a "Harem King", much to Kouichi's chagrin.

Time passed and Kouichi was sitting down on a couch, taking a rest from the party. He was just randomly scrolling on his phone while drinking iced tea, the music was quite loud in the ballroom and some were actually requesting that Kouichi's band "FIGHTERZ" should perform, but due to exhaustion, they all declined. So everyone was just having a normal party overall.

"Annyeong!" Kouichi jolted from his seat when he saw a familiar brunette with brown eyes. She was grinning at him and waving her hand.

"H-Hey, Eun-ha..." Kouichi awkwardly greeted her. "Wait, I should call you senpai. I just realized you're older than me."

"No need for that, Kouichi-ssi!" Eun-ha replied and giggled. "Anyways, is Haruka-ssi here? I haven't seen her anywhere."

"Ah... she caught a fever not too long ago, so it's unfortunate that she couldn't join us." Kouichi told her and he sighed.

"I see... I hope she gets better soon! I want to hang out with her more so maybe I'll just call her. Do you have her number?"

"Of course, here." Kouichi then gave Haruka's number to Eun-ha, and Eun-ha left Kouichi alone after a few more conversations.

Time passed by again and Kouichi just kept himself preoccupied with his phone, but suddenly his phone rang and he saw that it was Haruka who was calling him. He was surprised but he answered immediately.


"Kou-niijuu, hello~ Sorry I wasn't able to congratulate you in your fight yesterday... I was really sick and Chicken-nii was taking care of me..." Haruka replied through the phone. "But I'm fine now!"

"T-That's great! Where are you right now?" Kouichi asked her, feeling glad that Haruka was alright now.

"I'm by the entrance, Kou-niijuuichi~!" With that, Kouichi turned around to see that Haruka was there holding her phone to her ear as she was waving at him. Kouichi smiled and ended the call, approaching Haruka.

"Hey," Kouichi spoke. "You alright now?"

"Yeah!" Haruka nodded and smiled brightly. "By the way, I want to talk to you about something... It's really important so... can we go someplace else?"

"Is it... that really important?" Kouichi asked.

"Mhm," Haruka nodded with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Alright then, shall we?"

The two then left, walking along the hallway, and no one noticed that Kouichi left without telling anyone else.


"Have you found anything yet, Fumito?" Koharu asked in a panic, looking around everywhere to find any clues about Haruka's whereabouts. He couldn't think straight anymore, as this could lead to anything serious if they haven't found her as soon as possible.

"Not yet. This room is unbelievably clean, it's like nobody had ever even stayed at all." Shiboku continued to open and unfold as many nooks and crannies as possible, but his search remained fruitless. His seemingly calm persona slowly deteriorated as he grew more desperate, looking for clues that might not even exist.

Without the two realizing, the door to the room closed itself. It didn't creak, it didn't slide, a perfect stealth close as if trying to trap them. And then, "Sniff, sniff. Fumito, do you smell anything burning?"

"Hm? What are you talking about—" Just as he turned around, the sight that greeted him was anything but pleasant. Right from the middle of the rectangular shaped object, a purple flame had started to burn up the wood and soon the wall. "Kojima-senpai, fire!"

"What the hell?!" Koharu exclaimed and he quickly took a fire extinguisher and put the fire out. "Why does it look so different? It's purple..." Koharu panted, putting the extinguisher down on the floor. "What the hell is happening... Haruka..." He couldn't help but to just sit down on the floor and continuously blamed himself mentally for letting this all happen.

Shiboku backed from the door. He couldn't believe what he just saw, but what he couldn't believe more was what came out from the flames. He slowly approached it, keeping his distance in case another fire broke out. "Kojima-senpai, look. Isn't that a Vanguard card?"

"That card..." Koharu took a look at the said card and his eyes widened. "That.... That's... No way... Those cards are... Guinevere and... Neon Gyze?!"

The once warm room had suddenly turned freezing. Both cards held an important meaning to the girl they were looking for, one was her avatar, and the other was her true nature. Both of them feared what the presence of those two in their room meant, and the danger it brought to them.

Koharu's phone rang, and he took it from his pocket. The upperclassman took it and saw an unknown number calling him, whoever it was, he had a bad feeling and already knew who it was. "Hello."

"My dear son, have you seen it? The power that she has, the ones that she kept hidden for so long. It is finally time, and I am more than happy that she obeyed my orders. I told you, you cannot hide or keep her away from this. She might be a failed one before, but I did my best to turn her into the perfect vessel that she is. Thanks to Gyze, and His power." The deep voice that Koharu heard gave him chills down his spine, his entire body trembled.

"You bastard!!! Don't tell me you took her?!" Koharu yelled angrily, tightening his fist and slammed it on the nightstand.

"I won't do such childish things like that. So Haruka isn't there anymore? Hm, she probably left somewhere. Maybe... To find her other half?" The father said with a chuckle and Koharu immediately knew what he was talking about. "Well then, the curtain has finally risen. Let's watch as the deity puts this world into silence, and create this world anew."

The line was cut off and Koharu gritted his teeth in anger, he stood up from the floor and looked at Shiboku. "Let's go! We don't have much time, she probably went to go look for Sendou!"

"I don't know what you talked about over the phone, but if the situation is that dire, then let's be quick." Shiboku carefully wrapped the two cards with a thin cloth before putting it in his coat pocket. Two boys, unaware of the unfolding future, escaped the empty room and headed to look for the goddess's object of obsession.


Kouichi finally realized something, they were walking towards the direction where the arena was. There was a hint of awkwardness towards the silence in between him and Haruka. Kouichi kept glancing next to him, seeing that Haruka was keeping herself quiet. It was odd, but he wondered if it's just the effect of her fever.

"So um... You watched the match?" Kouichi asked her and Haruka just nodded.

"I... Did my best earlier, even though it really was just purely out of luck." He said while laughing awkwardly. "But I was finally able to end that rivalry with Joichi after all."

"That's great, Kouichi-kun~" Haruka replied and smiled, before looking away again. Her smile fading quickly as they finally reached the arena grounds. Then, they were standing in the middle of the arena, on the stage.

"So... What was it that you wanted to talk about?" Kouichi asked her.

"Ah... Yes... about that..." Haruka took a breath before exhaling, putting her hands on her chest, clasping it together. Her auburn eyes gleaming, as if it was shining under the moonlight. She was beautiful, since this is the first time that Kouichi saw her with her hair down, unlike her usual pigtails.


"Kouichi Sendou, I love you!" Haruka exclaimed in front of Kouichi, causing the blonde teen to be surprised and blushed.

"H-Haruka?!" Kouichi was surprised to hear this all of a sudden coming from the auburn haired girl. He looked at her in shock, blushing. But despite her confession, he knew he should turn her down. He loves someone else, and it isn't Haruka Kojima. "W-What are you..."

"I-I don't know if you like me the same way or not, but even so...!" Haruka continued. "Even so, I want you to tell me... tell me that you would still be my friend... that you would not hate me for saying this... and... I-I..."


"Kouichi-kun... would you forgive me... for what I would do?" She asked him, and felt the aching of her head getting worse as she winced. "W-Would... you?"

"What... What are you talking about Haruka?" Kouichi asked Haruka once again, and the girl grimaced.

"It's alright, Kouichi... There is no need for you to forgive me. After all, what I'm about to do is something unforgivable..."

"Haruka, you're really confusing me right now..." Kouichi couldn't help but to let out an awkward laugh as he looked at Haruka.

Unbeknownst to Kouichi, Haruka's eyes changed into golden hues for a moment before turning back to her normal auburn ones. Haruka decided to speak once again. "But to be honest, Kouichi-kun... You really don't have to return my feelings, since these feelings are... something that I already threw away. You know, I've loved you since we first got to know each other more. Those feelings... They were something that I've held dear, and they were so important to me. But the longer I've held onto these feelings, the longer I realized... There's probably someone else that you love, right?"

"...Yes..." Kouichi nodded, looking down. "It's-"

"Ssh, you don't have to tell me." Haruka told him, shushing him with her finger on his lips before moving away. "I know, and actually... I love her more than you, of course as a friend! She's also my best friend and I owe her so much, someday I need to repay her kindness and... I'm not sure if she'll forgive me. But you know..." She looked up at the night sky and smiled as she saw the shining stars.

"Even if something happens, I'll still love you... as my friend, and as my precious clubmate. So I have to let go of these feelings now, and move on. I have to, because I don't want this to hinder everything I've held on for so long. You know, just like your name, you lit up everything. You are... the best person I've ever met, Kouichi-kun!"

By hearing those words, Kouichi felt bad for not even realizing Haruka's feelings. But then, he understood that he shouldn't force himself to have feelings that he doesn't have for her in the first place. He understands that.

A moment of silence fell over those two, with both not saying anything. With Haruka knowing that she already said enough, while Kouichi just kept quiet due to being so speechless.

Haruka suddenly cleared her throat, and the moment Kouichi looked back at her, he noticed that her eyes were golden. He felt something inside him that made him feel a little nauseous and he felt a violent heartbeat that clearly made him unable to breathe for a second.

"Hey, Kouichi-kun. Did you know? There's actually another card named Guinevere in Gold Paladin." She spoke, with a slightly different tone of her voice unlike her usual.

"H-Huh? I didn't know that. What about it?" Kouichi's eyebrows raised in confusion, wondering what was even going on with Haruka at this point. It didn't help that Kouichi was already having a little problem with breathing.

"Starry Skies Liberator, Guinevere. It's a defensive Grade 1 card with 6000 power that gives itself a shield plus 5000 for every Liberator rear guard you have. It's an interesting card, but ultimately a weak one."

"Haruka? What brought you to this topic?"

"A card this insignificant should not have possibly become a strong grade 3, let alone a Bluish Flame. But then, what would my Guinevere be?" Haruka took out her Guinevere card and showed it to Kouichi. The card is noticeably darker, like it had ashes on it.

It was at this moment that Kouichi realized something was really, really wrong with her. But it was already too late. "Haruka, what are you—"

She let out a chuckle. Slowly, two flares of red and blue rose from the ground. It floated and flew around Haruka and fused into a disgusting purple color on a card she's holding. "That's right, there was never a unit known as Guinevere the Bluish Flame knight. Guinevere is a phony unit with an existence so insignificant, an existence so sad it's not even worth a pity. It's all a lie. Yes, a lie, like an actor in a theater."

"Kouichi, run! That girl is dangerous! She's not Haruka anymore!" From the other side of the vicinity, Shiboku and Koharu ran towards Kouichi's direction hurriedly. The boy took notice of them, but before he could respond, a sudden gust of wind blew him off from where he's standing and stopped Shiboku and Koharu in their tracks.

"Fumito-kun! Kojima-senpai!" Kouichi glanced around to see the two men, before looking back at Haruka.

Her ominous chuckle burst into a villainous laugh as the already purple card burned even brighter. "My true form! A phony queen ruling a castle swept in winter storm long abandoned by its lord! [Fairy Liberator of Calamity Sea, Morgan Le Fae]!"

The flaming card Haruka was wielding quickly put itself out, but it was no longer the Guinevere Kouichi knew. A dark figure dressed in black with silver hair was illustrated instead of the female knight wielding an azure flame as her weapon. Thunder struck down as if to hail the arrival of the queen, and for a split second, a silhouette of that unit appeared behind Haruka, who was no longer herself.

"Fufu~ This is who I really am, Kouichi-kun~" Haruka spoke with an evil smirk painted on her face. Her golden eyes took a glance at the other two men who were looking back in horror, she couldn't help but to let out a giggle. "Onii-chan, Shishi~ Thank you for taking care of me these past few days. I was really happy that you two were there by my side. But now, Haruka will- ah... I will do my best helping out Father~ For the world to learn silence, and to be recreated once again."

Without a warning, the ground shook and the sky suddenly turned red. Another lightning struck down to where Haruka was standing, and there was a huge blast. Kouichi was unable to hold on from his place and the wind blew so hard that he was thrown to the ground.

"Argh!" Kouichi held onto his left arm that got injured from falling down. He winced and looked up to see that the light was so bright that he wasn't even able to see what was going on.

"No way... Haruka!!" Koharu tries to go after Haruka, even when he knows he'll probably get hurt by it. But he decided not to, and just kept himself standing there in hopelessness.

Of course, everyone else felt the ground shaking and they were all quickly evacuated. Most people thought that it was just a normal earthquake, but the PSYQualia wielders knew it wasn't just normal.

"That feeling... Gyze?!" Aichi muttered out as he suddenly felt the same power from 20 years ago. He held Kourin and Ai close to him as they ran out.

"Wait, where's Kouichi?!" Kourin asked worriedly.

"Kouichi-nii!!" Ai shouted her brother's name, but there was no response.

"Don't tell me he's-" Kourin was quickly stopped by Aichi from going back towards the building and she looked back at him in frustration. "Aichi! We need to-"

"Don't worry about him, Kourin-san. I know he'll come back, for now let's get to safety. I don't want you nor our children to get hurt even more." Aichi told her firmly, making Kourin nod and understood him.

'Please be okay, Kouichi.' Kourin thought to herself.


bicheul ireun neoye du nunttongjayeo

jinan modeun gieokdeureul jiweo jweo

"Akuhei-chan, did you feel it?" Rei asked the raven haired girl, looking at her worriedly.

"What's that earthquake..." Her bright azure eyes turned over to see that the sky had turned into the color of blood, frightening her as her eyes kept changing hues into the pair of familiar multi-colored ones once more, "Gyze..."

"It is..." Rei also felt his PSYqualia activate slightly, but he could also feel Gyze's power. "Gyze..." He stared at the reddish hued sky followed by a light from far away, but they knew that it was the arena that they had the cardfight.

"What should we do, Senpai..." She blurted out the question as she turned to him with worry, her eyes still flashing the hues she didn't want to see most.

jiteojin angae sairo meolli tteonaon gil

shirin heunjeongmaneul namgin chae

"I'll call my father about this, I'm pretty sure he already knows along with Sendou-san and Ibuki-san." Rei told her and took out his phone, tapping on the numbers on the screen. He looked back at Akuhei, noticing her mumbling. "Akuhei-chan...?"

gieok kkeuteul jaba bwado

kkeunnae orae deo orae

gipeun chimmuge jamdeureo

"Protect... H-Haruka-chan... Haruka-chan..." Akuhei gazed out to the crimson sky, mumbling those words to herself as she had promised to do those said actions back in the tournament. Even if she couldn't protect her from being the vessel, at least it was not too late to bring her back just yet, at least that's what she thought anyways.


Oh now, holding this pain

modeun geol beorin geunalcheoreom

As the light that surrounded Haruka disappeared, the three men saw an entirely different person standing on the already ruined stage. It was still Haruka, but she was wearing an already different outfit. Her outfit had blue, black, and golden accents. She had gloves that covered not her fingers, but the lower half of her arm with the holes leaving space for her fingers to breathe. If anything, she looked like she was the Morgan Le Fae unit herself, except on her left arm is a sigil of Gyze with each arrow the color of the bright golden eyes she possessed.

maeil deo gweroweojeo

There she stood, Haruka has now been possessed, or rather, made anew. "Is that... Haruka?" Kouichi asked in shock, unable to move from the ground.

kkeudeopshi nunape Oh deja vu

Then, the three men heard another giggle coming out from the female. They all looked at her as she spoke with an entirely different tone of her voice, it was rather intimidating and somewhat seductive as well.

"Yes, it's me~ But I'm different now. I am...

Gyze's vessel~"


To Be Continued

Oh deja vu

Oh deja vu

Oh deja vu

So I fallen now

nan i sumkkyeori heorakdweneun nalkkaji

dashin neoreul noeul su eopseo

urin modeun sungan hamkke hal teni

nae gyeoteseo deo meoreojiji ma

Eh i sungani jeonbu geojishigil

Uh jamshi seucheoganeun chakkagigil

jeojeun nunmullodo dwineujeun huhwerodo

doragal doragal su ittamyeon Yeah

So now, I'm holding this pain

modeun geol beorin geudaecheoreom

maeil deo seonmyeonghaejeo

kkeudeopshi nunape Oh deja vu

Oh deja vu

Oh deja vu

Oh deja vu

So I fallen now

nan i sumkkyeori heorakdweneun nalkkaji

dashin neoreul noeul su eopseo

urin modeun sungan hamkke hal teni

nae gyeoteseo

mideowatteon modeun jinshiri

geojitteullo nareul dwideopeosseuni

Oh ah eodum sok han julgi bitcheoreom

sonjaba jun neoreul ttaraga

neoreul ttaraga

Oh deja vu

Oh deja vu

Oh deja vu

I'm saved now

neomaneul wihae nae jeonbureul geolgoseo

apeun sangcheoga gipeojeodo

modeun sungandeuri kkumin geotcheoreom

ni gyeoteseo meoreojiji ana

And now, I'm in my deja vu

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