Z10: Hit the Trail

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A/N: Thanks to pnccakes and YeKamNotYeKam for letting me write your OCs!!! I appreciate it!!

Kazuhiko Oyama and Akuhei Amari belongs to pnccakes

Shiboku Fumito belongs to YeKamNotYeKam


[OP Sequence]


How does it feel to be... chained by your own other self?

Does it feel like you're being choked by your own breath?

Does it feel like you're drowning by your own pool of saliva and blood?

Are you helpless?

Are you running out of breath?

Is there something stopping you from moving on your own?


That's how it is, right?

Of course.

You're chained after all.

You can never get out of this hell that you're caged in from.

And it is yourself.

But it's not exactly and entirely you...!

It's someone else!







Surely it's evil, right?

You're being hurt and all. The chains are tied around your wrists, and you watch as she hurts everyone that you care for.

It's cruel enough.

It's cruel enough to see it with your own eyes, and yet you can't even control your own body.

You don't even want to see even the people you cannot stand, be hurt in such ways and misery.

Truly... this other self of yours is...

Is truly evil.


"Are you happy...?" Haruka asked, her voice weak as she embraced her legs. "Are you satisfied?"

"Hm? What are you talking about?" The other one said. Haruka didn't even want to call that her other self, because it isn't even her in the first place. It was a different creature altogether, and she was just being used as her vessel.

If she could be honest, the one she's talking to right now... is Morgan le Fae.

It wasn't Gyze? Yes, it really wasn't.

A failed experiment is what happened, and instead of Gyze... Morgan was the one who took over. Haruka didn't know why, but a witch like her must've taken a liking to her father's cruelty.

And where was Gyze?

It's gone, she thinks. She remembered reading that Gyze was gone for good, so there was no way it could come back no matter what. She admits her father was stupid enough to miss that part.

No one knows that it wasn't Gyze but Morgan instead, since the fairy was kind enough to do the part. Who knew someone like Morgan would be a much crueler and sadistic creature than the dragon itself?

"... That you're hurting my friends, my family!" She said, exclaiming with her voice hoarse from all her sobs and cries. "Are you satisfied with that?!"

"Oh no, not yet! Until we get your Adam, I will not be satisfied. He is a main factor for our... your father's plan~" Morgan replied, hastily touching the face of the poor girl. She rubbed her thumb across her trembling lips, and then she giggled. "Didn't your poor little heart say you want to be with your Kouichi-kun~?"

"But I don't want it like this! Yes I wanted Kouichi-kun but I didn't say anything about taking his happiness away!" Haruka cried out. "Even if my heart gets broken, even if he doesn't like me back, I don't mind! I just want to see him happy!"

"And you're not. Miss Haruka, I know you want happiness too~ And your happiness is with him, so I'm giving you to him~! What a stubborn little wench thou are~ Why can't you just understand that I'm doing what your heart truly desires?"

"This isn't what I want... Morgan!"

Morgan just let out a laugh before suddenly putting her hands on Haruka's neck, strangling her slightly. "You should understand by now, this is for you~"

All she could do is to cry, her hope slowly degrading into nothingness. She couldn't help herself, and her only last hope is for someone... or anyone to save her and this world.


"Sendou-kun, are you ready?" Kouichi heard Shiboku's voice when the door opened as he was fixing the button of his clothes, he turned around and saw Shiboku in a different outfit. Kouichi nodded and stood up from his seat.

"More than ready..." The blonde replied as he took a deep breath. "Ayame... Haruka..."

As the two individuals looked at each other before looking at the window, seeing the reddish sky.

It still looked as eerie as ever, it was the biggest sign of impending doom towards all of humanity, and it seemed as if it was telling them that they were not going to succeed.

But they shouldn't give up, not even when they fall down. If no one else can save them, they will do it. The lives of humanity and their friends are in danger after all.

As the two teens were about to leave the room, Kouichi spoke. "Ayame and Haruka... we will save them, right?"

"Yeah," Shiboku nodded in his reply. "We will do everything we can to save them and everyone."

"Fumito-kun... Haruka is also a precious friend to you, right? That's why you want to save her."

"Of course she is, and I also want to know the truth of all these happenings. If we're able to, I'll rest easy and find the answers to my questions." Shiboku said. "Those cards, how they came to be and... what happened."

Kouichi gave a nod as well before taking a deep breath and sighing. "I'm sure we will be able to..."

The two looked at each other before they both left to the place where everyone would need to meet up.

But as they were walking, Kouichi felt something in his head, as if there was something or someone whispering to him. At the same time it felt like there was ringing in his ears. "Ah!"

"Sendou-kun?" Shiboku looked back at Kouichi in worry. "What's wrong?"

"No it's... it's just... someone is talking-"

'I'm sorry...'


And for some reason, Shiboku was able to hear it as well. He whispered the same words as what he was hearing, unsure of what the voice was apologizing about. "I'm... sorry..?"

"You... hear it too, Fumito-kun..?"

"It seems like it... It's like..." It's like the same thing he felt, when he was knocked unconscious, and there a mysterious creature was talking to him.


The voice quickly vanished and soon they couldn't hear anything else, even the ringing disappeared. "That was odd," Shiboku said. "Anyways, we should go. We shouldn't waste any more time here..."

"Ah, y-yes." Kouichi was quite confused and curious, what could have Shiboku meant when he said that it seemed like something?


"Is everybody here now?" Koharu asked, looking at everyone else. Noticing that they are definitely ready, with determination in their faces, he couldn't help but to let out a smile. "Well, I guess there's no more time to waste. Ms. Ritsu Ono and Mr. Ryu Ono will be in charge of the communication lines. The others from Hitsue and Harumi will stay here as well to contact the connections we have with the Association, and those who will come out to fight against Gyze are these people:

Shiboku Fumito

Kouichi Sendou

Akuhei Amari

Kazuhiko Oyama

That is all."

"What about you, senpai? Aren't you joining?" Kouichi asked, raising his gloved hand.

Koharu smiled, "I may or may not join in. I'll come if you need me."

The other senior let out a chuckle as if to mock the auburn haired man. "Hmm? Mister Kojima suddenly decides to become lazy after all these preparations~? Oh my, I don't think that's a good work ethic if you were to be a boss in the future!"

"Shut it," Koharu replied as he gave a frown although he laughed right after knowing that Kazuhiko was clearly joking. "Anyways, are there any more questions? If we're all ready, then let's get going."

"No more questions. The only thing we just need to do is to survive and defeat Hisamoto Kojima, correct?" Ryu asked, and Kazuhiko lovingly replied.

"Of course, little brother! That's what we need to do!"

"... Little brother?" Ryu mumbled in confusion before looking at his sister Ritsu who couldn't help but let out a giggle.

"Well then, it's time for us to go!" Koharu told them, and in response they raised their hands to fists as they shouted, "Let's go!"

'Wait for us, everyone. We'll save you!' Kouichi thought to himself, putting his other hand to his suit's pocket where his Vanguard deck resides. 'Just like last time, Ixion... give me that strength.'


"They're making their move," said one of her allies - Watanuki.

"Ara~? Finally, I was waiting for so long." Haruka, or now as we call her Morgan, replied with a sultry laugh, putting her fingers under her own chin as she smirked. "Don't they know that they're obviously falling into our trap? The moment they make their move is the moment they would give us my prized possession, and that is of course, Kouichi-kun~"

"Everything is goin' as planned ain't it, your majesty?" It was Kaoru.

"Correct!" Morgan said happily like a child who got her candy. "As we wait, I must talk to father about this. He'll be delighted to know how close we are to reaching our goal!" She then got out of her seat and tiptoed before walking normally. As she held the door knob, she looked back at her allies and gave another smile.

"You guys, put your guards up and get ready~ we'll be having a good time afterwards!" She told them before leaving the premises.

Morgan was ecstatic, hearing about this good news was just pure bliss. She is basically closer to her goal, which is to destroy this world and make a new one in which she would rule along with the king she had in mind. It was a mortal, sure, but he has this determination set in him that makes it exciting. He had this strong power deep inside him.

"Fufufu~ You know the reason now, right? I want him because he's strong, and you want him because you love him. That's a good gift for the both of us, Haruka-chan~"

"Morgan... I told you already, I'm moving on from him. I still like Kouichi-kun, but I don't love him romantically anymore. So please-"

"Lies. You still love him, you're just trying to stop this plan, aren't you?"

Haruka was quiet, Morgan laughed as she was correct with her own question. "What? Is there anyone else that you like? Oh, who was that? Was it Kazuhiko Oyama? Or was it another one? Hmm... Oh, it was Kouichi-kun's best friend! Was it Shiboku Fumito~?"

"No-! He's not-!"

"My! You're such a feisty one, liking more than one man! I mean, he does have the same strength as Kouichi Sendou. No, even better. I was able to communicate with him, he's quite the peculiar man. He's interesting enough, maybe he can become Adam instead?"

"...You will not." Haruka replied, "I won't let you! Not Kouichi-kun, not Shishi... no one!"

Another laugh was heard as a response, "You even gave him a nickname! Now isn't that just proving my point that you like him?" She could hear Haruka groan under her breath and Morgan scoffed. "Fine, fiiine~ No more teasing. But I must let you know, since you are powerless, you will just watch as everything happens before your eyes. Your friends will never succeed, and I will rule this world~"

"No... please... no..."

"Unfortunately, I will. Sorry about that, little girl~" Morgan laughed once again before opening the door leading to a prayer room in which she found Hisamoto praying on the altar.

"Father! I have good news for you," said Morgan.

"Oh? What could it be?" Hisamoto stopped, turning around to face her. He saw her smiling widely.

"They are making their move now, and slowly but surely, our plans will come into fruition!"

That was enough to make Hisamoto smile back before approaching Morgan and giving a pat on her head. "I knew my prayers were to be answered. Oh thank god!" He said as he chuckled. "Now, what is your plan?"

"We will fight against them, and bring them to our side. That's easy~"

"I'm sure you will be able to do that."

"Ahaha~ Of course, father. I will~"






Being chained by your other self has the same feeling as drowning and choking on your own breath.

You'd rather experience the latter, than be watching yourself doing the things that you're not supposed to do.

It's painful...

It's really that painful..

I'm powerless, and I don't want that.

All my life, I've been nothing but to become someone's puppet.

Please, just this once...

Free me.


To Be Continued.

[ED Sequence]

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