Z12: Church

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A/N: Thank you to pnccakes for helping out with the chapter!!!

Kazuhiko Oyama and Akuhei Amari belong to pnccakes


[OP 2 Sequence]


It was nearly a blow to the face that Morgan quickly evaded as she took three steps back from Akuhei who was attacking her. She gave a chuckle before standing on top of the altar. "What, you prefer a physical fight rather than a cardfight? That's quite interesting!" She said with a smirk and teased. Morgan materialized a golden spear and held it. "Very well, let's spar!"

Morgan let out a giggle right after, waiting for the raven girl to move.

Akuhei formed a crooked smile, feeling the power surging through her, "I'm more than ready to be able to defeat you... Ever since you took him away from me, I've always thought to myself... Why did I ever want to save you from whatever's going on..? You took away my happiness... And I guess it's time for me to take away yours!!!"

What was this power, you may be asking. It's a power that she possessed ever since long ago, a power that she showcased during the tournament. However... it seemed... different. Has she become so insane that her powers have evolved?

Joichi watched from afar, noticing how Akuhei summoned a ball of fire from her hand. "What the hell is going on?" He asked himself before getting his mind out of his train of thoughts. "Akuhei, that's not Koji—"

But she wasn't there to listen. All she did was just fire her fireball out towards the young vessel, "You'll pay..."

"Fuhaha~" Morgan quickly dodged once again and spoke. "I'd like to see you use your avatar's weapon. You know, Luquier!" She told her and gave a hit on Akuhei's arm.

Akuhei was quick to dodge, luckily, and she couldn't help but to enjoy that idea that her opponent was suggesting, "Really~? I'd like to see you try and avoid the whips of my dear avatar then..."

And Akuhei was quick to summon out a sash, a whip, "Are you ready~?"

"More than ready~" Morgan replied with a smile, holding her spear and licking on the blade. "Fufu~ I'm so entertained right now, I can't believe how lovely you humans are!"

Akuhei saw this and was irked by the sight. However, she must continue this fight between her and this beast, "Heh... I must fight you till you perish then, if that's the case~"

Then, the two started to fight.

As they did, Joichi just watched from the sidelines not being able to do anything. He was still tied up after all. He wanted to help out, especially the precious person he's talking about getting hurt. He really needs to tell her about who she's fighting though, as this isn't the friend she wanted to save. It was someone else after all... but it really seemed like Akuhei wouldn't listen, if only there was a way...

Morgan's spear parried against the whips, then ducked down before taking a step back as she was quickly hit by the whip in a split second before jumping towards on top of the debris of a fallen pillar. "Tch... this body has already weakened, huh..." She muttered and hissed before looking at Akuhei. "You would really rather fight than achieve heaven. Just like the girl inside me, you're all stubborn human beings! I'm seriously getting tired of dealing with selfish people, they'd rather suffer than be in bliss. This is why your little girlfriend is a weakling, had she accepted this fate rather than suppressing it, this would make things easier."

"Right... right..." Akuhei gritted her teeth, sighing as she held her weapon tightly, "Haruka-chan hasn't accepted it because she's stronger than the likes of you... What you're trying to do isn't going to work on me..." She was panting from all that movement, and she wished she had the strength to continue fighting right away... so that she should stop whoever is inside of Haruka.

"Is it now?" Morgan smiled. "I don't really care what you think of me, if I'm weaker than this little girl or not. I'm more interested if you desire a world where you'd live a perfect life, to be with those who you love without pain. It's something Haruka-chan desired, and I'm making it a reality~"

Suddenly, Morgan used her power and showed a different scenery. It seemed to be bright with grassfields all around them. And right before Akuhei's eyes... there stood a very familiar figure smiling at her gently.

"Akuhei~" The voice called out gently with that usual smile, her white locks of hair flowing along with the wind as she looked at the one she beckoned, "I'll be with you, forever. However long you wish me to be there. I love you, sweetheart. I'll be with you forever, okay?"

"Mother... What the- What is this?!" Akuhei was astonished at the sight of the woman before her. She was... confused at what she was seeing, but she liked this, "Mother... Why is she here..?"

"She'll be with you, Akuhei-chan~" Morgan whispered with a giggle. "This would be the perfect world you would want to live in."

"A perfect world..." Even if she told herself she had moved past her mother's death, she couldn't help but to wish for her to be there. Just like what she said... a perfect world for her, indeed, "Me and mama..."

"Indeed... you and your mama~" Morgan said, gently pushing Akuhei to be near what seemed to be her mother. "If you accept Eden, you'll be with her... it'll be the world that you really want."

"Eden... Mother..." She muttered those two words, and no matter how much she tried... she wasn't able to get out of it. This is truly the perfect world for her, and she wished nothing better than to be in a happy family.


"AKUHEI!" Joichi shouted her name loudly, but it wasn't just him. There was another voice of a girl... Haruka?

"Akuhei, don't believe her! She's tricking you into joining her group of mongrels!" Joichi exclaimed. The illusion was broken and Morgan walked up to Joichi and slapped him.

"You should shut your mouth and remind yourself who you're dealing with." Morgan told him.

"Screw you... witch."

"Haruka-chan... J-Joichi..." Akuhei snapped out of it, luckily, and she glared back at Morgan, "I shouldn't have drowned myself in my anger and my regrets. That's why you chose to use me, not the others... isn't it?!"

Morgan turned back to Akuhei before speaking, "And what do you mean by that~? You don't want this kind of world, young lady? Is it because you're seeing this man hurting and Haruka Kojima in pain right now? If so, you'd be surprised when I say that the moment the world has changed, no one will be in pain anymore! And for the sake of you and your other friends, I might also spare Haruka's body from being destroyed once I'm done with her!"

"You're going to what now?!" Akuhei tried to keep herself calm so that she wouldn't be used by her own emotions again, but hearing those words truly shocked her, "What are you even trying to do?! Just spit it out already!!"

Morgan laughed, "That's the expression I want to see." She winced, feeling the pain on the wound she received from the whip. At the same time, she felt the weakness of the girl's body growing stronger. Had she already used this much power? It's too weak, too weak! If this continues and she doesn't heal quickly, it might...

"Haruka Kojima's body... it has weakened over time because she's suppressed this power for too long. Her hell of a father didn't think this through, that a mere little girl would not be able to hold up to a deity." She continued, hissing. "I'd love to continue this fight, but I'm afraid I won't have a vessel to use~ For now, I have a very special guest instead to fight against you. It's another one of your friends, Miss Amari. You know her well~"

And so, Morgan disappeared from their eyesight. Joichi's chains were broken by him, and he fell down on the floor. It seems as if Morgan was bored of them already, but knowing how unpredictable she can be... who knows.

Another person appeared, and as they took a step into the area, their eyes glowed golden and stared straight through Akuhei's eyes.

"Ayame!!" Akuhei noticed the girl before her, but of course... her eyes weren't the same shade as they used to be, "Why are you—"

"I am here, for the sake of the world to be reborn. And of course, it's for Haruka. I'm doing this to make her happy." Ayame said, smiling at the thought of Haruka being happy before looking at Akuhei. "It is the reason why I'm here. I would do anything for her, as I am her best friend. Wouldn't you want to do it too?"

"I want her to be happy too, Ayame... But not like this... You're destroying the entire world for this... Is this really what you want?!" Akuhei approached and held the girl's wrists tight, "Really?! Do you really want to destroy the world you're in?!"

Ayame got off Akuhei's grasp and glared at her. "It is not a selfish thing, Akuhei. It is for the sake of the world, if she's happy and we follow her just as planned, the world will be recreated where all of us would live happily. Don't you wish for the same thing, Akuhei? A world where all of us are happy. None of this happens, and Haruka won't-"

"It is selfish, Ayame!! Sure, I don't want to be hurt... You probably don't even know half of the pain I feel..." Akuhei was trying to keep her composure, but hearing that just pissed her off, "You're doing this only for yourself... Hell, probably not even that... You're doing this just because some deity told you to..."

"It is for the sake of the world!" Ayame repeated. "It is for the sake of everyone being saved from our sins! We will be saved, we will be... it's for our happiness."

"No... It isn't!!" The raven-haired girl slapped her friend across the face, gritting her teeth as she was disgusted by those words she was hearing, "You..."

Ayame didn't seem fazed by this, in fact she just showed an expressionless emotion. "And I could guess that you wouldn't abide by words. Very well, a cardfight shall commence!"

A cardfight table appeared in front of them and Ayame materialized her own deck, so did Akuhei.

"Stand up THE Vanguard!"

"Stand up, Vanguard!"


"How's everything going?" Koharu asked, taking a look at the Ono siblings as they worked their way through the communication devices and coordinates. He couldn't understand one single thing, but from the looks of it it seemed like it's not doing good.

"Not good," Ryu replied. "After they got inside the portal, the communications were cut off and we're unable to reach them. The last location was the one in that area, and judging by the looks of it... that seems to be where they are."

"Wait..." Koharu took a good look at the interactive map on the tablet, and his eyes widened when he saw the direction. "This direction... Chiba...!"

"Chiba? Koharu-san, isn't that where you used to live?" Ritsu asked, looking back at the tall man.

Koharu nodded as he answered, "Yes. And I have a feeling that my father and Gyze use the church as their hideout, it's the only place I can think of. I know the exact place."

Koharu placed his hand on the screen, entering the coordinates of his old house. He stared at the screen before hearing his phone ring, immediately he answered. "Who is this?"

"My child, you are generous enough to give your sister more allies." Shit... Hisamoto. "If I'm correct from what I've heard, one or two of them have the Zeroth Dragons. Well, Haruka truly needs them for the sake of more power. If we talk to them, I may be able to locate and take—"

"In your dreams, old man. They're telling you nothing, you should know by now that we're stopping you." Koharu angrily replied.

"Do you really reject the thought of living a wonderful life, Koharu? Do you not want to be with your mother again, and for our family to be happy?" Hisamoto asked, and Koharu couldn't be angrier at this.

"You're the reason why everything went to hell! It's because of you that mother isn't here, you're the reason why Haruka is going to die and it's because of you being a selfish man all for the sake of your god! You're killing everyone, you're KILLING Haruka!!"

"Koharu... is this how you've become? I thought that I taught you to be kind to your parents, to me, your father."

"You're not my father anymore, my father died the day you showed your true colors." Koharu venomously spouts. "Right now, you are a delusional genocidal maniac. And we're here to stop you not just to save my sister, but to save this world from falling apart."

He furiously tapped the red button on his screen before taking a deep breath, noticing his peers looking back at him with worry and concern. "I'm alright."

'Yeah right, talk about being alright. I would kill that son of a bitch if I could.'

"Hello..? Ono-kun..? Koharu-senpai..? Anyone?" It was Kouichi.

"It's Sendou!" Ryu said. "Sendou, can you speak? Where are you? You've been gone for an hour, are you alright?"

"I-I'm okay... I'm not sure where I am but... I-" Static quickly overtook his voice. "Kaoru-"

"Kaoru..? Ishida?" Koharu said. "Sendou, what's going on?"



And then the connection cut off.

Ryu clicked his tongue in annoyance, putting his hand on his head. "This is too difficult..."

"It's okay, Ryu-kun. They'll be okay... I'm sure of it." Ritsu assured him before she went back to her work, she stared at the name on one of the screen's window tabs. "Kazuhiko-kun... please be okay too."

But as they were about to do their things, another earthquake occurred.

"What the hell was that?!" Koharu exclaimed, looking at the window, seeing some of the buildings crumbled.

"Onii-chan~" There was another voice that was heard from the device. Koharu grumbled.

"Gyze... what the hell are you doing?!"

"Fufufu~ It is time for me to take over the world, I just need those dragons. Just like decades ago, I had those dragons by my side. And now, I'm taking them back so they can lend their power. Oh, but before that... I have a little surprise for all of you lowly humans."

"Whatever it is, Gyze... you-"


The moment another earthquake happened, a person came inside, he had red hair and was wearing what seemed to be a steampunk styled outfit. He held an unzipped bag with gadgets inside it. Ryu recognized the boy and he stood up.

"Daizen, you're here. What's going on?"

"Well..." the person named Daizen panted, catching his breath from running all the way to the Tatsunagi building. "You have to look at the sky, real quick!"

They all turned to look at the direction that Daizen was pointing at, and their eyes widened in shock.

It was... a church in the sky.


To Be Continued

[ED 2 Sequence] 

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