Z14.5: And When The Wind Blows While The World Falls Apart

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A/N: Yes the lyrics are from God Eater :DDDD

Kazuhiko Oyama belongs to pnccakes
Shiboku Fumito belongs to YeKamNotYeKam


"Knowing how your father was a priest, do you also believe in a God?" That sentence was still stuck in Koharu's mind even until now. Even until now that there are literal gods that exist in the world, he still couldn't answer straight.

If he was to answer this again today, he would have a very different answer than he had replied a few years ago.


"Knowing how your father was a priest, do you also believe in a God?" An orange haired junior asked him and Koharu crossed his arms before he replied.

"I'm not sure. Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Well, I used to believe that a hundred percent because I always go to his preachings every weekend so of course why wouldn't I believe in such things? But sometimes, I ask myself that if God really does exist, then why do they let my sister get hurt?" Koharu said. "You know, those kinds of things you would think of when you're at your lowest."

"I see... So you're really unsure?"

"Yeah, maybe I am."


"Kojima-san, Kazuhiko-san and Hirose-san are both safe now." Ritsu had told him, he could only give a thumbs up. Well, that's that for another mission accomplished.

"I guess at this point they really won't stop until they reach the church," Koharu said.

"How would they go up there?" Daizen asked, seemingly oblivious.

"If there is this thing called Interdimensional Space like Oyama-san said, I'm pretty sure they're teleporting." Ryu replied, causing the former to actually laugh slightly before going back to what they were doing.

Koharu couldn't help but to chuckle at that as well while he was staring at the monitors. He opened up a file that contained the information of his sister Haruka. He took a deep breath before reading everything, because he knew this was all just basic information and vague descriptions of how she became the vessel of "Gyze" or most likely Morgan.

God... this was just a young girl, a child... Why did she have to be in this kind of suffering? All she wanted was to have a normal life, to grow up and have friends, she just wanted to be whatever she wanted to be. Not like... this. Whatever the hell this is.

He just had to stare at her portrait on the monitor, thinking about how he wishes that this was all but a nightmare and that he will wake up to see Haruka doing her usual things.

A pinch on his skin didn't work, he could still feel pain, knowing that this is real life. He was not dreaming at all, he and everyone were fighting for their lives. He doesn't know whether or not saving the world would rescue Haruka or kill her in the process. He doesn't know at all and he shouldn't be pessimistic. Haruka hates pessimism, she would smack him for thinking such ways. Haruka hates pessimism, after all. But he can't help but to think so, he's got quite some pessimism inside him to the point that the only thing he thought of was actually killing his own sister if there was no other way.

Isn't that just fucked up?

Why would he even think that that was the only way for everyone to be saved? Thank god that they found a way to save both the world and her, because it would devastate him so much.

God, he wished he was born in a different family. He wished Haruka was never tortured in the first place and hurt, he wished so many things for a world where Haruka was never hurt. But of course, he would never do the same as what his father did. Because Koharu was never a villain, he was never and will not follow suit to what his father was trying to do with the world.

A beeping sound was heard again from one of the system units, Ryu immediately started typing quickly.

"Who are we dealing with now?" Koharu asked, that beeping sound was enough to bring him out of his train of thoughts.

"We've found Fumito-kun's location, he's on the other side of where Oyama-san and Hirose-kun currently are." Ryu replied. "Hello, Fumito-kun? Shiboku Fumito-kun? Can you hear us?"

"He's not responding, it could be the same thing with Kazuhiko-san." Ritsu replied. "The communication line isn't quite stable but we have his location now."

"Fumito, huh..." Koharu looked down, putting his finger up his chin. "Another one of Haruka's friends..."

Someone who isn't supposed to be caught up in this mess. Sorry, Fumito. I'll leave this task at your hands, I'll give you a sincere apology when you come back.

Koharu finally stood up from his seat and was about to leave. Another person was standing against the door, it was Xiaojian. The latter just moved away and let him go.

"Were you planning to stop me?" Koharu asked, he doesn't even personally know this guy. But he claims to know a lot about Gyze, and that he has another unit's dead soul within him: Chaos Breaker Dragon.

"I thought about it, but I realized there was no reason to. Or maybe I was just thinking you would back out from this." Xiaojian replied, smirking a little as he crossed his arms.

"Never have I ever thought of it, even with my pessimism." Koharu smiled back before stepping out of the room. "Give me some time to think."


Koharu stared through the glass windows from the building, looking at the red sky. While he was preoccupied with his thoughts as he drank his can of coffee, a shockwave was felt throughout the entire area. Koharu felt goosebumps and his eyes widened when he heard another voice.

"Save us... from this hell..."

The moon is soaked in sadness
It quietly paints the land red and disappears

Koharu smiled, nodding to himself. We will, Haruka. Wait for us. There's someone out there that can help you out.

Can you hear my voice?
Can I stay myself
In this bloodthirsty era?

He immediately started walking, and just like always, a barrage of thoughts kept coming back at him.

Another earthquake shook, but he still kept walking. His eyes twitched before he looked at the windows again, he could see the floating sky. Haruka is in there, so close yet so far.

"Do you believe in God?"

"Yeah, I believe in a god." Koharu mumbled. "But that god... Is not the false one that is trying to control my goddamn sister."

Gods definitely do exist, but it's definitely not this one.

The tears that overflow your heart
Are surely proof of your wish for a future

Koharu could notice the wind blowing from the trees, thinking it was such an irony as he thinks of the wind as the symbol of calm and peace. But of course, the wind can blow as hard as to destroy everything as well.

The same way he just knows, even with his pessimism, that they can destroy the entity within his sister.

The torment will be over soon, he hopes.

Gaze forward without lamenting your current powerlessness
You can get it over
Over the clouds


To Be Continued

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