SS Imaishi Reo: Limelight

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As usual, I was hanging out with Rikuto, Tetsuya, Kana, and Mariko in the fight room.

"She should be coming here any second now..."

Tetsuya's gaze landed on the entrance of the fight room's outdoor space, which was where we were right now.

"This is so exciting! Reo-kun, this is your time to shine!"

Mariko encouraged me by slapping my back playfully, but my heart was pounding with anxiety.

"Summer really is the season for love, huh?"

Rikuto lamented languidly while folding her arms.

"Now that she's in our class, the chance of her reciprocating your feelings has most likely increased."

Kana, being the logical and calm one in our friendship group, tried to reassure me.

"I hope she accepts your confession! You two would make for a really cute couple!"

Mariko squealed, getting excited at the thought of us being together.

"Yeah. We're supporting you all the way, Reo!"

Rikuto grinned and gave me a thumbs up.

"Thanks you guys..."

After everyone pepped me up, the door opened.

"Hey, sorry I'm late!"

Entering the fight room was Akari, with Akihiro in tow. They had recently joined our class after being promoted.


I stuttered by accident as I got up and approached her. As if reading the air, everyone stepped back to give us some space underneath the oak tree's cool shade.

"What's up, Reo-san? Wanna fight?"

I started to blush when I saw her cute smile.

"Actually, I..."

I only have one shot at this. I can't mess it up.

"I-I love you, Akari-san! Will you... go out with me?!"

I stammered a little due to my nerves, but I managed to choke out the words locked up in my heart.

I could hear all the girls squeal in the background. I think even Tetsuya joined in, that guy!

However, upon hearing my confession, there was no change in Akari's facial confession.

She wasn't surprised, shocked, or even embarrassed. She simply looked a little guilty.

"Sorry, Reo-san... but the truth is, I already have a boyfriend."


This not only came as a shock to me, but to everyone else as well.

"I've been keeping it a secret to everyone, since it was long distance... I'm really sorry for getting your hopes up by accident!"

Not only was I rejected, but it turned out Akari was already taken by some other guy.

I sunk to my knees, my time in the limelight wasted once more.

Even though it was a meaningless high school crush, the pain of rejection tumbled woefully through my body.

"It's fine... really..."

So this is what a broken heart feels like, huh...?

"Who is he? Is he hot?"

Immediately, Rikuto started asking questions like that to Akari.

"He's super hot! Like ikemen levels of hot! Check it out!"

Then, Akari took out her phone and showed us her home screen's wallpaper. It was of her and her boyfriend taking a selfie together at some traditional temple in Kyoto.

Seriously, why haven't I seen this before?!

I felt like bashing my head against the table for my naivety... of course a girl as cool and stylish as Akari was already taken! Ah, this blows!!

"Oh my god! He looks so cool!"

"Look at his silky hair! Eeeeeeeeeeee!"

Both Rikuto and Mariko started fawning over her boyfriend.

"Not only that, but he's also older than me by two years."

Somehow, Akari bragged about that...

"Wow, you're so lucky! I'm jealous!"

"What's his name, tell us!"

"Mikazuki Rouga. He's currently studying at one of the top law schools in Japan."

"Oh wow. Not only is he hot, but he's also smart!"

"Even his name is cool! Eeeeeeeeeeeee!"

While those two were praising that Mikazuki Rouga for his personality and looks, the straight-laced Kana analysed the situation with a logistical lens.

"That means he'll be earning a lot in the future. You made a wise investment, Akari-san."

"That's a little too cynical, even for me, Tachibana-san..."

Akari laughed at Kana's honest conclusion. Meanwhile, Rikuto asked another question.

"How did you meet such a hunk?"

"He was my senpai in middle school."

How does Akari keep managing to find ways to boast about him...

"I confessed him to before he graduated, but we didn't become a couple until I was in high school."

"Lucky..." Rikuto said.

"I'm so jealous! I want a boyfriend like him!" Mariko said.

"He is very ideal. His jaw line also looks good." Kana said.

My jaw line is also good, damn it!

The more these three praised Akari's boyfriend, the more frustrated I felt at myself for not being as chad as that Mikazuki Rouga.

These passionate feelings of rage could only be expressed in one way, and that was through my avatar, Agravain.


I swept my long hair back into a pompadour.

"I'm still takin' up yer offer to fight! Let's do this!"

Akari smirked, putting away her phone and slamming down her deck fiercely.

"You're on! I won't let you beat me, Invisible Man!"

"Same 'ere, ya darn Tigress!"

I slammed my deck down and grinned.

"I guess some things never change." Rikuto laughed.

"Stand up, Vanguard!" Everyone exclaimed together.

Even if she wasn't my girlfriend, Akari will always be a close friend to me.

And that's what matters most, right?

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