- Part 17

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When I came to, I was laying inside a hut in the middle of the mountainside.

The first thing I noticed was all the pain in my body had disappeared.

It was like I'd never been stabbed in the first place.

Even though my consciousness was still a little hazy, I felt better than ever before.

...but more frustratingly, I remembered those transparent words that penetrated through my ears unwillingly before I passed out.

Revenge, huh?

Next to me, the sun seeped through the window that hung above the bed of straw I was laying on, glazing the entire room in a low hue of golden orange sunlight.

Despite how primitive it was, with its log walls and distant fireplace, there was a strange comfort to it's robust design. It was like I was whisked away to another world and transported to a more simple time.

To think a place like this existed in the mountainside...

It seems the weather has mostly cleared up too. The sky was no longer dark and murky, and I couldn't hear any rain pouring outside either. At least this will my journey back a lot more pleasant.

I sat up, only to notice that my shirt had been taken off. In its place, thick bandages were wrapped around my chest, covering the stab wound I had received in my left shoulder.

I rolled up the left leg of my sweatpants, checking the gashes in my knee and ankle. Like my chest, they too were tightly wrapped in bandages. Touching them firmly, I could tell that the wounds had been fully closed underneath.

"There was no point in doing this if you completely healed me..."

I sighed, forcing myself up from the stack of hay.

I felt disgusted with myself.

None of this was part of the plan at all... ignoring the fact I received help from him, being defeated like this was proof I'm still not good enough.

Because I hesitated, I lost. It's my own fault why things ended up like this. After a failure like that, I deserved to lose my life.

And to be honest, I would've preferred rotting to my death right then and there if it meant not getting help from him.

There was no reason for him to do that either.

I don't understand.

There's no reason for someone like him to save my life... absolutely none at all.

The only one I could think of was to please mom.

But even then...

She has Rei now.

I'm not needed anymore.

I was never needed by her.

I don't think she'd grieve over my death.

Not after everything I've done...

I scrunched the hay under my hands.

"Yuu... are you okay?"

When I heard that voice, my heart nearly jumped out of my chest.


Sitting across from me, in the only chair of this hut, was—

"Yukina... what are you..."

She simply smiled at me.

"What do you think, Yuu?"

In the corner of my eye, the light on my watch was blinking.

Checking it, I realised that my watch was suddenly fixed.

But when I turned it on, the first thing I saw was a notification.

When I read it, my eyes widened.

"Yukina, you..."

It said I had found Yukina.

"That's right... I'm a hider, Yuu. This is my hiding spot."

Either this was a cruel twist of fate, or he set me up like this on purpose.

That bastard...

I knew he wouldn't do something like that without taking away something in exchange...

It's always been that way...

"What are you still doing here then...? If you don't get back to the outdoors school soon, a teacher's going to come get you."

A defeated smile emerged on her face.

"I know... but it doesn't matter now."

"What do you mean?"

"Because I've been found, my group was eliminated."


It was like my thoughts had yet to catch up with the information being provided to me.

"Yes... I was the last hider on my group to be found. When you arrived at the hut, it triggered my watch's sensor and registered it as you finding me."

I buried my face into my hands and sighed.

"...I'm sorry, Yukina. This was a huge oversight on my part... I should've been more careful. I didn't expect to end up here, nor did I expect to find you... all of this is because of my own recklessness. None of this should've happened..."

Just as I was about to stand, Yukina got up from her chair and sat me back down.

"I know, Yuu. I know you didn't want to eliminate me or my group, so don't blame yourself or say degrading things like that. You tried your best... but sometimes, things just don't go your way. As much as we'd like to, we don't have control over everything."

Then, with her hand still on my chest, she sat down besides me on the hay bed.

"Besides... I'm more worried about you."

Her fingers traced the bandages wrapped around my shoulder, before squeezing into a fist.

"When you arrived here, you were passed out and being carried by a man I'd never seen before... and before I could even receive an explanation about what was going on, he dumped you on me and told me to take care of you before disappearing. When I checked, you were unconscious and covered in scars... do you know how scared I was, Yuu?"

I looked up at her.

For some reason, a feeling of uneasiness rushed through my throbbing heart.


When I saw her face, I was reminded of that time.

Please... don't look at me with those eyes...

"I knew I couldn't leave you alone like that... not when you've been beat up so badly. Instead of going back, I stayed here, waiting for you to wake up so you wouldn't be by yourself. As your friend... no, as your partner, and as the person who cares about you the most... I felt it was my responsibility to make sure you were okay! But, most of all..."

Otherwise, I...

Yukina stared deeply into my eyes.

"...I wanted to protect you! Even if it's not much, I..."

I swallowed the lump in my throat.

...I won't be able to tell the difference between you and her anymore.

"I wanted to keep you safe, Yuu."

Her smile, small but earnest, radiated brighter than the sun.


I couldn't speak.

The words I wanted to spit out were trapped in my throat.

As much as I wanted to try and explain what's going on to Yukina, I couldn't.

Not because I didn't trust her.

But because, I too, wanted to keep her safe.

Everything I was doing now is something she shouldn't be getting involved with.

Otherwise... they might go after her next.

I'm okay with losing my life.


If I someone precious to me got hurt...

...I know I wouldn't be able to handle it.

I would live the rest of my life seeking revenge.

Or I would die pathetically, failing to avenge them.

"...you said a man carried me here, right?"

Instead of giving her a proper answer, the words that left my mouth changed the subject entirely.

I avoided her feelings like a coward.

Yukina frowned.

"Yes... yes, I did."

"...what did he look like?"

I knew I shouldn't be doing this, and that I should be giving Yukina a clear answer, but... I couldn't bring myself to do it.

Now that I was this far, I might as well ask. I wanted to make sure the person I saw before I passed out was who I thought it was.

"I don't remember exactly, but... he was quite tall and slim, with pale skin and white hair. I don't think it was bleached though, since he looked quite old as well... maybe somewhere in his forties or fifties?"

This description basically fit any old man who's part of the faculty. Heck, even Mikazuchi-sensei could fit these criteria. It didn't really help narrow it down at all.

"What was he wearing? And... what colour were his eyes?"

"I remember that he was wearing some kind of suit... I think it was light brown, similar to the colour of milk tea. As for his eyes... I didn't get to see them unfortunately. They were covered by his bangs, plus his hat was tipped forward."

They were wearing a hat...? I don't recall him ever wearing something like that. Could it really be Mikazuchi-sensei?

"...I see. Do you know what design the hat was?"

"I don't know the name, but it's one of those black leather ones... like the kind of you see in detectives wear in those old black and white movies! You know what I mean, right?"

If that's the case, it can't be Mikazuchi-sensei then. He wears a white and green bucket hat. So maybe... it was him after all.

"Yeah, I do... was there anything else unique about him?"

"Hmm, not really... oh, I guess he was also holding a black umbrella too."

...from the sounds of it, it seems very likely to be him.

But due to the lack of concrete details, I couldn't be completely sure either... after all, Yukina's current description could still fit a wide range of people, especially since old men wearing suits was a very common combination.

The smoking gun would've been the eye colour, since he has blood red eyes. Since she didn't get to see them however, there was no point dwelling on it anymore.

"Thanks. That really helped."

"It did...?"

"Yeah. It's enough to help put my thoughts to rest for awhile."

"Then I'm glad."

A small smile appeared on Yukina's face. For some reason though, it felt like she was forcing it...

"...I'm sorry about earlier."

The words lingering on my mind slipped out of my mouth by accident. Yukina's ahoge bounced in surprise.

"Eh? You don't have to apologise for eliminating me..."

"...i-it's not that. It's about..."

I sighed. Trying to say it was like trying to swallow needles.

"...not responding to your feelings properly. Even though I was deeply touched by it, I couldn't bring myself to face it... because, just like you, I..."

But it was a needle worth swallowing.

"I wanted to keep you safe as well. Which is why... I can't explain to you what's going on right now..."

Instead of responding to me with words, Yukina hugged me.


I was taken back by what she did, but my body didn't fight against it.

If anything, the moment she embraced my body, it felt like all the energy I had left was zapped out from under me.

I was unable to stay upright as all my pent up exhaustion enveloped my entire body.

And as everything inside of me consumed me on the outside, I leaned against Yukina's body to keep me standing.

She was letting me rest on her.

"I kind of figured that when you switched subjects, Yuu. You're so secretive."

Yukina giggled, her hand gently patting the back of my head.

"...what are you doing?"

With each stroke, my head was being buried further into the crook of her neck.

"Itteki-niichan once said that doing this will make anyone feel better. And right now, Yuu... you have a really sad face. It hurts to see you look so down."

Yukina pulled me closer, putting her head on top of mine.


"He he... there's no need to be embarrassed. Your body knows what it wants. You're practically slumping on me right now, you know?"

"Because you're forcing me to..."

I muttered in protest, but in the end, I didn't fight against it. It'd be a waste of strength to go against Yukina, especially since she was doing her best to try and comfort me.

"You don't like it?"

"...I don't have a particular preference either way."

"That just sounds like a longwinded way of saying yes."

"No, I really don't mind either way... probably."

I tacked that on at the end to make sure Yukina understood the vagueness of my answer. She sighed.

"Even for something silly like this, you're guarding the answer close to your chest..."

"Is it wrong to want some privacy...? Besides, I'm already letting you go this far with me... with any other person, I'd be trying to shoo them away."

"Yeah, but any other person wouldn't go out their way to hug you like this."

"W-well, you're the only person crazy enough to want to do this..."

"Hmm, that's true. I'd have to be a little crazy to stand next to a guy like you."

Yukina giggled and poked my scarred cheek. I looked up at her.

"I feel like you just insulted me there..."

"Only a little... y-you don't mind being teased, right?"

"...like I said, if it's you doing it, I don't mind either way."

"So you really have no boundaries when it comes to me, huh..."

She chuckled lightly. There was a cheeky glint in her eyes, like she wanted to try something on me, but in the end, she didn't act on it.

"It's my way of showing I trust you. Since... I can't really do it... through my words."

"Oh... I think I'm starting to understand a little more now."

Yukina's hands slowly crept up my back, her fingers dancing along the side of my neck.

"You didn't understand before?"

"Maybe... I've been the insensitive one here. I've been asking and asking, wanting to know more and more about you, Yuu... but I never considered the possibility that you didn't want to talk about these kinds of things."

"Yukina... you don't have to apologise for it. If anything, I should—"

She lifted her hand from my neck, putting a finger to my lips.

"You've done nothing wrong by not telling me. I don't have a right to know about you, or your past, or anything else that you feel uncomfortable speaking about. But at the same time, I'm not apologising either."

A small laugh escaped her lips.


The finger on my lips turned into a cupped hand around my cheek.

"Why would I apologise for showing interest in you? If I don't do it, then who else will? There's nothing wrong with wanting to get closer with you. Because, one day... I truly do wish to know more about you. Especially because you're the most important person in my life."

I looked away, unable to meet her in the eyes.

"You're a special person I hold close to my heart, Yuu. You don't have to tell me what's wrong if you don't want to. I won't ever force you to tell me about these things. But whenever you're like this... tired, worn out, or on the verge of breaking, it's okay to come to lean on me for support. I'll take the pain away each and every time."

Why is she telling me all this...?

These words... they're wasted on a person like me.

I don't deserve any of Yukina's kindness right now...

"You said you don't mind what I do, right? Then doing something like this should be no problem, right? You look a lot better resting on me. I'd do this again and again if it makes you feel better. And if you want something else, that's okay too. Even if it's as simple as reading a book together, like how we did in middle school, or having lunch together, just the two of us, I'm up for it! Whatever makes you happy. Whatever takes away your stress. Whatever makes you feel better. I'll always be here for you."

What did I ever do to deserve her affection...?

Someone else... no, anyone else other than me is more worthy of receiving Yukina's comfort.

This doesn't make any sense...

"Saying such heavy phrases... do you even understand the weight of the words you're saying right now...?"

I muttered these words to try and push her away.

"I do. Even if you think you're being a handful or a nuisance... I can assure you that I'll never think of you that way. I know you don't have a lot of self-confidence, but I want you to know that you're not a burden to me, Yuu. If anything, I love the fact I get to have you all to myself. If you need me, I won't push you away."

But even so, she pulled me in closer, creating a crack in the the wall guarding my glass heart.


Even after all my mistakes and all the secrets I keep from her...

She's still fine with taking care of a loser like me.


If only <that> never happened...

Maybe then...

Me and Yukina could...

"I won't forgive you..."

Without wanting it, a memory suddenly sprung up in my mind.

And when it did, I clutched my head and closed my eyes.



My mind was burning.

Because I let my thoughts wander for a split second, a searing memory was creeping to the front of my mind.

Something that I wanted to bury deeply.

"I-it's nothing... sorry..."

I lied through gritted teeth, trying to push it down.

Don't come up... don't come up now of all times...

I tried shutting it out, but the shadow of that day was approaching my brain faster and faster.

"Are you sure...? Your face, it looks like you're in a lot of pain..."

"No, it's alright... I'm fine..."

It glided across my consciousness, but I failed to catch it in the crossfire.

It took me from behind, assaulting my senses, and clutched my throat into silence.

The shadow of that day.

"You're saying that, but... I don't believe it! Not when you're clutching your head like it's going to explode!"

Ah... my mind really will explode from this if I don't keep it down, huh...?

As it leered over me, it was like it was laughing at me for being so useless.

The barrel was pushed against the back of my head.

It was obvious who was holding the trigger.

Between life and death, my entire existence was in their hands.

Being controlled like this...

...I won't forgive you...


So that's why I'm thinking about it now...

Like always, it's your fault why things are like this...


What an awful time to be remembering this...

The corner of my vision began to blur and streak with blackness.

It was dizzying to be in this situation once again.

It felt even worse knowing that it was my own consciousness that was trying to recreate it.

This twisted nightmare.

I know that I was sinking in my own delusions...

But even so... this felt all too real.

I knew Yukina was by my side, yet it seemed like she didn't even exist in this world my head built for itself.

All I could feel was the unintelligible intention coming from him.

I won't ever understand why.

There's no point trying to rationalise these actions.

It's all on the whim of a monster anyways.

Just as I was about to accept my fate, I wondered which would be better.

To continue fighting against it, so I don't ever have to be hurt again...

Or to accept it as it comes, taking the pain and letting it pass, no matter how long it takes...

I'd always believed in the former.

But right now...

I was being forced into doing the latter.

In that moment, just before I could feel the bullet pierce my brain...

The door of the hut rattled.

Catching my attention, I looked up to see who it was.

Likewise, Yukina shifted her attention towards the door.

Even though this was an unexpected visitor, it didn't get rid of the shadow looming over me.

If anything, it made it worse.

Before either of us could stand to answer it, the door creaked open.

Seeing the outline of that person as they entered, my heart nearly sank.

I thought it was going to be him, but...

"Oh my... now what do we have here?"

Instead, standing at the door frame was Hiden-sensei.

Just a little, the shadow dissipated.

"Heh heh... sorry, was I intruding on the intimate time of the two of you?"

Covering his coprophagous grin with his hand, his beady eyes looked between the two of us.

"You know, if it got out that a young couple was found doing it in the middle of a special exam, there'd be some... ahem, choice words from the staff members about it. You two might even get in trouble, you know?"

Yukina, noticing that she was still hugging my half naked body, let go quickly and shook her hands at Hiden-sensei, her face going dark red.

"A-ah, n-no, we weren't doing such a thing! I, I mean, i-it's just... t-two friends, you know?!"

The darkness bubbling in my mind was slowly calming down. I took a deep breath and pinched my temples, trying to focus on the current situation.

"Then why haven't you reported back to the outdoors school yet, Manjushage-chan? You found over half an hour ago by Yuu-kun. In that amount of time, the two of you could... unless, don't tell me, you two have already done it?!"


Yukina, losing her composure from Hiden-sensei's senseless teasing, was unable to explain to him what was going on. As such, I took it upon myself to clear up this misunderstanding.

"No... I passed out from exhaustion and Yukina was taking care of me. That's all there is to it. And stop saying those things on purpose just to fluster her..."

"Ha ha, my bad. I'll stop. But Yuu-kun, if you passed out, shouldn't your watch's emergency alarm alerted one of us? We would've come straight away to make sure you were okay. Alternatively, Manjushage-chan could've returned back to the outdoors school and reported it to us. What gives?"

"Well, what would you do if the seeker that found you suddenly passed out in front of you? The sensible thing would be to stay with them until a teacher came... not leave them and hope that eventually someone else takes care of it. It's not like her actions harmed the challenge either. Her group was eliminated, so there wasn't any rush for her to return back to the outdoors school."

To be honest, I'm slightly more annoyed that I'm having to deal with Hiden-sensei twice today. This was some seriously crummy luck. It'd be great if I could just run into Chabashira-sensei that often... I'd feel way more comfortable talking to her.

"Hmm, I see... well, if that's the case, I'm glad you're okay Yuu-kun. Truth be told, when I heard you passed out, I was really surprised! You were so energetic when I met you earlier."

"Running around a mountain is a lot more draining than you'd think."

"Trust me, I'm well aware as an old man... my back feels like it's going to break, especially trying to chase after you kids on this treacherous mountainside."

"Somehow, I also feel responsible... sorry, sensei!" Yukina said.

"He he he, no worries at all my dear. I honestly feel even worse for Chacha-chan, imagine the stress her back is going through, especially with those... ahem, assets of hers, so to speak."

"S-sensei, you probably shouldn't be making those sorts of jokes..."

Yukina laughed awkwardly at Hiden-sensei's poor joke, but I thought it was just weird he'd even bring it up.

"Oh, don't worry about it. Chacha-chan doesn't mind. We've known each other for more than fifteen years, you know? She's used to it."

I can't ever imagine someone as serious as Chabashira-sensei enjoys being made fun out of like this. She certainly didn't find enjoy the jokes Mikazuchi-sensei made about her, so I can't imagine someone like Hiden-sensei would get a pass either.

"But still... it's, um... a bit dirty to talk about your colleagues like that, isn't it...?"

I had to agree. The amount of filth that gets posted in the boy's group chat about her still scars me to this day...

"Like I said, don't worry about it! In any case, I need to bring you back to the school, Manjushage-chan. Come on now."

"Ah, right... sorry."

"Not a problem at all, my dear. See you around too, Yuu-kun!"

Hiden-sensei tipped his fedora and exited the hut. I didn't even bother to say goodbye. Before she followed him outside, Yukina hugged me.

"Nee, Yuu... I don't know what happened to you back there, but..."

Her smile glittered like the sun.

"I want to tell you it's going to be okay."

My heart thumped.

"...thank you, Yukina."

As she broke the hug, she clasped our hands together.

"See you soon, Yuu!"

She then let go, joining Hiden-sensei who was waiting outside for her.

"Looks like it's just me then..."

I sighed, putting on my shirt and slinging my backpack on.

I turned on my watch, checking the time and my map.

It was now 5pm.

One more hour left, huh?

I stepped out of the hut, greeted by the evening sky hanging above me.

The dark night was slowly seeping in like blood.

The moment to kill has finally come.

This time for sure, I'll stop you.

It's time to end this nightmare.

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