Ride 1➵ The Aqua Force Vanguard, Kaito

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Beep Beep!

Beep Beep!

'Hmm...?' a boy mumbled sleepily before sitting up. He had white hair with blue bangs. He slightly yawned and rubbed his eyes before opening them, revealing violet irises. He looked at the alarm clock.


He sighed and pushed himself out of his bed.


'Why do morning's exist...?' a girl yawned and picked up the hairbrush. She tied her red hair, which had a pink streak, reached her waist in two pigtails that reached her shoulders. 

She changed out of her pajamas into her school uniform. Opening the door, she walks out but hesitates. Turning her head, looking at a vanguard deck on her nightstand. Sighing, she walked up to it, puts the deck in her skirt pocket, and ran out of the room.


OP- Devil is Part-Timer

Ride 1➣The Aqua Force Vanguard, Kaito


'I hope you have a wonderful day young master,' a butler bowed at the boy.

'Thank you, Ichikawa,' the dual-haired boy said in a monotone voice before walking inside the school. Ichikawa sat back in the limo and drove off. The boy stared at the retreating silhouette of the car.


'Thanks, Luna,' the girl with red hair, a single pink streak, and green eyes smiled and took the package. Opening it, she brought out a chocolate chip cookie and ate it in one go. 'Mmm... Finally some proper unburnt cookies! Godfather isn't a really good baker,' she remarks.

The pink-haired woman chuckles. 'Well, you better go now. Or you'll get late.'

The girl gave Luna a close-eyed smile and ran. 'Say hi to Kazuma for me! Bye!'


The redhead girl was scanning a list attached to the board. 'Where is my name...?' she mumbled under her breath.

'There,' a hand pointed. The girl instantly mentally noted the section name before turning her head to her right and saw a boy with white hair and blue bangs (same as before). The boy turns his head to reveal his violet irises. Both of them stared at each other, the boy's hand still placed on the board as he towered over the girl who had her head tilted up slightly due to the height difference. They stayed in the position before snapping out of it as the bell rang.

Both of them looked to their right and the girl was the first one to speak. 'Thanks for helping,' she quickly said before running off. The boy stared at her before looking at the list. He was staring at two names in particular.

Chronica Shindou




Kaito Mizutani


'I'm home, mom!' Chrona announced taking off her shoes.

'Hello Chrona, how was school?' a woman with green hair and orange eyes questioned, smiling gently.

Chrona thought back to the boy with blue and white hair and smiled. 'It was good.'

The woman, Tokoha Anjou-Shindou, smiled gently and opened her mouth to speak when a ringing was heard. 'I'll get it.'

Tokoha placed the phone near her ear and spoke. 'Hello? Taiyou! What's the matter?... Oh, I see... Yeah, I'll ask her. Chrona!' the green-haired woman called.

'Yeah, mom?' Chrona answered from upstairs.

'Do you think you could go help Taiyou in the shop? Something came up so he has to go!'

In her room, Chrona, who was now wearing a purple top with white trimming and dark purple leggings, was putting on a long necklace with a 'C' letter charm. 'Sure thing! Tell Taiyou I'll be there in 10!'

'That's Mr. Taiyou to you!' Tokoha scolded from downstairs and spoke. 'Chrona says she'll be there in 10 minutes... No worries, bye!'

Tokoha placed the phone back on the table as Chrona skipped down the stairs. 

'I'm off mom!'

'Say hi to Nanami for me!' Tokoha called from the door.

Chrona waved her hand as she ran. 'I will!'

Tokoha smiled at the girl before looking inside the door and her gaze was fixed on a picture.

It was of a young Chrona with a man who had the same red hair except the pink part was in a swirl and he also had green eyes just like the younger girl. Tokoha smiled at the photo bitterly.

'Oh Chrono...'


Kaito was sitting in the back seat of his limo. 

'How was school young master?' Ichikawa asked as he drives the limo.

The dual-haired boy looked at the driver's seat. 'It was good, thank you.'

Ichikawa smiled. 'Did something happen?'

Kaito was taken aback. 'Why do you ask?'

Ichikawa's smile widened. 'You just seem happy.'

Kaito kept a straight face. 'Do I, now?'

He looked outside the window and his eyes widened.

'Ichikawa, please stop the limo,' Kaito says. 

The limo stops and Kaito stepped out of the limo before rushing into the shop which was labeled; Card Capital 2.


'Thanks, miss!'

Chrona smiled brightly at the two kids and walked to the counter, leaning to it. She sighed. 'Man, to think you do this every day.'

A girl with blue hair chuckled. 'C'mon, it's not that bad. Plus, all the guys here seem to have taken a liking to you.'

Chrona turned her head and her eyes twitched when she saw all the boys looking at her dreamily. 'Nanami...'

Nanami just giggled before the door opened. 'Ah! Welcome to--'

Nanami paused and she nudged Chrona. The girl raised a brow at her friend before looking in front of her and gasping.

'Kaito Mizutani?!' Nanami yelled.

Kaito looked at the two girls. Nanami's face turned red and she fainted. 

'Ah! Nanami!' Chrona caught her friend who almost fell over the redhead.

'He... looked at me... this is a dream come true...' Nanami mumbled under her breath in a daze.

Chrona sweatdropped and looked at Kaito. 'You're the guy who helped me this morning. Kaito, right?'

The dual haired nodded. 'And you must be Chronica.'

The girl chuckled nervously. 'Well, everyone calls me Chrona, that's just my full name.'

Kaito nodded. 'I see.'

Chrona placed her friend on one of the couches and turned to the customers, all of who were staring at the two. 'Are you guys here to watch some show or something? If you lot are cardfighters, then go on quests or something!'

Everyone immediately resumed their work and Chrona sighed before looking at Kaito. 'Sorry about that.'

Kaito made no remark on what just happened and spoke, 'Do you have some Aqua Force deck booster packs?'

Chrona blinked. 'Wait, you play Vanguard?'

Kaito nodded. 'Yes.'

Chrona walked to the counter. 'Hang on, I'll get you those booster packs.'

She kneeled and started searching for the box when the door slid open again. She stood up quickly causing Kaito to do a double-take at her sudden appearance.

'Hi! Welcome to Card Capital 2-- Asahi,' she grimaced when she saw who it was.

Asahi, who had orange hair and brown eyes, looked at Chrona and smirked. 'Hello Chronica, I hope you're having a wonderful day.'

Kaito blinked as Chrona cringed. 'I was... until you walked in.'

Asahi placed a hand on his chest. 'Oh Chronica, why oh why do you have to be so cruel to me?'

Chrona and Kaito sweatdropped at his dramatist as the former sighed and looked at Kaito. 'I'll go in and see if there are more. Then you can choose!'

Kaito nodded. 'Fine.'

Chrona went inside as Asahi glared at him. 'And who are you?'

Kaito introduced himself calmingly. 'I'm Kaito Mizutani. And you?'

Asahi's eyes twitched. 'I'm Asahi Morikawa of course! How do you not know my name?'

Kaito kept a deadpanned look on and didn't respond irritating Asahi even more. The brunette brought out his deck and raised it. 'That's it! We're having a cardfight to see which one of us is more worthy of Chronica!'

Kaito's eyes widened. 'Wait- What?!'

Asahi narrowed his eyes. 'Or are you scared?'

Kaito's eyes widened as he smirked. 'Bring it on.'


Chrona walked out of the backroom only to find everyone huddled around a single table. Frowning, she walked up to it and saw Asahi and Kaito on either side of the table. She brought out a camera from her apron pocket. 'This'll be fun~'

'Prepare to be turned into dust,' Asahi smirked.

'We'll see about that,' Kaito smirked back.

'Stand up (Kaito-the), Vanguard!'


'Ride! Dudley Striker!' (G0/5000)--- Asahi

'Ride! Blue Wave Recruit, Yiotis!' (G0/5000)--- Kaito


'Draw! Ride! Dudley Phantom (G1/6000)! Attack!' 

'Hey! They changed the rule! Before you couldn't attack during the first turn!' someone from the crowd exclaimed.

'No guard.' (Drive Check: None)

'Damage Check.' (None)


'Draw! Ride, Blue Wave Soldier Senior, Beragios (G1/7000). Also, I call a Yiotis to the back. Boosted by Yiotis, Beragios attacks!'

'No guard!' (Drive Check: Draw) 'Power to Beragios and draw one card.'

'Damage Check!' (None)

Chrona, who was sitting on the counter and humming while recording, tilted her head. Kaito uses Aqua Force... I haven't seen many people use it... other than Leon, Jillian, Sharlene, and Jamie...





'Stand and Draw! Ride! Dudley Davie (G2/10000)! Activating its skill; I call Dudley Moses! Davie attacks!'

'No guard.' (Drive Check- Critical) 'All effects to Moses!'

'Damage Check.' (Heal)

'Moses, attack!'

'No guard.'

'Drive Check.' (No trigger.)

'Damage Check.' (No trigger.)





'Stand and Draw,' Kaito adds the card to his hand and wonders. Why has he not been calling any rear guards from his hand...? 'Ride, Blue Wave Marine General, Foivos (G2/9000). Also, I call one Blue Wave Soldier Senior, Corvette (G1/8000) each to the front and back. Activating both Corvette skills, add 5000 power to each (=13000). Boosted by Corvette, Fovios attacks! Activating skill.'

Chrona swings her leg as her she shifts the camera to her other hand. When Corvette is boosted or boosts, the player is allowed to see the top three cards of his deck and reveal one of them which has 'Blue Wave' in it. And judging from what  Kaito's shown so far, his deck is based on the Blue Wave sub-clan. Interesting...

Kaito reveals 'Blue Wave Soldier, Scope Soldier' and puts the other two at the bottom of his deck.

'No guard!'

Kaito raises a brow but does his check. 'Drive Check.' (Critical) 'All effects to front row Corvette.'

'Damage check...' (None/Heal)

'Corvette attacks!'

'Complete Guard!'

Kaito was taken aback by the sudden guard but maintained his composure.

-Damage Count-




'Stand and Draw! Ride! Demonic Lord, Dudley Lucifer! Call! Dudley Jessica and Dudley Turborappler! Lucifer attacks!'

'Complete guard.'

'Drive Check' (None/Draw) 'Power to Turborappler. Turporappler attacks!'


'Jessica attacks!'

'No guard.' (Damage Check- Front)

-Damage Count-




'Stand and Draw. Witness the power of the ruler who rules upon the seven seas... Ride--' He slams the card on the Vanguard Circle. 'Blue Wave Prince, Aeonun.'

Chrona leans forward a bit. 'Aeonun huh? Interesting~'

'Activating Aeonun's skill! Soulblast and add 10,000 power to all my units, plus one to Aeonun. Also, I can discard as many cards as I want and have the total of all the grades drive checks!'


Chrona leaned back. That's the specialty of Aeonun. They are able to manipulate their number of drive checks.

Kaito smirks and discards 2 Grade 3's.

'That's a total of 6 drive checks!' someone from the crowd exclaims.

'Corvette attacks!'


'Aeonun attacks.'

'Complete Guard.'

'Sextet Drive!' (None/Critical/None/None/Draw)

'Sixth check...' Kaito flips the card and Chrona's eyes widened as she jumps off the counter. 'No way!'

'It's a Z trigger!'

Kaito smirks and announces. 'All effects to Aeonun!'

On Cray, Aeonun rushes to the Spike Brother unit and swings his weapon, causing Lucifer to disappear. 





'I-I lost...'

Kaito closed his eyes and started to walk away, only to be stopped by someone clapping. Everyone looked at the counter and saw Chrona clapping, her face practically glowing.

'That was an amazing match, both of you!'

Kaito feels pink tint his cheek and he looks away. 'Yeah... whatever...'

Chrona walks up to him and hands him four booster packs. 'Here, this is what you came for, right?'

Kaito just tch's and walks out of the shop, leaving Chrona to just watch him leave. She smiles.

'Kaito Mizutani huh...'


'Sorry for the wait, Ichikawa,' Kaito sits inside the limo.

'No worries, young master,' Ichikawa smiles.

Kaito looks out the window of his limo, his gaze fixed at the passing shops. His thoughts trailed to the redhead. He sits straight.

Chronica Shindou huh...


Chrona walked towards the FIVA building only to be stopped by two security guards.

'Please show your pass,' one of them asked.

'Sure,' Chrona smiled brightly and gave it to them. The two guards looked at it, handed it back to the red-head, and bowed their heads slightly. 'We hope you have a wonderful day.'

'You too!' Chrona gave them a close-eyed smile causing the two to blush as the girl walked past them and into the building.

As she walked to her destination, many people paused their work to admire the young girl who gave of a confident yet warm and cheerful aura. Soon enough, she was in front of a door that had the label. 'Head of FIVA.'

Chrona knocked at the door. 'Godfather? It's me. Chrona.'

'Come in.'

Chrona opened the door and walked in to see a chair with its back facing her.

'How was school, dear?' The man asked.

'It was fun!' Chrona smiled. 'Oh! I came to show you a video; a battle between Asahi and the heir to the Mizutani fortune, Kaito, took place today in the shop! I thought you'd be interested.'

The man chuckled, 'I see... Want a cookie?'

Chrona sweated nervously, 'Erm... Not now.'

The man sighs dramatically. 'Your loss. C'mon, I want to see that battle you told me about.'





Chrona- 'What do you mean the Cardfight Club can't survive?'

???- 'If you wish for it to stay, you must defeat me in a Cardfight.'

Chrona- 'You... fine. I accept your challenge!'

Kaito- 'Interesting...'

NEXT TIME ON CARDFIGHT VANGUARD Z: The Vanguard of Time, Chronica

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