𝒙𝒊𝒊𝒊. undercover with the geek

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       IT HAD BEEN A COUPLE OF MONTHS SINCE WHAT HAPPENED BACK IN NEW YORK. Everyone had been doing their best to move on and everyone had carried on. Casey had been doing well, she hadn't joined the team on a case for a couple of months due to school and training. The internship was doing better, in her words.

    Casey had hoped that today they didn't have a case and that today was more of a paperwork day like it normally was for her. She was back at BAU now since the director wanted to get her into more cases and such. The girl had currently been over at the coffee machine with Morgan, Prentiss and Reid.

    Morgan had put on the coffee for the girl to have since this was the first time she had been having coffee at the Bureau since she had gotten back. There were times that often Casey would come to her uncle's work when she was a teenager just to visit and grab some coffee. It had been some time since she had gotten the coffee from the place and she had forgotten the taste of the coffee.

She had taken her own mug to work due to Derek and Emily recommending her to do so. The young girl had stood near Derek and Emily as Derek volunteered to fill her cup up with coffee. He handed her back her mug and Casey had sipped from the warm mug of the everyday energy she needed.

      Derek and Emily both smirked at the girl.

      "So, what do you think, huh?" Emily questioned.
      "Just as great as I remember." Casey smiled.

      "Hey, guys." Reid had come up beside Casey and everyone turned the attention to the doe-eyed boy. "Hey, pretty boy." Derek greeted. "How are you doing today?" Casey questioned, stirring up conversation with the boy.

     Spencer shrugged, "Could be better, didn't get much sleep last night." The boy said as he poured himself a cup of coffee. "You doin' alright?" Emily asked. Spencer nodded, "Yeah, I'm good. I'm sure it's nothing." Casey nods, not wanting to pry farther into the question. "Nice hair, by the way." Casey had noticed that the boy had gotten a new haircut and ruffled his hair. "Thanks." He said, fixing up his hair.

      Casey's hair had changed throughout the last few months as well. Her short bob was gone and her hair had reached to her chest and her hair was growing. She was pretty surprised on how much her hair was growing within a few months.

"So, do you think you'll be getting some training on a case? You know, like an undercover test?" Emily asks Casey, sparking up conversation.

"Well, hopefully soon. I mean, I have about... a year until I graduate from the academy." Casey shrugged.
    "And we will be there for your graduation when you do." Morgan patted the girl on the back. Casey smirked, "Of course. Where else would you be?" She joked and before she could take another sip of her coffee, Aaron Hotchner had come out of his office and looked towards the four below him.

    "Reid, Willows." He calls and the two turn towards the man. "Step in my office, please." Casey gulped and put her coffee mug down and both Reid and Casey glanced at each other, both wondering what this was about as they rushed up the stairs and into Hotch's office.

"You wanted to see us, sir?" Reid began, the nervousness quivering in his voice. Casey had no idea why he was so nervous, perhaps it was just that Hotch was so intimidating in a way.

"Yes, Reid, Willows, I want you both to go undercover down in Colorado. There was a 911 call regarding an anonymous tip on child abuse and I need you both to go down and investigate it." Hotch explains to the two and Casey's eyes widen when he tells them that they will be going to investigate, by themselves.

   "Wait, my first case and I'm going undercover with the geek?" She tosses her thumb over to Spencer but then gives him a look. "No offense." She says and Spencer shrugs, "None taken." Casey sighs, "The point is: this is my first official case by myself and I'm going undercover. What if I mess up? Did the director sign off on this?"

     "Why us?" Reid questioned in curiousness to why both him and Casey were put on the job.

     "I want to give Casey a chance with this case. You haven't done much and I realize that now and I want to give you a real chance. Director Francis agrees. And Reid, you're close to her age and you've had this job a lot longer which means you can teach her what you've learned over the years. If anyone can do this, it's you two." Hotch gave his reasoning and both Reid and Casey glanced at one another.

       Casey nodded, "Okay, you said we're going undercover... but as whom?" Hotch nudged his head back at the girl and nodded, "Right, you will both be going undercover as child-victim experts to interview the children who have been abused. You'll be going with Nancy Lunde, who will be helping you out. You'll be leaving in two hours."

     With that, Hotchner left his office and Casey crosses her arms and looks at the boy. "Looks like we're stuck together, smartie." Casey smirks and playfully hits his shoulder and walks out. As she walks out, Spencer realized how hard she punched his shoulder and he held his arm in minor pain. "Ow." He muttered under his breath.

Well, this was gonna be fun.

hey, lovelies!
this was a filler chapter pretty much but oh well 🏄
also peep the new gif!! (there will be a new gif for every season lmao)
butttt i am excited for the next chapter which will actually be minimal loss
i really just wanted to have a double-update lol
anyways thank you for reading and ily all :)
thank you so much for y'all's support, you are the most amazing people in the entire world 😁
love you all
-mya <3

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