Chapter 2

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I yawn waking up to poking in my arm I look next to me and see kat.

"What are you up to" she giggles.

"Food!" I pick her up and lay on her.

"To early" I yawn and close my eyes.

"Daddy you heavy"

"Nu uh"

"Uh huh"

"Nu uh"

"Uh huh" I laugh and tickle her.

"Daddy no!" She squeals

"Say Daddy is so handsome and not heavy" she pouts

"Daddy is ugly and very heavy" i gasp and pretend to me hurt.

"Now I'm gonna cry!" I fake cry she starts to get up and teary.

"N-no Daddy no you are handsome and not heavy!" I stop.

"Baby girl daddy was kidding don't cry" she smirks.

"Oh you were faking it to you little devil" she giggles and hugs me.

I pick her up "Waffles?" I look at her.

"Waffles" I smile and take her downstairs.

I put her on the counter and pull out all the stuff.

"Alright I'll hand you the stuff and you pour it in the bowel ok?" She nods.

I give her the flour, milk, and eggs. She uses a spoon and tries to mix it i hold her hand and help her. I turn around and put the mix into the waffle maker i turn around and gasp. Katarina has flour all over She and she is throwing up above her.

"Daddy it's snow!" I shake my head.

"Don't do that now daddy's gotta clean you" she pouts and I clean her she huffs.

"No huffing missy you got yourself into this mess" she pouts and I grab her and tip her upside down. She squeals.

"Daddy!" I smirk and swing her she giggles.

I put her down and take the Waffles out. I cut the strawberries and bananas and get syrup. I place everything in the bench and sit down with Kat.

"Yum!" She uses her hands and eats the food I cut it up for her and make her use a fork she pouts. After we finish our food Kat whines.

"Too much?" I smirk,

"Shh" she covers my mouth with her sticky hand i chuckle.

I take her upstairs and give her a bath i then change her. She goes and plays with her dolls are I get ready. We have tour starting tomorrow and I have to pack all our stuff. I look over at her and watch. She keeps playing with her barbie dolls i smile and I put all the stuff down and sit next to her and watch. She looks at me and crawls on my lap and gives me a barbie doll.

"Daddy this is james and he is my boyfriend" I raise an eyebrow.

"Boyfriend?" She nods.

We started playing.

"Oh hi Kat I love you so much mamamamamama" I laugh as she kisses the doll

"Not appropriate child. No boyfriends or kissing until you're 100" she whines.

"But daddy it's playing" I shake my head,

"Nope no boys until I'm dead then I will haunt you from the grave" i hug her tightly and tickle her making her laugh.

"No boys promise me boy are gross" she laughs.

"But you're a boy daddy" i smirk

"That's different because daddy is a man and daddy made you" she giggles

"How?" I freeze

"I asked the fairy and they said ok and I had to give them some of my hair and blood and then BAM you were created" she giggles.

"Silly" she pats my head. I smile at her and kiss her hand.

I pick her up and sit her in the suitcase. "Now you have to choose what you wanna take with us" she gets up and runs to her dolls and puts them all in the bag i laugh. "You need clothes too" she runs to her closet and pulls out her ballerina outfit and one of my hoodies.

I chuckle and take her stuff out. "Pick 4 dolls, and 3 stuffies. Take a few books." She pouts and sits there trying to choose what to take. I pick her clothes and put my hoodie away she looks up upset.

"What you want daddy's hoodie?" She nods. "Why?" I Ask confused.

"It's like your hugs" I smile and put it in the suitcase for her making her smile. She chooses her toys and I put them in for her.

The rest of the day we spend watching movies.

I get up and have a shower I put my clothes on and wake up katarina.

"Kitty Kat" I shake her gently "We are going now" she whines and turns away. I chuckle and climb on her.

"Come on princess" I shake her she whines. "No go away daddy!" I laugh at her. "Come on!" I pick her up and stand her up. "Get your bum in the bath, wash your hair, get dressed, grab your stuff and let's go!" I cheer she stomps her way to the bathroom and I help her get ready.

The bus pulls up "Katarina bus is here!" She grabs her bag and stomps outside she stomps on to the bus and all the guys are there.

"Hey Kat- Offt someone's mad" Ricky chuckles. "What's wrong princess" Ryan asks.

"Daddy woke me up early and I was dreaming about the kitty! He ruined the dream and and" she starts crying the guys all crowd around her.

"Alright kitty Kat you need to sleep" I pick her up and she huffs. "This is why I make you go to sleep early" I put her into her bunk and she keeps crying i grab all her stuffies and put them next to her and put my hoodie with her. She cuddles it and falls asleep i smile.

I go to the front with the rest of the guys.

"Someone's not a morning Person" ricky says

"I wonder who she got that from" Ryan jokes and I glare at him playfully.

Later on we all go to bed and get some rest. Later on we all get up and I make Kats food she comes out with my hoodie rubbing her eyes she shivers. It's very cold here today. I pick her up.

"Morning you still grumpy" she shakes her head and cuddles me. I put her in the booth and give her her cereal. She eats and shivers.

"Here let's put the hoodie on you" i stand her up and put the hoodie over her head. It fell down to her feet and her arms got lost i laugh and fix it for her. She Smiles and hugs me tightly. I pick her up and hold her tightly.

She closes her eyes and i kiss her head. "You're my princess and my kitty Kat. No one will ever hurt you I promise I love you so much baby girl" I kiss her head over and over. She smiles and kisses my cheek.

The others walk in and say good morning to her. She sits down and eats and then tries to clean up. She picks up her plate and walks over to the sink she tries jumping up to see. angelo walks past and picks her up she puts her plate in the sink and angelo cleans it for her.

I finish eating and I clean up. Katarina goes to her bunk and plays with her dolls. I sit next to the guys and play video games. After a while I get changed and I get Kat changed and we get ready to go out on stage. I apply sunscreen to both me and her.

I grab her headphones to protect her ears. We walk outside and I go to the TEI class.

"Alright kitty Kat you gotta stay with ricky I gotta talk to some fans for a bit ok?" She nods sadly. I kiss her head she walks off with ricky.

I sit down and I talk to everyone. I love the TEI classes, I learn so much from all these teens. Someone realises there hand.

"What's it like to have a child? I'm actually expecting and could use some tips" I smile at her.

"Well congratulates first off. Second of all it is very hard. I am a single parent so I struggle more but I do have friends and family who help me a lot. I went to parenting classes which helped too" she smiles and thanks me.

"What's Katarina like?" I chuckle.

"She's a handful but I love her to death. When you're having a bad day she is always there to cheer you up. She loves playing with her dolls and her stuffed animals. She is exactly like me too" I chuckle everyone awws.

"Daddy!" I hear

"Speaking of the devil" i turn around and see her running to me.

She runs into me climbing in my lap everyone awws. Ricky runs in panting hard.

"Man that child can run" he said puffed out and I laugh. I wrap my arms around her waist. She looks at everyone then buried her face into my chest everyone awws.

"She's so cute!" One girl says I look at kat. "What do you say" I ask her.

"Thank you" katarina blushes I smile.

"Alright guys come on we can take out group photo now" I stand up and put katarina Down. Fans come up to me and get some photos and we talk to each other. Katarina is a very shy girl and she stood behind my leg.

We all got together and took the photo, I held katarina on my hip. After the TEI we all go and get ready to perform i give katarina to Jaime and I run on stage. I sing my heart out through every song and I even noticed katarina jumping up and down.

After the show I run backstage and see katarina.

"Yay daddy!" She smiles and I go to hug her,

"Nu nu you smelly" I smirk "just for that" I pick her up and hug her tightly.

"Ewww" she whines and I laugh. We take our stuff and get back to the bus. I have a shower and sit in my bunk I see a little head peak out. I pick her up and rest her on my chest. She smiles and I kiss her cheek. I rock her and i cuddle her and kiss her head.

"I love you" i whisper she cuddles me "luv hew too!" She hugs me. I kiss her cheeks and we fall asleep.

I hope you guys liked this chapter there is another chapter and then things get interesting and it really gets into the story. Right now these are just fillers are character introductions. Hope you guys like!

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