Chapter 3

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It's been a good few months Katarinas birthday is today and it's Halloween, she starts kindergarten beginning of next year too. I am awoken by shaking.

"Daddy! Guess what today is!" I groan and look at the time.

"Baby girl it's 4 olock in the morning" I rub my face.

"But daddy it's my birthday!" She giggles and jumps up and down. I pick her up and cuddles her. She pouts and huffs she cuddles me. "Presents?" I chuckle.

"Later" she pouts again I lift her up. She squeals I laugh at her reaction and pretend to make her fly like an airplane. She giggles and screams trying to grab onto me I lay her down. I kiss her head and hold her close.

"You want your presents now?" She nods excitedly. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" She runs downstairs. "Baby girl no running in the house!" She huffs and I go after her grabbing my video camera.

She is sitting near the presents I turn on the camera. "Daddy can I open!?" I smile "go ahead baby" she starts ripping open her presents. She pulls out her first one it is a tiny guitar with her name in it. "Thank you daddy!" She squeals And starts playing I cringe at the sound and laugh.

She opens the rest of her presents I got her a beanie, a few shirts and a few band posters. She gives me a tight hug and I kiss her head.

"Let's go back to bed" She nods tiredly I pick her up with one arm, she rubs her sleepy eyes and cuddles into me. I take her upstairs and put her in bed putting the covers over her.

Yes we sleep together we don't have a lot of space I've been trying to get her a bedroom but it's hard when you don't have any money. I lay down and fall asleep holding her.

I wake up to a untuned guitar strumming I open my eyes and look at Kat trying to play. I sit up and smile "hey". She crawls over to me and hugs me whining. I chuckle and get up out of bed taking her downstairs.

"Alright watch some cartoons I'm going to get ready ok?" I walk upstairs have a shower and get dressed for the day. I call Kat up and get her ready as well.

"Alright now what does the birthday girl want to eat?" I Ask. "Waffles!" I laugh I should have guessed. I sit her down and let her watch cartoons while I cook, I plate up her food and bring it to her.

I sit next to her and she changes the channel. "Ooo the Big Bang !" She cheers I go white, "Ni no no this isn't for you" I change it she huffs. "Uncle Ryan lets me" she pouts. "Well uncle Ryan is gonna get a smack around the head" she giggles.

After we finish the doorbell rings. Kat runs to the door and goes to open it. "Ah! Wait" I walk to her, "you don't know who it is so you always let me answer ok?" She nods and I open the door.

I smile as I see Kylie. "Hey princess happy birthday!" She picks her up spinning her around. Kat starts giggling. "So today kylie and I are going to take you out have a girls day" Kat gives Kylie a bigger hug. I smile and grab her little bag we all get into my car and we go to the mall.

Once we get there kylie takes us to hot topic I quickly run into the kids section (sorry I don't know what hot topic is like) I start picking out stuff.

"Daddy! This is to much stuff ugh" she falls on the floor and I laughing helping her up. I put all the stuff back and Kylie goes around and gets her some stuff. Kat sits down and I sit next to her "here you'll like this" kylie pulls out a princess custom jt face goes white as Kat starts squealing. "Enjoy" kylie says laughing at me i pout "don't you wanna dress up as me?" I show her a matching shirt to mine she shakes her head squealing. Her and Kylie run off to the change rooms.

I look through more stuff i then clear someone clear their throat, i turn around and I smile. My gorgeous girl in a beautiful black dress I chuckle. "She saw the black one and liked it better" kylie explains. I walk over and grab a Tiara placing it on her head.

"Every princess needs a tiara" she smiles, kylie smirks "and every princess needs a king Christopher" she teased. She runs and grabs a costume for me and we pay for everything. I pick Kat up holding her on my hip. I brush her hair out of her face and fix her crown. "You want some food?" She nods "orange chicken!" I laugh and we walk to the food court we're I ordered our food.

We take a food home and walk through the door hearing "SURPRISE" and everyone jumps out including my parents and my brother and sister. Kats eyes widen with happiness. "Yay" she runs in they smile and say happy birthday to her. Ricky picks her up giving her a hug, I thank the guys. There are purple and black balloons, a happy birthday banner and lots of streamers.

I walk upstairs and change into my costume. I walk downstairs and I hear wolf whistle all the guys are smirking. I flip them off just as Kylie walks in holding Kat on her hip. "Daddy!" She squeals with excitement. She runs into my arms and I pick her up.

"You look very pretty" i comment she blushes and hides her face in my shoulder.
I smile and brush her hair out of her face. "Let's go and eat!" Vinny cheers running outside to the bbq. We grill up so burger, ribs and steak. Vinny and the girls help with the salads while Kat tried helping me.

"Now turn the steaks like this" I help her turning them. "Yay!" She giggles I place her on a chair "Here try this" I cut a piece of meat from one of the ribs and give it to her, she eats it and her eyes light up. "Yum!" I smile proud and have some myself pleased with it.

She runs off and helps set up as I finish cooking. I put everything on the table and sit down next to Kat. The guys come running out I help Kat plate up her food and give it to her. We all eat and enjoy.

I stare at my little girl, she's 5 years old now. I love her so much and I will always protect her from anything I kiss her head she smiles at me. She's my baby girl and forever will be. No one will ever hurt her or they will have to deal with me. She eats her ribs and I chuckle wiping her mouth.

She kneels On the chair and looks around in the backyard.

"Daddy I'm finished can I go play?" I nod my head "be careful near the woods ok?" Where we live our backyard is the woods, a few kilometres down there is a main road. She nods and runs off playing in the dirt. I smile as I watch her i take off the crown.

"She's grown so much chris" Jenny says I smile and nod. "Yeah she has" I chuckle. "She looks so much like you" My mom says. "As long as she doesn't act like him we will be fine" Ryan says I playfully slap him "hey!" He laughs taking a sip of his beer.

I look around and notice Kat is missing. "Kat!" I get out of my chair and walk towards were she was playing. I hear nothing "Kat baby come out!" I walk deeper look through trying to find her starting to stress everyone get up scared looking around.

"Katarina!" I yell getting more stressed I hear a yell "daddy!" I run in the direction. I see her right on the otherwise of the main road holding her ball. Her eyes see me and all of a sudden starts running. For a moment everything stopped. A car was heading towards her I feel myself go numb and I let out a scream as Kat is hit. The car breaks hard but it's too late my little girl is laying on the ground.

I run to her and hold her "Katarina! Baby!" I cry she has blood running down her face and deep cuts within her knees. I hold her close to me the drive gets out "i am so sorry! I didn't see her" the man says I keep crying. The others call the ambulance. I rock back and forth with Kat in my arms.

I got so emotional writing this chapter. The next few chapters are very emotional but it's about to get very interesting. I've had school holidays so I've been able to write more for the book. I will be updating my his wasp her master book as well. Please leave a comment to tell me if you like this book, also please share this book for me it would mean a lot xx.

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