The brides maid

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Mr. Jasper smiled proudly at his statement. Probably a lord.

"His lordship, give me the honor to introduce," Dalglish begins, " Lord Jasper Adrien, mycousin, and a big well-known businessman in Italy."

Ha! I was right, a lord... one more chauvinist to irritate me!

"A pleasure to meet you, Lord Adrien," My father gazed. "This is my wife, SamanthaAmbrose, and my daughter Adaira Ambrose."

Lord Adrien bowed deeply, and his gaze rested on me. "My, my! No wonder my dear brotherfell for this charming lady."

It should feel like an insult, it should, but a shade of red appeared on my cheeks.

Damn! My body... It never works as it should!

"Lord Adrien, you must be tired by this long journey," My mother said. "Please come insideand make yourself home."

This was my chance, I hurried to the gate. I will just go and lock my room. I can't handlemore today. And yet, the day had just started... I will go, lay there or read novels, eatchocolate, and ignore everyone's presence. I was just reaching the stairs when Lord Jaspercalled out to me. "Where are you going? I was looking forward to talking to you, My Lady..."

Sure, sure!

"Adaira dearie, come here and talk with Lord Adrien.", My mother said, with sarcasm.

"Oh, please call me Jasper, I don't like to be called a 'lord' all the time.", He said.

Ha! Dalglish's cousin is more of an actor than him!

"As you wish," she said, and we all marched towards the garden, towards the same table.

Father left, saying that he has some urgent work to take care of.

That's when Dalglish said, "Hope you don't have a problem, Lady Samantha. I thought there
should be someone from the groom's side... and as you know about my parents..." hestopped for a second and continued, "So, I asked Jasper to come, he was the nearest."

"Come on, Daniel, you really think I will miss your wedding?" His cousin beamed. "What abeautiful mansion this is... Lady Adaira, would you mind having a walk with me?"

"Yes, I would," I replied coldly. "I have been bored roaming in this place. Ask your dearbrother to show you the mansion."

For a second he stared at me in disbelief, but then, he smirked.

He truly is Dalgliesh's brother.

"Adaira, enough of your childish behavior!!" my mother shouted. "He is our guest, moreprecisely, Dalgliesh's guest. So, go and show him this mansion"

"But mo-"

"Don't Mother me!" She said. "Now go."

Suppressing the urge to kick this Adrien, I lead the way. We turned towards the yard, whichhas a fountain, a swing, and many beautiful plants.

So, how did you end up marrying him? I mean, who asked first, and what's your lovestory?", He started throwing question after question. "And how you met, and how-"

"Shut up! just shut up!!" I yelled. "You wanna know our great love story, huh?"

For a second, according to his expressions, I thought he was going to run away, but then, he
smiled and nodded.

"Then listen, your 'great' brother is forcing me to marry him... he forced my father too. Noone knows how the hell he managed to do that, but I am sure he is blackmailing him. Andnow, my father is forcing me to marry that jerk!!", I explained in anger. "And, I know hedoesn't love me or this and that, he is marrying me so that he can control my brother through
my medium, and I will not let that happen. How can I? I truly love Captain... I can't marry

Tears started flowing down my cheeks. This was the first time I was telling whatever wasinside me, I was taking my whole anger out... At last, I was feeling relieved.

I stared at him, only to find him looking at the floor, in disbelief. As if, he was debating withhimself. Then, he gazed at me, with those dark green eyes.

"I knew it!! He could never be a
hero!! He always plays the villain part!!", he said, roughly. "So what are you going to do? Doyou have a plan?"

"Nothing, I accepted my fate, I will just marry him and make my life pure hell, I guess." I lied.

He is his brother, I can't trust him, what if Dalglish finds out about my plan? Then, he willsurely send a guard for me.

"Seriously, just like this?" he said. "By your speech, I thought you were different from othergirls... never mind... tell me, where are the bridesmaids?"

"I-, the what?...and why do you care?" I said coldly.

I have learnt how to shoot fire coldly, I will give you three chances to guess, from whom?

"Oh come on!!" leading me to the garden swing, he sat beside me. "I am not getting a chance to marry you... if you escape from my brother, still you love someone else, ooh you are such a beauty and oh my poor  heart,

"Stop your cheap compliments, and come to the point!", I said, smiling.

He is really something else.

I take that back, he can't be like Dalglish.

"Ok, ok, I was saying, don't you want me to find a life partner? So tell me, where are the bridesmaids... I wanna choose one for me.", he said dreamily.

"You are Impossible!" I chuckled. "Sorry to disappoint you, but there are no bridesmaids, no guests, no friends... nothing."

"What?" He stood up. "This is going to be the world's saddest wedding!!"

My face saddened up. Yes, it's going to be the saddest wedding! What about my dreams of a perfect wedding? My dreams are just breaking one after the other... I am-

"Hey, don't be sad.", he said, sitting beside me again, "I will be your Bridesmaid...".

At first, I thought I heard it wrong, but then, we both ended up laughing hard...


Wanna see jasper in gown?

Just joking, so how was the chapter

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