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Right after school Catherine got into a taxi, but instead of going home she decided to visit her father first. "Stark tower. That tall, hideous building." She mutters before digging inside of her bag for her wallet.

Catherine walks into the building and spares a glance and smile to the lady at the front desk. The old lady knew her all too well, she welcomed her all the time when Catherine was younger. She always dressed formally and smelled like fresh citrons. Nothing about her ever changed, except for her light brown hair which was mostly grey by now.

Her greetings were always the same, as if Tony had programmed a robot to not hire an actual person.
'Good afternoon, sweetheart.'
'How are you, honey?'
Even though Catherine had never met the man before, she wouldn't find it surprising if he actually did so.

She took the elevator to the 32nd floor where her father worked in cross-something DNA. Catherine never paid attention and she truly couldn't care less about what her father was doing all day long instead of spending time with his beloved daughter.

The elevator made a ding sound, announcing her designation. She took the oh-so familiar hallway to her father's desk He had one of the largest rooms.

Catherine could always recognise his office from thousands, because of one simple thing.
Her paintings from when she was young. Except that none were hung up.
Her Black Widow pictures were probably stuffed in one big box or thrown away by now.

The room was white, hideous and soul-less. She figured that Stark went with the most depressing and plain design ever to make it look 'modern'.

Yikes, another thing Catherine didn't like.
Everywhere she looked she should see beautiful things with souls being modernised into depressing non-colorful things.

The main example she could give was her own house. The once vibrant and welcoming home was turned into a house, grey and hideous. Ever since her mother passed, it seemed her father made it his life mission to delete any remainings of her, even the purple ladybug magnet on the fridge that once held a purpose, that he swore he liked. But not enough to pay attention to it. Just like his daughter.

He looked busy on the phone. "Catherine. What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at school?"
He asked after hanging up the phone.

"Uh, school ended about half an hour ago," She chuckled awkwardly.

"Right." He sighed, sounding quite disappointed, after glancing at the clock.
"Well, Im very busy right now. Do your homework or whatever. Just don't touch anything. I'll be right back." He dismissed her before disappearing into the hallway with some papers in his hands.
"Of course..." Catherine murmured and put her bag on his -freakishly neat- desk. Well, when you spend most of your time at work, you may as well make it bearable.

She looked around his room to find something to play with but didn't find anything. She decided to snoop around in the other rooms like she always did when she was younger.

She sneaked around boring rooms until she found one that was always locked. Every time she tried to peek through the blue glass door, she couldn't. It was one of those doors for people not to be able to see through, mere outlines of people visible.

She weakly pushed it, and nearly fell when it actually opened. For a second she thought that she gained superstreinght; that door was never open.

She walked inside of the empty room, lots of different tubes and small cages littered the place.
It seemed deserted— abandoned, almost.

She looked around in disappointment. After all those years of trying, she expected there to be some kind of alien locked up, but instead, a few small rats were trapped inside.

She walked in further with her arms crossed. She walked over to a table where a cage sat, moving a little. The cage was gray and bigger than the other ones.

Catherine took a better look and saw that there was a small black kitten inside of the box. The cute kitty stared back at Catherine, its eyes a little too blue to her liking. If it wasn't for the kittens cuteness, she'd be truly spooked. The eyes were practically glowing as Catherine cooed, "aww, look at you. Why are you trapped in there? Were you being too cute?" She giggled and grabbed the box.

The cat meowed softly, putting its paws up to the crate, wanting to get out. Catherine looked behind her, biting her lip.
A few pets won't harm anyone, right?

She opened the door slowly, silently hoping that the cat wouldn't run away or bite her. "There you go." She smiled as the cat walked onto the counter slowly, looking up at her.

Catherine petted the cat for a moment before her hand brushed against something hard. She grabbed onto the tag that was sewn into the poor cat's ear, accidentally tugging it slightly. She frowned.

However, the cat didn't like that a single bit. At first it hissed at her, but ended up biting her as well. Catherine jumped back with a tiny wound on her hand which was now bleeding.

Catherine also hissed in pain, quickly pushing the kitten back to the cage. She locked the cage, and was about to turn around to leave.

Suddenly, an overwhelming wave of pain ran through her veins, making her fall to her knees. She closed her eyes as tightly as she could, a burning sensation filling them up. Her gums and scalp also feeling uncomfortable and prickle-ish.

Once the feeling settled down, she ran out of the door, straight to the elevator. Once inside, her hands grabbed her head as an overwhelming feeling found its place inside. She groaned loudly as the ringing in her ears got louder and louder.

'What's going on?'
'The fuck?!'
'What kind of headache is this?'

Catherine shouted in her head. However, the thoughts seemed a million times louder, as if another person was shouting them at her.

After a few moments, she looked up and saw her reflection through the metal door.

Her eyes, which were usually brown, were now ice blue and shone so bright that they could light up a whole room.
Her light golden hair was now platinum blonde, almost white.

She almost shrieked but saved herself with a loud gasp and her hand which flew to her mouth.

The elevator halted and dinged, her reflection disappearing as the doors parted.

She bolted out of the building while her panicked eyes scanning her surroundings for a way out.

Usually, Catherine would simply go and not think twice but right now it seemed as if she thought thrice, her brain somehow making hundreds of possible scenarios of how she could leave.

A familiar yellow car drove by slowly but halted abruptly once she jumped infront of it.
However, she didn't mean to.
Her limbs moved faster than her brain, escorting her from the sidewalk into the street in a mere second.
Her thoughts ran through her brain like thousands of bugs.

She wasted no time and jumped into the taxi albeit him honking at her.
"What the hell, lady?" The driver asked her.
She replied by screaming her home address, still panicking and hyperventilating.

"Whatever." The driver shook his head, paying the mess of a girl behind him no attention.

Once she arrived, she bolted inside.

She ran straight to her room, starting to collect herself. Once she calmed down, she slowly walked to her bathroom while still taking deep breaths. Catherine stared at her feet till she stood in front of her mirror. She slowly looked up, startling herself at the sight of her reflection.

She touched her hair, making sure the white-haired woman in the mirror was truly her.
As she took a close look at herself, she noticed that her slightly agape mouth was a tad more white.

She showed her teeth, widening her eyes as the front teeth seemed way more pointy and longer. She licked them, almost cutting her tongue while doing so, to see if it was real.

But it couldn't be. She was probably still daydreaming about becoming a hero, and was actually still in math class, right...?

Elli's comments ౨ৎ

I'm soo busy with school work and such, sorry if the updates won't be regular 💗

Word count - 1418

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