Adventures in the past part 1

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'Damn it I didn't know that they had a time traveling bazooka in the Estraneo, they probably stole it from the Bovinos. Where am I going any way I don't think this is going to the future.' Tsuna thought before falling into a pit full of cats.

'Oh shit! This is Alaudes pit of cats I'm in the past!' Tsuna thought before a bunch of meows alerted him of oncoming doom. A bunch of female cats stared at him with desire in their eyes before Tsuna ran out of there screeching.

"ROWL(FAN GIRL CATS AAAAAHHH)!" He screeched as ran out of the pit and out the room. With determination the cats followed him, despite not being able to climb out before. (AN: Poor Tsuna he's being hoarded by fan girls)

Tsuna quickly rushed to the nearest person and climbed up their leg.

"Oya oya Alaude control your cats." Said the person who Tsuna was currently clinging to. That person pulled Tsuna off his leg and Tsuna saw his face.

"Meow(Uncle Melon-head)!" Tsuna meowed happily and Daemon gave him a dark look.

"Nufufufu What did you just call me?" He asked glaring at him.

Unfazed Tsuna gave him an evil smile and happily meowed. "Meow(Uncle Melon-head)!"

"Oya oya-" Daemon cut off as he felt faint and noticed that Tsuna was taking his flames. He tried to shake him off but Tsuna clung on until he collapsed.

Tsuna stopped and grew to full size and sat on top of Daemon. He burped out a small amount of flames and meowed contently.

Soon Giotto and the rest of the guardians came in and saw Tsuna sitting on top of Daemon washing his paws.

"Daemon what happened and who is he?" Giotto asked but before Daemon could respond Tsuna leaped on him and happily meowed. "Meow(Papa Giotto)!"

"I'll arrest you for illegally impregnating a female cat." Alaude stated taking out his handcuffs while Daemon laughed.

"What? Alaude I didn't impregnate a cat? Where did you get that from?" Giotto asked confused since he can't understand Tsuna.

"Meow(Papa Alaude! Don't start doing your fetishes on Papa Giotto in public)!" Tsuna meowed and Daemon burst into uncontrollable laughter as Alaude's jaw dropped and he blushed faintly.

"Alaude! Daemon! What did he say I can't understand him!?!" Giotto exclaimed and Alaude just ran away not wanting to say what had Tsuna said. While Daemon was still laughing uncontrollably unable to answer.

Tsuna just purred in Giotto's arms while laughing uproariously in his head. 'Hahahaha I made Alaude blush oh wait until Giotto hears what I said his reaction will be priceless Ahahahaha!' Tsuna thought before sneezing out the rest of the flames he absorbed from Daemon and turning small in Giotto's arms.

"Nufufufu he called you 'Papa Giotto' and said to the skylark 'Papa Alaude! Don't start doing your fetishes on Papa Giotto in public!' Which was the funniest thing I've heard." Daemon laughed once he finished his laughing attack. Giotto blushed while the other guardians tried not to laugh.

"Is that true?" Giotto asked looking down at Tsuna noticing the similarities in appearance.

"Is your hyper intuition working right? It's obviously a lie though I am your great great great great grandson. I just said that to get a funny reaction out of Alaude and Daemon which was hilarious." Tsuna said smiling at Giotto, who gaped at him.

"You could've just said that the whole time! Wait did you say that I'm your great great great great great grandfather?" He asked.

"Yep and I didn't say it in Italian because that would've ruined the joke." Tsuna said smiling as he curled up against his chest. "I forgot to mention that I come from 400 years in the future and I'm staying here until I go back. Ok? Goodnight I'm going to sleep." After he said that he fell fast asleep.

"..." Silence was around the room as everyone processed what was just said.

"So... We're stuck with him..." G said and the other's nodded in agreement.

"I hope this doesn't cause me more paperwork." Giotto stated groaning at the thought before remembering that Alaude ran away.

"I'm going to go talk to Alaude, Knuckle take care of him." He said putting Tsuna into Knuckles arms and going to Alaude's room.

Knuckles looked at Tsuna and pet Tsuna's cat ears which twitched as he started purring. "He is EXTREMELY cute!" He exclaimed and to the other's surprise Tsuna wasn't disturbed by his loud voice.


"Alaude! Are you ok?" Giotto asked knocking on the door.

"Hn. Go Away." Alaude stated but Giotto detected a hint of sadness in his tone.

"I'm coming in." Giotto stated unlocking the door with the master key and going in. Inside he saw Alaude sitting on his bed his face showing his inner turmoil before returning to his normal scowl but Giotto already caught it.

"Alaude what's wrong?" Giotto asked sitting next to him and wrapping an arm around him.

Alaude stayed silent for a moment before with a stroke of courage he said what was on his mind. "The herbivore made me realize something, I didn't think it was possible until you came to me but, I..." He trailed off unsure if he should tell him before wiping the thought from his mind and whispering the rest.

"...I love you... I haven't realized it until now that feeling I've had ever since I've seen you... but it reacted when he said that." Alaude whispered as Giotto pulled him closer.

"I share the same feelings I just didn't think you shared them, that's why I never thought of talking to you about them, but when I saw you run away with a faint blush I knew you had the same feelings." Giotto said lifting Alaude's chin to look into his eyes as he shyly kissed him on the lips.

Alaude's heart raced in happiness as he deepened the kiss and wrapped his arms around Giotto as they continued their passionate kiss.


'I just paired up my ancestors didn't I?' Tsuna thought as his hyper intuition alerted him that an important event in history was made and to not worry as it was supposed to happen.

'I have no idea how that was supposed to happen.' Tsuna thought which his snarky hyper intuition alerted him that his line is quite different from any other and that it allows males to get pregnant.

'Why doesn't anyone else know of this." Tsuna thought which his hyper intuition laughed at and alerted him that no one has unlocked the true form of hyper intuition and he's the only one to do so.

'So your like another entity in my head.' Tsuna thought and his hyper intuition spoke instead of alerting him.

'Yes I am like what other's call a conscious but I am quite different as well as I am more of an all seeing god in each of the Vongola members due to the fact the Vongola's are descended from a different type of human.' His hyper intuition said.

'Oh and there is a different type of hyper intuition in each Vongola.' Tsuna thought.

'Yes you are quite a different Vongola to actually go back to the roots, though it's due to the fact that you now have a curse of immortality.' His hyper intuition said.

'Did the root of Vongola come from immortals?' Tsuna thought.

'No the root of Vongola came from a special human that gained the power of the Tri-ni-sette and created the first hyper intuition.' His hyper intuition said.

'Do you have a name? I'm tired as referring to you as hyper intuition.' Tsuna thought.

'My name Arthanis.' His hyper intuition, Arthanis, said and Tsuna felt him smile.

'Why didn't you tell me this earlier?' Tsuna thought.

'You were busy in our time, now we are just waiting to go back but I sense we are here for a special purpose.' Arthanis said.

'Well thank you for telling me.' Tsuna thought.

'Your welcome though the times you don't listen are quite annoying I am here to protect you and your family please listen.' Arthanis said and Tsuna smiled.

'I will.' Tsuna promised before fading into unconsciousness.

AN: Whoo I needed to get that off my chest so I finished it before the chapter I was supposed to finish first, anyway next chapter is Adventures in the past part 2.

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