Adventures in the past part 2

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Tsuna decided to join Daemon and Alaude for a mission after clearing things up with everyone. Sitting on Alaude's shoulder, he watched the proceedings of the ball they were currently attending. Many of the women cooed at him, which he ignored until they tried to pick him up.

"Hiss rowrl(Don't touch me foul beasts that stink of perfume)!" He hissed at the women scrunching up his nose in disgust at the smell. They persisted until he scratched at their hands. Daemon chuckled at his actions before directing his attention to the person that just entered.

"Oh Alaude what a cute cat you have!" A voice was heard and Tsuna looked to see that it was Elena who Daemon smiled at.

"Meow(Finally a female that's actually civilized at this party)." Tsuna meowed as Elena came closer to pet him. Daemon choked back a laugh that would've gone crazy and happily greeted Elena.

Tsuna purred as Elena picked him up and rubbed his furry head causing him to momentarily drop his guard, and that moment a gas was released and everyone but him fell unconscious. Alaude and Daemon struggled against the gas (which Tsuna soon noticed was a gas that was used by the Estraneo) but ultimately failed because of its high potency.

'This is the time where I thank myself for surviving  Bianchi's poison cooking for 30 years and growing a complete immunity to all poisons and chemicals.' Tsuna thought as he climbed out from under Elena's body.

'It is also where you realize that the Estraneo are here in the past.' Arthanis commented causing Tsuna to pause in realization just as an Estraneo came in. Before the enemy could take another step Tsuna already sank his claws into the back of the his neck completely draining the enemy of his storm flames.

Tsuna growled as he grew to full size a storm flame appearing on his head, his eyes turned red, his claws grew larger, and blood red spines grew out of his back. He gave a roar of rage causing more enemies to burst in through the door. Without hesitation Tsuna defeated the first line of enemies with a sweep of his tail which had grown longer and lined with spikes.

His tail wrapped around a sun flame user and drained him of his flames. He flung the body away as he started healing Alaude and Daemon. He whacked enemies away with his tail until Alaude and Daemon woke up surprised by his appearance.

"Protect the others as I destroy these idiots." Tsuna growled turning and hooking enemies off his tail before  bursting through the door and roaring with vigor drawing enemies towards him willing or not.

He defeated enemies left and right until all of them were left unconscious and him soon turning to his original size. He sighed in slight exhaustion and slowly walked back to Alaude and Daemon.

"Mmmmeoww(that was exhaustinggggg ughhhh)." Tsuna meowed as he climbed up Alaude's leg and fell asleep once he reached Alaude's arms.

"Did he just defeat all the enemies in a minute?" Daemon asked and Alaude just hnned while he tended to the cuteness in his arms.


"What happened I heard there was an attack are any of you hurt..." Giotto rambled worriedly as he checked them for injuries.

"Giotto we're fine. Tsuna took care of all the enemies while we were knocked out by an extremely high potency knock out gas." Daemon said trying to calm down his panicked boss but to no avail as he is no Asari.

"Tsuna, Tsuna did that where is he does he have any injuries?" Giotto asked looking around not noticing that Tsuna was in Alaude's arms.

"Meow(I'm right here my idiot great grandfather and I'm not hurt though my suit might need a patch up from the storm flame spines that grew from my back)." Tsuna meowed and Giotto picked him up the moment he saw him.

"You have holes on your back!" Giotto exclaimed worriedly even though Tsuna said he wasn't injured and knew that he could understand him now.

"Meow(As I said I'm not injured it's just my cat suit)." Tsuna meowed hopping out of Giotto's arm and taking off the cat suit revealing a perfectly human body except for the claws, ears, and tail. "Meow(See)!" He looks at their stupefied expressions.

"Meow(What did you think I was a cat? Just because I act like on doesn't mean I am one)." Tsuna meowed glaring at them.

"Well your act was very convincing so we just kinda thought you were." Giotto said blushing in embarrassment.

"Meow(Don't worry I'm glad my act was so convincing, also I'm technically half cat because, you know)." Tsuna meowed waving his tail and stretching out his claws.

"Meow(Anyway, does Elena knit)?" Tsuna meowed questioningly.

"...yes." Daemon said staring at Tsuna.

"Meow(Good can you have her fix this while I make Giotto go shopping for clothes my size)." Tsuna meowed handing Daemon the cat suit before grabbing Giotto's leg and dragging him out the door.

AN: Umm sorry for late update but I kinda forgot what I was going to write for the Adventures in the past parts if you have any ideas on what to put before the last part of Adventures in the past I'm all ears.

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