Adventures in the past part 3

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"...mew (run?)" Tsuna mewed as he and Giotto stood 15 ft away from a crowd of fangirls who turned towards them hungrily.

"Run..." Giotto agreed and with a screech they both ran as fast as they could from the crowd.

Unfortunately Fangirls can not be dissuaded by just running away from them. "PRIMO! I LOVE YOU! HAVE MY BABIES!" Was heard from the crowd slowly gaining up on them.

"Meow...(We need a plan B)" Tsuna meowed and Giotto nodded frantically searching for a way to get away from the stampede of Fangirls. Fortunately for them, and unfortunately for the new victim of the fangirls they spotted Lampo.

They stop and look at the girls and 'whisper' to them. "Hey girls I think Lampo said he was looking for a girlfriend earlier..." He didn't even need to finish the girls were already chasing Lampo through the city asking for his hand in marriage.

"Mewww... meow (phew... we should probably also get some candy for Lampo if he survives)." Tsuna meowed and Giotto nodded in agreement.

"Yeah... now let's get you some new clothes that oversized shirt definitely doesn't fit you." Giotto said before going into his personal tailor's shop which was conveniently right next to them.

Time skip

When they got back to the mansion Tsuna was dressed in the same exact thing Giotto was. The tailor clearly went overboard with the mini Primo all the clothes he got for Tsuna were exactly the same as the ones in Giotto's closet just a smaller size.

"Mew (People like dressing me like you don't they)." Tsuna mewed tiredly.

"You've been dressed like me before?" Giotto asked and Tsuna gave him a look that said 'you have no idea'.

"Meow (Let's just say that in the future I'm known as Neo-Vongola Primo)." Tsuna meowed.

"... you really do look like my twin though." Giotto commented and Tsuna glared before sighing in exasperation.

"Meow (I want cake now)." Tsuna meowed looking demandingly at Giotto.

"Cake does sound good." Giotto said and proceeded to head to the cake shop nearby. Unfortunately there was one fangirl that wasn't detered by their earlier attempt, who proceeded to follow them while holding various vials of strange liquid and what seemed to be a tuft of Tsuna's tail fur.

"Muhehehe." The fangirl chuckled churning a vial of pink liquid before disappearing.

Time Skip

"Aaah that was good but did you taste anything weird in the strawberry shortcake Tsuna?" Giotto asked while walking back to the mansion with a cake for Lampo in his hands. Tsuna burped and shook his head while sighing contently on his shoulder.

"I guess it was just me-*Poof*" A cloud of pink smoke appeared where Giotto was just as they walk into the mansion doors.

To be Continued

AN: You know I used to hate cliffhangers but I've seem to have taken a liking to them... well when I'm the one leaving them Kufufufu~ Next Chapter: Adventures in the past part 4 Finale.

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