Adventures in the past part 4 Finale

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AN: When looking for a picture for this chapter;

I couldn't decide before I decided to just spam them all. Anyway back to the Story:

"...uh Tsuna?" Giotto asked Tsuna, once the pink smoke cleared, who was staring at him with an amused smile, the weird thing was that they were the same size.... Realizing that Giotto looked down at his... paws.

"MMMEEERRRROOOOWWW (WWWWWHHHHHHHAAAAAATTTT)?" Giotto screeched jumping high and landing on fours with his tail puffed up. Tsuna laughed at his poleaxed expression meanwhile Alaude walked into the room took one look at Giotto...

"Mine." And proceeded to scoop him and Tsuna up. Giotto purred in his hold delightedly before realizing he's purring.

"Meow (How am I doing this)?" Giotto meowed questioningly to Tsuna who looked at him amused.

"Meow (Comes with being a cat)." Tsuna meowed in reply before an evil smile stretched across his face.

"Meow... mew (Do you know what the best thing about this is... we don't have to do paperwork because we're cats)." Tsuna meowed evilly and Giotto mimicked his evil smile. Alaude raised an eyebrow before realizing what they were planning.

"Hn (Lets do this)." Alaude hnned his agreement with a positively evil smile stretching across his face. They all stared at each other, and their plan got more evil.


A shiver ran down the other guardians spines, they dreaded what their boss is going to do even if they didn't know what is going to happen.

Time Skip (I'm not translating the Meows here for dramatic effect)

"Meow." Giotto meowed with a self satisfied grin and a piece of satin drapery in his mouth. He proceeded to go into fluffy cat cuteness overload mode just before Daemon started to slowly wake up due to the sun in his eyes.

Daemon opened his eyes and first noticed the sun burning his eyes, before noticing that his beloved satin drapery in shreds on the floor and the culprit looking at him with innocent eyes and a piece of drapery in his mouth.

"GIOTTO!" He roared snatching the piece of drapery out of Giotto's mouth before making the mistake of looking into Giotto's big teary kitten eyes. Unable to resist cuteness instead of giving Giotto a horrible nightmare he would never forget, he gave the patented cute kitten bad kitty scold.

"You're bad kitty." Daemon started and Giotto gave him a 'who me?' Look.

"Yes you, you're a bad kitty." Daemon said also started to wave the patented scolding finger which Giotto's eyes gravitate towards endearingly. Amused Daemon kept waving around his finger, another mistake, while continuing his lecture on how bad Giotto is being.

'TARGET LOCKED' The Kitty jaws of doom clamp down on their target the finger of scolding. Unfortunately these  were actually the kitty jaws of absolute burning which soon set fire to Daemon's hand.

"ARGH YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Daemon screamed as Giotto used his distraction to scamper away escaping his imminent doom.


Lampo squints his eyes at something moving in his candy stash, he grabbed at the soon identified tail attached to Tsuna who was attached to his limited edition big grape Lollipop.

"No, no, no, not for you, let go!" Lampo tried to tug his Lollipop out the immovable maw of catness as Tsuna growled menacingly at Lampo.

Startled Lampo let go of the not-cat-small-lion who started chewing on it with the iron kitty jaws of doom. Lampo was forced to watch as his precious Lollipop was slowly crushed by an evil eyed cat that seemed to be laughing at his misery. After the Lollipop was nothing but a stick and grape shards Tsuna contently walked out with a flare of cat grace as Lampo broke down and started crying.

(AN: Man that was cruel, then again so was destroying Daemon's beloved drapery. So continue you two make the cat god proud meow.)


"Put it down Giotto." Knuckle said in a strangely quiet tone. Giotto had one of Knuckle's boxing gloves in his mouth and was slowly tearing it to shreds with his claws.

Giotto looked at him with grave eyes that said, 'This is punishment for your sin' before going back to tearing apart the glove. Knuckle broke down crying seconds later praying to God for his sins.


Asari really wanted to deny the cuteness that was in front of him playing with his old flute slowly whittling it into dust with the kitty claws of shredding.

"Come on Tsuna you've played with my flute enough could you please stop attacking it." Asari pleaded but no avail in fact Tsuna took that as encouragement and proceeded to tear the flute apart until it was nothing but a pile of toothpicks.


Alaude gathered up his cats with Giotto on his head before directing them in a march to G's office where G kept his precious guns and where he was currently doing the paperwork that Giotto was now unable to do.

Alaude kicked down the door startling G in the middle of writing before the cats charged into the room at the sound of Giotto's rallying meow. The cat wave of destruction laid waste to G's office until he was a puddle of loss and misery.

Time Skip (back to meow translations)

Giotto looked down upon his subjects sitting on a gold pillow, on Alaude's lap, on a makeshift throne. Tsuna was sitting in a smaller version of the throne next to him.

"Meow (What do you all have to say for yourselves)?" Giotto meowed to his bowing peasants who instantly erupted into frantic apologizing.

With a raise of his tail they silenced and Giotto directed his gaze towards Daemon who had tried, and failed, to look like he hadn't been crying lately, and not because of his mauled hand.

"I'm sorry for bugging Alaude everyday for... since we met. I'm sorry for destroying the courtyard 163 times. I'm sorry for blowing up the west wing 20 times. I'm sorry for accidentally creating that monster that destroyed the next town over. I'm sorry for turning that famiglia in Rome into zombies....(goes on for about 2 hours)." Daemon apologized for everything he had done one by one, no one else dared to say a thing as Alaude glared at them and Giotto calmly looked into Daemon's eyes for any deception before nodding and turning toward Lampo for his apologies.

"I'm sorry for destroying that town that looked like candy. I'm sorry for running 138 times away from you when you're trying to prevent me from getting cavities and end up getting them anyway, I'm sorry for making you buy me candy every single day. I'm sorry for sneaking into those really good candy shops and eating all the candy and having you pay for it. I'm sorry for dunking Alaude into a bowl of chocolate to see if he liked it. I'm sorry for causing the mouth breaker incident. I'm sorry for eating your cake when you're not looking (Giotto growls). I'm sorry for eating your cake when you are looking and causing property damage while you're chasing me...(this goes on for about 30 more minutes)." Lampo apologized and Giotto looked at Knuckle.

"I'm sorry for running into walls 80% of the time despite the fact I know they are there. I'm sorry for causing everyone earache with my EXTREME voice when I get excited. I'm sorry for not using doors when I'm not in the mansion. I'm sorry for not using doors when I'm in the mansion. I'm sorry for the property damage I cause just from running. I'm sorry for yelling at 6o'clock in the morning when everyone else is still sleeping.... (this continues for 27 more minutes)." Knuckle apologized and Asari and G said their apologies before they waited for Giotto's judgment.

"...meow (...I love you guys I can't stay mad anymore)." Giotto meowed as he covered his face with his paws. Tsuna smiled as the gloomy and dark atmosphere vanished as the guardians started brightening up setting aside their animosity towards each other and strengthening the new bonds they created during the apologizing.

"Now who wants cake!" A back to normal Giotto exclaimed Demon Giotto going back into hiding as Giotto forgave his guardians for their mistakes and they forgave him in return

Tsuna smiled sadly as Arthanis notified him that it was time to go back to his time. But Tsuna left one last note before vanishing back into the present.

AN: I know that this was a very unexpected ending as everything had been cheery beforehand but before Tsuna came Giotto and his guardians started to become hostile towards each other, the cheeriness of Tsuna made them forget about their hostility for awhile. But their animosity towards each other was the reason Tsuna was pulled here not because of a TYL bazooka malfunction or modification or else everyone around him would've been effected as well. After finding out Tsuna came up with this plan to show the guardians how much it hurt Giotto when they disagreed with each other and as you can see the plan worked but not without a lot of hurt. I hope that clears some things up I couldn't figure out how to include that into the actual story. Anyway Next Chapter: Blooming of Friendships part 1 hopefully it won't take as long as this one.

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