I have claws?!?

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AN: imagine Iemitsu instead of Giotto for that picture.

5 years later

Throughout 5 years Tsuna had been lightly training himself, reading, and helping Nana in the kitchen, all while acting mostly like a cat and wearing a hoodies with 27 on it or wearing cat hoodies. But today was his birthday and he got a surprise when he woke up.

"Meow(Are these real)?" Tsuna meowed staring at his small hand that had claws poking out underneath his nails. He flexes his hand watching as the claws retract, he soon spots a note on his crib and reads it.

'Hey little Tsuna for you worshiping me (unknowingly) I thought it would be fit to give you claws use them wisely they are real! Signed Silentstar the cat god' Tsuna stared at the note and blinked a few times. 'Oh boy what have I gotten myself into?' He thought face palming.

"Tsu-kun! Are you awake? Today's your birthday so your father is coming home!" Nana exclaimed happily.

"Meow(I know)!" Tsuna meowed loudly quickly burning up the note with storm flames before Nana comes in to lift him out of the crib. A knock was heard at the door and Nana quickly carried him over to the door.

"Anata! Welcome home! Oh who this?" She asked as she opened the door for Iemitsu and who Tsuna recognized as Timoteo.

"This is my boss Timoteo." Iemitsu answered before directing his attention to Tsuna and took him from Nana's arms lifting him into the air. "Hello my Tuna-fishie!" He exclaimed, Tsuna was not amused.

"Rrrrowwwlll hiss(Let go of me you blond idiot of a father)!!!!" Tsuna yowled scratching him in the face causing to be dropped. He quickly ran over to Timoteo and climbed up his leg as Iemitsu held his bleeding face.

"Oh anata I don't think he likes being picked up like that." Nana said getting the first aid kit while Iemitsu sobbed.

"My Tuna-fish hates me." He said as he sat depressed in the corner.

"Mew(Hello)." Tsuna mewed looking up at Timoteo ignoring the idiot blonde.

"Hello Tsuna my name is Timoteo but you can call me Nonno." He said looking down at Tsuna who was still attached to his pantleg with his claws.

"Meow(Nonno)?" Tsuna meowed questioningly.

"It means grandfather." Timoteo said seeming to understand what Tsuna was asking.

"Mew (Oh)," Tsuna mewed then looking at the idiot blonde sulking in the corner. "Meowww (I guess I'll go get him out of that funk)" He meowed jumping off Timoteo's pant leg and crawling towards Iemitsu.

"Meow (Get up you big idiot)." He meowed pawing at Iemitsu's arm.

"My Tuna-fish cares!" Iemitsu exclaimed hugging him which was a bad idea as Tsuna's claws soon unsheathed due to surprize dug into his arm causing him to bleed again. Iemitsu tried not to tear up as Tsuna sheathed his claws and mewed.

"Mew (Sorry)." He rubbed his head against Iemitsu's chest and grabbed the first aid kit nearby to dress his wounds. Iemitsu happily hugged him afterwards not getting injured this time.

Time leap Meow~

'Isn't this the time that Chihuahua comes to bug me.' Tsuna thought as he sat in the backyard reading an Italian dictionary.  (AN: Iemitsu is so stupid.) He soon heard the annoying yips coming towards him so he put down his book and unsheathed his claws.

"MMMMRRRROOOOWWWW HISSS (TASTE MY REVENGE YOU F***ING CHIHUAHUA)!" He yowled scratching the Chihuahua in the face and jumping into the tree before the dog can bite him.

"BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK!" The annoyance barked at him as Iemitsu and Timoteo came out the house to see what's going on.

They see Tsuna clinging to a branch while glaring and hissing at the dog who was bleeding on it's left cheek. Iemitsu scared the dog away while Timoteo took Tsuna off the branch.

"Tuna-fish did that mean ol' dog hurt you?" Iemitsu cooed at him.

"Meow (I was just getting my revenge from it terrorizing me)." Tsuna meowed and Iemitsu who didn't understand kept cooing at him until Nana called them for lunch.

AN: I'm still horrible at endings but guess who's coming next chapter. 😸

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