Kyoya! part 1

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6 years old

"Tsu-kun! Wake up! Today is your first day of school!" Nana called and soon a small tuna (Tsuna!) wearing a cat hoodie ran down the stairs with grace.

"Meow (I finally get to see Kyoya)!" Tsuna meowed as he jumped into Nana's arms ready to go. She chuckled and drove to Namimori elementary.

They reach the front of the school and as Nana goes in to fill out paperwork  (Tsuna doesn't want to even see the dreaded thing) Tsuna jumped into a tree and ran across a branch to the roof.

There he saw a 8 year old Kyoya resting in his usual place. 'Aww he's so cute when he's small' Tsuna thought quietly walking over and sitting next to him. A few minutes later Kyoya's eyes blinked open and looked toward him.

"Meow (Hi I'm Tsuna)!" Tsuna meowed cutely tilting his head and widening his eyes. Kyoya stared at him for a minute before grabbing him and proclaiming.

"Mine." He started petting Tsuna's head causing a strange purring sound to come from him. Both of them blinked at each other confused not thinking that Tsuna would actually purr.

"So cute." Kyoya commented as he continued to pet Tsuna who purred in bliss with his eyes drooping. The bell rings ruining their moment causing Tsuna to open his eyes wide and growl at the bell.

"Meow (I guess I got to go to class)." Tsuna meowed disappointed getting up to leave.

"Lunch." Kyoya stated watching as Tsuna left.

"Meow (I'll be here)!" Tsuna meowed happily skipping down the stairs after he said that. Kyoya watched him fondly before going to class himself.

Tsuna went to the principles office where his mother was waiting for him to take him to class.

"Meow(I'm here let's go)!" Tsuna meowed happily hopping in Nana's arms while the principle gaped at him. Well who wouldn't gape at him, he was out of uniform and he was meowing surprisingly close to a cat instead of talking.

"Yes, let's go get you acquainted with the other kids in class." Nana said carrying him over to his classroom, the parents of the other students stood outside the door some comforting their children who were crying before making them go inside. Tsuna leaped out of Nana's arms soon running inside excitedly.

"Your son seems excited about school unlike the others." A parent commented to Nana.

"Yes he's been saying how he wants to meet his friends again." Nana said happily soon engaging in a happy conversation with the other parents.

Tsuna somehow climbed up onto the teacher's head without him knowing and know everyone was looking at him and laughing. The teacher was wondering why they they were laughing until Tsuna peeked his head down into his vision.

"What are you doing on my head and how did you get up there?" The teacher asked.

"Meow(I climbed up here)." Tsuna meowed jumping of his head before he could grab him. He landed on his feet on top of the desk and looked at the teacher with big eyes.

"Uh ok, anyway class my name is Mr. Renju I'll be helping you through your first year of school..." Renju kept on talking as Tsuna ignored him and looked at the other kids in the class, soon seeing Takeshi and Kyoko.

He leaped over to them meowing a greeting. Takeshi looks at him curiously and Kyoko started cooing at how cute he was.

"So what's your name?" Takeshi asked.

"Meow(Tsuna)!" Tsuna meowed happily but Takeshi didn't understand so he asked again and soon they kept repeating the same question and same answer until Takeshi gave up.

"Haha I give up." Takeshi laughed causing Tsuna to smile.

"My name's Tsuna." Tsuna said quietly causing Takeshi to looking at him.

"What did you just say?" Takeshi asked.

"Meow(You heard me)." Tsuna meowed blinking innocently. Takeshi stared at him and sighed while Tsuna smiled.

"Nevermind." Takeshi said causing Tsuna to snicker.

"Meow(This is so funny)." Tsuna meowed to himself.

"...Ok class let's start with numbers..." Renju said starting to count with the class while Tsuna who does not want to go through with learning numbers again decides to take out his Italian dictionary out of nowhere and start reading while the rest of the class follows the teacher's instructions.

"Tsuna what's the next number?" Renju asked making Tsuna write 27 on a piece of paper and hold it up.

"Meow(27)." Tsuna meowed letting Renju take the piece of paper his eyes never straying far from the book.

"Correct." He said while he thought. 'It's like dealing with Hibari.' Putting Tsuna in the same category as Hibari made him ignore any oddities from him.

Tsuna looked at him and smirked seeming to agree with his thoughts before looking back down at his book. Renju shivered before going back to the lesson.

Tsuna finished the Italian dictionary before he somehow made it disappear and be replaced by a French dictionary. (AN: This is what I do when I'm bored read the dictionary if I had one. It was pretty funny when the teacher would look at me weird when I randomly pulled it out and read it when I'm in school.)

Those who saw this gaped wondering where it came from and what does it say. (It was an Italian to French dictionary) The lunch bell soon rang and Renju dismissed the class those that wanted to ask Tsuna questions saw that he vanished. 'Where did he go?' They thought.

The moment the bell rang Tsuna dashed out of the class making it seem like he vanished. He quickly rushed over to the roof feeling his hyper intuition ringing a warning. He didn't realize how fast he was going as he ran through the hallways in a blur. Once he reached the roof he flung open the doors to see Kyoya fighting with 5th graders.

His hyper intuition kept ringing so he leaped into the fray clawing at the 5th grader who pulled out the knife his hyper intuition was ringing about.

"Hey! Ouch!" The boy exclaimed as he got scratched in the face and soon got a tonfa to the gut from Kyoya.

"Rrrrwwwwrrr hiss(Get The F*** away from my Kyoya)!" Tsuna hissed scratching at them in a blur going to fast for them to attack back soon gaining hundreds of scratches. Kyoya struck again knocking them out with his tonfas.

"Meow(You're hurt)." Tsuna meowed pointing at a scratch on Kyoya's cheek.

"Hnn(It will heal, you're fast)." Kyoya hnned. Tsuna didn't accept that so he licked the wound which instantly healed the scratch. Kyoya felt his face feeling it gone and looked questioningly at Tsuna.

"Meow(I didn't think it would do that, I just wanted to make it feel better)." Tsuna meowed rubbing head against Kyoya who started petting him.

"Baby carnivore." Kyoya stated as he petted him noticing something in his hair.

"Mmmrow(What)?" Tsuna meowed before feeling something be pulled lightly.

"Hnn(Did you notice you had 2 extra ears that are hidden in your hair)." Kyoya hnned making Tsuna realize that their are many things he didn't know he had.

"Mew(No I didn't)." Tsuna mewed touching the two extra ears that were just found, feeling the furry texture of them. 'Is this a side effect of getting claws from the cat god, am I turning in to a cat?' Tsuna thought before feeling Kyoya rub his ears and he started purring.

AN: Another chapter with a Tuna-fish starting to think he's is turning into a cat and Kyoya claiming him as his. No 5th graders were killed today just very mauled by Tsuna and Kyoya. Hope you enjoyed!

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