Kyoya! part 2 Finale

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AN: That picture has nothing to do with the context of this part it's just cute. Also remember Tsuna can be badass and cute.

'What the hell is this.' Tsuna thought when saw a piece of sparkling paper on his bed. He sighed and picked it up to start reading it.

'Hi again I forgot to mention last time that when I gave you claws the side effect is that you will gradually get more and more cat like until your fifteen. Oh and your going to stay that size forever.'

Tsuna almost burned the paper at that before he noticed their was more.

'Just kidding, kinda, you can change your size using flames and depending on which flame you get a bonus power, I'll let you figure out how that works. You will also be much faster when you're small and stronger when you're big. Oh and if you have any trouble with being small you can just act like Reborn! One last thing if you run out of flames when you change your size you will return to your original size, which is small, so make sure you use your flames wisely on that. Bye!


'Well life just got more complicated, at least it's not not that bad except the me being small for the rest of my life part. Well the new powers are a bonus that I can play with.' Tsuna thought before putting on his uniform which no one noticed he didn't wear yesterday, and hiding some books in his jacket. (Some... sure more like 10 that some how appear and disappear)

He soon walked down the stairs just before his mother was about to call him down.

"Oh Tsu-kun your up early." Nana commented picking him up.

"Meow(I wanna see Kyoya)." Tsuna meowed cutely rubbing his head against her cheek.

"We will go after breakfast." Nana said bringing him to the table. Tsuna's hyper intuition started giving him a headache so he quickly leaped out of her arms and ran out the door.

"MEOW(KYOYA'S IN TROUBLE I'VE GOT GO NOW)!" He meowed loudly as she called for him to come back but he was too far away as he ran to where his HI was leading him.

All people saw was a brown streak as he passed them and as he reached where his HI was leading him he saw something he didn't want to see in the least. Mafia but not just any mafia, Estraneo and they trying to kidnap Kyoya who was trying to fight them off but had major wounds on him.

Tsuna make a split second decision since Kyoya couldn't use his flames he quickly leaped into his shirt and took some flames from him. He quickly jumped out of it soon after, growing to the size of a teenager he looked furiously at the Estraneo around them.

"YOU WILL NEVER TAKE MY KYOYA YOU ESTRANEO SCUM!" He exclaimed very angrily. (If you are wondering why he didn't go into hyper dying will mode it's because he's too young even if he grew and he doesn't have enough flames even with the boost he took from Kyoya.)

"Hmm it seems like someone who knows are reputation came to save him and he has a pretty interesting power, capture him instead." The boss of the group commanded.

Two grunts tried to grab him but Tsuna quickly leaped over them and kicked them into the wall. More came and tried to overwhelm him but he activated the special power the Cloud flames gave him: duplication.

He shrunk but about 10 more of him appeared the same size and attacked the Estraneo. With kicks and punches that crushed bones, slicing claws that tore through flesh, and the speed faster than a cheetah, the Estraneo soon turned into a pile of bloody flesh and broken bones.

Once finished Tsuna took a deep breath as his doubles vanished, tired and relieved he clurled up next to Kyoya licking both of their wounds as they slowly regained their energy. Tsuna purred as Kyoya pet him once finished and soon fell asleep in his arms.

Kyoya lifted him up and took him to his mansion so he can rest. At the door Kyoya's mother found them and ushered him in.

"What happened?" She asked as he sat down still holding Tsuna as he slept.

"Hnn Mafia." Kyoya stated.

"What? Did he get caught in it while you were fighting them?" She asked worriedly.

"Hnn Injured. Baby Carnivore Fought. (No, I got injured and baby carnivore fought them off like a true carnivore)." Kyoya stated and she blinked in surprise.

"Then where's your injuries?" She asked confused.

"Baby Carnivore Special. Healed Before Sleep. (The baby carnivore is special he healed us before he went to sleep)." Kyoya stated watching as Tsuna's cat ears twitched in his sleep.

"Well do you need anything and do you know what mafia family it was?" She asked.

"Hnn Baby Carnivore Estraneo.(No but the baby carnivore said something about the Estraneo)." Kyoya stated.

"Meow(If your going after them take me with I need to rescue a friend of mine)." Tsuna meowed waking up.

"Ok we will go after them in a month and do you mind telling me how you know of the mafia?" She asked nicely.

"Meow(My idiot father is the leader of the CEDEF and he is stupid enough to speak to Nono where I can hear him)." Tsuna meowed laying against Kyoya who started petting him.

"Are you a cat?" She asked confused to why he is purring.

"Meow(Due to unusual circumstances I am slowly turning into a cat, please don't ask)." Tsuna meowed blinking sleepily.

"Meow(Can one of you call my mom I'm tired and I want to make sure Kyoya's safe, so I'm staying over)." Tsuna meowed as he soon fell asleep on Kyoya.

"I'll call her you two can go to sleep." She said going to call Nana.

Kyoya wrapped his arms around Tsuna and fell asleep.

AN: Whoo two in one day! Next chapter is The Destruction of Estraneo hahahaha Mukuro's coming early so Tsuna can bug him, that's not the only reason but it's the main one. Hope you enjoyed.

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