The Destruction of Estraneo part 2

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The week has passed and Tsuna was already in Italy. The moment they got off the plane Tsuna instantly led Nana to a cab and gave the driver a note that said 'To Vongola Mansion.' The driver looked at him curiously before deciding to start driving after Tsuna showed him the claws with a glare that rivaled Reborn's.

They soon reached the Mansion, because the driver put Tsuna in the do-not-ask-questions-lest-you-die category. Tsuna quickly leaped out of the cab, Nana following soon after and went up to Iemitsu who was conveniently in front of the door.

"Tuna-fish? Nana? What are you doing here?" He asked as Tsuna climbed up his leg greeting him with a mew.

"Tsuna wanted to visit Italy! So we came to see you!" Nana exclaimed happily and just as he was going to ask a question Tsuna sunk his claws into his leg as if saying 'don't ask.'

"Ow Tuna-fish don't, ow I think he wants to go in don't you?" Iemitsu asked while wincing and Nana nodded.

Time skip the boring to write stuff

Tsuna got acquainted with Timoteo's guardians after their sudden arrival, well as much as you can while only meowing, and was soon horded by the maids after. Luckily maids are not immune to claws as he soon tore up their dresses and escaped.

"Nono I'm leaving for the Arcobaleno meeting." Tsuna heard Reborn say and he quickly leaped into Nono's office.

"Tsuna, what do you need?" Timotheo asked.

"Meow(I'm going too)." Tsuna meowed as he pulled out a pacifier from under his shirt with a Vindice chain wrapped around it. He took off the chain revealing the rainbow colored pacifier which glowed since he was near Reborn.

"Where did you get that?" Reborn demanded.

"Meow(from a man with an iron hat)." Tsuna meowed.


Tsuna stared at the thing that was currently popping out his pants. 'Seriously? I have a tail now!' Tsuna thought soon glaring at the dreaded note that he knew came with it.

'Hello again! Me and Kawahira came together and thought of something that would make things easier for you! It's an Arcobaleno pacifier which can absorb any amount of flames and any type so you don't have to use those 30 flame containers any more! Yes it does come with a curse but I think you will like immortality.

Oh and the tail yea the curse speed up the process so you now have a nice tail to balance with and the process will end three weeks instead of 3 years.


"Meow(I should've expected this)." Tsuna meowed after he read the note and spotted the pacifier around his neck which had each color of flame shimmering within.

Flashback end

"Well since you are one of us now, I guess you need to meet the rest of us so you can come along." Reborn said.

"Meow(Well I was going to follow you anyway so thanks for your permission)." Tsuna meowed smiling as Reborn sweatdropped.

"Well you better keep up cause I am not slowing down for you." Reborn said and he ran out of the mansion, he looked next to him and to his surprise Tsuna was keeping up effortlessly.

"You're quite fast to go this fast without effort." Reborn commented.

"I can go 70 miles an hour so this is nothing." Tsuna said surpising Reborn by him speaking.

"And here I thought you could only meow." Reborn stated and Tsuna snickered.

"Oh that's just to mess with people that I don't trust since only the ones I trust understand me." Tsuna said.

"That's a good way of preventing enemies from understanding you." Reborn said impressed with Tsuna's methods.

"Initially I was going to scare everybody by suddenly appearing behind you but then I realized that I would probably get shot a lot if you didn't know I was behind you." Tsuna said.

"Good choice... so you're still going to scare the rest." Reborn said a smirk appearing on his face.

"Definitely." Tsuna said and they both chuckled evilly as they reached the Arcobaleno springs. Tsuna hid in Reborn's shadow as the other's gathered around.

"Everyone I've felt that another person has joined us have any of you seen anything unusual." Aria said starting the meeting and before anyone could speak they all heard a creepy meow.

"Meow(You're looking for me)?" Tsuna meowed seeming to echo around the room.

"Kora, did you hear that? Did a cat just speak to us?" Colonello asked.

"Mrrrow(Yes a cat just spoke to you, no you idiot I'm not a cat)." Tsuna meowed chuckling.

"Kora, then why do you sound like one, and did you just call me an idiot!?!" Colonello exclaimed.

"Meow(Yes)." Tsuna meowed simply.

"Where are you?" Viper asked.

"Meow(Finally a smart question, as from the answer I'm behind you, all of you)." Tsuna meowed chuckling as everyone turns around to see a double ganger of themselves.

"KORA!" Colonello exclaimed in fright as his double smiled creepily at him. Viper tests to see if it's an illusion, Verde somehow starts conducting tests on his, Skull freaked out and fainted, Aria stared at hers confused, Lal discussed battle tactics with hers, and Reborn smiled creepily with his.

"So are you enjoying your double gangers." Tsuna said causing them all to turn around in surprise to see him in all his cat glory.

"Meow(Hello)." Tsuna meowed as his tail flicked behind in greeting.

"Who are you?" Aria asked.

"I am Tsunayoshi Sawada the rainbow Arcobaleno." Tsuna said smiling at them. "I am also the one with the power to lessen the curse."

"... can you please do that now..." They all said simultaneously with a silent demand.

"Hahaha I knew you would all say that but it only lasts for one day, until I can figure out how to make it longer or get rid of the curse all together. Though mine will stay forever." Tsuna said smiling at them before frowning.

"Anyway let's get rid of your curse for awhile shall we." Tsuna said and touched his pacifier which glowed and all of them instantly grew to their adult forms. Tsuna used some of the flames he absorbed to grow to his adult form as well.

"Thank you Tsuna/Tsunayoshi!" They exclaimed happily as they relaxed in their reclaimed adult forms.

"You're welcome, you don't know how much you've done for me in the past." Tsuna said smiling at their confused expressions.

"What do you mean?" Reborn asked and Tsuna shook his head.

"You will know in the future." Tsuna said mysteriously. Reborn stared at him for a minute before Aria decided to end the meeting.

Tsuna followed Reborn back in silence before reverting back to his original size and hopping on to Reborn's shoulder. They reached the Mansion and many people were surprised at Reborn's adult form as they walked into Nono's office.

"Reborn you've regained your adult form!" Nono said surprised and Reborn nodded looking at the other in the room, Iemitsu. Iemitsu looked terrified at Reborn's adult form and Reborn smirked making him more terrifying. Iemitsu spotted Tsuna on his shoulder and exclaimed.

"Tuna-fish what are you doing there? It's dangerous up there come to Papa!" Tsuna frowned at him and meowed at Reborn before dropkicking Iemitsu in the head.

"Meow(idiot)." Tsuna meowed as he jumped off his head and walked to where his mother's staying to tell her that he wants to go back to Namimori.

AN: This is a weird chapter but next is the finale of the destruction of the Estraneo where Tsuna kicks butt with all the flames he's gathered.

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