4. 𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚘𝚗𝚎

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I open my eyes to see Amber in a green shirt, about to splash ice-cold water on my face.

"Finally!, you woke up!!" she says with relief.

"MIRAE, ITS 8:10 AM, YOUR WORK STARTS IN 20MINUTES!!!" She screamed in my ear making my half sleepy self finally become fully awake. My ocean blue and pastel pink pyjamas were extremely soft to my touch and I longed to wear them for longer. Snapping out of my thoughts, I head towards the bathroom to freshen up a little. I brush my teeth whilst amber kindly brushed my waist long thick, wavy hair. I was surprised she wasn't asking me to chop it all off.

"Oh well, she must've forgotten," I think to myself. Amber places a grey headband on my head whilst I put on my dark blue marble earrings. As I wash my face in the sink I remember the times when girls in my high school year always envied me for having clear, fair skin. "I guess I get it from my eomma. I think to myself. I decided to wear a tight grey office skirt and paired it with I striped long-sleeved shirt which I tucked in to make me look taller. To finish my work attire I wear black heels which are surprisingly comfortable. I grab my bag, thankful that I packed it yesterday. And I head out. it's currently 10:15 am. as I'm walking out I hear Amber running behind me. She shoves my phone and chocolate milk into my hands and pushes me to run. I wave back to her and start running towards the bus stop.

At Work -

I walked slowly towards Mr Jeon's Office and breathed in and out a few times.

"Breath in....And out......And in.....And out......"

After a few deep breaths, a few minutes of reassuring myself that I will be ok and a couple of moments of sweating I realise that it's 8:37 and I'm 7 minutes later than I am supposed to be. And so I force my self to knock 3 times...



"Aish, where is that girl??" I murmured. just as I thought she was running late I hear there knocks on the door. And I already feel my heart running a thousand miles.

"Come in" I try to say in a bold voice. I hear the door creak open and feel myself sweat trickling down my neck like a toilet every time it gets flushed. (if u get what I mean :)

"Hello Mr Jeon, I'm ready to start work with you." She says in a polite voice. her head was down but that seemed to give me an advantage because I was lost on her curves... They were revealed due to her elegant, tight skirt she was wearing.  I catch Mirae looking at me and I snap back to attention.

"Ah, right. I will get my manager to show you around."I call Sua (Sua is Jungkook's older sister and manager) to come to my office. And after a few minutes, she appears...

"Annyeonghasseo!" She turns to Mirae.

"Ah Hello! You must be Jung Mirae!"

"Uhm, yes that's me" She seems to be very shy. it's so cute...It's almost killing me.

"Right!, Let's walk around shall we!" My sister interrupts my thoughts and drags Mirae out of the room.



"Was he.....chacking me out??" My thoughts were slowly taking over me...

"This is the canteen - the food is very good here, And this is the ladies toilet. This is the blah blah blah idk here's the blah, there's the blah. blah blah blah wuteva."

"Jungkook's manager was doing quite a good job of touring me around the huge company. And by huge I mean HUGEEEE. The company was enormous. Well, what did I expect? Didn't Amber say that Jeon Corp was the biggest company in Korea? Oh Well

I noticed that Mr Jeon's Manager look ed a lot like Jungkook. Was she his sister??. I noticed that she had the same doe eyes as him. Both of them had very big and pretty eyes. They were so mesmerising to look at now that I think of it. I come back to reality when the manager leads me to my cabin on the 19th floor.

"Hello everyone!, This is Jung Mirae and she will be working with us from now on, please introduce yourselves when you get times and help her out when she is feeling confused. this is her first day after all." She was even graceful whilst talking...

"Ms Jung do u have any questions?" She was giving her full undivided attention towards me.

"Uhm, can I ask what your name is?" I tried to sound bold but the thing is I'm not. I'm an introverted bookworm who doesn't like the idea of socializing at all.

"Aigoo, I forgot to introduce myself!, My name is Jeon Sua and I am Jeon Jungkook's manager and brother. i expect you know him already! Most girls your age seem to be obsessed with him. i expect you will be hitting on him sooner or later..." she seemed a little sad about that.

"OF COURSE NOT, I won't be hitting on Mr Jeon or any of the workers here. I've only come her to get a job and be able to earn some money. But definitely not to find a partner!!" I was trying to make a good impression of myself. I don't want Ms Jeon to think I'm another hair flipping, making obsessed dork.

'Oh my, This is a first. All the girls I know always want to be friends with me to be closer to Jungkook... But you're not interested at all. can you perhaps... spend a lunchtime with me at the canteen? We might make good friends?! She seemed to be a little sad at the thought about all her friends hitting on Jungkook...

"Of course!! I'll see you at the canteen at 12:30 then?" OMG I'm actually gonna make a friend who isn't Amber

"Alrighty, See you soon!" And with that, she bowed 45˚ and left me.

As I sit on my chair, I hear...

"MIRAE" I hear a familiar. could it be? I swivelled my wheelchair around to see...

"MARK!" My old high school mate! He used to sit with me and Amber. Until he had to go and study abroad at Harvard. Its been almost 5 years since I last saw him... And geez he's changed!

"Mirae, is that you?" Mark came closer to me to inspect my face.

"Yes! it is!" I say cheerfully. I was so shocked to see Mark here. I and Amber thought he left to America forever. but here we are seeing him again in 5 years. We were chatting about our lives and how things had changed and I completely forgot that I was at work lol.



Since my large office cabin room thing had walls made of glass I could see everything. I can even see floor number 19 from my cabin which is on the highest point. floor 20. Only people including Me, Sua and My PA Are allowed up here others need permission. as I was looking around with my hawk eyes to see if everyone is working. I notice Mirae's laughing. She looked adorable when she laughs. and that made me grin from ear to ear revealing my bunny teeth. Ugh, I wish I got braces to get rid of my bunny teeth. they don't make me look good at all. But my smile completely vanished when I notice Mark sitting next to her. He surely can't be the reason to make Mirae laugh. I usually don't mind a little bit of hitter chatter here and there all that matters is the work to be finished. But I couldn't stand Mark making her laugh. I was this close to punching him in the face. but I held my anger in.  Was Mark her... Boyfriend? Is that why she decided to work here? To be with her Boyfriend?

I decide to go out and pull him up for it. So I exit my office. closing the door behind me. As I get into the lift there is another woman standing there. I force a smile and nod at her. Great, she is going to try and get my attention. Just great.

"Hello Jungkook!, Have you eaten yet?" She says trying to act cute and sweet.

"You will address me as Mr Jeon," I say coldly.

"..." And that's how you shut a girl up. I had learnt all of this in the past 5 years ever since that witch left me. Every single girl has tried to hit on me but no I don't give them a chance.

As I walk into the 19th floor I casually say

"Is everyone doing there work?"

"yes," THey all say ina monotone. except for Mark and Mirae, they decide to keep chatting. I usually wouldn't pull people up for this as the cool, chill boss I am but I couldn't help it. so in the manliest voice, I said

"Mark, get back to your seat. Now." I realised i made my voice a little too loud. All the employees stared at Mark and my as I ran my hand through my locks. Mark silently went towards his desk and sat. His cheeks slightly tinted pink.

And so after my task is done I walk out of the 18th floor casually knowing that many girls would be staring at my backside now. I look into the glass window opposite me to see if Mirae was looking to. But no. She was focused on her task now. I push my tongue in my inner cheek and leave to be in my lonely office. Again.



"Why did he have to pick on Mark?" I think in my head. "There were other employees talking too" I was bombarding myself with questions and possibilities of what just happened. After Pulling up Mark for talking he turned around and left. Did he come down from the office just to pull up Mark? Then it struck me. Did he come up here to get MArk away from me? Was he jealous? Does he think Mark is my boyfriend? No, Of course not. what am i thinking how could a rich man be jealous over someone like me?

I realise that I should be working on my task rather than thinking about Mr Jeon.

Lunch Time.

I wait for Sua at a table in the canteen as we said. I am excited but somewhat nervous...

"Annyeong!" Sua arrives. Her grace, Beauty and pride following closely.

She comes and sits down on the chair opposite me and we begin chatting. We exchange phone numbers and become friends close enough to call each other by our first names.

After the delicious food that was prepared at the canteen was devoured by us. Sua said that she would pay as our treat. And I agreed to pay for the next time. We both left in our separate ways and returned to our work.

end of the day

Me and Mark decided to go out to the amusement park after work with amber after our work is finished.

So at 6 pm we left work together and left in his Hyundai to Amber's workplace.

We parked in front of Kim's corporation where Amber's brother and Amber herself work. we quickly collect Amber and head to my house to get changed.





After getting changed I come out in a pleated mini skirt and a long sleeve turtle neck whilst amber comes out in a hoodie and jeans...

Mark is waiting at the living rooms and once we r all ready we go to the amusement park...




I am literally going to pass out. what am I going to do? I need To know if those two are dating or not. I take a few deep breaths and walk out my door when I feel my phone buzzing.

Taehyung was texting me.

TAEHYUNG > Jungkook me and the boys are going to the bar. Wanna come?

ME > Sure! I'm coming!

At least something good was going to happen today...














What will the jealousy forming in Jungkook do to him?




















I have a special announcement to make :))))
My cousin is currently writing a story and her profile name is luvbtsrp so be sure to check it out!!

Anyways thankyou for reading this chapter!!!!!

I'll c u in the next one soon BAIIIIIII :))))))

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