Family Beginings?

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Marrow's POV

I feel the bullet grind out of my forehead and I hear screaming.

"You shot her! You son of a bitch!" I hear a grunt and look over to see the goon had punched Petey in the stomach. I get up quickly and grab the bastard by the back of his cheap suit.

"How about, I impale you through your throat straight through your fucking ass so you look like a rotisserie pig." Before he tries anything I grab his trigger hand and break it.

"Fuck!" He groans as I make sure Petey was okay.

I look Petey over and then back at the thug. "Who the fuck are you? And you better answer or I'll show you that you won't be standing after being shot in the head."

"Damn you are Lucious' kid. Names Carmine."

"What was that?"

"Names Car-"

"No, who's kid?" Carmine nurses his hand a bit after Petey throws him a bag of peas.

"Your mother never told you about Lucious?"

"Can't say that she did. So you're telling me that Gotham's second most infamous crime lord, Lucious Salvador is my dad? That's a crock of bull. My mother told me that my father was killed in war."

"Well your mother is a liar."

I shove a bone spear close to his throat and he swallows hard. "You wanna call my dearly departed mother a liar again, Carmine?" He shakes his head and backs away from me.

"Lucious has kept a close eye on you and you've made quite the reputation for yourself Kid."

"How did you find us?"

"Once Lucious has his eyes on you, trust me, there's no place he can't find you. But once he heard that you were one of those Meta freaks. He had me come out and check."

"So shooting his kid in the head was a sure way in finding out?" Carmine gives a guilty look.

"Other than that, what else does he want?"

"He wants to have a brunch with you. You know be part of your life. Like a father should."

Something isn't right, why would he wait this long?

Then again, free food.

"We're coming." Petey pulls me over to the side. "We're going?" He whispers. "We get free food. Plus if things go south. We look out for each other."

"Mar, remember when I said I wanted you to be more responsible?" I nod and look at Carmine. "Give us twenty minutes and we'll be ready."

About forty minutes later Petey and I were sitting at some elaborate table with a large spread of various food.

I was about to reach for a piece of steak but the door open and about three men walk in.

The one in the dark red suit and dark green eyes, was definitely Lucious.

If he is my father, I can tell why mom fell for him. You can tell he was a looker back in his day.

He seems to look at Petey first and then when he looks at me he freezes.

"You look exactly like Elena. How is she?"

"She's been dead for the past ten years." I see in his eyes that he was hurt but he quickly recovers. "Right! Well let's eat and then we can get down to business. I see you brought a friend?"

Petey goes to answer but I stop him. "He's my brother." I then stab a piece of steak and put it on my plate, along with some eggs.

"Sure he is..."

Brunch went by and I was stuffed.

"Petey, I hope you don't mind but I would like to have a talk with my daughter." Petey nods and Lucious holds his hand out to me.

I ignore it but follow his lead.

Once the doors behind us close, I start with the questions.

"How come my mother never talked about you?"


"How come you're in my life now?"


"How are you sure I'm really your kid?"

"Bones!" I shut my lip and he smooths his hair back and fixes his suit. "You're just like your mother. You know your mother and I grew up in the same neighborhood. She was a tough little lady. She had this mean left hook her old man showed her. But boy was I crazy about her. I asked her on numerous dates but she kept turning me down..."

I listening quietly because I remember mom telling me the same story, about some scrawny kid from the neighborhood. She had a huge crush on him but her pride just wouldn't allow her to accept the date.

But one day that scrawny kid came back and she said he filled out. He had a name under his belt and confidence that made her say yes to that date.

"....your mother moved away when I came back. And you may look like her..." He lifts my chin and looks into my eyes.

"...but you got my spark in those pretty eyes." I almost fall for his charm.


I back away from him and hold my arm.

"Why did it take you so long to get in contact with me?"

"You're actually harder to track down than I thought, princess. But I want us to have a relationship. I mean, we're family right?"

I nod and he claps his hands. "Now, I heard on the streets that you aren't like most people."

I narrow my eyes at him. "I'm not. I'm...different."

"Care to show me?"

"No." He raises a brow at me and I sigh. "Fine."

I take off my sweater and toss it on the pool table. I then slice my forearms and my bones creep out, covering me completely.

"Whoa..." He circles me and I crack the bone plate, causing my bones to go back inside of me.

"Impressive, princess."

"Marrow. I'm not a princess."

"Marrow? I like. So Marrow, are you, bullet proof?"

"Carmine didn't tell you did he?"

Wally's POV

I don't know why I'm here.

Wait, just to see if I'll run into Lydia.

"Refill, Wally?" Jessica asks. "Sure. And-"

"No, that Lydia girl hasn't been seen. But I'll let you know when I see her that you're lookin for her."


Jessica was already on to the next table.

So here I was sitting at a table looking down at my fourth cup of black coffee, waiting.

I hear the door open but my smile leaves when I see it's not her.

"Maybe I should give it up." I say as I go to take a drink of my coffee.

Luck was on my side because I saw Lydia walking across the street. I grab my jacket and leave a tip then run out of Jitters.

"Lydia!" I call out her name but she must not have heard me because she kept walking.

I decide to use a little Kid Flash charm and meet her on the other side.

"Okay Wally you got this. You got this." I nod and pretend to bump into her. But instead I bump into a big scary dude.

"Watch where the hell you're going asshole." He barks at me.

"Sir, I don't want to alarm you. But your shoes are untied." Lydia says as she stands next to him.

The man looks down and Lydia grabs my hand as the man looks down and realized he was wearing loafers.

"Hey! Get back here!"

Lydia and I both duck into a record shop and once we catch our breathes we laugh.

"Thanks for that." She shrugs. "What can I say, I love helping a damsel in distress."

I roll my eyes and she tugs me along. "Any good music you've heard lately? You know not any of this basic shit that plays on repeat on the radio."

I look down and see she's still holding my hand. "Um..." She looks at me and god her eyes make my knees want to buckle.

"I really like the oldies. My mom, she use to put on the Temptations. It was the only thing that would put me to sleep."

"My dad loves that group. Actually he has a really chill record collection. So if you want to see it sometime."

"Wallace are you trying to invite me over so you can get me alone and take advantage of me?"

"No! I mea-" She laughs and leans against me. "I'm just kidding."

"Not to sound crazy but can I get your number?" I ask as I remember. "Hmm it's 555-090." I frown. "I think you're missing a number."

"I know. Hey what do you think about Duran Duran?"

"Lydia, what's the rest of your phone number?"

"I'll give you the last digit once you've proved to me you deserve it."

"How?" I ask her. "I'm sure you'll come up with something. Maybe something...bad." She flutters her lashes and I cheese hard.

"I'm bad. Bad to the bone." Lydia then let's my hand go and I panic.

"Sorry, that was corny. And I can't really talk to you because you're just drop dead gorgeous and I'll stop talking now."

"Wally, I thank you. And you're cute. But I'm just going to the bathroom." I feel my face get hot as I nod and she heads to the bathroom.

"Real smooth, Wallace. Real smooth." I say under my breathe. I skim through some records and hear a loud crash.

"Oh my god!"

I then hear some gun shots and I quietly duck out of the back and race to get my suit.

Once it's on I'm back and see some hoodlums shooting at the police.

I run through them and disarm each bad guy. "I think you're all done here." The police move in and I get ready to leave but I see Marrow across the street, trying to sneak off.

I run and catch her right before she disappears. "Why is it when trouble is around, you seem to keep popping up?"

She smirks at me. "I can't help what environment I'm in, Kid. Besides, I just wanted to see you in action." I roll my eyes and take a step forward with my hands up.

"Thank you, for saving my life."

"You're welcome. Now if you don't mind, I need to go." I block her path. "You're coming with me."

"Hmm, not going to happen. Maybe if you beg." I'm careful where I grab her and keep her against the wall.

"You're really starting to annoy me. You know that right?" She smiles at me.

"What can I say, I'm gunning to be your number one enemy. And you know what they say about enemies. We either try to kill each other, or end up fucking each other's brains out. Either way, we'll end up with a bang."

She leans up and I back up a bit. "Awe, what? A girl like me can't get some sugar?"

"Kind of involved with someone at the moment."

"Hm, I don't care." She manages to cut her arms and I back off quick. She then spins around and with her bones she climbs the walls.

I was about to run after her, but then I remember. "Lydia."

I'm back in my regular clothes and I walk into the record store. Lydia was coming out of the bathroom and I meet her half way.

"You have no clue how long of a line it was in the ladies room." She says as she shakes her head. "Hey, you okay? You look kind of winded." She asks me.

"Oh, I'm fine. Just a lot on my mind."

"Bad? Good?"

"I'd rather not talk about it right now." She nods and looks at her watch. "Shit, hey I gotta go. But I'll see you around okay?"

"Wait, what's the last digit?" She gives me a devilish grin. "I'll tell you next time."

"Wait, when can I see you again?" She taps her chin. "How about tomorrow night. We meet at Jitters. And wear something nice." She fixes my collar and I get goosebumps as she leans in.

"Seven." She walks backwards and I just watch her go.

"Wait, seven...SEVEN!" I yell that and make two older people jump back from me. "Sorry. I'm so sorry."

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