The Demon

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Oliver's POV

It was a typical night in Starling City. "Alright, Oliver. You've done your rounds." Felicity says over my earpiece. I keep watch over the city and give a nod.

It's been quiet for the past few days which to anyone else that would seem like a great thing.

But I just think it's the calm before the storm. As I get ready to get down. I hear a blood curdling cry.

I start running in that direction and land by the police station. I hear gun shots and shouting.

But as I start to go inside, an older gentleman runs into the glass door and I go to help him, but a large bone like claw grabs him by the top of his head and crushes it. Causing blood to splatter everywhere on the glass.

I take a step back for a moment but shake the fear off and open the door.

Once I walk inside I see blood and carnage everywhere. As I move stealthy in the police station I see officer Redding.

He was a rookie cop that was getting buzz fast on catching low live crooks, as well as a few crime bosses.

He was holding his bloody arm and backing away from something. I manage to get to higher ground and see what exactly was causing this blood shed.

It was a ghastly large bone like creature. It's face looked like a smiling demon. It's limbs looked like long extended branches.

If fear had a face, this thing would be it.

I take my arrow and aim at the beast. When I let it fly, it hits the beast right in its skull.

But the beast yanks the arrow out and it looks directly at me and tosses it down.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." It begins to charge at me and I hit it with more lethal arrows.

I move as fast as I can as its claw swipes at me. "Uh, Felicity. Need some help here."

"Oliver, what's that noise in the background?"

The beast shrieks and then it's just quiet. I stay still, and take a chance to look out.

The beast was gone and Redding was now on the floor, bleeding out.

I need to help him.

I quickly come out from where I am and help, Redding. "Lean on me." I whisper. He nods and as we head to the door, something wraps around my leg and yanks me.

Redding slips out of my hand and I turn around ready to shoot another arrow but the beast slaps my bow and arrow out of my hands and pins me down using one of its claws.

"Greeeeeeeeen." It beast hisses at me.

I try to think fast but it swiped its claw across my chest and I cry out in pain. My wounds bubble up a bit and I feel like my skin was rotting.

This thing was goin to kill me. I was staring death in the face and I was genuinely scared.

A shot fires and the beast screams in pain and takes off.

"I've got you. Don't worry." Redding said to me as felt my skin burn.

"We need help! We need help! We've got casualties!" Redding says over his walkie.

I just lay on the ground waiting to die...

Marrow's POV

I wake up in my bathtub and the water was bloody. "P...Petey." I call out my brothers name and try to stand but since as I feel my shoulder was bruised. I let the water out and sit there in my ripped dressed.

"Petey!" I scream his name and I start to shake as I slowly remember what I had done.

He runs into the bathroom and I had my hands out for him to help me. He quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me.

"I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to, hurt them."

"Mar, what are you talking about?" We walk to the living room and he sits me on the couch and I hear the tv going.

Instead of going into gruesome details, I turn up the volume and let Petey hear what happened.

"Late last night, at SCPD a gruesome meta attack had taken place. Police officer, Marcus Redding along with five other survivors, says that the Meta was a monster out of nightmares..."

I close my eyes and place my head in my hands as I continue to listen.

"...seventeen fellow policemen and women lost their lives. And they leave behind their wives, husbands, and children."

I hear Petey turn off the tv and he sits next to me. "Don't." He ignores me and pulls me into a hug.

"You're not the demon."

"I remember what I did, Petey. I remember killing those people. I remember the blood...oh god it was so much blood."

"Shhh, but you're not the demon. Remember? You're not this thing. Now tell me how did it come out?"

I sit there silently and remember when I first got my powers, when the demon first came to be...

(Four Years Before...)

It was my sixteenth birthday and I didn't feel right. "Happy birthday! Come on get up!" Petey was jumping on my bed and I just didn't want to get up. "Come on, B. Just because you got diagnosed doesn't mean you can't celebrate life."

"I have a treatment today. So sorry I don't feel like celebrating." I throw my blankets off and grab my crutches. "Let me he-" I shrug off his help and stand up and use the crutches to walk like I've been doing for the past six months.

I was diagnosed with a rare bone cancer that slowly made my bones brittle and made my blood toxic.

I was careful not to leave my bodily fluids around and always took the gross medication that was given to me.

If it weren't for Petey I would have let myself get sicker and just die. But Petey made life worth living.

He just had that type of charm.

"So, old lady what do you want for breakfast?"

"Granola and yogurt. And who are you calling old? Your birthday was last month you old fart." Petey ruffles my curly hair and laughs.

"I'll get you some food. Want some tofu bacon?" I make a face and pass. "I could go for..." I shut my mouth because I know we don't have the money right now.

"Let's go out to eat. My treat."

"Awe, Petey we don't have to. Besides I have treatment in a few hours." Petey ignores me and picks me up.

"If my little sister wants Big Belly burger then we're getting Big Belly Burger."

"Petey! Put me down!"

We sat at the table and I inhaled my food and even took a fry off of Petey's plate.

I find Petey reading the news paper and I glance at what he was reading. "You can go to that Particle Accelerator thing tonight if you want."

"Nah, besides I'm hanging out with you. After your treatment, we can go anywhere you want."

"I want to see the Particle Accelerator." He rolls his eyes but smiles. "Alright old lady, it's your day."

"Thank you." I look down at my crutches and get reminded that I'll die soon, and Petey will be all by himself one day...

It was time for my treatment and I was nervous. "Hey, I'll be right outside okay?" I nod and sit as comfortable as possible.

I look at the tv above and see that they have the gathering for the Particle Accelerator.

My treatment was only going to take a half an hour so Petey and I can still go just in time when they turn it on.

So I sit there and take the treatments and when I look up again, people on the tv were running and the whole hospital was shaking.

I go to stand but one of the nurses tells me to remain calm.

After she tells me that a strange wave hits me and the chemo inside of my blood stream starts to make my bones ache.

"Ah! Ah! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I snatch the needles out of my body and the nurse was about to help me but the tv falls and hits her. Knocking her out.

"B! B!" I hear Petey but my body was aching and my blood was boiling.

Suddenly the blood coming out of my wounds become hard and I see my bones sliding out of my body and I freak out.

I don't know what happened next but everything was silent...

I wake up and Petey was sleeping at the foot of my bed. I look around and I'm in a hospital room.

I sit up and I look down at my hands. I see the bones under my skin ripple and I fall flat on my ass out of bed.

"B?" Petey wakes up and he look over at me. "Petey, do you have your knife?"

"Yeah, why, what do you need it for?" I stand up and have my hand out. "I could get in trouble for this B."

He hands me his knife and I flick it open. "B, what are you doing?" I then slice my forearm and Petey goes to snatch the knife but I step back.

"Watch." My bones slide out and my whole arm was covered in bones. "What the hell?"

I look at Petey and smile. "Cool right? Wait." I look down and stand up. I look up at Petey and he looks at me.

"Your legs."

I jump up and down and do a fake high kick. "They don't hurt! My legs don't hurt, Petey!" I run to my brother and hug him hard.

"This is amazing. I don't feel sick."

"But how did this happen? All I remember was some weird wave and you were like screaming your head off." I then think back and remember. "The Particle Accelerator, it like exploded. I saw it on tv and I just felt this strange feeling hit my body. Like it hurt like hell but this feels amazing!"

My fingers hit the ceiling and Petey cringes. "That's gross." I shrug and grab a chair. "Help me."

"No, that's gross. Now do you see why I'm a vegetarian?"

"Pussy." I mumble as I grab my finger bones out of the ceiling. The doctor comes into the room and instead of explaining why my arm was covered in bones, Petey and I book it.

"Hey! Stop those kids!" I focus hard and my bones slide back into my cut as we run out of the hospital. I smack into a woman and her son.

"Whoops, sorry!" I look at the boy a second longer than I should have and Petey grabs me. "Come on, B!"

"Wally, come on." The woman says to the boy. The boy stares at me and I shake out of it and take off with my brother.

My powers were definitely a blessing. But it also was a curse...

I was working the night shift at a diner. I had to lie about my age to get my job, but I got the job and I was just happy to earn money the right way.

That one night, however. I was tired and my feet were barking. "Hey sugar." A greasy looking trucker had grabbed my ass and I was getting pretty annoyed.

I slap his hand away and pull out my notepad. "What can I get for you." He licks his lips and says if my pussy was on the menu. And if so, he'd take a double helping.

I walk away from him and he hoots with his friends.

"You okay, B?" Donna asks me. I ignore her and sit down holding myself.

Any other night I would have ignore the crude customers but something inside of me made me angry.

I remember my mom on the floor dying.

I wince.

I remember how none of my family members wanted me.

I wince again.

I remember how the women at the orphans would slap me around.

I wince again and my head began to hurt. I get up and go into the stall slamming it shut.

I hold my head and feel my nails feel sharp and scratch my temple.

My body jerks and I hear a growl inside of me. I open the stall door and what meets me was a horrifying reflection.

My eyes were glowing a ghostly green and my face. My face looked ugly. Ugly like a demon.

The only thought I had, was to kill the men who taunted me.

So I waited until those men went outside. I didn't even wait for them to part ways. I just grabbed the first one and squeezed hard until I hear something snap. I hear screaming and hear a gun shot and I know what I did was gruesome because I blocked it out.

But I remember walking home, covered in blood and I had this large bag of money and trinkets from the men that I had killed.

"B-" I stop Petey and smile as I toss down the stuff. "Marrow. Call me Marrow. And from now on, we don't let people fuck with us. We take what we want and we never let people step on us again..."

(Present Day)

Petey sits there and listens to what I found out yesterday.

"Wow..." He says as I finish. "See how that thing got triggered?"

"I see, but why did you go to Starling City? Like Green Arrow couldn't kicked your ass."

"I think I saw him there. Though I hope I didn't hurt him." I get up and decide to take a shower. "Petey, don't wait up for me, I'm going to go see Wally later."

"What? Mar, don't you think you should stay away from him?" He asks as he walks around the corner.

I growl a bit and feel my eyes shift. Petey backs off and I shut the bathroom door.

Wally's POV

We heard what happened, so Harrison, Cisco and I went to Starling City to visit Oliver.

When we get to our destination, all I could think about was the news this morning.

Blood and carnage was everywhere. It was the worse mass murder Starling City had seen in decades.

We walk into Oliver's room and felicity was by his side. She turns and it's pretty easy to tell she's been crying.

"Oh, hey guys." She gets up and walks over to us, so she doesn't disturb Oliver. "You guys have no idea how creative of a lie I had to come up with." She says as she looks back at a sleeping Oliver.

"Is he okay?" I ask. She nods. "He's much better. They had to get this toxin out of his wounds."

"Any clues on what attacked him?" Cisco asks. I notice Harrison had walked into the room and was looking at Oliver's chart.

"No, clue. The toxin isn't in any medical records-"

"Barry has the same toxin in his body. I believe the person or Meta in question is Marrow." Harrison says as he puts Oliver's chart down.

"Barry?" Felicity asks with a confused face. "He had a run in with a Meta named Marrow a few days ago. And she poisoned him with a piece of bone. Oliver didn't get a bone spear in his chest did he?" Cisco asks.

"No, he had this slash marks across his chest, wait a Meta named Marrow did this? Why have I never heard of them?"

"Because she has been under the radar, but time is running out and I need her to get the toxic bone out of him."

"Actually, felicity I was wondering if you could help me analyze something back in Central City." While Cisco and Felicity talk I get a buzz on my phone.

I look and see it was Lydia.

I pick up almost immediately. "Hey, Lydia now isn't a good time-"

"I know last night I was a jerk. Leaving like that, and I was hoping I can make that up too you? Maybe a picnic at my favorite spot? I'll provide the food and a good explanation. But if you're busy. I guess I can understand."

I look back at Oliver and see Felicity talking to Cisco. Harrison was keeping an eye on Oliver and I step out of the room.

"Where should I meet you?"

Marrow's POV

I stand in the flower field waiting for Wally and I feel nervous. "Guess who?" Wally's hands covers my eyes and I smile.

I move his hands and turn around. "You got here faster than I thought." I tell him. He shoves his hands in his pockets and gives me a shy smile.

"Well I'll always come running when you call." I lean in and pretend I'm going to kiss him but instead I put a flower in his hair.

"This place is amazing right?" I ask as I spin around in the flowers. When I look back at Wally he was just staring at me which made me blush.

Come on, Marrow. Don't be all mushy now. You've only met him a few days ago.

Well you did sleep with him last night.

Wally was now next to me and I turn away from him and show him the picnic I set up for us.

"I hope you're in the mood for fried chicken. I cooked it myself. And the sides, but I went out and bought the cokes."

"This is perfect, because I'm starving." We both sit down and I hand Wally a plate and silverware, then after we dig in.

We sit in silence for a while and I'm happy with that. "This place is my favorite place in the world. In the spring the flowers bloom like crazy and it smells so good here." I tell him as I look off into the distance.

"This place is beautiful, just like you." He comments. If only he knew the ugly inside of me.

I stay quiet and just lean on his shoulder. We continue to eat and when we're close to being done. I look wipe my hands and turn to Wally.

"I want to apologize for my behavior last night. Loading all of those emotions on you last night-"

"You don't have to apologize. Hearing you talk about what's going on in your mind isn't a bad thing. You know I feel actually honored that you'd share something to intimate with me like that. It shows your trust me."

" Which is weird because of the time span. But um, lets play a game. Ever heard of two truths and a lie?"

"Yeah, I use to play that at like parties and stuff in college."

"Good, then I don't have to explain the game, thought I wish we had some booze. But anyways, I'll go first." I sit there and think of what I'm going to tell him.

"I like to think that I'm an amazing singer. I hate when the bad guy looses in movies and I killed someone last night."

Wally scoffs at that. "Clearly you didn't kill anyone last night so, I think you hate to see the bad guy loose." Wrong, I did kill someone.

I just smile and tell him he's right.

I should come clean and tell Wally who I really am, but then what we have will be all a sham.

Petey's POV

I'm worried about Marrow. Last night that thing came out of her and slaughtered all those people. If anyone finds out that it was her she would rot under the jail.

She'll be known as a cop killer. I look at the card Carmine had gave me the day we met and pick up my phone to call the number.

He answers on the fourth ring. "What?"

"Uh, Lucious sir? I was wondering if we could talk?"

We meet at his warehouse and I was taken to a room. "He'll be with you shortly." One of the guys tell me. He closes the door and I look out the big window that looks out towards the other workers.

I see guns being shipped out. Large packages as well. This here just makes me feel uneasy.

I hope Lucious hurries up, because I feel like a raid could happen any minute now.

I turn away from the window and glance at Lucious' desk. He had some papers sitting there but what really caught my eye was a folder marked Monroe, Elena.

That's Marrow's mothers name.

So I pick up the folder and skim through it. I see some pictures of Marrow as a baby. I even see a picture Elena. But what put me at an unease was there was a letter, addressed to Marrow. It was a suicide letter. I take a picture of that and send it to Marrow.

"What are you doing there, Petey?" I jump and the folder scatters out of my hand and onto the floor.

Lucious closes he door behind him and I quickly pick up what I can. I then see a picture of Elena on the floor covered in blood.

Lucious plucks that picture out of my hand and slides it in his jacket pocket.

"You came to talk about Bones?" He asks as if I didn't see the pictures. "Yeah, but if you're busy then-"

"Nonsense, if it comes concerns my little girl. I want to know all about it." He smiles and I feel very uncomfortable.

"Sit, sit, Petey." He puts me down and I sit in front of him as he takes his seat. "So what's going on?"

I wipe my hands on my pants, from nerves. "So, Marrow was just having a hard time the other night. About some you know Meta stuff. And I was wondering if she told you anything?"

"Not that I recall. But then again, what would I know about Meta's? They're just freaks and my kid just so happens to be one."

Is he serious?

"You're joking right?" I ask. "Of course I am!" He laughs and I fake one but I still feel like he's telling the truth.

"Besides, a Meta like her would do great in the family business. Just like that stunt she pulled last night."

I look up and his green eyes seem to hold something sinister in them. "What-what do you mean?" I ask.

"I've got people all over. I know a guy in Metropolis, I know a guy in Gotham. I even know a guy in Starling City and he told me that that monster was my kid."

I get up and pretend my phone was buzzing. "I have an important call. I'll be right back."

"Petey?" Lucious calls and I turn to him. "You're a terrible liar." The door opens and before I could o anything I was hit in the head with a baseball bat...

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