Chapter 2: Too Many Intense Visions

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"Are you sure this is the right information?"


Two government agents looked over the pile of paper intently. The pile contained information about two subjects made in a lab. The original files were destroyed, but not all of them was burned to a crisp. All of the government agents salvaged what they could, which wasn't much.

"This contains a lot of information about the subjects," muttered one. "One would think that they should not note down everything about an illegal experiment, much less two."

"I agree," agreed the other. "He was not as smart as he thought."


"We have you now," a man in black said. He pointed a gun at the Tsukumo family. "Don't try to escape again."

Astral clung onto Black Mist. "I'm scared," he whispered. "What are we going to do?"

Black Mist returned Astral's embrace. "I guess we have to go with them."

Tears welled in Astral's eyes. "I don't want to go..."

Yuma walked up to them, ignoring the man's gun. "I wish there was something I could to."

Black Mist smiled warmly. "Just take care of the Emperor's Key for us."

"Break it up!" the man hollered. "You two, come with us if you value the lives of your friends!"

"Don't be so violent," another man said. He turned to the twins. "Now, come with us."

With one last look back, Astral and Black Mist floated toward the men.

Astral remained shocked still for a long time before gathering his wits again.

This is...What is this?

Astral gazed down at his notebook, which he retrieved from the lab. He twirled the pencil in his hand. He looked at the Korean characters, but he wasn't focusing on their meaning.

This is what will happen in the future...How far?

Astral sighed. He knew that there was no changing the future once he saw it. His father told him that.

Black Mist entered the room. "Astral, what's wrong?"

Astral looked behind him to see Black Mist approaching.

"I had another vision," he stated dully. "We got caught by the men in black that Father warned us about."

If Black Mist was in any way disturbed, he didn't show it.

"Did we now?" he mused. "I suppose that it will happen no matter what."

Astral nodded. He looked back at the Korean characters and deciphered them. He was trying to take his mind off of the vision.

"When do you think it will happen?" Black Mist asked, knowing that his twin could at least guess when.

"Maybe...some months from now. Maybe less."

Black Mist nodded. "If you say so."

Astral went ridged as another vision came.

"NO!" Astral screamed as he was being taken away by one of the people in white.

"We'll be together again, Astral!" Black Mist called back, tears running down his cheeks, fear of what they might do to his twin taking over. "I promise...I promise..."

Astral started struggling against the hands, sobbing and crying out for his brother.

"No..." Astral whispered. "This...this cannot be true..." He dropped the pencil as another vision filled his mind.

They strapped him down onto a lab table. They made sure he was securely tied down so that he wouldn't escape.

"Now, what part of it shall we study first?" one asked, readying the tools that Astral feared.

Astral shook his head to be rid of the scene. His breath grew ragged.

No, this is too much!

He clutched his head and groaned. The three visions in a row gave him a headache. He layed down on his side and remained still and stiff for the longest time until the headache subsided.

That lasted for five seconds before he had yet another vision.

Astral thrashed around, trying to get free as soon as he saw one of them holding a scalpel. One of the white coats brought it over to him.

"Now, don't be afraid. We just want to see what's inside of you. I promise not to strike anything that would bring you harm."

Astral didn't believe him.

"Stop!" Astral mumbled. "Just stop!"

When no more visions came, he sighed in relief. He got up, but that was a mistake. His headache got immediately worse, so he stayed down.

"Astral, are you alright?" Yuma called up.

"I-I'm fine," Astral called back shakily. He didn't want to tell anyone what he saw.

Four visions in one day. It must have been something important if there was four all depicting the same situation.

"Will we get caught?" Astral wondered aloud.

"How?" Black Mist wondered, his eyes widened in curiosity. "Tell me how we get caught."

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