Chapter 5: Almost Caught

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Astral rested on the bed that he and Black Mist shared to recover his energy from the training. At least the fire and lightning had stopped trying to dominate one another.

Before he knew it, Astral went to sleep.


Black Mist snarled as the men in black surrounded him. He called on his tentacles, and they rose from the ground. Astral made fire come to his hands.

"They're not going to get this out," Black Mist hissed. "They're not going to tell anyone where we are."

Astral nodded in agreement. "Yes."

"What makes you so sure that we won't get away from you," one of the men laughed.

"We just are," Black Mist purred. He whipped one tentacle, and it found its mark.

Astral woke up, startled. He sat up, gasping for breath.

"What was that...?" Astral wondered. He groaned, massaging the gems along his temples. "Ah, just bad ones. Just like Father said."

Astral got up and went outside for a while to get some fresh air. He breathed for a while, hoping to clear his head of the images.

Unfortunately, it was never that easy. The images stayed in his mind the entire time. He sighed.

When will this one happen, I wonder. Probably later on.

Astral growled in frustration. They couldn't be left alone! Maybe their future was just as screwed up like John and Sarah's were. Maybe, maybe not.

Astral sighed. This was too much thinking for him at the moment. He went back home and laid on the hammock.

Apparently, Yuma wasn't home.

He sensed Black Mist lurking around the room. He had nothing to do.

"I sense you, Black Mist," Astral called before his brother could pounce.

"Bloody hell!" Black Mist yelled, appearing from the shadows. "You're no fun!"

Astral chuckled. "Try it on Yuma. He'd never see it coming."

"HE'S NO FUN ANYMORE!!!!!" Then, Black Mist noted his brother's pensive state. "Hey, what's up?"

"E-eh? Ah, nothing!" Astral quickly assured Black Mist, sitting up quickly. "Nothing is wrong!"

Black Mist gave Astral a skeptical look. "You know I can see right through you, right?"

"Really, nothing is wrong," Astral said.

Black Mist sighed. "Whatever." He sat on the hammock with Astral. "Any more visions?"

"Nothing to take note of," Astral responded.

"Really? That's new." Black Mist still sounded dubious. "Nothing to take note of, huh?"

Suddenly, there was a hard knock on the door, as if someone was trying to bust it down. The twins shared a quick glance of uncertainty.

The whole family was already home, and Yuma would just bust through the door. Who could want someone or something so badly, they were willing to knock down the door?

They heard someone open the door. Voices. The all-too familiar voices of the men in black. The two caught their breath.

"What should we do?" Astral asked, panicking.

"We have nowhere to hide!" Black Mist placed one hand on his brother's shoulder.

Astral shut his eyes, and something unexpected happened. He opened his eyes to see that he couldn't see his body at all. He looked over to Black Mist, and he, too, was invisible.

"What the…?" Astral was baffled.

"I think this is another one of your powers that Dad didn't know about."

Astral nodded, and they remained silent. Soon, the men in black came up and searched the room. The two remained where they were, being as still as they could.

At last, the men in black went away with no results.

"What did we tell you?" Kazuma said. "Nothing."

"What exactly are you looking for?" Mirai asked.

The government officials didn't answer. They just left.

Astral willed themselves to reappear, and reappear they did.

"Huh." Black Mist looked all over his body to see if it was there. "That's a really cool power."

Astral nodded as they sensed Yuma coming in. They heard the voices.

"Dad, I saw two government guys walking away from this house," Yuma said with concern. "Did they get Astral and Black Mist?"

"Fortunately, no," Kazuma answered. "But, go see if they're okay."

Yuma came to his room to see the twins perfectly fine, if not a bit shaken up.

"How did you not get caught?" Yuma asked.

"I made is invisible," Astral answered. "It wasn't our time to get captured."

"Wait, what do you mean? You'll get caught some day!?"

Astral nodded solemnly. "Yes, Yuma. Not for a long time, though. That is the only good thing out of it."

Yuma looked solemn. "Well, until that day comes, you should hide."

"No duh, Sherlock!" Black Mist mumbled.

Yuma heard him, but he chose to ignore him. After all, he couldn't do. anything to him. He couldn't punch him in the gut without getting punched in the face and possibly where it hurt most!

Astral sighed. This is going to be hard again, I just know it

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