Chapter 6: The Start of the Hiding

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Black Mist and Astral hid in the Key when Yuma went to school. They decided that it was safer instead of staying home.

"After all, I don't know if I can do it again," Astral reasoned. "It was simply by mistake."

"True, true," Black Mist agreed. "We don't yet know how Astral's powers, and when they come up, we don't know how to engage them without testing. That takes time."

Yuma nodded. The twins went inside the Key, and they stayed there until school was over.

"How do you think they found us?" Black Mist asked while they hid. "We destroyed all evidence that we're alive."

"Maybe they found some papers," Astral guessed. "Also, I think we overlooked that there may be copies of the files."

"Mm..." Black Mist sighed. "I guess so."

Astral laid on one of the gears. "How will we fix this...?" He bit his thumb nail pensively.

"Well, we can't just go in there and burn all the documents," Black Mist huffed. "It won't be that easy anymore."

"Well, we have to act soon. They won't let us just hide."

"True, true."

Astral sighed. He ran any possibilities through his head as to how to get the men in black to stop chasing them. Nothing. Then, a vision.

"What's up with the pendant?" a green-haired girl asked.

"Nothing," Yuma replied casually.

"Nyah, is there something special about it?" a feline-looking girl asked.

"Um, yeah. My parents gave it to me," Yuma lied.

"Woow! It looks so cool, nyah!"

A boy with dark blue hair walked up to them. "Hey guys. What are you all doing?"

Yuma got up. "Oh, nothing, Takashi. Just talking." He smiled and started to walk away. "Well, I gotta run!"

"Not so fast," a gruff voice called.

They all turned to see many men in black. Yuma's eyes widened.

"You have something in that 'pendent' that needs to be destroyed."

"Like what?" Yuma asked innocently. "What could possibly be in this tiny little thing?"

"There's more to it than you might know. Now, hand it over!"

Yuma's response was running off quickly. Astral and Black Mist emerged from the Key.

"Why are we running?" Black Mist asked.

"Government guys," Yuma panted. "We gotta make sure they don't follow us back home."

"Astral and I will take care of that," Black Mist said with a smirk.

Astral looked upward. "Well, that one was less terrifying than the last ones," he commented.

"What was it?" Black Mist asked.

Astral told Black Mist everything that happened. Black Mist seemed mildly amused that the men in black were still willing to chase them.

"You think that'll be today?" he asked.

"I do not think so," Astral said. "It looked like a different day."

"Well, ya never know."

"Yes, I suppose you are right. Let's not go out today, though. Yuma might still be in school."

Black Mist huffed. "Fine, but it'll be quite boring."

"Well, find a way to entertain yourself."

Black Mist groaned and hung hus upper body off of the gear. "Like what?" he whined. "THERE'S NOTHING TO DO HERE!!"

"Look, would you rather go out there and run the risk of being caught, or would you rather stay here safe?"

"Well, we'll be caught at some point. After all, you had a vision about it."

"You know what my point is," Astral sighed.

"Well, you don't have to protect us both. You know well that I can protect myself," Black Mist reasoned, righting himself. "You can protect yourself as well."

"I know, but I'm just frightened."

"I know, but let's just get out."

Astral nodded, and they got out. Fortunately, Yuma wasn't running. They weren't in any danger of being chased. With him was a girl. She was the green-haired one from Astral's vision. They were coming in from outside.

"Hey guys," Yuma said cheerily. "Glad you finally came out."

The girl with the green hair looked up at them. "Yuma, who are they?"

Astral crossed his arms and turned his side to her with a blank face. A defensive position. Black Mist simply crossed his arms.

"Who are you?" he retaliated.

The green-haired girl was taken aback. She looked from one to the other.

"Kotori, this is Astral and Black Mist," Yuma said, gesturing to each one. "Astral, Black Mist, this is Kotori. She's my school friend."

Astral didn't relax. "I see," was all he said.

"What he means is are you a threat?" Black Mist interpreted with a smirk.

"That is not what I meant, and you know it," Astral mumbled, shifting his gaze to his brother.

"They live here?" Kotori asked Yuma. "Isn't it strange?"

"Nah," Yuma said with a shrug. "They're cool, but they just feel in danger at the moment."


Astral answered. "Why must you know?"

"What he means is that you don't need to know," Black Mist said once again.

Astral shot his brother another look. Black Mist shrugged innocently.

"Don't be rude, Black Mist," Yuma sighed. "Sorry, Kotori. He's normally like this."

"Indeed," Astral agreed. He went up to Yuma's attic room.

Black Mist grinned and followed Astral up. Yuma watched as they left. He looked back to Kotori and shrugged apologetically.

"Sorry if they were a bit rude. They're just really stressed."

Kotori smiled. "It's fine, really."

Haru walked up to them, and she smiled. "Ah, hello, Kotori," she said.

"Hello," Kotori greeted. "Where are Yuma's parents?"

"They're out at the moment."

"Okay." Kotori smiled again.

Back at the attic, Astral laid on the hammock, and Black Mist laid on his stomach in front of the TV, watching a horror movie.

"Black Mist, do you know when this was made?" Astral asked.

"I know it was in the twentieth century," Black Mist answered.

"Hmm. It looks very impressive. I wonder if any of these things can happen."

"Meh. Maybe. You never know."

Astral sighed and gripped the hammock.

Black Mist looked over to his twin. "What's up?"


"You sure?"


Black Mist doubted that "nothing" was bothering Astral.

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