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"Okay for the next round, never have I ever slept with a stranger." Four out of the six people drank Soju. "What? Lisa seriously you're not drinking?"

"I thought we were only supposed to drink when it's a yes?"

"Of course but are you for real right now? You haven't slept with a random stranger?" Lisa shakes her head disapprovingly. "But this is college! We're supposed to have fun and explore things! Our sexuality is an example look at Seulgi over here! She keeps banging on that hot chick at the Arts Department!"

"That hot chick I keep on banging is now my girlfriend so you better watch your mouth Hoony or it's the end!" The rest of the group howled knowing Seulgi bagged a prime meat. "Thank you everyone! Thank you!"

"But seriously Lisa, you should try seeing someone out, go have fun and live your life." Donghyuk nudges to the girl beside her. "Soojin your turn to ask."

"Assa!" The slightly drunk girl with pure red lips taps her chin. "Never have I ever slept with my roommate."

Lisa was zoning out for a moment before she realizes that everyone in the group was looking at her. "What?"

"You know what it is Lis."

After a few seconds she was able to recognize what was going on. "Ah you guys suck! No I haven't done that!"

All of the groaned in annoyance. "Not hooking up with a stranger is okay but with your roommate? Lisa have you seen Park Chaeyoung?"

"A lot of times actually." Momo just rolled her eyes at the latter.

"How can you not be attracted to her? She's pretty, intelligent, caring and see that body?" Seulgi comments making everyone nod in agreement. "Don't you feel attracted towards her?"

"Duh, she's a pretty girl it's a given fact and the added qualities about her makes her truly one of a kind but come on guys, she's like my first friend here in Korea. She's pretty much my sister."

"But she's also your first crush right?"

"Also your first travel buddy. You even let her meet your parents when you went home for the term break."

"She's also the first person you're living with besides your parents."

"Not to mention she's also first kiss right?"

Lisa rolls her eyes. "I was drunk at that time and I didn't know what I was doing."

"So me catching you guys kissing when we went to a movie or you stealing a kiss during movie night was just a normal thing to do?"

"So we've kissed a couple of times but that's just it. No need to further explain things, we were just-"



"Shoving tongue at each other's mouth?"

"Wondering how each other tastes like?"

"Having a little French class?"

"Kissing. It was just a kiss, nothing more- nothing less."


The drinking game went on for another hour before everyone separated on their own ways. Lisa was slowly walking around the university, careful not to trip on her way back to the dorm. She then remembers the teasing and the observations her friends have made earlier and wondered if they were talking with some sense or they were just being delusional. Lisa shrugs before shoving those thoughts away at the back of her mind as she arrives at their room.

"Lisa?" Chaeyoung's sleepy voice echoed through the silent room. "Oh good you're home."

"Chae what are you here? You could've just slept on your bed not on the desk."

"It's alright, I thought I'd wait for you so to keep myself awake, I tried to study but I must've fallen asleep." She giggles in an adorable way.

"You shouldn't have, I was out with my friends we were just having a drink."

"But you didn't send a text so I was worried."

"Oh, sorry. It might've slipped my mind." She tells honestly. "Come on let's go to sleep, my eyes are about to surrender on me."

"Lisa?" She turns to Chaeyoung who has a pout on her face. "Can I sleep with you tonight?"

"W-w-what?" Lisa's eyes went wide. They were just talking about this a while ago. "B-b-b-ut I thought-"

"We do it all the time anyways what's the matter?" She brushes past the latter and settles herself in Lisa's bed. "Come on, I need some sleep."

Lisa suddenly feels stupid for having such thoughts in her head. "I'm going to strangle them tomorrow."

"Are you coming or what?"

"Fine, fine I'm coming sheez." She changes to her sleeping clothes before joining Chaeyoung under the sheets. "Happy?"

Chaeyoung smiles and leans in for a quick peck on the lips before hugging Lisa. "Very."

Lisa thought that was weird. Chaeyoung rarely initiates the kisses but she must've thought that the latter was in her usual needy mode once again so she brushes the idea off and allows the sleep to consume her.

But over the days, the blonde-haired foreigner thinks that there was something off with her roommate. Chaeyoung seems to be a little more clingy, more needy. She thought that she was just the only one but then her friends have noticed it too. The way the latter would pick her up knowing that she would have a long break and ask if Lisa could accompany her to the coffee shop, the library or the music room.

And the brunette babe would always sneak a kiss whenever they were together. She thinks that maybe Chaeyoung was just in the mood for kissing but literally there was nothing around them that makes her want to kiss Chaeyoung – well scratch that she knows that her roommate is kissable all the time but her roommate was never the showy type so why the sudden change of attitude now?

"Ahh, this is getting more annoying than I expected." She sighs as she fixes her clothes before continuing her walk to the dance room to do extra practice time but then her phone rings from her pocket. "Hello?"

"LISA!" She instantly pulls the phone away from her ear. "Lisa are you there!?"

"Yeah I'm here but who is this?"

"I'm Jisoo, Chaeyoung's friend." The person from the other line tells. "Can you come pick her up? She's wasted as hell and I don't think I can handle two drunk friends at once."

"Okay, I'll be there. Text me the address."

"Lisa!" She turns her head and sees a purple head holding onto both bodies. "Help!"

She rushes to aid to a very drunken Chaeyoung. "What happened there?" She looks back at the fraternity house with was booming with music. "What was she doing in the frat house? I thought she didn't like parties."

"Chaeyoung has a life outside your friendship Lisa in case you haven't noticed." A feline-like face girl glares at her. "Not everything is about you."

"Sorry, she drank too much."

"Well someone has to accompany our baby here who's heart got-"

"Okay, Jen seriously you need to shut up." Jisoo turns to Lisa apologetically. "Can you take care of her?"

"Yeah." She manages to answer despite the confusion going on in her head. "I'll take it from here."

"Pfft! Yeah right! As if you can really take care of her you little-"Lisa wasn't able to hear what more of that Jen girl has to say because Jisoo drags her fast as they got inside the car.

She turns to Chaeyoung who was already sleeping on her shoulders. "Well I guess it's time for another piggy back."



Lisa lets out a tired sigh as she does some back stretches from the walk she just had. She looks at the drunken roommate of hers, wondering why she suddenly went to a party knowing that it wasn't her type of crowd and Chaeyoung gets headache when the music's blasting through the room so what made her went to that kind of environment? Lisa thinks to herself.

Well someone has to accompany our baby here who's heart got-

She wipes off the lose strands on the latter's face. "Who hurt you Chaeng?" She rubs her thumb across the cheek that she adored about the girl most. "Who hurt you this way?"

Sighing to herself, she figures that she might as well change Chaeyoung's clothes so that she'd be comfortable in her sleep. But just as she was ready to get up- she feels a sudden tug, making her turn around. Before her brain could process anything- Chaeyoung's face was inches away from her and as if it wasn't enough- the brunette leans in, giving her one fiery kiss.

Lisa was totally caught off guard with what was happening, especially when the latter hops on top of her, pulling her closer than before. She had her eyes wide open and every fiber of her existence tells her to kiss back, to pull Chaeyoung closer to her. But something was just off and so when her roommate starts to reach for the first button of her top- she knew everything was done.

"Chaeng." She tries to pulls away but the latter was ever persistent. "Stop."

"Come on Lis, you and I both know we're bound to do this anyways."

"No. Chaeng wait-"

"Relax, everything will be okay."

"I said stop Chae!" She harshly pushes the taller woman off of her. "What the hell?!"

"Don't act like you don't want this!"

"Because I don't! I really don't like whatever that just happened seriously!" She spats hard. "What is going on with you?! First you cling to me like a leech and now you want to spend a night with me? This is so not you!"

"I cling to you like a leech?" Chaeyoung's voice was wrapped around with hurt. "Is that what you see me? A leech?"

"No Chaeng, but you being a little bit more needy than the usual makes me feel like something is off with you. You're not like this and it's scaring me."

"It's scaring me too." She softly mumbles to herself.

Lisa sighs and stands up. "I'm going to leave for a walk. I'll talk to you in the morning okay?"

Not waiting for the brunette's reply, she leaves the room and out to the building to start her walk. She usually does this when she was too deep in her thoughts or she was not sure of the life she was choosing. Normally she would've brought her mp3 player with her but she was on a hurry and she really didn't want to see Chaeyoung because she know she would be soft for the latter and she didn't want that to happen.

Deciding to sit on one of the free benches, she releases a sigh out to no one- and covering her face with her hands as she thinks about the thing that just happened.

It was true, Chaeyoung was never the type to throw herself at anyone and she was a strong, independent woman who doesn't take shit from anybody. She was a lot stronger a lot more than people think because she saw her smiling and still remain optimistic despite everything that was happening to her.

So to see her to be that vulnerable, she couldn't help but get angry at the person who was making her feel this way. Lisa slowly try to put things together and realized that maybe Chaeyoung was getting sweet around her because the person she likes was within the area or maybe she was desperate for that person's attention. She remembers how the latter would hold her arms with both of her hands, sometimes she would feel the brunette's hand wrapping around her waist, pulling her close.

She remembers how Chaeyoung was so happy when Lisa offered half of her lunch only because she know how big her roommate's appetite is and how she got a kiss on the cheek as a reward. That Friday night when Chaeyoung asked if she could come with her friends where they played the drinking game and even called to the dare of kissing Lisa for 2 minutes straight.

Lisa couldn't help but turn her hands into knuckles gripping them hard as she was so ready to beat the shit out of that guy. Or girl, she adds taking note that she wasn't able to ask what was the latter's preferences when it comes to dating. Not that it matters- she just wanted to know.



"Mind if I take a seat?" Lisa shakes her head and Jisoo sits beside her. "Ahh, such a beautiful night."

"But there's nothing going on with it."

"Just because you see there's nothing going on means that there's really nothing going on." The latter answers before turning to the Thai native. "We haven't properly met."

"Yeah, Chaeyoung never really introduced me to you guys."

"Oh but we know all about you Lisa. That chipmunk won't shut up about you." Jisoo chuckles, making Lisa intrigued. "She talks about you whenever she has the chance."

"Only good things I hope?"

"You could say that." She answers vaguely. "So, why are you here? I thought you were supposed to be taking care of Chaeyoung?"

"I think she wants some time alone." Lisa answers as bits of the recent incident flashes on her mind. "And I think I need one too."

"Did you guys talk?"

"A little." Jisoo just nods her head in response. "Hey Jisoo?"


"Has Chaeyoung talked to you guys about someone she likes?"

"Why? Don't you guys talk about it?"

"Come to think of it, we haven't really talked about each other's type. I guess we never really had the time."

"Why do you want to know?"

"Well... I want to know who I should punch tomorrow. I can't have myself being embarrassed like that right?"

"Wouldn't it hurt so much?" Lisa turns to her. "Hurting someone you really know."

"What?" She raises her voice in asking. "She likes someone I really know?"

Suddenly Jisoo erupts in laughter, totally confusing Lisa. "Oh my God, now I get what Chaeyoung says."

"Why? What did she say?"

"Nothing." She answers as she continues to laugh. "Nothing, really."

"Do you like Chaeyoung Lisa?"

"W-w-why'd you suddenly ask?"

"I saw your pictures and videos together on Chaeyoung's phone. She has an album about you guys do you know about that?" Lisa nods her head affirmatively. "I think you guys are really cute together. Almost like a couple."

"B-b-but how can you tell that I like her?"

"I think because I pay attention more to the little things rather than the bigger picture. I also think that this has something to do with my course which is music by the way. Jennie's on the fashion line thing." She answers. "I see the way you look at her, the way your eyes would sparkle whenever she does something adorable or cute. Whenever she says something stupid, you'd simply tease her but then comfort her right away."

"I also noticed how your hand always end up wrapping itself around Chaeyoung's arm because I also noticed that with Chaeyoung too. I see the difference of your tone of laughter whenever you're with her. It was more raw and authentic, even if she pulls out the lame dad jokes."

Lisa chuckles. "I like her dad jokes."

"I'm also adding to the list the fact that get jealous of the guys that's swarming around her." She smirks, making the latter fluster. "Don't try to deny it, I saw you guys arguing at the hallway right after you snapped at Jungkook."

"It was because he was being pushy and Chaeyoung was obviously uncomfortable." She says. "Wait; is it Jungkook that she likes?"

"Oh goodness no." She laughs. "She swings my way."

"Your way?" She connects her eyebrows. "What does that mean?"

Jisoo nods her head. "Spending so much time falling in love with people who doesn't love me back." She turns to Lisa with a smile. "Don't worry Lisa; it's nothing new for me."

"But it must've been hard. You continuously waiting for them to look at your way even though you know they never will, but still you continue to do so. Because you love them and seeing them being happy has always been your priority. Seeing them happy, even though is not with you- will always be the path you'd choose."

"Wow, I never would've expected for you to be this deep but I guess Photography major also have a way with words." She smiles.

"Do you think I like Chaeyoung? She was my first friend here in the university and she was also my first crush." Lisa trails off. "Do you think she's my love at first sight?"

"No of course not. Love at first sight doesn't exist Lisa, when I first met mine- she was the coldest bitch in the department and no one tried to befriend her until I decided to. She continuously pushed me away but I keep on coming back. Sparks didn't fly when I first saw her- what flew away was my books as she swatted it away from my hold." Lisa chuckles at the story. "She was just a girl with a cold demeanor and I was just me- a girl from the province who doesn't know shit about life. Yeah sure, I thought that we were going to be friends but I never knew I'd fall in love with her."

"But as the days go by, I start to realize that she was not all bad. Not even one bit really and that her cold demeanor was just a shield to protect her from letting people in but I knew at one point I wanted to be with her, in a non-friend way. It wasn't a grand revelation to me, I was working on my music and I thought about her and I was like- damn I must really love her. I said to myself because I was producing happy music."

"Falling for someone doesn't happen during the first meetings. Love, like most of the good things in this world- takes time, it happens when you least expected it." She says.

"Wow, you love Jennie that much huh."

"Well I-"Her eyes went wide the moment Lisa said those words. "What did you say?"

"You know what I said but don't worry, I won't tell anyone." She winks. "I pay into details too you know."

She sighs but laughs it off anyways. "So? Do you think you like Chaeyoung?"

"Yeah." She smiles, feeling the weight on her chest was suddenly remove. "Yeah I think I do."

Lisa decides to stay at Soojin's apartment near the university where she could think things over. She wanted this day to be perfect because this will be the day that she'll finally tell to Chaeyoung what she really feels. Of course, her friends teased her non-stop telling her different things like- I told you so! , what did I tell you, look who's eating her words now! As they run around their friend's apartment screaming gay repeatedly.

She lets them be for she knew they were correct but mostly because she cannot be distracted as she tries to compose herself and the thoughts and ideas flowing through her mind and when she finally done planning, her phone rings and Chaeyoung's name flashes through the screen.

"Guys, shut up. It's Chaeyoung." Lisa answers the call, nervousness written all over her face. "Hey Chaeng."

"Hi Lis, where are you? You didn't come home last night did you?"

"Yeah sorry, I just need to clear my head out for a bit. I sleep at Soojin's apartment and the rest of my friends are here."

"Can you come home? I need to talk you about something."

"Yeah, I was just about to." Lisa says as she looks at a Polaroid in her hand. "I've got something to say to you too so wait for me okay?"

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit."


"Chaeng? I'm home." Lisa announces as she closes the door. "Chaeyoung?"

"Give me a sec!" A few seconds later, the latter arrives wearing a beautiful black dress. "Lisa, what do you think?"

"I- I-" She blinks the surprise that she feels away. "Why are you wearing that?"

"Well... Sorry I forgot to tell you but I'm going out tonight."

"Going out? You mean like-" She swallows the lump on her throat. "You mean like a date?"

Chaeyoung excitedly nods her head. "Joy asked me out earlier, she told me she wanted to come and talk to me but never found the courage to do so."

"Joy? Your block mate?" The latter nods once again. "You're going out with her?"


"But why?"

The latter connects her eyebrows in confusion with Lisa's attitude. "Because I don't see that I can't Lisa."

Lisa clenches her jaw and nods her head. "So what do you need me for?"

"I was going to ask you if I look okay? I'm meeting her in 10 minutes and this is my first date in a long time so I really want to look great."

"You look beautiful Chaeyoung."

"Great!" She lets out a giggle before walking towards the door. "Wait- you said you also have to say something."

Lisa manages to smile and shake her head. "It's no big deal. We'll talk about it later."

Chaeyoung nods her head and leaves the room and both of them never talked about what Lisa had to say to her that day.

The dinner date was followed by a picnic date by the Han River where Chaeyoung told her that she loved everything about that day because Joy listened to everything that she said on the first date and they went bike riding and ate sandwiches that Wendy, Joy's friend made for them. After the Han River date, she took Chaeyoung to an art gallery where she flattered the latter with words about being the ultimate masterpiece.

Lisa seldom sees Chaeyoung right now because she usually finds the latter hanging out with Jennie and Jisoo and of course Joy which made her so jealous and angry at the same time.

"Hey Lisa, it's alright you can still have your chance."

"Yeah maybe you could change your name into J too like Jisa or Jolisa."

Soojin nudges Seulgi. "Stop, it's not funny."

"Seulgi, you met Joy right?" Lisa asks out of nowhere. "What is she like?"

"Well, she's a pocket full of sunshine. She's usually blunt and mean but that's what I like about her, she doesn't want beating around the bush which was rare- finding people with knowing what they want in life. Most people will just say they don't think about it but they obviously do."

"I got to go." Lisa stands up and grabs her bag.

"Hold up where are you going?"|

"I'm supposed to meet a friend of mine. Outside of campus so you don't know who she is. I'll catch up later for tonight's event okay?" Lisa leaves without knowing the fact that a pair of brown eyes were looking from where she was seating, watching her walk away.



"Sorn, hey!" Lisa runs up and hugs her. "Sorry, I was stuck in traffic."

"It's alright; the coffee shop doesn't open until later anyways."

Lisa gets invited at her friend's coffee shop just a few blocks away from the university. It has been apparently been the talk of the town and after several invitations from the latter, she finally agrees to meet her childhood friend. It has been months since they last talk and first she didn't want to come and visit because she was preoccupied with Chaeyoung but now that the brunette is preoccupied with someone else- she finally agrees to the invite.

"Sorn, you have a beautiful café. No wonder you keep on telling me to come here."

"I know you live for vibes like this so I was just hoping you could drop by but I know you have priorities so I really didn't push it."

"Well, better late than never right?" She smiles. "Let's catch-up, we have lots to talk about."

They talked about Sorn's business on how it just started with a business plan until she got the approval of her parents to do a trial run for a few months. When it finally became a success, Sorn's parents gave her the go signal to stay in Korea and to continue to run her coffee shop as she lives independently away from her dad's strict orders and mother's judgmental ideas.

"But tell me all about you." Sorn says. "What are you up to these days?"

"The usual, school, dance- photography..." She shrugs. "Nothing big has ever happened to me."

"What about love then?" Lisa chokes on her drink. "Ooh, I see... There is someone right?"

Lisa thought about lying to her friend but she decides not to. "Sorn, you have fallen in love right? Plenty of times."

"First I fell in love three times, the plenty of times were the ones I had crushes, infatuations and one-night stands casualties."

"Yeah- that." She bites her lower lip doubtfully. "Who was your greatest heartbreak?"

"To surprise you, it wasn't from any of my boyfriends." She admits. "He was nobody in campus, pretty much of a loner you could say and what caught my attention was his mysterious aura. Eventually we started talking and then just as when I thought things were doing well for us- he left."

"What do you mean he left?"

"Like one morning he just left." Sorn tells her. "We still see one another in campus but he just left my life as quick as we met." She sighs as she looks at the view outside. "Maybe because he came from a messed up life and believed that he was going to destroy me so he decided things for us. Which was good, because every time I think about it, I've come to realize that we weren't meant to be together."

"But do you still love him?" Her friend subtly nods her head. "Don't you think it's about time to give up and just- let go."

"Lisa, when you fall for someone and you felt that it was real- you don't just wake up and then move-on. When you love someone that deep, even if things didn't go ways you wanted them to be, you kind of hope that one day it will." She smiles but Lisa knew that it was one that she forces herself to feel happy. "Sometimes I wonder what would be our story if we decided to continue where we left off. It would be a disaster, but I think I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Like what they say, you can't have what you always want." Lisa sighs. "But what if you can have him but don't want him as much as you do right now? Would things be different? Will you still have a happy ending?"

"I'll never find out which is which because fate didn't give me the chance to figure that one out."

The blonde Thai slumps in her seat making her think on what she just said, thinking on how much Sorn's greatest heartbreak was similar to her current situation. She understood where her friend was coming from and accepted the fact that maybe she no longer just like Chaeyoung- but is still having a hard time to accept that maybe she was just too late.

Suddenly, a sweet acoustic melody catches her attention only to find that right outside of Sorn's coffee shop was a small stage- like a performance show. What she finds more amazing is that the guy was speaking in their native tongue which totally surprised her.

"That's what makes my coffee shop different from the others." Sorn smiles at she observes her artist practicing. "Even the locals love it, especially when they hear the story before the music starts."

"I like the music; it's a happy melody with a sad lyrics- kind of tastes like a bittersweet."

"Well if you want, you can come by and perform." Lisa was surprised by the offer. "Oh come on Lisa, I'm not stupid- I know you still kept on playing that small guitar of yours."

"Yeah on my room when no one is listening."

"Which is such a shame because you have a talent that people would die for you know?" Sorn compliments. "Come on, you owe me one because you made me remember the heartbreak I once had."

Lisa sighs knowing how persuasive the latter could be. "Fine, I'll perform next week but I get to choose my own song."

Sorn smiles as she shakes Lisa's hand. "Deal Manoban, deal."

Lisa spent days practicing for the song she was about to perform in secret. Well, not in total secret since she asked for Jisoo's help after struggling with the arrangement of the song. They got along pretty well and it's safe to say that they were already friends, even Jisoo proclaimed themselves as being the crackhead duo. She was still on Jennie's death wish though which was strange because the small woman gets feisty whenever she hangs out with Jisoo.

"So, D-day is here. You ready?" Jisoo smiles as she finished helping Lisa out.

"A little bit nervous and a huge part of me wants to pee is that okay?"

"Yeah of course, it's your first public performance. You're allowed to feel like you're going to pee." She chuckles. "I'll drop by immediately after class. I can't wait to see-"

"See who?" Both of them turned their heads and saw Jennie and Chaeyoung having a look of jealous on Jennie's and curiousness on Chaeyoung. "Well? Do you two have plans?"

"Of course Jendeuk and guess what? You're invited too!"

"Invited my ass." She crosses her arms as she continues to glare at them. "Are you two dating?"

"Maybe." Lisa answers as she wraps an arm around Jisoo, triggering Jennie more. "I'll see you later yeobo. Cheer me on okay?"


It was eight in the evening when it was time for Lisa to stand up on stage. The coffee shop was jammed pack with lots of foreign faces and she was almost close to shitting herself but then she sees Jisoo's comforting smile. She was cheering her on with Jennie- who still shoots daggers right at her and her friends right next to their table.

She heaves out a sigh- before plugging in her ukulele and starts singing the verse.

One heart, what does it need?

We give it so much, we make it complicated

Only you paying a gentle attention to it

That's enough for the two of us to be able to do so many things right now

The crowd applauds for her and somehow that made her gain confidence as her voice starts to get clearer and her strumming got better too. She smiles at the crowd who were already bobbing their heads as she hits the chorus and her friends who were always known for being the best group ever- starts to clap their hands and lowly howl out cheers.

Just as she was having the time of her life, the most unexpected thing happened. Right in the middle of the song- the door opens, revealing Joy with Chaeyoung holding hands.

She looks at Jisoo with panic and the latter immediately understands. Giving her signs to remain calm and think about what they talked about earlier.

"But what if Chaeyoung shows up? She was already curious about earlier and she will find out what's up."

"Actually I told her that you're going to have a performance today."

"YOU WHAT!?" Immediately Jisoo shushes her. "Jisoo how could you?! You know Chaeyoung doesn't know about what I'm about to do right?!"

"Yeah but this isn't about Chaeyoung you dimwit, this is about you." Jisoo says. "I want you to perform there, see Joy and Chaeyoung and understand what the song really means."

"I don't understand what you're trying to point out."

"Well let's hope later that you will alright?"

Sometimes it's all right if you're far away

Sometimes I understand, if you've forgotten me

Sometimes it's discouraging, but there's no need for regrets

Let it go

As she looks at Chaeyoung and Joy who was on their own world laughing and giggling and just being cute together as they start to pick on what to choose, Lisa finally understood what the song was trying to say. That even though Lisa loves Chaeyoung with her whole heart, even when she's sure that she could love her better than Joy- she was already too late to recognize her feelings because she was too busy complicating things. She knew that she had feelings for her roommate, she just didn't want to act on it.

But just like how Sorn's story went, maybe they just weren't meant to be together. Similar to parallel lines they both have a lot in common but they just weren't made to meet each other half-way which was saddening Lisa thinks but maybe this is just how the story goes for them for now because she knows Chaeyoung would never look this way.

She looks at Jisoo who obviously was worried for her but she releases out a smile and it took the latter a while before returning her smile. Jisoo gives out two thumbs up as she cheers along with the rest of the crowd. She ends her performance with a slam- just in time where Chaeyoung and Joy arrive on the scene.

"Lisa! You never told me that you were going to sing!" Chaeyoung runs up to her as soon as she was off the stage. "Too bad I didn't get to hear the song! Took me a while to choose my food."

"It's alright Chaeng, don't stress about it." Lisa says before turning to the tall woman beside her. "You must be Joy right?"

"Ah yes, nice to meet you Lisa. Chaeyoung told me so much about you."

"She did the same thing to you too." She says.

Park Chaeyoung was most of Lisa Manoban's firsts. And now added to the list are- Park Chaeyoung as Lisa Manoban's first love and-

Park Chaeyoung as Lisa Manoban's First heartbreak.

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