Can't Help Falling In Love- Elvis Presley

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"How could you do that!?" Lisa says as she arrives at Jisoo's house.

"Lisa, I think it's-"

"If you're gonna say it's a good idea I swear I'm gonna strangle you unnie!"

"Uh..." Jisoo looks around the living room then back at her blonde-haired friend. "It's a good idea?.."

"Ugh!" Lisa throws her hands in defeat before marching upstairs towards her unnie's bedroom. "What went through your brain that made you go through my phone and replied to Chaeyoung's invitation which! I quote- is left unread for almost three days now!"

"I was going to give you something you couldn't give yourself."

"And what is it?"

"A closure you deserve." She answers making the younger one shut her mouth. "Come on Lisa, it has been what- six, seven months already?"

"Eight months, 2 weeks." She corrects letting Jisoo let out an amused expression.

"Yeah that long and still you haven't talked!"

"When your ex broke up with you just because she couldn't put up with your shit a.k.a. the list she first loved about you, it kinda gives you the right to leave things on a blank note."

"No it doesn't. Just think about it Lisa, how are you gonna move on with this Jennie chick you've been blabbering about if you don't end things well with Chaeyoung?" She says. "And don't you think it's kind of unfair to yourself? You deserved an explanation Lis..." She softly approaches the latter who has now softened her expressions as well. "I'm just looking out for you."

"You have a weird way of showing it." She looks at her bestfriend for almost six years now before smiling. "Fine, I'll meet with her- for the last time." She emphasizes on the last phrase. "And I'm doing this for myself, just like you said."

"Of course." Jisoo smiles finally sighing relief internally at her friend's response. "Should I help you pick out an outfit?"

"No. I think I'm gonna do just fine. It's not like I'm gonna dress to impress anyways." Lisa watches as her friend gives a nod in response. "Okay, I'm gonna head out now. I still need to prepare."

Jisoo connects her eyebrows in confusion. "But it's only 4 p.m., the dinner's at seven."

"Exactly. You think my hair looks like this after I take a shower?" The long-legged girl rolls her eyes. "Good bye unnie."

"Lisa-yah fighting!" Jisoo cheers her on, still in her bedroom and hears their main door shut. "Whew, that was close."

"I saw what you did there sissy." The heart-shaped jumps at surprise.

"Yah unnie!" She says, hands in her chest. "You scared the shit out of me! And what are you talking about?"

Irene smirks as she barges inside her dongsaeng's purple-themed bedroom. "I know you like the back of my hand sissy, you just framed your bestfriend to reconcile with her ex, only because you have hots for her current fling."

Jisoo's mouth formed an 'O' with wide eyes. "I did not!"

"Ah, ah, ah- lie all you want but you can never lie to Joohyun unnie." The smile on her face just grew an inch wider when she heard her little sister groan. "You sneaky little hoe."

"Okay fine! I admit! Jennie Kim's hot and I want her- but that doesn't mean I'm selfish! I still believe that Chaeyoung and Lisa are meant to be together."

"They haven't talked in ages."

"Watch me become the captain of their Titanic bitch."

"Jisoo, the Titanic sunk."

"But not Chaelisa's Titanic though." She smirks, making Irene shake her head with disbelief.

Lisa arrives in her penthouse suit sighing. She throws her purse at the grey couch and heads straight to the kitchen to have a glass of water. She still cannot believe that her best friend has indeed set her up like that. She knew her intentions were clean as her pearl white teeth, but her ways of showing it will make Lisa explode.

Should I go or just ditch? She thinks to herself as her eyes roam around her walk-in closet. She let her hands trail off her outfits that were arranged according to their shade, finally gripping on the hanger of a white long-sleeved wool top and mustard-colored pants. She brings the suit up and examines the way she would look through the full body mirror before looking at her own reflection.

"For closure Lisa Manoban. You're doing this for closure."

Lisa lets her eyes roam around the place, feeling a sense of nostalgia as she exits her brand-new Porsche car. She wanders through the brick walls, the authentic French restaurant vibe along with the huge square windows. How could she ever forget this place? It was one of her favorite part of their relationship.

Their relationship. Lisa wonders if there was still a relationship between them to start.

"Anniya Lisa-yah. Don't fall for it, you know Chaeyoung can get quite persuasive but don't give in. Don't give in to Satan's temptation." She shakes her head and makes her way towards the establishment where William- a very familiar place welcomes her.

"Ahh, good to see you Miss Manoban. You look lovely today."

"Thank you." She timidly smiles. "I'm here with-"

"Right this way." She looks at him confused but immediately shuts the thought out by following him. Don't fall for Satan's trap Lisa, don't fall for Satan's trap, don't fall for Satan's trap-

"Miss Park, your guest has arrived."

Don't. Lisa cuts her mantra off with a feeling like all of her breath stored left her faster than lightning the moment her eyes land on Park Chaeyoung. The girl was wearing a beautiful shade of blue which hugged her slim figure perfectly, accompanied with a beautiful pair of heels one that she was not used to see the latter wearing but nevertheless looked good in it and a beautiful set of pearl necklace. Her faded pink hair matched her silky white skin and the light make-up definitely did the trick for her over-all look tonight.

"Hi Lisa."

Don't fall for- for Fuck's sake Lisa.

"Hey." She timidly smiles, mentally cursing herself for the rapid beating of her heart.

"Take a seat." The latter says as she pulls a chair for her, which Lisa thanked shyly before going back to her own. "Thank you for coming, I honestly didn't expect an answer but, better late than never right?" She smiles making Lisa do the same.

"I just had too much work to deal with the week that I only checked my messages today."

"Dance studio problems?"

"You could say that."

She looks around and was confused with the romantic vibe along with the candlelight posted on their table and a beautiful set of roses. She wanted to ask Chaeyoung what's going on, but the waiter beats her to it.

As usual she lets Chaeyoung order for the two of them since she wouldn't really doubt the older girl's taste for one second. Their set-up would usually be like this, Chaeyoung ordering food for them asking her from time to time what would be her preference for their meal while she take pictures of the venue. It didn't change then and it still amazes her how it hasn't change until now.

Placing her hand phone down and attaching it onto her power bank, she enjoys the silence before the pink-haired woman opens her mouth and starts to convince her to come back. She has already prepared herself for this fully equipped as she has experienced from Chaeyoung's trials before. So you could say that she was pretty surprised when a guitar guy appears out of nowhere letting her hear sweet melodies instead of sweet lies coming from her ex's mouth.

She turns to her past lover and was about to ask her when the waiter cuts her off for the second time, returning to their table with the appetizer. Lisa couldn't help but jump a little the moment she saw her favorite dish which was Escargot, remembering the time where the person right in front of her tried it for the first time. Good times.

Chaeyoung then pulls out her phone and starts to take a video of the meal. It's probably for the fans. Lisa thinks. Her phone starts to buzz but she immediately locks it and turning the phone around before the latter could notice. She obviously did, but she just played it off cool showing off a peace sign making the latter chuckle.

"What are you doing?" Lisa doesn't answer and instead kept on playing with her finger gestures until Chaeyoung puts down her phone. "Aren't you gonna answer that?"

"Nah, it's most likely to be Jisoo anyways. She's probably asking about my whereabouts. We were suppose to have a movie marathon."

"Oh, maybe my invitation came at a bad time?"

"No, I think it's about time we talk as well." She looks at Chaeyoung who has an unreadable facial expression. "So about-"

"Ladies, here are your orders for tonight." Lisa swallows the groan trapped inside her throat and resist the urge to roll at the waiter's timing.

"We'll talk after dinner yes?"

"Okay." Chaeyoung smiles at her and in unison they say-

"Thank you for the meal."

Throughout the whole meal Park Chaeyoung has never spoken a word to her and it surprised her. Usually their phone calls or text conversations consist of her trying to find the perfect time to butt into Chaeyoung's long ass paragraphs of telling her to come back home because sometimes in life a home does not always consist of four cemented walls rather two arms that could make you feel warm during winter and contented and happy.

But the Chaeyoung right in front of her is so different from then. They never talked about the past, just things from the present- like how she is currently doing good with her art classes and being a protégé under one of the greatest artist in the country or how she still rides her bike on Han River during Saturdays just take her mind off of things. How Lisa still thinks that dancing is indeed her passion but somehow photography reels her in which makes her undecided whether to take photography as her second course or not.

They also laughed a few times and from there she still couldn't believe how Chaeyoung's weird jokes and thoughts always get her funny bone going making her laugh from time to time or how she was always comfortable with showing her aegyo to the latter. Maybe because Chaeyoung really didn't mind listening to her weird voice and childish actions even though she acts she's full of it or maybe because it's was just simply Chaeyoung that her existence is enough to be completely honest with yourself.

The dessert though was something that she really didn't expect to come through. It was hot chocolate and jelly. The moment it was placed on their table, Lisa instantly shots her head up looking straight at a pair of dark brown eyes.

"I may have made a special request." She says though Lisa never really asked her a question. "I hope it doesn't make you feel uncomfortable."

"No- no." She answers with a smile. "It's just... It brings back memories."

"The good ones?"

Lisa looks at the artist. "Definitely the good ones."

They continued on with their small talks up until Lisa finishes the last sip of her warm beverage. The ace dancer was about to ask what's all this about when Chaeyoung cuts her off this time by standing up and walking towards the guitar man and whispers something in his ear. The man chuckles and gives an okay sign, making the aspiring artist walk back to her standing in front of the younger girl while extending her right hand.

"Dance with me Lisa."

"Eh?" She says, blinking at the unexpected request. "D-dance?"

"Wae? Suddenly I am not good enough to dance with you?"

"Of course not." She stands up, taking Chaeyoung's hand. "I'll dance with you." This is the last time Manoban. Seize every moment you will have because tomorrow, everything will become a distant memory.

They both stood center front of the restaurant, bodies swaying slowly with the man's smooth strumming it was such a pleasure to hear. Lisa finds her left hand resting onto Chaeyoung's slim shoulder as her other hand touches Chaeyoung's left hand after a long time of being unable to do it. Having their bodies this close made Lisa realize that she would be labeled as a big fat liar if she would tell that this doesn't make her heart pound ten times faster than the usual rate.

Wise men say only fools rush in

But I can't help falling in love with you

"This..." Lisa looks over at the pink-haired girl who was already smiling.

"I also take that it's been a while since the last time you've heard it?"

"Ages." Chaeyoung chuckles at her response. "You can't blame me, I've practically stopped listening to this song the moment we broke up." She looks at the latter who now have a sad expression. Stupid Lisa, always slips and never has something nice to say. "Wh-what I mean is-"

"I'm sorry." She says in a soft voice. "Everything was my fault."

"Chaeng..." Lisa trails off in the same manner Chaeyoung apologized, making the girl in the beautiful blue dress close her eyes. "It wasn't just your fault."

"If I just gotten better control of my temper that night, if I didn't bring my problems at work to our home, if I just-"

"Shhh... It wasn't just your fault or mine- the break-up was our fault Rosie." The latter couldn't help but tear up hearing the nickname she really loved. "It was a bad day at the company and I just had a bad way of cheering you up."

"But it doesn't mean that I would hate everything about you. What I said that night-"

"Wasn't true. I know that now..."

"I just wanted you to know the truth Lisa. I could never hate you when you show off your qualities, even though I act like I'm so done with you or how I could never cringe hearing your aegyo's 24, 365." She says, making Lisa smile through the tears that were threatening to fall from her eyes. "The things I love about you then are still the things I love about you now- and nothing will change that. Even if it ending things between us tonight."

"You really did hurt me that night Park Chaeyoung."

"I really did."

"And now, you're gonna have to pay for it." She says, detaching her hands from hers, stopping themselves from slow dancing. "You pay for it- by being with me."


"You heard me." She smiles as she caresses the latter's cheek. "Be with me forever, and then we're gonna call it quits."

"B-b-but I thought you didn't want to get back-" Chaeyoung widens her eyes the moment she felt Lisa's lips pressed briefly against hers. "With me." She continues her cut-offed sentence. "W-w-what was that?"

"You talk too much to my liking Park Chaeyoung." Lisa couldn't help but feel her heart jump seeing this adorable face Chaeyoung always display whenever she's confused. "You said painful words that night and I chose to avoid you rather than accepting the main fact that I could only love you in this lifetime. I thought I would get over you but just being with you tonight after months of not-"

"Eight months and two weeks of not talking to one another."

"Yes, that long." She says with a chuckle. "Only proves that I still love you. I can't help but fall in love with you."


"I can't help but fall in love with you again Park Chaeyoung."

"Promise me we'll get married someday?"

"And have our gaybies. I promise."


"Gay babies."

Oh boy. Chaeyoung thinks to herself but laughs along with Lisa's lame joke. "Let's have them soon."

"I love you Rosie."

"And I love you Lali."

Take my hand, take my whole life too

For I can't help falling in love with you

In remembrance of the great Chaelisa Day where Chaeyoung posts a date night with Lisa in a French restaurant with the guitar man along with the pretty flowers that she got from their table ♥♥

Hope you guys like this I'll be posting one real soon ^^

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