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"Hello, good afternoon this is Seoul Art Gallery."

"Yes we do have a varied collection and our gallery is one of the most sought after tourist spots."

"Of course, well we do have interactive art pieces that I'm sure that your group will love."

"Awesome so may I know when you will be booking?"

"Alright, we can set up a meeting and we'll make certain arrangements. Okay, thanks! I'll see you soon."

She smiles as she ends a call feeling confident that she was able to hit her target again, which is to make the gallery fully book for the first quarter of the year. Pulling out her phone, she decides to pull out her phone and declaring her success.

Chaeyoung smiles as she continues with her work as an art gallery manager in downtown city Seoul.

Park Chaeyoung, or mostly known as Chaeyoung, is a twenty-two-year-old recent graduate of Fine Arts at one of the prestigious universities in the country and while her parents stressed that they would rather have their youngest daughter participate at their family business, the subtle rebel inside of her declines which is why she lives independently here in Seoul in a rooftop loft right above the gallery.

"Knock knock!"

"Unnie!" Chaeyoung stands up and greets the woman with a rich, honey brown hair. "You didn't have to come."

"Well, the workload was light so I asked my boss if I could drop by and congratulate you for a job well done." She places snacks in front of the latter's desk. "Let's eat!"

"Thank you Jennie unnie."

Jennie or Atty. Jennie Kim is one of Chaeyoung's friends during her college days and has helped her go through much everything from the moment she steps foot on this foreign land. At first, she was totally intimidated and scared because of her unnie's physical appearance and aura but turns out, Jennie was one of the people who she can definitely lean on in times of trouble. May it be a bad hair day or a broken heart- Jennie Kim was definitely one call away.

Time never gets dull between the two of them. Through the constant switching of Hangul and English conversations, Chaeyoung finds herself getting losing track of time and just enjoying her time with her favorite unnie in the entire planet that her own biological sister gets subtly jealous over their closeness.

She wipes the tears on the edge of her eyes as they continue to laugh. "Oh man, that was so funny."

"Ha ha ha. Funny for you! It was such a disaster for me!"

"Sorry unnie, I thought he was a good guy."

"Well too good for me though." Jennie sighs. "Maybe I should stick with finding myself a girlfriend. Lately, I've been into women actually."

Chaeyoung smiles at her. "Well don't worry unnie, you know when the right person comes along."

"Easy for you to say." She rolls her eyes. "Speaking of finding the right person, aren't you late for your big surprise?"

The chipmunk (Jennie likes to call her that) widens her eyes. "OH MY GOD!" She says in her Aussie accent. "Unnie why didn't you tell me?!"

"Well, I thought you were already prepared."

"No I mean- I am prepared but I still have lots of things to buy!" She hastily grabs her purse and phone. "I've gotta go."

"Chaeng." Jennie halts her friend's rushed movements. "You don't have to do this you know? I know you really love her but if you're not sure that this is right, then you don't need to push through it. She's going to understand."

Chaeyoung smiles as puts her hand on top of the older woman's. "I'm okay unnie, I was born ready for this."

She doesn't waste time and speeds up as she still has lots to do on her to-do list. First off she stops by the flower shop that she has contacted earlier and asked if her purchase of one hundred Lilies has been arranged and ready to be delivered later that day. The manager nods his head making her feel relieved. She leaves the shop with the man cheering him on for today.

The latter also prepared the balloons, candles and other essentials that were needed for tonight's event. Before her final stop, she arrives at the recording studio. She greets the staff with a bright smile being into the recording room where her friend Son Chaeyoung was busy recording.

"Hey Chae."

"Oh, Chae!" Both of them giggled as they greeted one another with a hug. "You're a bit behind schedule I see."

"I had an amazing girl talk with Jennie unnie. You know how we can talk for hours." She chuckles. "Anyways Chae, did you get the thing I requested?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." She hands her a vinyl record. "I never thought you put much effort into this but hey- this is a big day after all."

"Indeed it is." She smiles. "Thanks Chae."

"But why don't you sing it for her though? I mean, she would really appreciate it."

"With all of my feelings swarming all around my body, I don't think I could utter a single word later. Playing the song for her though- is one thing I could do."

"Hey, it's okay. She's so lucky to have you."

Chaeyoung fans herself and smiles. "Sorry, I tend to be a little more emotional these days."

"I understand how you feel Chae, I've been there."

The latter chuckles and nods her head. "Thank you for this."

She bids her friend farewell and makes to a final stop which was the restaurant. She heads upstairs where the staffs were already busy preparing things and so she gives them the instructions on how to plan and place things out before heading towards the kitchen where she sees Yeri skillfully maneuvering around her vast kitchen.

"Unnie! Come here!"

"Yeri, is everything set to place?"

"Yes, ma'am I've been doing the instruction you've been telling me."

Chaeyoung tastes the soup that was boiling. "Ah what is this?!"

"Why?" Yeri tastes it too and her face turns sour. "It's good!"

"Yeri, she likes it a little spicy. You know how she is whenever she's craving for Thai cooked meals."

"Wow, you sure know how her palette." She teases. "Maybe that's why you're doing this as if she was the one preparing all of it huh."

"I just want this day to be perfect."

"It will be." Yeri taps her on the shoulder. "Unnie, you need to relax. Just give me the additional instructions and I'll take it from here."

"Sorry, I just- I don't know. I'm so nervous..."

"Hey, you don't have to be nervous. Later on when it's showtime- she's going to love it."

"You think so?"

"I've met her once or twice so I could say she will like it." She smiles. "Now, since you want this day to be perfect, don't you want to change your clothes? You wouldn't want her to see you in your working attire right?"


"Good thing Sooyoung unnie has got you covered." She chuckles. "Go by your favorite shop, she already prepared an outfit for you unnie."

"Oh thank God!" She heaves out a sigh of relief. "Well, I'm going to get ready now but I'll be back later and see things through once again okay?"

"Okay, I'll see you later."

Chaeyoung looks at her reflection at the mirror. Her hair was all the way down to her chest, pink curls were giving her hair volume. She looks at her make-up double checking if she had missed a detail on her soft and natural look for tonight.

From her purse, she pulls out a red box wrapped beautifully in a gold ribbon. She smiles to herself, knowing how she spent an entire month looking for the perfect ring. Not an entire day, not week- but the entire month. That's how much she wants this day to be the day.

"And today is the day Chaeyoung." She smiles and nods cutely "This is it."

Once she arrived at the restaurant, she immediately double checks everything to see if there was any room for flaws. From the balloons to the flowers and the scented candles- she made sure everything was on point. Chaeyoung was confident that she would rock this one, but when she hears her phone buzzing with a name on it, she couldn't help but suddenly feel nervous.

"Rosie, I'm on my way."

"What?" She bites her nails in the sudden change of plans. "But I thought you were going to be an hour late?"

"I finished my work earlier. I couldn't wait to see my chipmunk." Chaeyoung groans making the person on the other line laugh. "My baby, baby Rosie."

"Nooo." Despite her protest, there was a lingering smile, playing on her lips. "Where are you though?"

"I'm just a couple minutes away." She hears the maneuvering of the steering wheel. "Do you want me to come and pick you up?"

"It's fine, I'm on my way out. I'll just meet you there okay?"

"Okay, Rosie."

"Bye Lisa."

After ending the call, she immediately starts checking everything including the food in the kitchen which gladly passed her expectations. She gives Yeri a high five before going back upstairs patiently waiting for the guest to arrive.

"Miss Park! She's here!"

"Okay, stations everyone!" The staffs comply and as soon as the door cracks open, Chaeyoung nods and the music starts to play.

"Wow...." Chaeyoung looks at her and holds out her hand.

"Did you like it?"

"I totally do."

"I'm glad you like it... Jisoo unnie."

Jisoo smiles and looks around once again. "Chaeng, it's perfect... She will love this for sure."

Chaeyoung smiles. "And you want to know why? Because you're here, and you're about to ask her to spend the rest of her life with you."

The latter suddenly feels nervous and swallows the lump on her throat. "Oh dear, I don't think I could do it."

"Of course you can, you guys have been together for three years now. And you Kim Jisoo have a way with words. Wasn't it the one who charmed my best friend?"

"I was awkward and she was my crush for a really long time. I'm just glad to know the love letters worked out."

"And I'm sure it will work out today too." She then hands the red box from her purse. "You take care of her for me okay? She may be your girlfriend, but she's my yellow so don't you dare break her heart."

The heart-shaped lips girl chuckle. "I know Chae, you probably love Lisa more than I do and she probably feels the same, but that's okay. She's your yellow and you're her blue. It will always be that way."

"Chaeng." Yeri interrupts their talk. "Lisa is already parking outside."

"Okay!" She heaves out a huge exhale, smiling at Jisoo. "You got this unnie. Fighting!"

Chaeyoung leaves with Yeri downstairs and the younger one gives her a knowing look but she shakes it off, knowing that she would have to pull up a strong face once she sees the star of the night. The doorbell makes a sound, and finally, there she is.

She was wearing a beautiful black dress which hugged her curves perfectly. Her blonde hair tied up in a bun and she was wearing heels, a very rare occasion for the famous dance instructor. Lisa was not beautiful, Lisa Manoban is ethereal.

And just by the look on Lisa's eyes, it was safe to say that the feeling is mutual. The latter's eyes went subtly wide seeing Chaeyoung in a flowing white dress right above her knees. She approaches the taller girl with a huge smile on her face.

"When you meant we're going to catch up, I didn't imagine for you to look this beautiful."

"Me?" Chaeyoung shakes her head. "Have you seen yourself in the mirror?"

Lisa chuckles. "Well, I'm glad we're both prepared hard for this event." She smiles. "Anyway, shall we go up to our favorite table?"

"Sure." Chaeyoung immediately locked their arms together.

"I wonder what Yeri have for tonight. I hope it's Thai food though, I haven't eaten meals from home in years."

The latter smiles. "Why don't you go upstairs first and I'll check in with Yeri inside the kitchen?"

"Nah, let's just go upstairs and ask for the staff."

"No it's fine I could do it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, go upstairs first and I'll see you later."

"Well... If you say so." Lisa turns around only to be pulled back. "What's up?"

"You know I love you right?" Chaeyoung looks at Lisa in the eyes. "Do you know I love you?"

"Of course Chaeng. We may fight a lot but I love you so much."

Hearing that bought her close to tears. "We may fight a lot but I love you a lot Lisa."

Lisa furrows her eyebrows. "Chaeng- what's wrong?"

She immediately waves her hands. "Nothing's wrong." She looks back up again and met those chocolate brown eyes. "Go ahead."

Lisa was still reluctant to let go of their hands, but Chaeyoung plasters one of the smiles at her which made her erase her worry about the taller woman and nods in response. She slowly turns around and Chaeyoung could feel Lisa's hand slipping away from hers. By the time Lisa opened the rooftop door, Chaeyoung was on her way out of the restaurant.

Not minding the post-winter breeze, she walks slowly by the sidewalk putting one foot in front of the other, letting her mind wander off to other things. But in the midst of her being in her own bubble, a loud horn causes her to jump back in surprise. She snaps to the black luxury car only to find Jennie Kim from the driver's seat.

"Get in."

The sound of a can being opened makes a loud echo. "Here."

Chaeyoung looks at it hesitantly before accepting it. "Thanks." She then chugs it in one go. "Ahh, that sure was refreshing."

"So.. " Jennie takes a sip of her own can. "How did it go?"

"I'm pretty sure they're having dinner right now."

"Did she look beautiful?" She could only nod as an answer. "That's good, I'm pretty sure the surprise will also go well."

"It wasn't the proposal she deserves though."

"What kind of proposal does she deserves then?"

"She deserves the ones who will take her breath away. I'll fly her to New York for a weekend getaway since I know it's her favorite city in the world besides her home. She would be the muse of all the pictures so that she could be given the chance to be in front of the camera rather than staying behind them. We'll watch a play, hoping it's a Disney one since I know she's a sucker for happy endings like me."

"We'll go out and eat pizzas and hot dogs as we chill and talk for the entire night. By the next day, I'll take her to the park and maybe we could rent bikes and stroll around Manhattan. After that, I'll take her to the Empire state and make her feel what it feels like to be on top of the world because I feel it every time when I'm with her."

"By our last night, we're going to call it early but I'd order her Thai take out and my all time fave spring rolls and wine. When she's bare faced and in her comfortable clothes, that's when I'll ask her the question."

"Proposals are supposed to be grand Chaeng, I'm not so sure that it's the kind of proposal that she deserves."

"But Lisa is a sucker for simplicity." She smiles. "She doesn't want the fancy things, the extravaganza and all sorts of tangible items. She likes it natural, simple and raw... I'll tell her that I hope that she was happy with the little getaway trip I've prepared for us two and that I'd be grateful for how far we have come. She'd tell me that it was her pleasure but I'd protest, we'd get into a petty argument but we would find ourselves laughing at the end of the day."

"When the laughter has died down, I'll hold her hand and tell her that there were a lot of dreams I still hold onto ever since I started to dream about how my life would be. I'd tell her that out of all the things, finding someone who will stay despite everything wasn't my priority but sometimes, life has a funny way of letting you live and I wouldn't complain because she's the person I've been referring to."

"She's going to be flattered, but I'm going to add that out of all the dreams I had, she was the one who made me the happiest. Her cheeks will probably be tainted with shades of pink and I'll probably cringe for saying something so cheesy but nevertheless I'd continue on with my speech." She looks down and toys with the half-empty beer can. "I'd tell her about us being lost souls trying to figure it's a way to where we're supposed to be and then at one specific point in life, there's someone who's going to help us get there. Someone in this life will make us feel what it's like to be found. And that's how I perfectly feel when I look at her."

"And I would spend the rest of my days, knowing the fact that I have been found and that I had found a home in her. I'd pull out a ring and tell her that she will always be my favorite dream and she'll be the dream I'll never get tired of dreaming."

There was a moment of silence between them that was cut off by Jennie's blinking. "Chaeyoung that's..." She tries to think for a moment to find the right words. "I don't even know how to put it in words."

"It's a pretty rough draft but I'm glad you liked it."

"All this time, you felt that towards her and yet you haven't confessed?"

"We were born with different beliefs and I didn't want my parents to look at me as if I was a great disappointment." She answers. "Just thinking about the looks they would probably give the moment I announced my true self just brings me to tears." She remains silent for a while. "But looking back now, I wonder if I still made the right decision... I just didn't know what was worth it back then. Allowing my heart to be broken by my parents or Lisa."

"And since you were born with different beliefs, you chose family. Is that it?" Chaeyoung nods. "Well didn't you want to test the waters first?"

"I did..." She trails off. "When I went home for the summer, I told them about me, and what surprised me is that they didn't mind and supported me all the way."

"So what happened?"

"Lisa met Jisoo at a gaming conference and they just clicked throughout the entire summer. By the time I got home and was ready to tell her everything I've been harboring, she had another hand in hers and left mine freezing to death."

"And you never said a thing to her?"

"Jisoo is Lisa's happiness Jen, who am I to take it away from her?"

"So you kept silent throughout?" Jennie asks. "But don't you ever wonder if Lisa feels the same way about you?"

"In between our years of friendship, between the laughs and the fights, the friendly dates we defensively told all of our college friends, and between those looks, we gave to one another. There was an unspoken agreement between us. One that didn't have the need to be spoken by our lips, but what matters is we had an understanding." She answers. "We may have never told about how we truly feel about one another but somehow we both knew."

"It better be or else, being called as someone who didn't qualified to be your girlfriend would piss me off." That somehow lightens up the mood between them. "I know, she was slightly drunk but even any girl can smell her overprotectiveness of you from a mile away."

"Yeah, she's that protective of me."

"You know what? I meet with different types of people every day. I meet with assholes, arrogant, perverts, and low-lives." Jennie shares which makes Chaeyoung wonder where this conversation would go. "But never have I ever met someone as brave as you Park Chaeyoung." She looks at the taller girl. "For someone like you who doesn't know what giving up means- made me really think about just how much Lisa means to you." She was about to answer when her phone starts to buzz.

7:59 PM

Hey. I heard from Jisoo that you helped her planned all this.

8:01 PM

And I just want to say thank you.

8:01 PM

But I want to say I'm sorry.

8:03 PM

I'm sorry that I never told you how I really feel about you. And

knowing that you did this for me, made me wonder why can't you be

here with me? Why am I with someone else when I know deep down-

it's you I should be with?

8:05 PM

Here I am, with the girl everyone dreamed of having but I'm still thinking of you.

8:06 PM

But maybe that's the way things between us supposed to be you know?

8:08 PM

Maybe we were meant to stay in each other's lives, just not the way

we both want it to be.

8:10 PM

But even if that's how our story goes, I will never let my life

end without you knowing how much you mean to me.

8:10 PM

You, Roseanne Park will always be my first love.

8:10 PM

The kind of love that no matter how many lovers may pass me,

you will always be there, right on top of everyone else.

8:11 PM

The kind of love that I wish my kids would have, and the kind

of love that I will tell my family soon.

8:11 PM

You will always remind me how selfless a person can be when it comes to love

8:12 PM

That despite the fact of being each other's soulmates, you choose to

let me go because you want me to be happy.

8:13 PM

But I also hope you know that the happiest version of myself will always

be the one that I had spent with you.

8:13 PM

I'm your yellow and you're my blue.

The girl looks at the view ahead of them and smiles. "Lisa will always remind me of the good things in life. She'd always remind me of how my body will feel refreshed once I take that sip of tea in the morning or whenever I get to play music. She will be the constant reminder of not everyone you love gets to stay in your life the way you want them to but that's okay. Because what matters most is how you will learn from those memories as you move forward."

"She may be the princess to her parents and she may mean the world to her fans, but Lisa Manoban would always mean yellow to me."

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