Cornelia Street- Taylor Swift

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Singer-songwriter Roseanne Park is about to make a Europe debut

Roseanne Park: Let's dominate Europe this time.

"We're ready for you!" European fansés are ecstatic for Roseanne's debut in London.

"Look! There she is!"

The once peaceful London City Airport was stormed with various photographers from different media platforms alongside with the fans that have waited to see her once again, especially after hearing the wonderful news that she'll be hanging around a little longer than her first visit. All eyes were on the blonde-haired woman who was holding onto tightly to the hand behind her, securing her in a tight place despite the fact of struggling to get through the small leeway provided by the airport security.

She smiled and waved to the few people who were probably waiting for hours just to get a glimpse of her so, being the good old soul that she is, as soon as she has safely secured herself inside the vehicle, she rolls down her window pane, smiling and giving out love to her fans who screamed their hearts out of joy, feeling contented and the long wait for the woman was worth it.

A forty-five minute drive through the city streets and expressway the van stops at the basement of a high tall building with lots of security surrounding her still. Her bodyguard presses the twenty-seventh floor, where the elites or celebrities her alike stay for the meantime while in the city. Walking through the red-carpeted floor with the keycard on her hand, she was chatting with the woman she had held hands before; doing all small talk as she shares the Disney Movie who has brought her to tears earlier. As soon as she opens the door, a deep, loud voice screeches through her ears, making her jump in her stand.

"Oh my God!" The woman says as she removes her sunglasses. "What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean what am I doing here, of course, I'm here to congratulate you!" He walks towards her engulfing her in a tight hug, lightly spinning her around making them both laugh.

"I thought you were in Berlin!"

"Until last night." He answers with a wide smile. "Jennie told me you were arriving around in the afternoon and I couldn't just stay there look at my business partners, pretending I like to be there. You know with you is where I want to be."

"Still the smooth talker I see." Jennie struts her way inside her artist's room, heading towards the bar and fixes the three of them drinks.

"Hi Jennie." The man greets.

"Hi, Chanyeol." The latter smirks at him as she places three wine glasses and pops the bottle. "Come here you love birds, this arrival deserves a toast." She says as she hands them the glasses. "So, a toast to Rosie's future success in Europe?"

"Yes and to more success in her career as well." Chanyeol looks at the girl who he has in his arms. "This used to be a dream of you but look at you turning them into realities one by one."

Roseanne looks at her boyfriend with a smile on her face. "And I wouldn't have done it without you, and you-" She points at Jennie. "-believing in me."

"No, this is all on you love; your talent and your determination is one of the reasons why you're here now."

"Alright love birds cut it out a single lesbian is here and I'm going to puke with all this hetero happening in front of my salad."

The couple chuckles and ends their loveable moment with Chanyeol kissing Rosie on her cheek before separating, an action that causes Jennie to roll her eyes. "Sorry."


"Thank you for coming today," Rosie says to him as they were finally left alone in her hotel room. "It really means a lot to me."

"I've told you, no body's going to fan over you as I do." He smiles. "Are you nervous?"

"To be honest? Super." She dryly chuckles. "I have lots and lots of worries."

"Rosie, you don't have to be nervous the album is great."

"Won't they think it's going to be super cliché?"

"It's anything but cliché I promise," Chanyeol reassures his girlfriend. "The song is wonderful, magical, and fantastic that everyone will love."

"You just say that because you're my boyfriend."

"I was your avid fan before I became that."

"Chan?" She calls him over with a soft tone. "You really think that I can make it? In Europe I mean."

"We've been together for two years and I have been one of your strong supporters longer than that and I can confidently say that you can make it."


He nods his head. "You never seem to fail me. Every time you release a new song I always say- oh it's the bop of the century but then you announce a new one and I say the same thing and you leave us fans having a hard time to choose which truly the bop of the century is."

"Now that's just flowery words."

"It's not I swear!" He raises his voice out of excitement. "You've captured the majority of Los Angeles and probably the rest of the states with your voice and that's a lot to say if you know what I mean. You're going to do great here in London, and in other countries, you're going to visit in the span of the week. It's going to be very fast, but I hope you enjoy every bit of it."

"I'm going to see you at the show right?"

"Of course! I'm not going to miss it for the whole world." Rosie nods before surrendering her tired body and leans onto his chest while looking at the view that is in front of them. "Everything will be fine love, don't worry."

The next day, the singer wakes up to a scrumptious breakfast meal still prepared by her boyfriend who took the liberty of waking up early and going to her favorite London brunch café to get her all-time favorite food every time she gets to visit the place. Her chicken and waffles were beautifully paired with her tea and a bouquet of fresh-picked roses, already making her morning as good as she imagined it would be.

Before heading down to GMU Records, the London based recording agency that is going to help her debut in Europe, the three of them head out to send Chanyeol to the airport that was flying back to Berlin that day. With a kiss and a tight hug alongside with a very encouraging message, Rosie went on with her meeting with a belief that nothing else would go wrong this day.

That is until they hear the demand of the recording company.

"Excuse me?" Jennie says with a disbelief look on her face. "You want us to what?"

"We want Rosie to release us one more song, exclusive for Europe only."

"But that wasn't what we have agreed upon when you came to visit us months ago."

"We called your CEO before you guys flew here and they agreed to the new terms and conditions." The British guy says with a smile. "He told us that Rosie here has lots of songs that can be used for the single."

"Yeah but that doesn't mean they're Europe worthy type of song."

"Oh Jennie." The woman in front of them chuckles. "Don't worry; I'm sure you can come up with something."


"So?" Rosie instantly asks as soon as Jennie enters her hotel room. "What did they say?"

"Well, what do you want to hear first?"

"Lift me up first."

"Okay so, we've talked and they've agreed to my terms." She says. "You're not just going to perform your album in London Rosie; you're going to perform it in Berlin, Moscow, Paris, and Barcelona-"

"Wait what?"

"You're not just going to debut in London; you're going to debut in the entire continent and all expenses are paid by them."

"Oh my God..." She says with her hands covering her mouth. "Are you kidding me right now?"

"I wish I am," Jennie says with a half-hearted smile.

"Oh my God Jennie!" Rosie stands up in the excitement and started roaming around her suite. "This means more shows, more exposure and more time with my fans I- why don't you look excited?"

"Because in exchange for everything, they want you to add the song," Jennie reveals. "Don't worry, they told me since you're going to stay here for more than a week, they're going to cover the expenses and everything else you need for it to make this work."

Rosie goes back in slumping to her seat. "Why are they so eager for me to release a song?"

"Because they believe in you."

"Wow Jen, thanks." She replies out of sarcasm, feeling sudden of weight placed on her shoulder. "I gave them everything. A mini-album for the Europe debut yet they still want a single coming from me and they expect me to create a beautiful piece by staying in this suite."

"Do you want to stay somewhere else?"

"Yes." Rosie closes her eyes. "Remember the recording studio I have in my home in LA?"

"I live two blocks away from your home so I think I can do that."

"I want that kind of feel." Then she proceeds in imagining herself back at her studio. "Where I can feel one with everything and have a sense of freedom."

"Okay look, why don't you give me a checklist, I'm going to try to find the place fitting your songwriting needs. I'm going to have to call them back to tell your terms and call back to my father and nag at him for not telling me things." She says through gritted teeth. "I'm going to sue him!"

Fifteen minutes later and Jennie comes back in with a determined aura, a piece of paper and a pen for Rosie to write her wish list for her new space. Rosie was happy that the company agreed to her needs. Jennie gives her a quick kiss on the cheek goodbye before leaving her all alone for the rest of the day. As soon as the door closes, Rosie stands up and looks at the view in front of her, wondering if she could really pull this off. Just imagining the amount of money they're pulling out for her just heightens her worries and there's a thought at the back of her mind that lingers, doubting whether she could really pull this off or not.

"Why are you still up?"


"Waking up in the wee hours in the morning is nothing?"

"I try to make it sound like it's nothing." She dryly chuckles. "Why are you up?"

"Let me see, I was trying to pull my girlfriend close to me for early morning cuddles when I can't find her beside me making me sad, only to find her here."

"Awe, sorry, come here you." She pulls the brunette closer to her arms. "Is this enough for an apology gift?"

The latter hums in agreement yet squeeze further into her girlfriend's arms. "What were you thinking of?"

"I'm going to be an opening act tomorrow for a local concert." She says. "It seems surreal to me."

"You're worried?"

"Very." She replies. "I don't think I can pull it off, it's a lot of pressure."

"Hey, don't say that." The brunette faces the latter and cups both of her cheeks. "You like singing."

"I do, but the fact that I have to perform it in a large crowd and the fact that I have to hype them up-"

"And you will okay? You're a ball of sunshine, full of energy and your endless charisma- the list could go on and on how sure I am that you will rock this opportunity of yours. All you need to do is to stand up there, be yourself and sing."

"You make it sound so easy."

"When you're doing something you love, it's going to be easy because you like what you're doing and not everyone in this world gets to do that." The brunette gives her one of her cheeky smiles. "Rosie your dream isn't supposed to be a source of pressure but it should be a source of happiness and energy. You're living your dream and I think while you're at it, you make the most out of everything because we only get to live in this body once." The black-haired woman smiles at her; feeling grateful for the latter's existence in her life. "And yes, you're welcome. Don't worry."

"How did you-"

"We're soul mates Rosie, of course, I know."

"Stop." The famous musician says as she closes her eyes. "Stop."


"RISE AND SHINE!" Rosie grumbles as soon as she hears her PR's voice. "Uh hello, is anyone in this room going deaf? I said- RISE AND SHINE!!!"

"Jennifer enough!" The latter says through a muffled voice in her cuddled pillow.

"Nah-uh-uh!" She pulls the covers out of her client's comfort. "Are you really going to stay there in your bed or do I have to blurt out the good news so you can move your fat ass?"

"This better be really good news or else." She glares. "Be quick I need my sleep what is this good news that you're talking about."

"I found you a place!" Jennie lets out a squeaky grin. "It's the perfect home for you while you're here. The moment I walked in, it instantly reminded me of your LA home!"

Just by the tone of Jennie's voice and knowing Jennie's lack of desire for fake enthusiasm already lifts a huge weight out of her shoulders. "That's great!"

"I know! It's got the views, the peace, the atmosphere, everything! I'm so hyped up! I believe that the moment you're going to walk in that place, you're going to smile all through the entire tour and look and me with heart eyes and say, Jennie, you're the best manager I could ever ask for. Please marry me."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves there Jen, I have to break up with Chanyeol first." She chuckles. "So? Where is this place located?"

"Right on Cornelia Street!" She beams.

As Jennie went on and on appreciating the neighborhood and comparing it to how similar it was to her artist's home back in the States, Rosie's mind was in a sudden shock as soon as she hears the address of the home. She couldn't believe it, out of all the places in Greater London, her manager found her the perfect home for her to stay within a month.

How could she stay there?

How could she manage herself to wake up and sleep on the home that has the same location of her first?

Her first home in the States.

Her first home; with her.

"Yoo-hoo? Earth to Roseanne Park?" Jennie's snapping sound pulls her back into reality. "What's going on?"


"What's wrong with you, you look like you've seen a ghost." The premium black-haired girl chuckles and proceeds on with her explanation. "So, I was thinking..."

Little did Jennie know, Rosie did see a ghost of the past. A part of her, which she wished that she wouldn't have visited.

"So, that was a fun night right" The brunette closes the cab's door and off they go.

"It was." Rosie smiles. "I'm glad I'd get to meet with your fellow interns. With that kind of energy, I'm certain your office wouldn't be as dull as other photo studios here."

The girl chuckles. "We're just like that when we're intoxicated or spend too much time in the red room."

"How many days do you have left before your internship ends?"

"Roughly a month more, why?"

"I just wondered how long you are going to suffer living in a shared apartment with six other people."

"It's okay, I mean I've successfully managed to do it in nearly six months so a month really wouldn't change a thing."She smiles before turning to the latter. "Thank you for coming to visit me, it must've been a long trip for you."

"It was but seeing you relieved me far better than any medicine would do."

"Hearing you trying to be smooth with me in person is far better than hearing it through a video call."'

"Now it made my trip even worth it." She grins.

"Anyway can I crash at your hotel room? I know I've said I didn't mind living with six other people but there are days where everything can be a bit too much."

"I'm actually not staying in a hotel." The latter answers, making the other one look at her. "And I didn't just come all the way from Chicago just to see you. It's actually a bit more."

"You didn't travel all the way just to break up with me in a taxi right?"

"No! God, no. I'd never do that to you."

"Break up with me in a taxi?"

"Breaking up with you, idiot." She rolls her eyes like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I'm here to tell you that I actually rented a place for me here."


"There's this recording company who wanted me to move a bit and come to see what I've got. It's a long shot, I know and this is probably one of the reckless things I've done but-"

"That's great! Oh my God, I cannot believe it!" The shorter woman leans in for a hug. "I'm so happy for you! This is a huge step in your career!"

"Not just in my career though."

"What are you talking about?"

"I came all the way to not just start new with my career but maybe a little level up on our relationship as well." She fidgets with her fingers, wondering if this was the right setting for it. "I was figuring maybe you'd like to move in with me."

"M-move with you?"

"Just until you finish your internship. My space is quite better than the average apartment." She says. "I don't expect an answer with you right away and it's not like I am assuming that you'd say-"


"Yes, that. And because you probably at home already despite me wondering how you could live with four men and two women with having only one living room a four-seating dining table and a fridge that could barely hold anything and let's not go to the bathroom." She raises her eyebrows, feeling the eerie vibe once more remembering when her girlfriend did a house tour. "Really I am not-"

"Rosie." The latter holds her firm both in her shoulder. "Yes."

"I know you said that earlier to complete my sentence-"

"No Rosie, I mean yes." She clarifies once more while looking at the other woman. "Yes, I'd love to move in with you."

The screeching sound of her alarm clock forces Rosie's eyes to open up to the bright morning of London. She instantly regrets it though as she feels the rays on the sun piercing through her pupils. Just as she was about to roll back on her king-size bed when her back falls on the floor. Rosie closes her eyes before letting out a loud cursing scream of pain.

"Oh, look at you cursing so early in the morning." Jennie greets the latter as soon as she enters the room. "Now that's what I call character development."

"Jennie, kindly explain to me why on Earth am I sleeping on the couch when you paid hundreds of pounds for this room."

"About that, I am clearly offended you know." She crosses her arms as she sits on the chair. "Here I was last night telling a wonderful series of activities that we could do today regarding your apartment but you were looking like a woman becomes immobile as she sees an over speeding bus going straight to her direction. I snapped your thoughts away and you came back but then-"


"You passed out on me." Jennie pouts. "How can you do that to me love?"

Rosie sighs as she positions herself in an Indian-sitting position. "I'm sorry Jen, it must've been the jet lag."

"It's okay, I was just messing with you. You really looked tired that I pitied you, you poor thing."

"You pitied me yet you didn't carry me to bed."

"Have you seen our height difference, you enormous woman?" Jennie eyes her from head to foot. "I may be strong but I ain't no Chanyeol."

"What are we going to do today?"

"We're going to check-out first." She instructs. "And then, we're going to drive to your new home and pray that you'd be inspired to write a new single."

Hearing about the moving in made Rosie remembered the dream she had just recently. "I can't wait to see what you have been bragging to me."

"Then what are you waiting for hobo? Get dressed!"



"Holy smokes? Hell yeah." Jennie smirks as she opens the door further for Rosie to walk in. "I'll let you go and explore by yourself. Just a few minutes to take in of how an awesome handler I am. I'm going to have to make a few calls first."

Rosie was surprised at the amount of similarity just of the three-bedroom apartment and her home back in Los Angeles. From how open space theme, to the amount of green and flowers inside the room, the number of art pieces found down to the concrete floors and the huge glass windows covered in modern technology curtains. The kitchen was average size but Rosie was delighted that it had all the things she needed just in case she feels like cooking. Walking down the hallway again, with its walls were painted in white with attached iconic celebrities comes in of what it seems to be the master's bedroom.

She loved the platform bed and the light wood flooring mixed with the smooth cement unpainted walls and how the windows gave her the view of what it seems to be like the neighborhood's park with children running around and letting out squeals of joy. As soon as she steps foot in front of the bathroom, she knew she was going to love this place.

But even it was a mirror-like image to the house that she has right now, it was totally different from the apartment that she used to live.

There wasn't any mixture of brick in it, and the bedroom walls would've used some whitewashed brick just to give it an industrial feeling to it. The contrast of the white walls and the red bricks could bring some life in the kitchen too, and there wasn't enough pantry space for her. She loves having lots and lots of pantry space. The use of space in the living room needed some rearrangements too, it felt like it needed some air and she needs to let some natural light inside the space as well. And even though the bathroom seemed like the deal maker to her, the bathtub needed more upgrade on the size.

And out of all the differences that she could point out, one obvious difference stood out.

It was her.

"So where do you want this?"

"Hmm, you think it would be best if I'd put it there?"

"That would do."

"Alright, you ready?" The latter nods. "Okay 1, 2, 3-"

With a few slow and steady steps accompanied by grunts and heavy breathing both of them successfully placed the lover seat couch on the place they both desire. Both of them share a look and immediately the two of them surrendered their tired bodies to the soft furniture as they focused on the view. The orange hues were slowly getting replaced by the blue-indigo colored sky and the buildings slowly lit up one by one creating an up-close view of the stars.

"Wow. It's pretty amazing."

"I know right? It was offered cheaply to me."

"Hmmm... I'm guessing that you wooed your way to your landlady?" The brunette takes a wild guess and the latter's laugh was all it took for her to be convinced. "So what did you say to her this time?"

"Told her that this place would be the make or break of our relationship." She responds, making the brunette raise her eyebrows in amusement. "And I might've added that you're a sucker for cats so we'd probably get one in the future."

"She's a cat lover?"

"Aren't all lesbians are?" She scoffs, making her girlfriend push her away playfully. "What? Am I not stating the truth here?"

"You are, but I didn't push you for that." She says. "I pushed you because you said we're going to get a cat."

"Why? Aren't we?"

"Just a cat?"

"Fine two." The girl beside her pouts. "Okay fine, three." An even deeper pout appears. "Are you serious? How the hell are we going to manage four cats?"

"By that time you'll be famous and I'll be pretty dope soon so we can surely manage four cats."

"Hmm, okay. But we need to get my fish first." She sounded serious. "Because I feel like if I ever get mice the cats would just devour them."

"And the fish?"

"I'll buy him a big ass tank with lots of rocks so he can hide." They share a chuckle as they laid out different ruckus of what their future pets would bring into their lives.



"Do you like your apartment?"

She looks around and was really quite pleased with how everything, despite the constant stress that this whole furnishing has brought to the both of them, looking and seeing how beautiful the outcome is, made her pretty proud for themselves.

"Yeah. I really like it and correction— our apartment."

"Come on, I wanna hear it." Jennie halts her train of thought again. "Say it loud and clear for me."

"Huh?" Rosie was surprised to see the shorter woman beside her. "Hear loud and clear?"

"That I am the most amazing woman in the world and that you couldn't do shit without me."

She almost wanted to argue but seeing how Jennie has been really a great source of help, she smiles at the latter before engulfing her in a big tight hug. "You are the most amazing woman in the world and I can't do shit without you."

Jennie pulls away with a cheeky and satisfied grin. "See? Not all truth hurts!"

As Jennie was starting her own house tour, Rosie ponders upon her last statement. "Yeah, I guess not."


"So, are we feeling confident already?" She and Jennie were now on the porch enjoying a nice weekend tea. "This space checks everything on your wish-list."

"To be honest, I'm really amazed. I can't believe how you managed to pull it off but you did so props for you on that."

"Okay... but?" Rosie looks at her with furrowed eyebrows. "I know there's a but in there somewhere."

"Can we do some minor arrangements in the space? Like just a few. I promise it won't be that big. Would that be okay?"

"Would that help you with you with the writing of single?"

"A lot."

"Then let me go and make another call." Jennie smiles before leaving the room with an unsure attitude.

Days passed, Jennie noticed that there was something different from her friend. It started off with the rearrangement of the place, which in her case, took a lot of bargaining for the owner to finally give in. She took off the art pieces and made the wall completely bald. Well, not really bald but Rosie decided that the painting with the flowers be the only piece to be placed on it. Jennie thought it was weird, but she brushed it off, thinking that maybe it was too much distraction, to begin with so she understands where the latter was coming from.

The second thing she noticed was the fact that Rosie spent nearly a day in the furniture store, trying to find almost every shade of blue and yellow pieces to be bought. May it be a blanket, cushion, and a lazy boy, a table napkin- it was in all shades of blue and yellow. Jennie thought what was going on with Rosie putting only two colors inside the apartment but the blonde-haired woman told her that it was just her bringing life to the place which made sense, since it was too blank but also didn't make any sense, because she removed all of the art pieces. Again, Jennie brushes the thought off, thinking it was one of the ways to bring out the artistry in her so she, understood again.

But then Jennie noticed that Rosie barely gets anything done. She would just mope around the space, stare at the buildings or even the galaxy for all she knows, and even be inside the bathroom for half a day. The fact that she hasn't seen any type of crumpled paper or lots of teas consumed, she hasn't seen Rosie's favorite guitar out of the cover and was still there on the corner as the other days that she had seen it. She thought that it would be better if she leaves the latter alone, just to spark some kind of imagination but no, nothing was going on. Either she would see Rosie doing something that's not related to songwriting or doing nothing at all. There was no in-between.

She wanted to understand. She knows when an artist got some writer's block and it sucks, but with the amount of money that their partner agency had pulled out, her reputation and her family's legacy on the line, she doesn't have time for moping around. Now, she was going to make Rosie write by all means.

"Rosie?" Jennie interrupts Rosie's thinking time in the couch. "We need to talk."

"Jennie, if this is about the song please spare me." She says like she has gone out and ran a marathon which clearly wasn't the case. "I don't feel like writing today."

"That's what you said yesterday."

"It's a writer's block."

"It's the same excuse you used on me the other day."

"I'm having some kind of pressure."

"Been used on the third day."

"God Jennie, why can't you understand?" She looks at the latter like she was some kind of an idiot. "I'm not in the mood to write."

"No, you don't get to talk like that to me," Jennie demands. "You have already wasted enough time and I am running out of excuses so I'm sorry if you got some writer's block bullshit right now but you have to DO SOMETHING."

"It doesn't work that way Jen, you think great songs came from an overnight composition?"

"No, but I know it doesn't come from walking like a dead zombie and not leaving the rented apartment, which, by the way, is shouldered by a recording company who wants you give them a single!"

"A single that I cannot give them yet!"

"That's because your mind is somewhere else!" Jennie screams back, and for the first time, both of them got into a heated argument. "I don't get it, Rosie, I have given you everything you want for you to be inspired!" Jennie huffs out in frustration. "You said you wanted views and I have given you that. This is like- the best view in London. It's Cornelia Street for fuck's sake!"

"That's exactly the reason why I can't write anything." She says, confusing her friend. "Jen, did you know that there's another city who has a Cornelia street on their map?"

"Do I look like a give a damn about this?"

"New York," Rosie says, ignoring her manager's insult. "New York has Cornelia Street too."

"Oh, so now you want to move to New York? You could've told me that specifically in that way you would've saved my family's company millions!"

"I don't want to move back there." The singer says as she looks down on the ring that she used as a pendant. "I don't think I can walk in that street again."


"Because that's where everything happened." She says. "That's where she happened."

"What do you mean she Rosie, speak to me in a language I can try to understand."

Rosie lets out an exhale, as she finally confronts the thought that's been bothering her all throughout this trip. "It is the place where I let my heart fall out of my sleeves Jennie." She says. "On the street of Cornelia is where I met a woman named Lisa Manoban."


"Shit sorry!"

"Oh my God, your camera!"

"Oh my God, your shirt!"

Both women finally looked away from their dilemmas to each other's eyes. Rosie never believed in the magic that New York holds. She didn't believe in nice people, respect and non-hectic traffic not even finding an apology from a person who possibly ruined her morning. What she believed in was endless city lights, big dreams and a rude stare from people who bumped her. It was New York City, the only nice thing here probably was their coffee, and that's much about it.

"Damn, I'm so sorry. Wait, I have a wet napkin here somewhere." The blonde lady rummages through the huge messenger bag. "Fuck it's not here."

"No, no, no, I should be more worried! I destroyed your camera!" Rose gasped, mentally cursing because from the looks of it, it didn't look like a simple camera. "That's going to cost a lot does it?" She says, referring to the smashed parts on the concrete.

"Oh, this? Nah, it's just a camera lens cover. Completely replaceable." She waves the red-hair girl off. "Your white shirt on the other hand..."

"Nah, this is just a white shirt, completely replaceable." Both looking at each other's eyes they instantly share a laugh.

"I don't know, it seemed like Neil Armstrong is mad at me. I can perfectly see his glare." The woman says, and when Rosie looks down, the Astronaut sketch was on her breasts. The other girl sensed Rosie's look on her, so she took some seconds to process things before widening her eyes. "SHIT I DIDN'T MEAN TO-"

"Uh-huh, yeah sure." She grabs onto the sling of her tote bag before turning around to leave.

"Sorry I didn't mean to put it that way!" She chases after the woman who was grumpily walking down the street. "Hey, hey, hey-"

"Let me go you pervert!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just that I have a thing for astronomy and my childhood dream is to become an astronaut."

"You wanted to become an astronaut?"

"Yeah, don't you think it's kind of awesome? I get to have a view that you guys don't have." She smiles.

"Well, you don't look like someone who still pursues that dream."

"Not really, I've realized that the world behind the camera lens is way better and less expensive." She smiles. "Look, I'm sorry but I promise you I am not anything like that."

She studies the girl once again and comes to realized that maybe the latter wasn't that kind of bad after all. "It's okay I was about to do some shopping anyway."

"Well, I could accompany you." She offers. "Let me buy you a shirt and coffee. That's the least that I could do."

"You're not busy?"

"I've probably visited all the tourist spots here so I've got loads of time."

"You're a tourist?"

"I'm from Thailand, but I'm studying photography in Australia."

"I'm from Australia too! But I've always wanted to visit Thailand."

"Well, that's great! We can have more things to talk about over coffee."

"I'm Roseanne by the way." She smiles and extends her hand.

"Hi, Rosie." The latter shakes her hand. "I'm Lisa."

"We had coffee at Cornelia Street Café at that time. She was 20 minutes away and the internship building I had been near the place so somehow that coffee shop became our meeting spot before we head out and see the city." Rosie shares. "On her last day in New York, she told me that she would want to keep the communication going which I agreed. She was very fun to be with and I enjoyed talking to her so the communication went on despite our time difference. Three months in and it was my last day in my internship she did something really memorable."

"And what is it?"

"She flew to New York and asked me to be her girlfriend."

"Okay so let me get this straight, she flew all the way from Australia to New York, just to surprise you and ask you to be her girlfriend?" Rosie nods her head. "Wow, how did she do it?"

"Lisa, this better be urgent." Rosie groans as she steps out of her dorm room. "Remember-"

"You had a bad day at the internship, I know." Her special friend responds. "But it's just that Matt told me he needed some aid in the coffee shop and you know how much I adore that guy."

Rosie rolls her eyes, remembering the name of Lisa's favorite barista. "I'm not going to play cupid between you two, can't you see I was trying to mope around because I didn't do well today?"

"First, I don't like him that way and second, you did do well today, you just assume that you did badly." She clarifies. "Are you almost near?"

"Just a few blocks more."

"Alright message me when you're at the door."

Five minutes later Rosie comes to the coffee shop, quite confused why the establishment was closed at such an early hour. She double checks the time, and it indeed indicated that it was nine o'clock in the evening which is the rush hour.

Maybe Matt is still out. Rosie thinks to herself.

Still, she tries her luck, knowing how clumsy the barista is sometimes stupid and mostly clumsy at times. A mixture of amusement and confusion when she hears the door click; Furrowing her eyebrows she came to a comes to a conclusion that maybe Matt was really in a hurry and to be this clumsy to leave the door open.

She was thinking of ways on how to tease the latter and a smile plays on her lips knowing how well how the man values his ego when something totally surprising comes into the view.

For inside the Cornelia Street Café was Matt smirking at her while playing his guitar, a candlelight table and Lisa Manoban holding onto a bouquet of Sunflowers. Seeing her friend who has seen her ups and downs and to finally have the latter in pure flesh after a bad day made her overwhelm in emotions. She rushes towards Lisa, who didn't waste any time in disregarding the flowers to hold Rosie in her arms.

"Hey..." She says in a soft tone. "It's okay."

"I'm just so happy you're here..." She sniffs.

"Was it really that bad?" Rosie nods her head. "I'm sure it can't be that bad, we all have to go through the bad days right? I mean, how can we appreciate the good things in life if we don't go through the bad first?"

Rosie tightens her hold towards the latter. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too Rosie." Lisa returns the hug back. "I've missed you too."

"We had a French-themed dinner. Matt didn't mind playing for us and we just talked and talked that I eventually forgot how bad my day initially ways..." Rosie trails off. "When we were left all alone, she confessed her feelings and I did, so we decided to be official."

"Did she go through the whole nine yards of romanticism?"

"Lisa isn't like that." She says. "All she said that night were the sentences, I really like you and it would be a complete idiot act for me to let go of you."

"That's all?" Jennie said, completely amused with the fact that it was just a short confession. "Don't you think that it needed more cheesy or cringing paragraphs?"

"She flew all the way to New York just to say those words to me personally Jennie, if that wasn't proof on how much she was serious with her feelings for me then that's so stupid."

"Make sense." Her PR says. "So what happened? She spent the weekend at your dorm, made some awesome sex just to cheer you up and then you guys had this sweet and super goals type of long-distance relationship?"

"Yeah, we took turns in visiting one another. I've got the opportunity to take her to the home I grew up with and she got to meet my family after I graduated. Everyone loved her, down to the cousins and to the nephews and nieces... I remembered my dad being all protective of me so he really didn't give Lisa some slack off but I knew it was only a matter of time before he gives in to her charms." She smiles as a series of beautiful memories flashed on her mind. "Turns out her interest and amazing first-timer luck in golf made my dad fond of her. Even when I wasn't around he would call her for a quick game, he likes her that much."

"And her family?"

"They were as welcoming as mine. Her dad Marco was an adorable man and I could really tell that she grew up in a very loving home. Her mother would teach and allow me to meet their super duper big family and I get to meet her childhood friends too."

"Sounds like you guys had the perfect relationship."

"We did."

"So what did Cornelia Street have to do with her?"

"She got accepted at the internship program at a Photo Studio in New York, at that time, I was still working on my music career back in Chicago. When I got a job offer here in New York, I didn't pass up the opportunity and accepted it right away. It was a pretty sweet deal and was enough for me to find a place more than I bargained for. I thought that if I were to live in New York City, Cornelia Street would be the top of the list for me. And I did, so when she still got a month left in her internship I asked her if she could move in with me and she said yes."

"I remembered our first morning together, it was 7 o'clock in the morning and we both took our days off to celebrate our first day in our home. I woke up earlier than her and though I've seen her sleep during our video calls seeing her with an arm raise up always seems to make me laugh. I took some pictures of her just to tease her later on before I head off to prepare breakfast. Halfway through making her favorite pancakes she hugs me from behind and does this cute whiney mumbled voice." She takes a pause as she remembers how cute the woman was whenever she was in the morning, Lisa was always needy, but it was in those mornings where she seems to double up the necessity to feel Rosie beside her.

"It was the perfect setup for us. Both near our jobs, both near the coffee shop where we would always go, and it was only a few blocks away from the part of Manhattan where we really first met. During dinner time we would always go for delivery where we'd just talk about how our week went. There were days where I find myself crying out of frustration but she was always there for me. There was not a day that she let me out of the house without the thought that everything was going to be okay."

"There weren't fights between you two?"

"Of course there was, we had fights about the plate, her clothes scattered around the floor, the leftover smell and other things normal couples would do. There was this one time where we really got into a huge fight."

"I told you, I don't want to talk about this!"


"Because you are going to insist that we need to fix things and I don't want to!"

"I'm not forcing to fix things between us, I just want to know why you were so upset when I barely do anything to make you feel that way."

"Barely?" Rosie says with complete disbelief in her tone. "Lisa the fact that you barely do anything is what making me upset!"She argues. "I've already told you, I know you're busy but you possibly can't be too busy to take out the garbage."

"Those are not garbage okay? I need those!"

"Then arrange them! Why would you neglect something that you would need for later?"

"I'm not neglecting them; I am a messy kind of organized person. I know things are messy but that's how I memorize things okay" She scoffs. "Sorry if I ain't a miss super-duper organized person like you."

"Ugh! Whatever."

"Hey! Where are you going?"

"Out!" Lisa follows suit and sees Chaeyoung grabbing her coat. "I need to cool down."

"Why can't you do it here?"

"Because you're here." She states in a matter-of-fact tone. "I can't be around together with the cause of my anger as of the moment."Just about when Rosie reaches for the doorknob, Lisa pulls her hand back, making the aspiring singer close her eyes. "Lisa, please for just one night- give me some space."

"I am."

Lisa doesn't speak after that and Rosie was caught off by surprise when she saw Lisa was wearing her coat and scarf. "What are you-"

She takes off her girlfriend's coat and hangs it back. "You stay here and grab a cup of your tea. I've already prepared it and all you have to do is boil some hot water. Your favorite biscuits are in the pantry, third shelf and your favorite comfort sweater is on the bed."

Rosie furrows her eyebrows. "If I'm going to stay here then where are you headed off to?"

"Have you seen the weather? It's like Ice Age out there."

"Lisa, you're not fond of the cold."

"Doesn't mean I would let you get out there and freeze." She counters. "Look, I'm going to give you the space that you want, but I need to know you're in a safe place."

"Where are you planning to stay for the meantime?"

"At the coffee shop, maybe Matt can be useful tonight so I can ask him about girlfriend problems and how I can make it up to my girl." Lisa smiles."Call me when you're ready to talk alright?"

When it was Lisa's turn to hold onto the doorknob, Roseanne hugs her lightly from behind, completely stopping her from leaving their home. "I hate you."

"That's why I am going to let you steam off first."

"No, I hate the fact that even when we're in a huge fight you still care for me."

"Hey." Lisa turns around and faces Roseanne. "Just because we're fighting doesn't mean I'm going to stop caring for you. Fight or no fight, I'm always going to care for you."

"And you guys didn't fight any longer am I right?"

"She was being romantic."

"I think the right term for that is reverse psychology." Jennie chuckles. "But you're right it is cute."

"It was."

"So if it was the perfect setup, and the perfect relationship and the perfect girl, what went wrong?" She asks. "I'm sensing something happened in between the laughter and happiness."

She hangs her head low. "Something did happen."

Jennie sensed that it was something that wasn't favorable so she takes a seat beside her friend. "Look, Rosie, whatever it is, you can tell me about it."

"Then LA came." Her artist confesses. "That's what happened."

"Lisa!" Rosie searches for her girlfriend as soon as she steps foot inside their apartment. "Lisa?"

"In the kitchen!" Lisa could hear her girlfriend's excited footing running through the wooden floors. "Wow, someone's excited."

"Guess what?"

"Go on, start sharing."

"Earlier while I was in the middle of recording someone called." Rosie starts. "It was a call from a recording company in Los Angeles. They said they saw my performance in Winter fest here in New York and was wondering if maybe I fly to Los Angeles to feature in one of their artist's new single." She smiles. "And if everything works out perfectly maybe they could pull off some strings and sign me in."

"What?" Lisa couldn't hide the surprise in her tone. "Sign you in Los Angeles?"

"Yes! Can you believe it!?" The brunette was doing her happy-skipping dance in the kitchen. "Los Angeles, I mean- are you kidding me?!"

"Pfft, yeah!" She says unsurely. "Um, Rosie, you're not going to really consider it, are you?"

"Why wouldn't I consider it Lisa, it's Los Angeles."

"But you're here in New York. It's got bigger plans for you than that sunny state could offer."

"They don't have bigger plans for me Lisa, they were planning to find someone else that could fit into their recording company's image." She rolls her eyes. "Good luck with that, with all the unnecessary words in their songs, I doubt any artist would want to sign with them."

"Maybe they just need to find better people or better yet, just make your point across. I'm pretty sure they could figure something out. I mean you were heading somewhere with them right?"

"Lisa, are you even hearing yourself? The reason why I have lots of bad days because they wouldn't listen to my idea, the reason why you always stress yourself out in understanding me because they chose not to."

"I don't consider it as a stress Rosie, I like caring for you."

"But I don't like it!" She was getting annoyed with all of her girlfriend's rebuttals. "Why can't you see that maybe New York isn't meant for me."

"You've been here for a month."

"And with New York's life pace, I doubt if this is still the place for me." She says. "Lisa, why can't you see that I am no longer happy here?"

"I just think you're giving up too early. New York still has a lot to offer in my opinion."

"You know what Lisa, unlike you, I have to always strive hard because the competition is stiff. There's a lot of singers out there waiting to be discovered, singers who are better than me yet somehow they are not still given the opportunity for some reasons and I'm going to take it as a sign that I should hurry up in building my career or else someone else will beat me to it and I'm just going to fall under the wanna-be's and I don't want that!"

"Things take time Rosie you have to understand that-"

"Patience are for those who have the time to spare." Rosie looks at her eyes. "And I don't have any more time left to spare Lisa."

"After that Lisa decided that maybe we should take some time off, to figure out the things we want. She went home to the dorm while I remained in the apartment, succumbing to the silence that she left me with. A week passed and she surprised me at our home with her ukulele and a very romantic dinner but she came at a bad time."


"Because it was the day that I accepted to chase after my dream." She says as she bites her lower lip. "The day she surprised me was also the same day that we broke up."

"You already what?"

"Lisa you have to hear me out, New York isn't the city for me anymore."

"And how sure are you Los Angeles is?" She counters. "How sure are you that as soon as you agree to their terms and conditions it'll be the start of your wonderful singing career?"

"How sure are you New York is?"

"Because I'm here!"

"Yeah until your internship! What happens once it's over huh? You go back to Sydney, get your degree and then what? You think your parents are going to let you go far from them again?"

"We have a greater time difference now."

"So? What we have is greater than any time difference than this world could have." Rosie holds her hands and kisses them. "Lisa, I have to accept this. I have to know if this is going to make me happy or not."

"Am I not enough anymore to keep you happy?" And when Rosie didn't answer, Lisa slowly pulls away from her. "Good luck with your career Rosie."

"Wow..." Jennie trails off.

"I flew to Los Angeles the next day, leaving everything that I have in New York." Rosie takes a huge intake of oxygen. "From that day on, we really haven't spoken to one another."

"Are you serious right now?" Rosie nods her head. "So basically that was just it?"

"Of course I didn't want it to be Jen, there were months- years even where I thought about reaching out to her."

"So why haven't you?"

"What's the point?" She asks back. "I'm pretty sure she hates me."

"Well, what if she doesn't?" Jennie looks at her. "Don't you want to find it out too?"

"I..." She trails off. "I'm not sure."

Seconds later Jennie grabs the pen and paper on the table and looks back and forth from the paper then onto her phone. "Wanna know what I think Rosie?" The latter gives her a look that she should continue. "I think that you're just afraid that even after the success of your career, you'd find yourself regretting that you chose this path once that you guys meet each other again." Tearing off the paper, she turns to face Rosie and hands her it. "But I think, that meeting this Lisa Manoban is what you need just so you can finish your song."

"What is this?"

"You really didn't think I was just sitting here all the time listening to you as you try to remember your past what-if's right?" She smiles. "I've booked you a flight to New York tomorrow and you leave first thing in the morning." Jennie answers as she walks to her bedroom.

"Jennie! What is this address?"

Her manager turns around and gives her a dumbfounded look. "That's where she lives goofball."

As soon as Jennie closes her bedroom door, Rosie sits back there, eyes locked on the paper the latter has just given her and with a complete surprised facial expression written all over her face because out of all the places Lisa decides to live in-

35 Cornelia Street, Greenwich Village, New York.

And that's where she knew, she had to see the girl.


A black SUV car parked out in 260 Bleecker Street in Greenwich Village in Lower Manhattan. Rosie steps out from the said car and hugged her coat around her. It was nearing the Spring season yet the New York weather doesn't seem to cooperate. She looked at the familiar alley and she couldn't believe that it has been nearly five years since the last time she stepped foot in this familiar road. She took some time looking through the buildings and felt the amazement to see that almost nothing has changed. A sense of nostalgia hits her once again and remembered everything from the very beginning.

But she knew she wasn't there to remember things in the past, she was there for one reason and one reason only. To finally set the final score in a chapter of her life that she left on read for so long.

She finds herself in front of a townhouse with a gold plaque number 35 pinned on one of the brick walls. Rosie checks the paper that Jennie has given her and double-checked if it was the address was right. With careful steps, she approaches the stairs and grasps onto the doorknocker. Making sure she strikes loud and repetitively she pulls away and checks on herself as soon as she hears footsteps approaching.

The door opens, and she was totally wasn't prepared to see the person in front of her.


And with a huge lump in her throat, Rosie tries her best to smile. "Hi, Lisa."

The latter was completely caught off guard. "Oh my God, it's been a long time." She gasps. "What brings you here?"

And just as she was about to answer another voice appears. "The steak is burning!"

Lisa curses under her breath. "Just a sec, okay?" She says before she answers back. "Go check it out for me please!"

"Looks like I came at a bad time."

"Oh no! No! Not a bad time." She replies. "Want to come inside?"


"Well unless you want to stand there in the freezing cold." The latter chuckles. "Come inside."

Rosie decides that it would be a really bad decision to decline Lisa's offer plus it was really freezing cold and she really couldn't last a second longer so with a court nod, she follows the latter inside, and from there she got the bird's eye view of Lisa's new home.

It was still the brick-industrial themed townhouse that anyone would see in a typical New York home but Lisa's taste in interior design has improved over the years. Instead of just focusing on the white, grays and other monochromatic shade, Lisa uses colors such as pastel pinks and violets, she also saw some bold statement pillow cushions and art pieces that really catch anyone's attention.

There were some changes, but there were things that still remained the same.

"Sorry, I had to fix the steak." Lisa greets her as soon as she returns.

"Excuse you, the steak was already fixed, you just thought I hadn't been able to fix it."

Rosie turns to the third voice and sees a man wearing a plain white shirt with ripped jeans and some slippers home. She furrowed her eyebrows, wondering what kind of man would be doing inside a woman's home at this kind of hour. Shifting her attention to the dining table, she noticed that somehow it was nicely plated and surprisingly romantic.

"Holy smokes." The man says. "You-you're Roseanne."

"I think I'm gonna head off," Rosie announces as soon as Lisa returns to her. "Looks like I came out at a bad time."

"No!" Both Lisa and the man say, making them look at one another.

"Stay, I've prepared for more than two."

"Yeah, and it's just our typical dinner date, no worries." He adds up.

Now Rosie was creating some theories in her head. "D-d-dinner date?"

Lisa must've noticed where the latter was looking at so she took the liberty of introducing them to one another. "Sehun, this is Roseanne and Rosie, this is Sehun."

Please don't say, boyfriend.

Please don't say, boyfriend.

Please don't say, boyfriend.

"My boyfriend."


"Wow, I can't believe this." Sehun starts the conversation between the three of them with a huge smile on his face. "I'm sorry, this is so creepy for you right?"

"Oh no, not at all," Rosie answers politely. "Thank you for liking my music."

"I just love how relatable they are you know? I haven't missed any of your appearance here in New York." He shares.

"Sehun, stop being a cringy fan, let her have her food." Lisa cut his steak, an action that didn't go unnoticed by Rosie's eyes.

"Who knows when will be the next time I get to have my favorite artist here in front of me for free you know?"

"No it's okay, I don't mind." Rosie smiles. "So, tell me- how did the two of you meet?

"Oh pretty funny actually." Sehun grins. "I was actually a model, for the NYPD."

"You're a police officer?" He nods his head.

"She was doing a cover for the local paper and I was just a graduating student from the Academy. I think it was safe to say that I was the only good looking in my batch-"

"There were a lot of good looking people in your batch okay, you were just the first option because-"

"Because I'm tall, dark and handsome."

"Sehun, you're even light-colored than me that's not possible." Lisa rolls her eyes.

"At that time though, I was tall, dark and handsome." He still contests. "But, she was already beautiful at that time but it wasn't love at first sight. When I saw my face on the paper I was the laughing stock of the batch because of my deformed face."

"Blame the editor for that, all I ever do is submit the photos okay?"

"Whatever." Sehun rolls his eyes. "Anyway, long story short, it was a series of arguments and useless clap-backs that lead into enemies to friends and eventually to lovers type of story."

"That's a cute type of story."

"It is." Sehun agrees. "You know I never would've thought that someone would want me because hello? I was such a loser back then, quite stupid too but here I am waking up and sleeping with the most beautiful person in New York."

Rosie nods her head yet still feels the bitterness playing on her tongue and it almost made her want to lose her appetite. Despite the fact that she was this close to throwing up, she manages to let out a smile. "You are indeed lucky to have her, that I know for sure."

Sehun nods his head and totally agrees. "I heard you're doing a European debut."

"That I am."

"How are you feeling?"

"Well... a lot of pressure of course, but I'm just going to make the most out of everything."

"See, this is why I really like you as an artist. Rather than worrying about what comes tomorrow, you enjoy what's going on with your life right now."

"I used to worry so much about everything." She answers. "Until someone told me you really can't create happy memories later on if you always worry what's going to happen next."

"I like that. Whoever said that must be pretty close to you because I really wouldn't take advice if that someone doesn't know my back story."

"Yeah." Taking a subtle glance towards the woman sitting beside him she returns her attention to the food that is in front of her. "She was really close to me."

After dinner, Sehun had to bid them farewell because apparently Friday nights are football nights. He didn't leave without a signature and a photo-op of course and told that he was going to brag to everyone inside the precinct that his girlfriend has Roseanne Park as an old friend. When the doors closed, Lisa excuses herself in the kitchen once again to clean up the dishes and while she was busy doing the chores, Rosie looks at the centerpiece of the house which seems to be the photo wall of Lisa and Sehun's life.

On the far end corner, she looks at the photo of Lisa and Sehun with the view of the entire New York City. They were at Empire State at that time, and from the looks of it- Rosie guessed that it was the time that they officially got together as a couple. The way that Lisa's eyes were teary and Sehun's as well, the flowers and all the romantic setup really told her that it was indeed a milestone. The next photo was Sehun graduating from the Academy with a goofy photo of Lisa giving him a piggyback ride and from the picture itself Rosie could hear Lisa's laughter and it tugs a part of her heart. The next series of photos were their trips around the country, from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and the list just goes on... But out of all the pictures that could make Rosie feel jealous, it was that Polaroid picture that was located at the center, and it was a picture of Lisa and Sehun kissing in Times Square as everyone celebrated the New Year.

"It's kind of a shame that we wouldn't be here until New Year's Eve," Lisa says as she was walking with Rosie's hand in hand in the streets of Times Square.

"Why? You plan to kiss me as the countdown blasts off to zero to officially start your New Year?" And when all the brunette could do was blush, Rosie just shakes her head. "You're such a romanticist."

"You can't blame me, it's not like all of my ex's look like you."

"Should I be taking that as a compliment?"

"Damn right you should."Lisa scoots closer and pulls her girlfriend close. "Can I though?"

"Can I what?"

"Kiss you here on New Year's Eve?" Rosie turns her head to the side and looks at her girlfriend's shy face. "I've always watched movies where they kiss in a very popular place and for me I think it's a great way of remembering a place. So that whenever I think or hear of New York, the first thing that I would always be reminded of is Times Square where we had our New Year's Eve kiss."

"Hmmm... that sounds like a really nice plan."

"See? I'm not just a romanticist, I am also an intellectual person."

"Okay hold still Juliet, let's not get ahead of ourselves."

"So, would you do it?"

"Kiss you on New Year's Eve?" Lisa nods her head. "Would that make you happy?"


"Then we need to make it happen."

The more that she looks at the picture, the more thoughts came inside her head and the more painful it became for her. She was wondering how a lot of what if's and alterations in her life, and thought about the life that she would be living right now if she chose not to accept Jennie's offer.

If that was the case then it should've been her that was with Lisa as they viewed the entire city from the Empire State, she should've been the one that Lisa was congratulating with but instead of going to the Academy she would've gone to the recording studio. If she chose differently then maybe she was the one that would accompany Lisa as they journeyed nearly every state in the country and maybe she was the one that Lisa was kissing in Times Square on New Year's Eve.

Maybe then she wouldn't feel this heavy feeling inside her chest, maybe she wouldn't have this great urge to fight through the tears as she continues to stare at the photo in front of her and maybe-

Maybe she could be happier.

"It was Sehun's idea." Lisa interrupts her. "He thought that it would be a nice centerpiece to have our pictures there and I thought it was greasy at first, but it turned out pretty well."

"It is a nice idea."

"Yeah, that's his only contribution though." She rolls her eyes but lets out a chuckle later on. "Do you have somewhere else to be?"

"No, not really."

"Good." She replies and shows the latter a bottle of wine and two glasses. "Come with me, I'm going to show you something."



As soon as she accepted Lisa's offer, the latter showed her the way upstairs where three doors could be found. She figured that it was a two-bedroom type of townhouse and the one on the end of the floor was probably their room. Rosie waits as Lisa guides her through the other end of the room and it seems to be like Lisa's small home office.

Opening the window she was confused about why Lisa climbs out of it and turns around, encouraging her to climb out as well by extending her hand. With a tiny bit of doubt, Rosie holds onto Lisa's hand and what she was able to witness absolutely blew her away.

"One of my friends helped me find this space," Lisa says. "When he told me the price I was like Nah, get out of here but he asked me to give it a chance because he had a surprise for me. I didn't believe it at first but when he showed me this I was like where are the papers, I need to sign them."

"This is indeed a very beautiful place." Rosie agrees as she continues to see the vastness of the view of Lower Manhattan. "Looks like New York is really the place for you." The latter decided not to smile and just hands her a glass of wine. "Cheers?"


After finishing the first, Lisa doesn't waste time pouring them one more round. "You know, you really know how to throw someone a surprise."

"Yeah, sorry about that." Rosie scoffs.

"So Europe debut huh?" The singer nods her head. "How are you feeling really?"

"A mix of everything, but mostly frustration and doubt and then the rest just shows up whenever I overthink."

"And why is that?"

"The company wanted me to add a single that is going to be out for Europe countries only."

"Whoa, that's kind of big."

"It is."

"So if it's that big then why are you here? Don't take it as a wrong way but—"

"To be very honest I really don't know too." She lies. "My PR was getting frustrated with me because we only have a few days left. When she told me that she decided to cut me off some slack I packed my bags and decide to head here."

"Did you know that I was living here?"

"I was just trying my luck." She says, hoping that Lisa wouldn't be able to notice her lie. "I felt that at times like this you always knew the right words to say."

"Don't worry; whatever you're going through right now isn't permanent. You've already come a long long way for you to stop here." Lisa smiles. "After everything that you've been through, I believe that you can overcome it."

"See my point." She states making Lisa shake her head in complete disagreement.

"You know you can do it, Rosie, you wouldn't leave this city if you weren't sure that you weren't able going to do it," Lisa adds onto her words of encouragement. "Just remember that as long as you know what you want in life, you are going to do it. I've seen you in cases far worse than this, trust me, this is just a little setback." She gives the latter a little push. "You can do it."

"So..." Rosie trails off as she hands Lisa her glass. "Sehun?"

Lisa smiles and pours the wine. "Why do I sense some surprise in your tone?"

"Maybe because I am, last time I checked you said men were useless."

"I still think of them that way though, Sehun is a nice man but there are days where he's just useless."

"Like the time where his only contribution to this house is the centerpiece?"

"Yes!" She ends with a laugh.

"But you still choose to be with him." The blonde woman states with a hint of double meaning. "No girls ever since?"

"Nah... No more girls after you." Lisa honestly says. "You're the only girl who's allowed to break my heart."

"Tell me, what happened to you after-"

"After we broke up?" Lisa completes the sentence for her went off with her fifth glass. "Well, there's nothing much to say. After my internship, I went to Sydney and graduated, and then I moved back to Bangkok, tried to make something out of my life there when it wasn't working, I tried my luck here in New York and I haven't looked back ever since."

"Your parents weren't mad?"

"They were, but they came around years later, especially when I introduced them to Sehun. They liked him after a few meetings and now they're making jokes about getting married." She shakes her head.

"Looks like Sehun has been a really big part of your life."

"He is..." Lisa trails off while looking at her half-filled glass. "When he told me he liked me, I told him I couldn't do it because I wasn't interested and of course I told him that to me, men are useless... But he didn't take it as a no and was even determined to win me over. It wasn't easy for him though, I made sure of it but when he asked me on top of Empire State Building, it was the seal of the deal for me."

"Why? Did he pull off some romantic, greasy paragraphs?"

"He did." She answers. "He was really shaking the entire time and I know he was so nervous but he remained firm and kept on... My favorite part of his speech was, if you ever give me the chance to be your man, I would do anything I can to make sure that New York can still be your home. That you can still be happy here, even if the entire city screams the memories you had with her."

Rosie could feel her jealousy clouding her judgment as she listens to how Lisa endlessly praised Sehun and how he was this amazing guy, his knight in shining armor, her source of comfort, her best friend and basically everything that she wasn't. She could feel her tightened hold of the glass, trying to get a hold of her emotions and just to stay in control of everything, afraid that she might blurt out or do something that she's going to regret later on.

But with all these boyfriend appreciation confessions, it was pretty hard to do so.

"Wow... from your stories he really sounds like he's pretty amazing. Is there anything that he couldn't do? Maybe he's the answer to global warming." Rosie sarcastically remarks.

"He is an amazing person but I doubt he's the answer to global warming."

"Well, then I guess you really can't have it all can you?" She finishes her glass. "Tell me more! I want to hear loads and loads of stories on how he's been there for you all throughout your stay here in New York and how he made it a safer and happier place for you."

"You're drunk."

"And you're over appreciating your boyfriend." She retorts. "But yeah, sure, go on. Tell me how much he fixed your heart, tell me how better he is at pitching dad jokes and how better he is- than me."

"Why? Can't I shove it into your face that I am happy?"

"Did you even ask me if I like seeing you happy?" Lisa wasn't unable to answer the question so she continues with it. "But yeah, okay! Might as well do it while I'm here right?" She stands up, and tries to balance herself due to the tipsy feeling she's experiencing.

Lisa doesn't back down and stands up as well."Yeah, because who knows when are you going to magically disappear right?"

Rosie takes a step closer. "I didn't disappear, Lisa, I followed my dream."

"And that must've been the best decision you've ever made." Lisa decides to take a step closer too.

Another step. "You have no idea." She claps back. "All the luxury, the people who love me, my music, living in Los Angeles- everything in my life is perfect. Pretty perfect and beautiful if you ask me."

And then another. "Well, then why are you here ruining my own pretty perfect and beautiful life?"

Both of them didn't know if it was on the cold air that froze their consciences, or maybe it was that they were few feet above ground that their heads weren't able to think straight and maybe the fact that the wine wasn't doing the trick so they thought of another way of warming up to one another but when Rosie looked at Lisa's lips and Lisa was looking at where Rosie's eyes were looking- there was no turning back.

Lisa pulls her close and wraps her hand around Rosie's neck, Rosie grabs Lisa by the waist and secures her in her hold as their lips touch and danced to the beat of the winter night. Rosie could feel herself being on fire with every second that her lips moved along with her felt like an ignition in her system, and now she was desperate to feel more of her, more than this.

So when Rosie thought that maybe biting Lisa's lips would level up the tension and does it, everything went downhill. For as soon as she inflicted pain on the photographer, it was the moment that the latter was pulled back to reality. A look of horror was plastered on Lisa's face, making Rosie come back to her senses once again. The moment she tries to explain things towards the latter it was all too late for Lisa zooms off of the rooftop and back to the warmth of her home.

"Lisa wait!" Rosie chases after Lisa who was quick in her steps. "Lisa-"

"Leave." She says and opens the door. "Now."

"You know I can't, not after that!"

"This is my house and I can kick out whoever I want." She glares at her past lover. "Now, leave."

Rosie uses her strength to oust Lisa and shuts the door back. "I won't leave."

"Fine, then I guess I'm gonna have to interrupt my boyfriend's game night and have him kick you out." She stomps her way back inside.

The singer also snatches the phone away from her. "Go ahead, let's see who's going to win."

"Why are you being difficult!?"

"I can't give this up, not after what happened earlier."

"It was a mistake."

"No, it wasn't."

"Yes, it was."

"NO!" The blonde woman steps in front of the brunette. "What happened earlier was supposed to happen. We both knew it was going to happen the minute he walked out."

Lisa shoves the latter away. "Are you kidding me?" There was a huge amount of disbelief in her tone. "You really think that I was just waiting for him to leave just so I can cheat on him with you?"

"Lisa you can lie to everyone else but you knew that we have left too many unsaid words and pent up feelings that's why it lead there." She holds her by the hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. "It's okay, it's okay I understand you. I know how you feel..."

And that's where the latter scoffs. "You don't."

"I do. I know what you're going through."

"You don't okay?!" Even Rosie was surprised by how high Lisa screamed at her face. "You don't have any idea of what I went through, you don't understand me because you haven't waited for someone for so long, hoping that they would come around and maybe take you back!"

"I told you, New York is not the city for me! Why would you force me to stay when you were going to leave me anyway?!"

"Why did you think I was so determined to make you stay?! It's because I wasn't going to leave!"


"In my last week of internship, I got a job offer with pretty good pay. I accepted right away and signed the contract for two years." She confesses. "I even fought with my parents and told them that New York is the city for us. That nothing is going to happen to me in Bangkok and I am not going to be happy if I don't stay here with you. I told them that we are going to make this work because we are a strong couple and that together we can do anything we want to do... Two years Rosie." She looks at Rosie. "That's how long I waited for you."

"It was so hard because everywhere I looked, New York reminds me of you..." Rosie's heart broke just hearing how sad Lisa's voice was. "It was so hard to stay because you gave me so many reasons to leave but I didn't because even though the odds were already against me, there was a small part of me believed that you loved me as much as I loved you. That you were just angry that night, and you didn't mean to not answer me. Maybe you haven't left for Los Angeles yet, maybe you were in forty-fourth street or in Brooklyn just sorting your thoughts out... There wasn't a night where I didn't spend hours looking at the door, hoping that the knob would turn and you'd appear in front of me."

"Night after night, bottle after bottle all my thoughts were filled with you..." She trails off. "Lots of questions were floating around in my head as I would always end up thinking about the night we broke up. Was it really easy for her to let me go? Am I really not enough? Did we really break up?" Lisa closes her eyes, trying to not to remember the feeling any longer. "I let it haunt me for months and every time I drown myself in alcohol I would end up crying of you. It was so frustrating because it didn't matter whether I was sober or not, you were always in my head."

"And you wanna know why you can't understand me, Rosie? You can't understand me because unlike you, I never gave up on us."

"Unlike you, I listened to my heart when it told me that I should just chase after the girl I love. That I shouldn't let the pride get the best of me and allow myself so I spent the last of my savings and booked a flight to LA... I had lots of scenarios in my head and all of them were happy but when I got there-" Lisa bites her lower lip. "When I got there I saw you living your life... You were performing in front of a crowd who were smitten by you and you were all smiles that night." She says. "I didn't believe in all the signs but when I focused on your eyes; that's where I finally saw the truth... I looked at your eyes, and there was no hint of regret." Tears were finally released from Lisa's eyes and yet she continues to share. "And that's when I knew it was time for me to let go."

Lisa straightens up her stand and wipes the tears out. "You will never understand me Rosie because you don't know how it feels to love someone so bad that when they leave you, it feels like a part of you leaves with them."

"No." Rosie decides to be stubborn and ignore all the signs faced in front of her. "I'm not going to let go of you ever again." Tears were also streaming down her face as she shakes her head. "I was stupid I know, but I've learned my lesson and I came back, we- we're going to work this out. I promise."

"Don't you think I deserve to be happy?"

"Of course you do! You deserve every amount of happiness in this world, Lisa!"

"Then let me go."

"L-let you go?" Lisa nods her head. "But I can't do that- that would mean-"

"I love him, Rosie."

"You... love- him?"

"With all of my heart," Lisa confesses. "He makes me happy now."

"No... you don't mean that..."

"Maybe we were always separated in the past because it was fate's way of telling us that we weren't mean to be together for the long run, we were just too in love to notice all the warning signs." The brunette dryly. "But that's what we do right? When we're in love with someone, even if it's the wrong person, even if it's the wrong time and the wrong place, we will ignore all the warning signs and let ourselves surrender to the feeling."

"We had our time Rosie, it may be cut short and filled with regrets, I'd like to believe that it was all bound to happen. We had to separate, we had to hurt each other so that we could find ourselves and then find someone who is worth our love. I found that with Sehun and you found that with Chanyeol and they both deserve the best versions of us don't you think?"

Rosie was already a sobbing mess as she holds onto Lisa. "Don't- don't you love me anymore?" And when Lisa didn't answer, Rosie starts to pull away, the same manner that Lisa let go of her the night that they broke up. "I hope he really makes you happy Lisa."

She leaves the townhouse, with a coat in her hand. The cold didn't bother her unlike earlier. Her hair was a mess, her mind was in a trance and her heart was broken. With every step she took Rosie felt that she was leaving bits of her heart on the cold concrete, leaving her with nothing as she steps inside the car.

"Where to now Miss Park?"

And with a last look at the street, she answers to her driver. "Anywhere." She says with crooked voice and tears in her eyes. "Anywhere but here."


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