Ending Page Part I

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It was a sunny morning in the town of Sutton, a culturally-diverse, family-oriented and protected coastal neighborhood in south of Queensland, Australia. It's in Sutton where you would find a great fishing spot, a mountain that you can hike on and or a family to raise with. And one individual decided to do all three in this town.




"I'm in the art room love!"

Small steps could be heard stomping against the hard wood floors of a beach townhouse located at one of the more upper-side areas of the place. The child carefully makes her way through the hallway filled with photographs and art pieces that have filled the blank white canvas walls before heading to the half-opened door to the right which is the art room.

A little girl came to her mother's bed room wearing a cutie polka-dotted onesie with flowers with hair tied up in pig tails. She stops midway when she saw that her mother was in her 'do not touch' mode, but a few seconds later, her fear got the best of her and so she ends up tip-toeing her way to her mother's 'zone' and pulled the hem of the apron.

"Wait a minute Laura, mommy's almost done." She tries to focus on her piece, wiping off the smudged areas of her hands against her craft apron before turning to look at the love of her life. "Okay honeybun, what is it?"

"Mommy, I think I did something bad."

Her mother connects her eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean by that sweetie?" The little girl bites her lower lip, avoiding her mother's gaze so what the latter did do is kneel down and slowly lifted her daughter's chin. "Hey, it's alright. Mommy will understand okay? Just tell me what you did."

"I was playing with Wesley." She answers referring to their year-old Golden Retriever. "We were playing tug of war in your office."

"Okay, so can you tell me why you were inside of mommy's office?" She tells the latter in a comforting manner.

"Because... I was trying to get my tablet." She gives her mother a brief look. "But then Wesley came and he was holding onto his rope toy and it was Sunday morning so I thought he was expecting for a play time."

"Is that all?"

"Umm..." She looks down again and this time she was playing with her fingers. "While we were playing Wesley might've gotten annoyed because I was getting stronger and so he released his end of the rope and I trip on the wire and fell."

Worry instantly covers the blonde woman's face. "Are you okay honey? Did you get a booboo?" She says as she did a 360-view of any visible bruises in her daughter's body. "Are you hurt?"

The little girl instantly shakes her head in disagreement. "But I made quite a mess in your office mommy..." She trails off. "The yellow treasure box was destroyed." Right at the mention of the said item, her mother closes her eyes and releases out a sigh, adding more to her guilt. "I'm sorry, I know what I did was wrong, your office was off-limits but I disobeyed you."

Instead of getting mad, it was her mother instincts that kicked in first and immediately consoles her daughter. "Laura, I am quite sad because you decided to disobey me when I told you that when mommy's not around her office is completely off-limits." She says. "I'm just relieved that you weren't hurt."

"I'm still sorry mommy."

"Okay, can we agree that as a disciplinary action, you won't be allowed to play your tablet within a week?" Her daughter's eyes widen as soon as her mother mentioned the word week. "Just a week honey pie."

"Well... I guess I can play with Wesley during that time."

"And you can have more time for piano practice." She smiles. "Speaking of piano, are you excited for tonight?"

"Yes!" She chips in merrily. "I am soooo excited!"

"Well I am too... this is your first time showing your talent to many people."

"Don't worry mommy! Teacher Mary really gave me nice practice sessions." She grins.

"Really, well now that makes me even more excited." She ruffles her kid's hair.

"Mommy, what are you doing?"

"I am trying a new type of art."

"Are you going to make money out of it?"

"Hmmm... I'm still trying to figure it out because I need a new art piece in our small nook place." She says. "Will you help me decide whether I should sell it or keep it?"

"Okay!" She takes a little peep of the art piece and the mother watched as her daughter's eyebrows showed sign of confusion. "I'm... confused."

"Why would you be confused?"

"It says Fin."

"It does."


"What why?"

"Why did you make something like that?" The smaller human asks. "Usually your artworks are filled with lots of words or colors but this time it's simple."

"Is that why you're confused?"

The latter nods her head. "Does this word have a meaning? Are you done?"

"Well I am not done with it. It's not the only word I'd be putting there."

"What will be the next one?"

"Hmmm... I'm not sure."

"But why did you write this word?"

"That's a secret."

"Mommy please. I know there's a story behind it just like your every artwork." She whines. "How can I judge it properly when I have no clue if there's an important meaning behind it?"

"You will find out soon." She chuckles when her kid continued to show sulking.

"Mommy, you have no plans of telling it, don't you?"

"When you're a bit older I'm going to tell you."

"You always say that... when I ask why did we move away from grandpa and grandma you told me you will tell me soon, when I ask about this, you say the same thing. Even when I asked you about your previous job, you still won't tell it either..."

"You're way too curious for your age Laura."

"I'm your daughter." She crosses her arms making her mother laugh.

"Okay, okay, okay... stop pouting already, you're using your strength to your advantage." She leans in and kisses her daughter's head. "Fine, I will answer one question from you." She compromises. "But- it has to be a new question."

"Deal." She says, as if she already figured our that her mother would pull out this card. "I already have my question."

"Wow, I'm liking the confidence." She smiles.

Out of her daughter's back pocket came a folded picture. Laura hands it to her mother. The older woman looks at the kid before slowly opening it, instantly flashing tons of past memories she's been trying to hide. While her mother was lost in a trance, the kid slowly points at the woman with brown hair.

"Who is she mommy?"

"How did you manage to find this?"

"From the yellow treasure box." Her daughter honestly answered. "It was one of the few things that spilled on the floor." Laura noticed that her mother's demeanor changed and so she worried if showing the picture might've dampened her mood. "It's okay mommy, if you don't want to answer then it's okay-"

"An agreement is an agreement, right?" She tries to put a smile on her face. "Come and sit on mommy's lap and I'll answer you question." Laura obeys and so they hopped on the rocking chair while looking over at the view of the ocean from their house.

"Are you sure you want to answer that mommy?"

"I think it's time for you to know a bit of my past..." She trails off as she safely secures her daughter in her arms.

"Did you do bad things before?"

"No, no, it wasn't like that..." She throws one last exhale before starting to answer her daughter's question. "Do you remember those time when I would sing to you in bed because you preferred hearing me sing rather than reading you a book?"

"Princess stories are for losers; they always want men around them." She sticks her tongue out accompanied with the rolling of her eyes.

"Well do you remember the question you would always ask me?"

"Yes!" Her daughter answered with much enthusiasm. "I asked if you were a singer in your past job."

"What if mommy would tell you if I was?"

"That would be really awesome! I've always heard you sing mommy and to me, you're the best singer that is out there!" She smiles but then she becomes curious about another thing again. "Wait, did you have to quit singing because you had me?"

"Oh no, honey... I didn't quit singing, I just stopped being a professional singer." She says. "Back in the days, I used to sing in front of people together with the best three girls..."

"You sound like you're happy mommy."

"I do baby..." She smiles. "It was always best when it was the four of us."

"What happened?"

"A lot of things."

"Is she one of the them?" Her mother nods as a form of answer. "Is she the one you're closest to?"

"Yes, we were the closest during our singing careers... People even said we were soulmates."

"What's a soulmate?"

"One question only missy, you won't get away with it." She chuckles. "To answer your question, she is Lisa." The blonde woman takes a good look at the photo again. "She's Lisa Manoban."


"Left jab."

"Right hook."

"Another jab."

"1, 2 combo."

"More! That's it!"

"One last, make it count."

The last sound echoed throughout the training room, followed by a huge scream coming from a thin-figured lady who slumped by the bench as she tries to catch her breath. When she successfully did so, she looks at the wall clock, indicating that it was nearing midnight. That's when she realized that she may have over-worked out herself again, and now she was going to hear a good three-minute lecture from-

"Lisa, you're working out too long and too much." Her coach comes up to her. "You know that's good."

"But you still let me train."

"Because you literally threaten to have your fans shit on me whenever I don't let you."

"Why are you so shy to admit that I am your best student here." She says playfully.

"You're not my best but my most stubborn student at all." He says while shaking his head. "Is there something that's been bothering you?"

"Since when did an idol didn't have something to worry about?" Lisa wipes off her sweat with the towel. "Don't worry coach, I'm okay. Stop worrying about me."

"How can I not worry?"

"I'll hit the shower now coach, I'll see you on Wednesday."

Lisa strips off her workout clothing as she enters the VIP shower area. The moment that the cold drops of water hits her skin, she lets out a sigh that sounded like she has been holding off for so long. She closes her eyes for a minute and just drown herself to the sound of the water hitting on her skin and on the floor shutting any other kind of sound out and just- breathe.

After finding solace in the shower, Lisa changed into her so-called 'ninja' outfit before heading out to the locker to grab her things. Her day was supposed to end well after the relaxing moment in the shower but she just had to hear those two loud and young women on the far end of the corridor talking about the topic that she didn't want to know at all.

"Hey did you hear about the rumors?"

"So, it's true then? What I saw on the news?"

"They didn't confirm anything yet but if it's true..."

"She's going to be the second member to come out with a dating scandal."

"I didn't expect for it to be her to be honest... I mean Rosé from BLACKPINK? Dating someone?"

"Yeah, and you thought with her tight solo schedules she wouldn't have time for love."

"Guess it's true when you truly love someone, you're willing to make a way."


"You took long in the shower."

"Didn't know even my shower time is being monitored." She sarcastically snaps at her manager.

"I was just checking up on you."

"Thanks, I appreciate the effort."

He looked at her through the rear view mirror. "So, how was the work out? Was your coach hard on you?"

"Is it true?" Lisa decides to cut to the chase. "Is she dating someone?" He didn't respond, so Lisa presses the matter more. "Is this the one you have been telling me to brace myself for?"


"Are they planning to confirm it?"

"They're in a middle of a conversation right now." Lisa kept quiet, knowing that he had more to say. "Well who know right?" He chuckles stiffly, and that just added to the sourness of the atmosphere. "Maybe it's not even true at all-"

"Can you drop me off here?"

"What? But this is in the middle of-"

"I know but I want to jog." Lisa cuts him off again.

"Jog?" He asks the obvious. "But you just finished your workout."

"And I decided that it wasn't enough for me so I want to jog now." Lisa snaps, using a tone she never used on their staff before. When she realizes it, she closes her eyes for a moment before releasing a sigh. "Just... just let me clear my head."

Eventually her manager gives in, having full confidence that Lisa wouldn't do anything reckless that would stain all of her hard work for years. He gives her the go signal, after receiving the reassurance that she would inform him that she was home. Lisa didn't even wait for him to hand out his last-minute reminders as she places her earbuds and start to make a go for it.

Lisa remembered the very first time she had a hunch on it. It was three months ago, when she came home from a solo schedule. She texted Jisoo if they could hang out and when the latter replied that she was in the dorm with Jennie she told her manager to head there instead. She was excited to show all kinds of souvenirs and stories she has and see her members' reaction from it. However, her excitement was cut short when she heard her older members' conversation.

"But do you think it's true?"

"She didn't say anything."

"Did you try and contact her?"

"No, did you?"


She remembered when the look on their faces when she appeared out of nowhere. It looked like they have been caught doing or talking about something that wasn't supposed to be tackled with her around. She recalled how tensed they were whenever she would ask about Rosé's whereabouts and they would usually change the topic.

She recalled the looks of everyone on the company whenever she was in the vicinity. Like they were suddenly cautious and stiff. Like they were avoiding her like some kind of disease unlike before where they would greet her even if she was on the other end of the hallway. It suddenly made sense to her. All the avoiding, the looks, the stares... it all boils down to this.

And her manager still even had the guts to lie to her face.

Lisa decides to speed up her pace using every realization she had as a motivation. Every step she takes against the pavement, every breath she gives out, was out of frustration. Anger was slowly building inside of her as she thinks of herself as the stupidest person on Earth.

How come she didn't notice it earlier?

How was she so dense for not to read in between the lines?

How could she keep her in the dark for so long?

Lisa finally comes to a stop at the end of the park, chest heaving heavily as she tries to take every bit of air she can inside. Looking at the west of the Han River, she saw how still and at peace the river was, unlike her raging and turmoil heart. Slowly closes her palms, turning them into fists before doing the only thing that immediately calms her down.

Taking in a huge amount of air, Lisa screams at the top of her lungs for three seconds. Immediately after that she transfers all that energy by aggressively gripping onto the railing as she paces in short pans with a clenched jaw. The black-haired idol decided that it was best for her to shut her eyes close for just a few seconds in order for her to regain control over her emotions but out of nowhere, she hears a familiar tone.

Lisa lifts her head and meets the eyes of an old friend. "Minnie?"

"Lisa, what are you doing here?"

"I was jogging on my way home."

"Are you stupid?" Minnie says as she takes big steps to come closer to her friend. "Your home is on the other side of the neighborhood."

The latter looks around and sees that she was on a different area. "I wanted to take the longer route home."

"Wear this." She then hands her jacket to the thinly covered idol. "Drop by the house first to get some warm drink."

"Oh no, I can't-"

"Just come with me. It's on your way back anyway."


Minnie's shared dorm with two of her members was similar to the average size of a two-bedroom apartment in the area but what Lisa loved about the space was how open it was. The walls weren't the typical white-shade but rather a calming green tone, having a mixture of light wood and other Minimalist and Scandinavian items the complete the calming effect of the space. Lisa had been over here for a few times whenever she had some time off but the calmness that she feels never fades away every single time she steps foot inside.


"Thanks." Lisa grabs the cup and pulls it closer to her before taking a sip.

"I know you're not a fan of coffee, but you have to do the explaining to Soyeon when she finds out her last hot chocolate drink is gone." Minnie saw Lisa starts to get nervous so she immediately waves her off. "I was kidding."


"Whatever it is that's on your mind must be something very personal to see you on a daze like this." Her co-native idol stiffens under the comment. Of course, as her friend, she wanted to know what was the troubling thing that was going through her mind. However, with the latest gossip hovering all over the idol industry, it was a no-brainer to Minnie to figure out everything. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Is there something to talk about?"

"Come on, I'm pretty sure you guys have talked about this before this went off public."

Lisa couldn't help but scoff bitterly. "She's barely around anymore." Her tone was lacking of energy, something that her friend wasn't accustomed to.

Minnie purses her lips for a moment, trying to find a way to cheer up her friend. "Hang in there Lisa." She decides to be stupidly hopeful despite the reality of the situation. "I'm sure she's going to come and explain everything to you, but I'm sorry you had to find it out that way."

"It's fine." Lisa looks down on now the half-empty, once warm drink in front of her. "Feelings fade, people change."

Minnie decided that sending Lisa home all by herself wasn't the safest option so she grabs the keys to her car and sent her home. The entire ride was silent which was unlike their usual car rides before. Instead of them screaming at the top of their lungs as they jam to their native-tongue songs on a playlist, Lisa was looking at the buildings they passed by while Minnie was looking at the road.

She did insist to accompany Lisa for a few minutes, just to make sure Lisa was indeed okay, but she got waved off, after getting the half-assurance that Lisa was going to be okay. After seeing her friend enter the building, Minnie drives off with a tiny bit of hope that Lisa would be okay.

"Hi there." Lisa was welcomed by all of her pets as soon as she enters her apartment. "How are you guys? You guys didn't fight with one another, right?" Seeing how the apartment was still in the same picture before, she smiles at them. "Good children..."

Usually, her cats would be fine by a small amount of affection and they would be on their way but somehow tonight was different. Even after Lisa gave them food on each of their bowl, they kept following their mother around, until they were all stopped by Lisa. "Sorry kids, not tonight." She says to them, before locking her bedroom door, completely shutting everyone out.

"So, this is the place." Lisa proudly shows Rosé around her newly-bought apartment. "What do you think about it?"

"It's nice." She turns to me with a smile on her face. "I'm glad that you chose this one."

"Well you recommended the place. I know you recommend only the best and my mom said it was the best choice but I think she just said that because she was always fond of you."

Rosé pinches Lisa's side making the latter laugh. "Okay smooth talker, no need to make me blush so early."

Lisa slowly wraps her arms around the blonde woman as they stand in the living room. "I never got the chance to say thank you to you. Thank you for accompanying me and go apartment hunting."

"I just didn't like the smile the real estate agent was giving you when we first met her." She comments, making Lisa laugh.

"Rosie she was just excited because she was our fan."

"No, she was your fan. She was such a fan of you, she was willing to give you eighty percent off." With a roll of her eyes, Lisa decides to dismiss the topic. "By the way, do you have any plans for the interior?"

"Not yet, it's too much work..." She whines as she places her chin on Rosé's shoulder. "Why? Do you have designs ready?"

"I'm glad you asked." She quotes as she pulls out her handphone. "I have a few in mind, but we can go over them once you're ready. Though it would be nice if we can decide as soon as possible." She answers as she further swipes on her gallery.

Lisa was stunned for a while before looking at the taller woman teasingly. "Are you sure you're chose this place for me or for yourself?"

"Oh, I thought I was going to be-"

The new apartment owner immediately removes herself from the latter. "Hold on, don't tell me you're planning to move here with-" She wasn't able to say the remaining stuff because she was quickly shushed.

"Your mother specifically asked me to be of assistance to your apartment moving Lisa, don't get your hopes up." She says. "But if you want some company I live nearby so I might spend most of my time here since you're too attached to me."

"Whatever, you like the attention I give you." She pulls Rosé close again and went back to their previous position. "And I like having you around too you know... You're my favorite person after all."

Rosé intertwines her hand with Lisa's. "And you're my favorite person too Lisa."

Lisa stood there, on the exact position where it happened years ago. She gives the entire room a good look and her heart ache because she was only reminded of the good times. She looked at the huge bed where she recalled all of their most intimate moments happen, from the late night moments to the early-weekend lazy mornings. The vinyl player the played their favorite classics as they decide to spend an entire day in bed and locked in each other's arms, just laughing and having a good time...

And when Lisa saw the paintings that were hung up on the wall, that's where she completely gave in to her emotions.

"Lisa, stop moving! You're ruining the drawing."

"But my nose is irritating me!" She whines.

Rosé sighs and moves to scratch her nose. "I told you not to play with the kids because I'm going to need your assistance for hours."

"Excuse me for not knowing that acting like a tree would be my task of the day."

"You're way prettier than trees Manoban." She says and then returns to her seat.

"I'm going to tell that to Jisoo."

"She's just going to gag at me disgustingly."

After a moment of silence Lisa breaks it. "Why did you want to draw me all of a sudden?"

"The kids' are so annoying. I would have to sedate them to draw them"

"You're mean." She pouts.

"And you're being annoying stop moving already." She shoots Lisa the final warning. "Just a few more and I'm going to be done."

"So why did you want to draw me all of a sudden?"

"Because you're pretty and I like to draw pretty art."

"I don't have any make-up on and I just woke up. What kind of pretty are you talking about?"

"I know you still read those comments so I want to remind you of something."

"And that is?"

"Everything that you hate about yourself are the ones that I admire most about you." She says, catching Lisa completely off guard. "When you're not wearing any make-up, the look you have on you when you just woke-up, whenever you open your mouth wide and snort whenever you laugh too much and whenever your bawl out like a kid left at all alone in daycare... whenever you show the real you, that's when I admire you even more."

"You're trying to make me fall in love with you more aren't you."

Rosé's chuckles echoes throughout their shared bed room. "Because you always say I'm pretty when I'm just me, so I'm going to say it back to you." She looks away from her painting for a moment to look at Lisa's onyx orbs. "You're a pretty person Lisa. I hope you never forget that."

"I didn't forget about it Rosie..." She says as she lets her hand linger around the painting of herself, around the edges where the infamous signature could be seen. "But it seems like you're the one who forgot about it."


"Excuse me, but you're going to what?"

Lisa couldn't believe what was happening.

It was three days after the dating speculations spread around like wildfire and it has been three days since Lisa left her house. For the past three days, Lisa isolated herself to anything that related herself from the outside world and just enjoyed her free time from binge watching movies or spend time with her cats. She dreaded to be outside, but once her manager called her presence to be at the company, she wanted to dismiss it right away. But when she heard that the head of the PR team wanted to see her, she knew she had to show up.


"No, no, no..." She firmly waves her finger at the department head. "You're really telling me that I have to be civilized with Rosé." She wondered if this was some kind of dream or some sort. "Why would you tell me that?"

"We know you and Rosé had some kind of romantic involvement with one another-"

"Precisely! We had a romantic involvement and you're telling me that I should act like nothing happened because you don't want to make our fans think that there was something going on between us." Lisa scoffs. "You literally woke me up just to tell me this."

"Lisa, this is an order coming from the higher ups." The idol was beyond belief as of the moment. "The company has already made plans of giving you a return as a group."

"Tell that to me when you actually have a concrete plan for us as a group." She stands up after having enough of the non-sense.

Lisa ignores the calls of their company's staff, even ignored the presence of Jisoo that was standing in the hallway and leave the building with the use of a public transport. She gives Minnie a quick text, asking about her whereabouts. When she received a reply telling her that she was hanging out with other Thai-native idols, she didn't give in any second thoughts and gives a quick reply that she would be joining them in a few minutes.

She lets the driver keep the change as she heads inside the club. After a few seconds of roaming around the place, she hears Sorn's loud whistle from the second floor. She smiled at her circle of friends who waved back at her. As soon as she arrives at their table everyone started cheering for her with much enthusiasm.

"LISAAAA..." Sorn jumps on Lisa's arms and gives her a quick hug. "It's so nice to finally see you..."

"Sorn get your drama ass away from her you're going to squeeze her to death." Minnie carefully removes the drunken Sorn off of her friend. "Hi Lisa."

Lisa's eyes were still on the sleeping Sorn. "Are you guys all drunk already?"

"No, just Sorn."

"Where's Ten and Bam?"


"Ey, ey, ey Manoban in the house!"


"Quiet you two! You're going to get my name posted into an online site with your loud voices." She hisses at the two men.

"Oops, sorry we forgot... you're kind of a big thing now." Lisa rolls her eyes at their teasing. "Since you're a big shot now, we prepared a big set of drinks for you, your highness."

She looks at the drinks laid out in front of her, thinking whether it was right to do it. "Come on chill for a second, it's just one drink Lis..." Ten pushes further.

"You should just drink. You know how annoying he can be when he's drunk."

"I'm not drunk!" Ten slurs as he slumps back on the chair whilst holding onto another glass of shot. "Not yet at least."

"So, what brings you here?" Bam sits besides his former colleague. "Don't get me wrong, I'm just surprised that you're here, knowing how strict your company is with you."

"I just wanted some fresh air."

"You mean you're not yet ready to see Rosé."

"Bam." Minnie warns.

"Don't worry, she knows how frank I can get." He shifts back his attention to her. "It's about her is it?"
"It's more of my company to be honest."

"Let me guess, they want you to act normal around her to avoid suspicion isn't it?"

"How did you..."

Bam laughs at Lisa's reaction. "Come on, you two are not the first gay idol couple to ever exist. Trust me, I've been around long enough to know and how they do it."

"I just can't do it..." Lisa says. "Just thinking about how I 'normally' act around her-"

"Suffocates you." He finishes for her. "That's okay you know? I mean, you can't be automatically be okay with someone who used to love you. The management thinks love between gay idols are fantasy created by the fans and the sheer curiosity of trying it."

"So what do I do?"

"It's actually simple..." He grabs a shot and hands it to her. "You do the exact opposite."


"Bam stop it."

"Minnie, let me handle this okay?" He gives Minnie a stern look that the latter couldn't do anything but listen to their conversation. "Lisa, if you don't want to act normal whenever you're with Rosé then you don't have to do it."

"The higher-ups would be livid."

"The only thing they would get mad about is when you're not giving them money to splurge off." He says. "You have been good for way too long... It's time to let them know that you can disagree with them sometimes."

"He's right!" Ten resurrects all of a sudden and leaned onto Bambam for support. "Fuck the idol system. We're humans too, we can love who we love and we can hate who we hate."

Bambam shoves him off, making him fall right beside the sleeping Sorn. "He's drunk but he usually makes sense whenever he's drunk." He says. "So what do you think?"

Lisa looks at the drink once again and then back at Minnie who just smiled thinly at her. She diverts her attention to Bambam then back to the drink before saying- "Fuck the idol system."

Lisa decided to make her own path and followed what her friends had advised. On their first group appearance, a lot of their fans noticed that there was something off with her and Rosé seeing how she would completely avoid standing beside the latter or being seated together. She did receive an earful of sermon coming from her manager and the disappointment coming from the PR division head through a text message but she ignores everything and repeated the mantra over and over again.

Fuck the idol system.

As their group promotion continues, Lisa was having trouble to ignore the latter since her other group mates weren't as cooperative as she imagined them to be, especially when Jennie shoved Rosé and Lisa into one team during a public appearance. She did of course, remained professional and gave her attention to the latter whenever it was needed and she did smile and laugh for the cameras but as soon as directors shout cut, she chooses the farthest distance from the blonde woman.

Ignoring Rosé wasn't an easy job since she was already used to it and being attached to the taller woman has become part of her system. There were times where Lisa was about to give up, times where she wanted everything to go back to normal and it could happen if she would follow the company's directives. However, whenever she was on the verge of giving up, she would immediately distract herself from the thought- and that's how clubbing became a part of her routine.

It started off to coming to the hang-out of their friends once every weekend as she initially promised but then it turned into every weekend and now even her weekdays are consumed by the bass-boosted sounds and mixture of smoke and sweat altogether. She also developed this habit of sleeping over whether it was on Sorn's new solo apartment or Bambam's high-rise condo unit that leave her either being greeted by grumpy cats or grumpy members.

Today, it was the latter.

"Where the hell are you?!"

"Just woke up." Lisa groggily says as she was trying to process which home she was in as of the moment.

"Get your ass here. We can't practice without you."

"Never took you guys for disabled people."

"So much with sarcasm..." She said. "30 minutes."

She looks around and realizes she was at Minnie's apartment, an hour away from her agency. " I love my life."


"You're late."

"Thanks, I knew that thirty minutes earlier" She replies to Jisoo's simple sermon and went on with her morning stretches.

"Where were you last night? I called in from the building and they said you didn't come home."

"I went out with a couple of friends mom just like every other person would do." Jisoo decides Lisa wasn't actually in the mood so she just remains quiet. "Where are the others?"

"Jennie is on bathroom break and Rosé is on a phone call."


"Well, well, well look who finally decided to show up to practice." Both of them turned around at the sound of Jennie's voice. "Never took you for a late-comer."

"Never took you for a nagging woman too but I guess everyone in the group changes huh?"

Jennie was caught off guard with Lisa's sudden attitude in the morning. "Did you just-"

"Stop it." Jisoo holds the other woman by the wrist. "She just woke up, just understand her."

The rapper doesn't say anything else when the dance instructor comes back with Rosé. "Oh good, you guys are actually complete." She says. "Lisa I'm expecting you to catch up with the choreography."

"I will."

"Alright, from the top ladies."

Lisa did manage to catch up to the girls, pretty quickly as everyone would've thought she would. They danced repeatedly the steps, counting until everything came to perfection and every member memorized the steps before adding in the back-up dancers. Although the choreography looked like a piece of cake to Lisa who easily memorized everything, she herself noticed that she wasn't performing her best today. She was always out of breath and can't seem to deliver the kind of output that she had in her head and it frustrated her because she knows their choreographer was very keen to details, even minor errors doesn't miss her hawk eyes and the foreign idol knows that she was going to notice sooner or later.

"Good job today everyone, now I'm going to see you same time on Wednesday okay?" Everyone agreed and one by one they leave the dance practice room. "Lisa can you stay for a minute?"

"Uh, sure."

She waited for everyone to leave before talking to the idol. "You're out of shape."

"I woke up late."

"Look Lisa, I think you and I have been around dancing for too long to notice the difference between waking up late and staying up late." She comments. "It's only the second day of practice and your body is looking like it's about to give up. The show hasn't even started yet."

Clearly, Lisa wasn't giving a damn about titles at this point because she was offended with what the instructor said. "Okay fine, I know I'm lacking in some areas, but I still delivered what you guys asked from me. I memorized the steps way ahead of everyone just like I usually do. To be honest, I can even give you a no-show on the next practice and still ace the actual video shoot so I'm sorry if seeing me being out of breath makes you think that I'm out of shape but no, I'm perfectly fine thank you."

She was completely surprised when Lisa finished her rebuttal. "Wow, I never took you for an airhead Lisa but I guess that's what fame do to some people."

"I'm not being an air head, I'm stating the truth and I thought you already figured that one out since you and I have been into dancing for so long." She quotes the latter. "I just changed that's what happened. I'm sure you've gone under some changes through after some time and you just have to accept things that everyone changes-" Lisa takes a pause before looking away from her. "Even the ones who promised that they won't." When the latter couldn't say anything else in return, Lisa grabs her bag and leaves the instructor to process what just happened.

Right after the heated talk Lisa had with their mentor, she realized the stupidity she did and the damaged the it caused to her relationship with the latter. She closes her eyes in frustration before heading towards the bathroom to give herself a good amount of lecture in front of a mirror.

"Stop being like this. You are so far from what you used to be and you are better than this. Stop making it so obvious that you are so bitter with what happened. I thought you were able to move on? I thought you were going to show to her that her new found relationship wasn't going to affect you and you're going to show to your friends that knew about you guys the same." Lisa looks at her own reflection. "She's not going to affect you any longer."

She washed her face and sends a quick text to her same group of friends who were already bugging her non-stop. She couldn't help but smile, liking all the attention she has been receiving from them so she takes a quick selfie before sending it to their group chat, telling them that she was on their way. Just like that, Lisa enters the elevator and presses the 'B' icon, grinning all to herself as she continues to imagine what kind of craziness the night would bring her again with all of her friends.

What she didn't imagine though is to be stuck with Rosé on the elevator.

Lisa was completely caught off guard with it. She was too distracted with texting her friends that she wasn't able to register Rosé's scent and when she did, the Aussie-native idol pressed the close button. Even though she didn't want to be breathing the same air with her, Lisa didn't want to look so bitter by leaving. No, that would make her weak and Lisa is sure that she's not like that.

But that doesn't she wasn't petty.

"You're late."

"Thanks, I heard that third time for the day."

"Jisoo says you're not home last night."

"Wherever I am last night doesn't concern you."

"It does concern me Lisa because you're also a part of a group that I'm also in. If the three of us can show up in time, I think you can do the same. It's just a little bit amount of commitment we ask from you."

"Well don't worry, I'm going to show up next time, five minutes earlier than the three of you are you going to be happy?" She sarcastically says. "Look, just because you're dating publicly now you can come at me and lecture me about commitment and loyalty Rosé." Lisa couldn't help but let her emotions take over. "I'm sorry if me being late made your little boyfriend upset, just tell him that's a part of dating an idol. Tell him to just suck it up, like everyone else that's dating a public figure." She looks at Rosé up and down. "I know I did."

"Lisa we need to talk-"

"Don't fucking touch me." Lisa spoke with so much venom it her voice.

"I'm..." Rosé looked like she was in conflict whether to say the next line or not. "I'm concerned about you. Really."

Lisa scoffs at her with disbelief as she clapped slowly for the latter. "Oh my God, the actress that you are today Miss Park!" She disses. "You know, just because your tone is somewhat soft and your eyes are filled with much worry, doesn't mean I am gonna fall for your trap again. If you were really concerned about me, you would tell me about him, you would tell me that he was courting you and somehow you could've told me that you were going to say yes to him someday-you would've told me that you wanted to break up with me just like any normal person would do when they're tired of the relationship!"

"So please, save me from all that fake concern you try to show me because I'm not having it one bit. I am trying to live on with the fact that I didn't get any kind of explanation from you so please, if you even consider yourself a decent human being just-" Lisa sighs out loud as she throws her hands in the air. "Just stay the hell away from me."

And Rosé did stay away from Lisa.

So did Jennie.

And even Jisoo.

Days turned into months and Lisa could slowly feel herself being pulled away from the three of them. It's not like she didn't try to re-connect because she did. She figured out that going out every night wasn't actually healthy for her, both mentally and physically so she tries to solve this issue by herself slowly. She looked up on the internet and the first thing it recommended was to reconnect with all the people you've once lost connection with. Lisa started with Jisoo since they were the closest platonically-wise. Jisoo of course agreed to meet up after not being able to see each other for so long and that made Lisa happy. She was so ecstatic that she had planned an entire day of time together only to be cancelled last minute since Jisoo had to fly to Japan for a photoshoot. Lisa tried to be positive and be understanding, but Jisoo's schedule and lack of compromising just keep on disappointing her again and again.

Lisa tried with Jennie but the enthusiasm was short-lived knowing how busy Jennie's solo schedule is. After being rejected twice by Jennie herself, she had given up, knowing that she's going to set up herself into some kind of disappointment. It was a no-brainer that Lisa wouldn't even want to try and reconnect with Rosé, so she returned to her own group of friends and to the clubbing life.

Later on a lot of people noticed the kind of change that Lisa was going through. She looked thinner and there were noticeable bags in her eyes and the camera always captured her always being tired. There were even articles created about her health condition and under the comments section isn't the place Lisa wants to read.

At first, she would receive a few text messages from her acquaintances but she immediately dismissed them politely because they weren't close that to begin with. The next series of text messages came from her managers showing concern which she ignored because they knew they all did it for the sake of their own jobs and the next came from the staff of the company which she thinks did it so that they have something to gossip about.

None of them cared.




No one cares.

All she has now is herself, her new set of friends and a new phase of life to rely on to. And tonight, as she enters a new club, she's going to get drunk, danced until her feet beg her to stop and forget about everything in her life.


Member of a famous girl group caught fighting in a club opening?

Mysterious GG idol caught on cameras fighting a club member

Who is this worldwide icon? Insider says: BLACKPINK in your area.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

It all happened too fast.

One minute, Lisa was having the time of her life with her friends, taking pictures of her together with other famous people who were inside the club and the next thing everyone knew, she was throwing some punches against a tall man three times her size. When Lisa realized what she had done, it was all too late. Every camera was aimed at her and the man with the badly bruised face.


"No, she needs to hear this one out." Jennie cuts Jisoo off and then looking at Lisa who has her head down. "Look, I understand you met some new friends who are into clubbing and that's fine by me. Go ahead, I don't care but- to do this?"

"Jennie enough." Jisoo tries to butt in again. "Can't you see Lisa's tired?"

"And that's supposed to be my fault now Chu?" She spats. "What about you huh? Can't you see what kind of damaged she has done to our group?!"

"I know what she did but can we at least let her rest for a moment? She can't even defend herself properly."

"There's nothing to defend she fucked up that guy's face!"

"We still have to hear her out, just because she brawled with someone doesn't mean she did that because she's like that. There must've been some kind of triggering factor-"

"Oh, I know what kind of triggering factor happened, her stupidity." Jennie hisses. "That's what happened!"

"You're letting your emotions take over."

"Why? Aren't you doing the same?"

"Oh my God, can you two shut up." Lisa groans. "You're not helping with my headache."

"The fuck did you just say?"

The taller woman sighs as she looks up and meet Jennie's glaring eyes. "I said, stop shouting at one another you're not helping me with my headache. If you two want to fight then do it outside damn."

"Oh, I want to fight Lisa but it's not with Jisoo but with you!" She then roughly shoves Lisa, making the latter fall out of balance from her seat.


"You just caused us a huge damage and you want me to be sorry for damn headache? Are you shitting me right now?!"

Lisa was regained composure and was quickly up to her feet. "Yeah I'm shitting on you right now what are you going to do about it? You want to end up like that man?"

"LISA!" Jisoo warns the younger member but it seems like she wasn't the same Lisa anymore.

"Come at me and let's see who will end up fucking bruised you shithead!"

"ENOUGH!" Jisoo screams at the top of her lungs as she shoves Lisa and Jennie away from each other. "I SAID ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU SHUT YOUR GODDAMN MOUTHS!" She says. "You!" She points at Jennie. "Can you stop cursing and acting like you can take someone like her? She's going to crush you badly than she did to the man! Unless you don't care about your personal endorsements then go ahead be my guest!" Jisoo then turns to Lisa and grabs her by the collar. "And you- just what on Earth were you thinking?! How could you carelessly act like that? Did you even think of our image before you started stealing the life out of him?"

"I fucking knew it..." Lisa snickers and shakes her head. "It's about you guys."

"What are you talking about?"

"This isn't about my well-being; this is about the damage I caused to your personal images..."

"Lisa, we do care about you."

"Oh, cut the crap please!" Lisa begs out of frustration. "If you do care about me then you would've checked up on me. If you do care about me why didn't you sent out one text? Where was this kind of concern when I was showing up late for practice? Where was this energy when I keep on messing up our shooting?"

"So what? You went to go out depending your life of clubbing to get our attention?" Jennie scoffs. "That's fucking pathetic don't you think so?"

"I went out clubbing because you guys weren't there anymore!" She reasons out. "Don't try and pin this on me because I reached out to you guys- to the both of you! And what did you do huh? You pushed me away, because you two were too busy with your own lives to even see that I was slowly slipping away..." Lisa's tone was so harsh that it caused pain to the other member's hearts, especially when they saw tears in Lisa's eyes. "So don't fucking come at me lecturing me thinking you're all innocent when you two were one who pushed me away. Don't tell me that you care about me, because you don't... None of you cared enough to see I was suffering more than a heartbreak."

Suddenly the door slowly opens and Rosé appears. She looked at all of her members, figuring that there was some heated confrontation happened judging by the stance of the three of them and the tumbled off chair. Rosé lets her eyes linger a little longer than Lisa who quickly avoided her orbs and wiped away her tears. She then lets out an exhale before coughing out lightly, regaining everyone's attention.

"I'm sorry I'm late." She starts. "But I guess what was needed to be talked about already happened so I won't dwell on that." Rosé takes another pause. "I came here because I have to tell you something." All of them waited stiffly for their member's news and for some reason, Lisa suddenly felt uncomfortable and unease. "Guys..."

"I'm leaving BLACKPINK."

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