Ending Page- Part II

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"What?" Laura looks at her mother, completely baffled with what she just heard. "You left the group?" Her mother nods as a form of response. "But- why?"

"Hmm... let's see, how do I make you understand." She taps her chin while looking for the right situation. "Okay, so how about this- think of a weekend with your friends."


"Mommy told you that she's going to give you and your friends the best day out ever. Now, if you and your friends could choose the place to go, where would you like it to be?"

"I want to be in the zoo!"

"Why would you guys want to be in the zoo?"

"We just watched the Lion movie and it was really awesome! We saw lots of animals so we can definitely have fun in the zoo as well. Plus, the zoo lets us play with the animals too!"

"But what if I would bring you guys to the museum?"

"The museum?"

"You can still look at animals when you're inside the museum and you can even learn about different new things like plants and stars."

"I don't know..." Laura couldn't even hide her great distaste just thinking about the day inside the museum.

"Will you tell me that you want to go to the zoo if you can?"

The mother watches as her daughter continues to think about the situation. "It's kind of hard, I know saying that I want to go to the zoo instead would hurt your feelings... but I also want my friends to enjoy too..."

"So? What will you do?"

"I think...I will tell you to consider to go to the zoo instead."

"Why would you say that to mommy?"

"Because even though I know it would hurt your feelings, you will still be thankful I said something. If I didn't, we would all have a bad day out and that would make you feel worse..." She answers. "Plus, I know my friends will thank me for saying something."

"Will you take the courage and say something in behalf of everyone?" Laura nods her head. "Why?"

"They're my friends mommy... Real friends would always want what's best for their friends. I just want them to be happy."

"See baby, that's why mommy left." She says. "Just like you, I decided to be courageous and spoke in behalf of everyone."

"Oh." Laura reacts with furrowed eyebrows still. "You did that because you want the best for them and you want everyone to be happy?"

"That's right. I left so that they can know that they too can follow their own dreams. That even if we're not in the same group anymore, it's okay. It's okay not having any more reason to stay, that it was okay to let go of the life of being in a girl group and do things on our own."

"But still... it must've hurt their feelings..."

"It did, including me." She picks up her daughter and places her on her lap. "You see Laura, pain can start with a huge booboo and then it can end up leaving a scar on your body. It might not hurt anymore, but it doesn't mean it goes away..."

"Were they mad at you?"

"They didn't talk with me for some time but all it took was one meet up and slowly we started reconnecting."

"And Lisa?" The kid looks at her with her hopeful eyes. "Was she mad at you?"

"Lisa was more than mad at me..." She says in a sad tone, remembering what happened right after she told the news. "Lisa hated me."





Lisa screams from the other end of the basement parking's hallway making Rosé stop in her tracks. Once the blonde woman remained still in her position, the jet-black haired idol jogs her way and stands right in front of the latter. She waits for Rosé to look at her and when she finally turns her head to meet her eyes once again after a long time of not doing so, Lisa opens her mouth.

"What..." She says raggedly as she continues to try and catch her breath. "What did you mean by that?"

"It's self-explanatory and simple." The latter answers. "I'm leaving the group."

"So that's just it? You're not even trying to do your part and explain it to us?"

"I don't think I can elaborate what I just said further. I'm leaving and that's it."

"Did you really developed the habit of leaving people behind without any notice?"

"If you want an explanation, then wait for manager's call tomorrow morning. They're going to hold a meeting and that's where you will get your much-needed explanation."

Rosé roughly bumps her shoulder as she continues to walk away, but Lisa was quick to her footing and firmly grasps on her wrist. "We're a group!"

"To hell with this group!" She removes herself from Lisa's hold. "What kind of group that barely does schedules together? I see you guys after what? Two? Four months? And when we do get together it's only for ten? Fifteen minutes?" Rosé lets off a scoff. "We can't even share a meal together!"

"Is that why you just decided to pack up and leave? Because we can't share a fucking meal together?"

"For fuck's sake Lisa it's more than just a meal!" She elevates the tone of her voice to further show her frustration towards the latter. "Stop taking everything by the way you see it!"

"Then explain shit to me!"

"It's about the incomparable happiness whenever the four of us are together. It's about staying together as a group! It's about having successful individual careers and still have that desire to tour together, make new songs and stay together for a really long time!"

"Then let's work things out and don't walk away! Just because things aren't the way they used to be the only option left is to leave. In case you haven't notice, there's this thing called communication. You should try it sometimes and not always go for the easy way out."

"You really think that walking out from something is easy?"

"Why? Is explaining things to people harder?" She spats, fighting fire with fire at this point. "Is it harder for us to know how you really feel? Is it harder for you to say that you were done with being a member of this group? That you were done with whatever we had?"

"This isn't about us anymore Lisa."

"Then I am going to make this about us because I'm tired!"

"I'm done with having these thoughts fill inside my head whenever I doze off. I'm done wondering where the hell did everything for us went downhill because the last time I checked Rosie, you and I were okay..." She emphasizes with her voice and her matching hand gestures. "Was it hard for you to let me know the reason? Did explaining things made your stomach turn upside down that you didn't even bother to tell me that you already found someone else!"

"Because you never bothered to be there!" Lisa was caught off guard hearing the latter use that unfamiliar, ragged tone. "You weren't there when I was losing hope in my prolonged solo activities. You weren't there when everybody hated me for receiving so many projects after being left behind the three of you for so long and you weren't there when the times where I needed you the most!"

"I can't always be there for you Rosie, we already talked about this."

"I understood that Lisa, what I didn't understood was the fact that how come you can be there for your friends but you couldn't be there for me? How come I can see you taking pictures as you travel from one place to another, hanging out with people you just met but you couldn't spare me a few minutes of your time... It was always me who had to understand that you were busy, always me who had to adjust because the demand of your solo schedules and it was always me who always receive the least of your attention and time!"

"I was busy back then but I made time for you as soon as I was free!"

"And when was that huh Lisa? When was the last time that you remember you exerted effort to be there and actually be present in our relationship?" When Lisa couldn't answer back, Rosé shakes her head. "You were wrong when you said back there that no one cared about you Lisa because I did. I cared for you too much, I loved you too much, always gave more of me to you and let's not forget about the fact you fucking cheated on me!"

"Really? Are you going to bring that argument back?" Lisa scoffs. "Rosie that was one kiss!"

"And that's all it took to destroy everything we had!" She roughly shoves Lisa on the chest.

"I didn't cheat on you!"

"So, what do you call that Lisa? You just accidentally tripped and landed your lips on hers? That you guys were just friends and decided to fool around?"

"It was just a kiss!"

"It was more than a kiss Lisa fucking open your eyes! It was about the fact that for a night, you decided to hang-out with your friends rather than showing up to the weekend date that I planned for so long for us. It was about the fact that you chose somebody else's company over making time for us. It was about the fact that you kissed someone that was not me!"

"I was drunk!"

"I don't give a damn if you were drunk! You had a choice that time and your choice was to forget the fact that I exist and get all tongue-tied with someone else. Be honest with me, was I not enough to fill your head even though you're intoxicated? Do you not love me enough?"

"Of course, I love you Rosie! I'm completely in love you!"

"Then why did you do it?" Lisa looks at Rosé with tears on the edge of her eyes. "If what you say is true Lisa, then why did you choose the easy way out instead of fixing things and meeting me half way?"

"And did you remember what you told me the night that I decided to confront you?" She speaks in a fragile tone. "You gave me all kinds of explanations your mind could ever think of, but not once did I hear you apologize for what you did... Instead of owning up to your mistakes, you keep on putting the blame on the decisions you could've avoided..." She trails off. "You said it was so painful because I made you feel that you weren't worth of an explanation. Imagine what kind of pain you brought to me when you made me feel like I wasn't worth of anything at all..."

"I have accepted hate everyone who knew about us while you received mercy where in fact it should be the other way around. Did you hear me cause a scene Lisa? Did you see me throw my life away all because once again fate decided to be unfair with me and made me look like I was the bad guy? Did you see me push away other people and then blame them when they start to show genuine concern towards me?"

"I have accepted the hate that you gave me because I understand you are hurt, but don't put it all on my shoulders because you and I both know, it was you were the first one who destroyed the possibility of getting back together."

It suddenly dawned to Lisa the meaning of her actions back then. Everything clicked as she tries to connect the dots together, bit by bit she slowly realizes the kind of pain she did gave to the latter. The nights that she ignored her, the nights where she could've been there for her and the night that she cheated on her.

Her mind was immensely showing her series of old memories that altogether made her feel regretful. She wanted to say something to Rosé, something- anything just so she could make her understand her side of the story but when she sees the latter wipe the tears away from her eyes and long gone was the pain and instead it was replaced by anger and hate. One thing became clear to Lisa- everything is just too late.

Lisa nods her head, as if she was answering to the atmosphere between the two of them before turning her back to Rosé and walking away again. Only this time, she knows it's the last time that she will be doing it.


"Noooo!!!" Laura throws her hands up in the air. "Please don't tell me it ended like that!"

"Sorry honeybun, some stories just don't have happy endings." She says apologetically.

"I'm way too young to have my first sad ending story!"

"The earlier you know, the better."

"Was it really the last time you saw her mommy? You really haven't heard from her since then?"

"That's for another story time." She teases, making Laura jump off from her and throw a mini tantrum. "Laura, we need to get ourselves ready for the recital tonight."

"NOOO!!!" She exclaims as she dramatically rolls on the floor making her mother laugh. "You're too cruel!"

"I'm not cruel you're just being whiny and dramatic young lady." She lightly taps her daughter's butt cheek. "Get up."

"Is that why you painted that?" Laura decides not to give up just yet and points at the canvas with the word 'Fin' in bold font. "Because you remembered her today?"

Rosé looks at the calendar that says the seventh day of the fifth month. "I'll always remember Lisa." She says before turning to look at her daughter. "She's too memorable to forget."

"I'm pretty sure she remembers you too."

"I'm also too memorable to forget?"

"No, because you're like sunshine." Her daughter answers. "Remember what you always tell me before leaving for school?"

"Stay close to people who feel like sunshine?"

"Mhm..." Laura remains silent for a few seconds before saying- "And besides, I don't think fate would allow your story to end just like that."


"You two have this kind of special connection. Whatever that may be, I'm one hundred percent sure that it's bound to last a lifetime and I think that you should be thankful for it because others grow old trying to find what you already share with her."

Rosé doesn't say anything else and decides to change the topic. "Want me to bathe you?"

Laura immediately scrunches her nose in disagreement. "I'm a big kid now."

"Well then grumpy old woman I'll help you fix yourself up. I'll see you in thirty minutes."

She watched as her daughter disappear from her view and the little footsteps could no longer be heard in the hallway before letting out a huge sigh. Walking down memory lane surely wasn't her initial plan, but she guessed fate does still has its way of surprising her even up to this day. She then pays her attention to the old picture in her hand then towards the unfinished artwork. Rosé suddenly thought of the thing that her daughter said a few moments ago and wondered if her connection with Lisa was really something that could last even without seeing each other in years. Was fate up to something crazy again?

In the end Rosé shakes her head, removes her apron before heading to the shower and as the cold droplets of water hit her porcelain skin, she recalls the very last moment she did see Lisa.


"Is my hair okay?"

"For the hundredth time Roseanne, your hair is absolutely perfect, no baby hair showing up, your crown head is stunning and you're perfect and way different than any other bride in the world- well, except for mom and me of course."

Rosé smiles at Alice through the vanity mirror while continuously worrying about any mishaps she could see. "Say that to me again when it's your turn to walk down the aisle."

Her older sister couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Sorry to burst your ball of sunshine but I'm too busy being successful to need someone else in my life right now. However, thank you for the invitational challenge."

The sisters share a laugh before hearing a knock on the door. "Who is it?"


Rosé couldn't help but shriek at the sight of Jennie in Jisoo behind her. With the help of Alice, she successfully stood up and gave each of them the warmest hug she could possibly give at the moment. Of course, being the usual women that they are Alice watched as her sister and Jennie burst in tears while Jisoo was there laughing and taking pictures of their faces. It was then when she decides to leave them be so that they could freely talk about things since it's been three years from the last time they saw one another.

Three years since Rosé left BLACKPINK and the idol life behind her.

"You told me you guys couldn't come!"

"No way in the world we're going to miss this for the world Rosie Posie!" Jisoo smiles at her.

"Oh my God you look so pretty!" Jennie compliments. "I mean, you're always pretty but today you're just blooming oh my gosh... look at the dress!"

"Thank you and you two look so pretty too! It's like you didn't age at all."

"I know right? 30 never looked this hot." The former main rapper of the group boasts and throws off a wink at her making her laugh.

"I hope I could look like you when I reach thirty."

"Oh, come on, worry about aging later, you're finally getting married!"

"I know! Even I couldn't believe it myself... today, when I woke up and looked at the date, I kept on thinking that the day has finally come, I felt like it was my debut again or something."

"It is your debut day Rosie, you're finally going to debut today being someone else's wife."

Rosé starts to feel emotional again and so Jennie and Jisoo immediately comforts her. "I really cannot believe that you get to be married first."

Now the bride-to-be couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Come on, you have been with Jisoo since teen years. If you two weren't idols, you guys are probably living in a suburban house with twin daughters and three sons."

"That's pretty specific but you forgot about the dogs."

"Of course, who can imagine a domestic life about Jensoo without dogs?"

"And whining Jennie and endless hag fights?" Jisoo says making everyone laugh.

"You're so annoying sometimes." Jennie playfully shoves her long-time, on and off girlfriend to the side.

"Congratulations on your new chapter in life Chaeyoung-ah." Jisoo uses the tone that Rosé was comforted with so many times before. "We wish you many years of happiness ahead of you."

"Thank you guys..." Rosé smiles at them but the two older women could feel that there was something that the bride wanted to ask. "Did she contact any of you?"

Jennie and Jisoo looked at one another. "We're sorry Chae but we did e-mailed her and called her phone but her mother told us Lisa was busy with other stuff."

The tall woman just nod her head in understanding. "I guess I was expecting a bit too much..."

"Auntie extends her congratulations though." Jisoo says, referring to Lisa's mother. "She said that you deserve to be happy and wishes your married life well."

"Thank you for telling me, I'll send her-"

"What are you doing here?"

"I want to see her."

"I won't allow it. This is her day and if she sees you it would just ruin everything, she had worked so hard for."

"Trust me, that's the last thing that I want to happen today. I just want to talk to her before she walks down the aisle Alice. Please."

The three of them shared a look with one another while waiting to find out who is this mysterious person that Alice was talking to on the other side of the door. Finally, after seconds of not hearing anything, the door opens, revealing Alice with an awkward stance. She looks at her sister and says-

"Someone wants to talk to you."


Someone steps out of the shadow and stood there in the same awkward manner. "Hi."

Rosé was unable to control herself and lets out a gasp as she sees the person standing in front of her. "Lisa..."

Alice, Jennie and Jisoo looked back and fort between the two, waiting patiently for someone to speak up first and break this uneasy tension everybody in the room felt. Lisa does decide to cough and then gives Jisoo a knowing look, one that her former colleague didn't even need to be showed twice for her to understand. With a slight nudge, JIsoo walks away with Jennie taking Alice along with them, leaving the two all by themselves.

Rosé looked stunned and was trying her best to recover but seeing Lisa in this light was stopping her from doing so. The latter looked so different from the last time they met. Lisa looked better and healthier. Her hair was back to its original color and this time it was richer and looked more natural. She also noticed that the latter gained some healthy weight and this time Lisa didn't look tired or lost... For the very first time in a while- Lisa looked like Lisa.

"Sorry if I didn't follow the dress code." Lisa breaks the silence between the two of them. "I was rushing to get here that I forgot to pay attention that there were only specific colors that the guest should wear."

"Don't worry, you've always stood out from the very beginning."

"Yeah, I just wish it was all for good reasons..." She scratches the back of her neck.

Rosé couldn't help but smile. "It's nice to see you Lisa."

Lisa looks back at her and smiles back. "It's nice to see you too Rosé."

"We were just talking about you, you know?"


She nods her head. "I asked Jennie and Jisoo if they managed to get a hold of you but they said they didn't."

"Ah, yes... I was trying to contemplate whether to show up today or not."

"But you did."

"Yeah... I guess I did." Lisa trails off. "Although I got to be honest with you, it really took days and a lot of courage for me to stand in front of you right now."

"Thank you for trying." She says. "This means a lot to me."

"I guess this is my wedding gift to you?"

The latter chuckles. "Alright- I'm going to take this as your wedding gift."

"Well then here's my second wedding gift." She says and gives Rosé a red box. "Open it."

When Rosé opened it, she was surprised to see the necklace that her mother had given her. "Lisa, how did you find this?"

"I was cleaning my old apartment before moving out. I originally planned to give it to you before you leave, but I kind of figured that you didn't want to see me just yet so I just waited it out. I guess this is also the right time." She smiles. "Would you like me to wear it on you?"

"Yes please." She turns her back as Lisa carefully places the necklace with a musical note pendant. "I cannot believe I'm wearing something from my mom today."

"Remember that it was your wedding dream to wear some kind of heirloom as you walk on the aisle? Well I guess dreams can come true to sometimes."

She turns her back on Lisa and skeptically looks on her. "Do you have any kind of gift that you would like me to know of?"

"Actually there is, but it's more of me wanting to tell you something." She suddenly blurts out. "It's very important for me to say this right now, because you need to hear this before you get married."

"Lisa..." She was suddenly nervous and tense, fearing that what was going through her mind was the thing that the latter would actually say. She held her breath and gripped on the sides of her dress as she waits for Lisa to continue what she was about to say.

"Life was hard for me after we disbanded." Lisa confesses. "I went through a rough patch and I pushed everyone off. Thankfully Minnie came to visit me one time and knocked some sense out of me and encouraged me to seek some professional help. I was reluctant at first because I was certain that everybody still knew who I was and I didn't want to get any kind of news out but I knew I had to try something before it's all too late."

"I joined a group and I attended some sessions... It was hard at first because I was still in denial and resisting the treatment but later on I decided to accept the fact that there was something wrong in me and that I need help from others for me to make it through and ever since then, life started making sense again for me."

"During our 'graduation' ceremony, our guide talked about closure. She told everyone that we cannot move forward in life if we don't have the closure from the past." She trails off. "And that will be my last gift. I will you closure so that you can move on."

"I used to blame you for everything that has happened to me and perhaps every negativity that has happened in my life I've always blamed it to you but it was wrong of me... I was so wrong for putting it all on you and you were right, I was the first one to break your heart and destroy us."

"Lisa it's-"

"I want you to know that I'm sorry."

"W-w-what?" She couldn't believe what she just heard. Did Lisa just-

"I'm sorry for everything." Lisa says with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry for everything Chaeyoung-ah..."

Having the feeling of being overwhelmed, Rosé decided to pull Lisa closer as she securely lock her arms around the latter. The moment their bodies connected, it was as if they both relaxed in the familiarity of their forms, as if they were relieved to be in each other's arms again. It was like being away for a military assignment and then coming back to home. That tingling feeling and sudden shiver that you feel from your system as you smell the aroma of home.

"I am sorry for hating you and for hurting you. I'm sorry for blaming you, for ignoring you, for making you feel like you weren't enough" Lisa finally shed tears as she murmurs in Rosé's neck. "I'm sorry for not loving you enough, for not seeing your worth, for-"

"Shhh..." Rosé was trying so hard to control her tears as she bites her lower lip. "It's okay Lisa, I've forgiven you a long, long time ago..."

"I don't deserve it..." Rosé cried hard while Lisa places her hands around the latter's waist, taking every amount of Rosé as much as she could. "But I really am sorry Rosie... I'm really sorry."

"Listen to me Lisa, I forgive you okay? For everything that has happened to us, I forgive you." Rosé tries to catch her breath as she continues to cry. "I'm sorry if I didn't give you your closure when you needed it too. I'm sorry if I wasn't strong enough to work things out again because I couldn't... You don't deserve someone who's so insecure of the past because you deserve someone who can see past through your mistakes and still love you no matter what. I cannot give you something that's worth your love Lali, that's what I was trying to say."

"I-" Lisa sniffs. "I understand."

"You will find your girl someday and that girl will love you far better else than anyone has ever loved you. Someone will come and make every heartbreak worth it."

"That girl you're talking about is standing right in front of me." Lisa says. "I was just too late to notice it."

"Stop..." She sniffs. "Stop making me cry."

"I'm also sorry for one more thing..." They looked at each other's eyes. "I'm sorry, but I believe this is where our story ends Rosie."

Although it pained the two of them, Rosé perfectly understood what was the latter trying to say. With a nod, she closes she eyes as she say-"Our ending page."

"Did you thought of us ending this way?"

The taller woman shakes her head as she weeps more tears. "I've imagined better ones."

Somehow hearing that made Lisa smile. "Me too, but I guess fate has better plans for us." All Rosé could do was nod. Lisa tips her toes and kisses her on the forehead before pulling away. "Wait here, I'm going to call Alice to get you freshen up okay?"

She wipes away Rosé's tears. "Lisa?"


"Thank you for coming."

"I did promise you I would see you have your happy ending." She smiles. "Seeing you at your happiest is a moment I wouldn't miss anything for the world." After closing the door, Rosé turns to the mirror and despite her smudges make-up and messed-up hair she can still let out a smile.

"Thank you for ending our page in a good note."


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