Hatid- The Juans

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SHORT NOTE: This is the part II of Yellow. Enjoy.

"Okay that's it now let's review. One, two, three-"

"Five and six- bam, bam, tah-tah-tah! Then we go-"

"Good job! Now let's do it with music!"

Five females started doing their moves and one of them was monitoring in front. Checking if there were some loopholes that she needs to attend to. Eyes ever focused she checks each member's movements and she looked like a falcon watching her prey make a wrong move for her to catch.

By the time the song ends, the falcon eyes disappears and now she smiles at the entire group. "Great! That's all for today!"

The artists in the making smiled and heave out sighs of relief hearing that from their instructor. They thanked everyone for cooperating and bearing with them throughout the entire night before they leave the practice room, the inrush of heading back to their dorms and to just hit the sacks.

"Thank you again for doing this Lisa. I know that you're so busy with your schedule."

"It's alright no biggie for me Bam." She smiles at her friend. "Glad to see you're still that supportive person I knew all the way back."

"Of course I am!" He says. "Just because I am an artist now doesn't mean I changed!"

Lisa chuckles. "Glad to know."

Bam watches her as she fixes her things. "You know Lisa, it's still never too late you know."  He says. "I can talk to my boss, he can take you in. He's got an eye for talent."

"Bam, we already talked about this."

"But dancing in front of the whole world is your dream."

"Dancing for the world was my dream." She counters and wears her hoodie. "I chose a different path and I don't regret any second of it."

"Of course you wouldn't. You're marrying Kim Jisoo, what's there to regret about?"

"Fact check." She gives him a smile before holding onto her bag. "I'll go ahead Bam, I'll see you next week and don't hesitate to call me okay?"

"Okay." He leans in for a quick hug before smiling back at her. "I'll see you soon."


"Leo! Luca!"

She places her bag on the floor as two feline animals scurry their way towards their mother who they welcomed with hugs and kisses. She pets them one by one, giving them feather kisses before walking past the kitchen where she looks for their dinner.

While pouring out the food, Lisa hears a loud, echoing sound in the living room. Sighing to herself it was no surprise to her anymore if there was a sudden thud or loud sound in her apartment as she was getting used to her sons bumping and throwing things whenever they feel like doing it.

"What did you two rascals threw out this time huh?" Leo and Luca immediately ignore her as soon as their plates were placed in their separate beds. "Fine- giving me the silent treatment already?"

She looks to the floor where she sees a small frame. Picking it up, she realizes that it was a photo of her and Chaeyoung posing for her dad's camera as they just graduated from college. Their families were eating together in a restaurant she recalls and remembered that it was a very good memory.

Jisoo wasn't able to attend the dinner because her family surprised her with a trip to Spain and so right after graduation, she just gave flowers and congratulated her before leaving. She remembered being sad at that time but Chaeyoung lightly tapped her thigh and gestured to leave their families all alone for a while.

"You okay there?" Chaeyoung asks as soon as they sat on the swing. "Sorry, I didn't mean to pry."

"No, no you didn't..."Lisa sighs as she swings herself back and forth. "Chaeng, you know how we talked about our dreams before? You're going to be a very good artist and I'll pursue my dreams to become a dancer and perform for the world?" Chaeyoung nods her head as she remembers that freshman memory. "What if that doesn't come true? What if our dreams will be very different from our realities?"

"Are you scared of not being good enough to perform for the world?"

"You can say that."

"Lisa, the people who can't see your talent is unseasoned individuals as hell. You're probably the most beautiful, charming, nice and talented individual I have ever known. Not booking you would be like missing the last train by seconds. It can be very regretful."

"You and Jisoo say the same thing."

Chaeyoung smiles timidly and looks at the sunset view in front of them. "Maybe because we see your talent in ways you can't see for yourself."

Lisa sighs once again. "Man, why can't we be college students forever? I would definitely prefer exams over job applications."

"But seriously though Lisa, you should really go for it. For me, there's no other place where you belong beside the stage. People need to see how talented and amazing person you are."

"What if I fail? What if I end up making a mess?"

"What if you succeed?" She counters making Lisa think about the other side of the coin. "You'll never know if you never try."

"I'm scared Chaeyoung-ah..."

Lisa looks at Chaeyoung who was smiling back at her. "I'm scared to face the real world too but knowing you'll be there for me makes it worth trying." She says. "So if I am not afraid then you shouldn't be too, for I will always be with you."

"You promise that?" She says, albeit hopeful. "I'm your yellow and you're my blue?"

"You're my yellow and I'm your blue."

Lisa trails the picture with her hands and looked at how they were just so happy back then. She looked at Chaeyoung's facial expression who was screaming joy as she wrapped her hands while being carried like a bride. She swore that she could hear the latter's giggles just by looking at her face. Lisa looks at her own smile and couldn't help but feel regretful about everything in this picture.

Leo suddenly jumps on her lap with Luca the following suit. She looks at her sons who immediately licks and touches Chaeyoung's features making Lisa smile sadly.

"Well, at least I'm not the only one." She says as she wipes off the glass of the frame before putting it back to place. "I miss you, Chae."

The next day Lisa was already up and early like she always was and headed to the building's gym to do a little morning routine just to start her day. Returning from the morning workout she eats her quick food before heading to the shower where she hums various songs while dancing to it from time to time.

Today was the start of her wedding preparations with her fiancé Kim Jisoo who also feels excited over preparing the necessary things for the wedding. Lisa remembered how Jisoo was jumping and bursting with ideas as she continued to rant about the to-do list for their wedding.

Grabbing her phone on the island counter she was ready to head out when her phone starts to ring. "Hello?"

"Oh hi, it's amazing you picked up." Jisoo's voice ringed in her ear. "Good morning by the way."

Lisa smiles. "Good morning to you too. Are you on your way here? I'm about to head out."

"Yeah about that..." It was never good whenever Jisoo was trailing off her words and her tone would sound very unsure. "My manager called me and told me that I was cast for a drama. Can you believe that?!"

"Oh, that sounds wonderful!" Lisa beams through the phone.

"But that means I can't go with you today. The management wants to speak with me  today to work things out..." She explains. "I know this means the world for us but-"

"I perfectly understand you, no need to explain things for me. This is the shot you've been waiting for right?"

"It is."

"Then go for it." She smiles. "I'm happy for you."

"Okay, let's meet later okay? I will make it up to you I promise."

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. It's alright, go and chase after your dream."

"Thank you, I'll talk to you later okay?"


The calls end and Lisa walks back towards her island counter and grabs her keys. It looks like she will be all alone for today but she doesn't want to make a big deal out of it. It was just one day and Jisoo promised that she will make it up to her. And for all the years Lisa had known Jisoo one thing remained consistent and that is Jisoo is always true to her word.

"Don't think about it too much Lisa." She comforts herself. "Jisoo will keep her promise. She always does."


"What? What do you mean you can't come?"

"I'm sorry Lisa I-"

"Jisoo we're already choosing the venue for our wedding! This was already prepared way before your career kicked off!"

"I know but my manager messed up my schedule and I can't­-"

"Oh, here we are again." Lisa sighs out loud. "Well, I hope you have fun with your schedule in Shanghai today and I hope you will remember that you left me hanging here in Korea."

"Lisa I promise I will see you later."

"Maybe never." Lisa presses the red button as she huffs in her seat. "I seriously cannot believe she could do this!"

She seriously could not believe that Jisoo had stood her up for the 10th time of meeting for the preparations of their wedding. She was still in the coffee shop where they both agreed to meet for today before heading off to meet the wedding coordinator that Lisa had been begging to converse to. She thickened her face just so she could be able to squeeze into the wedding coordinator's schedule and Jisoo just decides last minute to ditch her once again.

Looking at the view, she realizes that she doesn't have a time to spare and just because her partner decides to not show up. This is her one shot to book the best wedding coordinator in town for her wedding and she will not waste a minute of it. She immediately stands up and headed towards the exit while extremely tapping her phone in hopes of guilt-tripping Jisoo more.

The unawareness of her environment causes her forehead to collide with the hard-wooden door of the shop. The collision created a huge sound and she could feel everyone's eyes were on her for the entire time. Gritting her teeth for her not to make any sound- she was ready to snap at the latter who caused her this embarrassment when-

"Are you alright?"

Lisa snaps her head up and was surprised to see the woman standing in front of her. "You."

"Oh my God Lisa I am so sorry!" She gasps. "Are you alright?"

"You're- you're her friend."

"Ah yes, sorry where are my manners." The latter fixes her suit and extends her hand. "My name's Jennie Kim."

"The attorney I assume?" She nods her head in response. "I see."

"I'm really sorry about the incident with the door." She smiles apologetically. "Let me make it up to you."

"Maybe some other time, I am in a rush and I have no car with me so I really need to get going sorry."

"Well then allow me to make it up to you." She offers it again. "Please Miss Manoban, I insist."


"So... how's the dance thing going?"

"It's been good, the usual but it makes me happy."

"Having the time of your life?"

Hearing that question made Lisa smile. "Definitely."

"I must say, you do have a knack for doing a lot of things at the same time. Between your line of work and the wedding preparations it is really stressful."

"Yeah, especially if you're the only one who's planning it."

Jennie decides to wait for a few moments to continue with their topic. "So I've heard."

"How'd you know?"

"I'm one of the lawyers in Jisoo's agency, she's been getting a lot of offers lately."

"It's just sad that it took them a while to see her full potential."

"Everyone has their own timing Miss Manoban. Sometimes it does take a while for a person to realize things but it doesn't mean it's too late."

Lisa gives Jennie a brief glance and couldn't help but give her statement another meaning. "I guess you're right about that."

The two of them fell into silence until they've reached the destination. Lisa gave Jennie a formal farewell and the latter was quick to respond in the same manner before zooming off in the highway while Lisa looks at the office of the said coordinator and prepares herself for a very bloody battle.

From the wedding theme down to the details of the shoes that she'll be wearing, Lisa was answering the coordinator's details with very specific instructions. The latter didn't mind for this was her line of work but Lisa, on the other hand, was having the headache of her life.

There was so much to take into consideration to and the fact that this was her first time in hearing everything made her want to jump towards her bed and call it a day.

"So what will be your choice Miss Manoban?"

"Uhh... wow, there's really a lot to choose from."

"Well, what did your fiancé say about her preferences?"

Lisa smiles timidly at her. "As long as we get married that's all that matters."

"Sorry I am late!" Lisa turns around as soon as she hears the voice and was surprised to see Chaeyoung standing on the other end of the room. "I hope you guys didn't talk too much."

"Oh! Chaeyoung-ah, do you know one another?"

"Of course! Lisa's my college best friend." She says and greets the wedding coordinator with a kiss on the cheek. "So, what were you guys talking about?"

"Well, we were talking about all the things that she wanted for her wedding." The coordinator leans in and whispers closely in Chaeyoung's ear. "Poor thing she's getting all the stress because her girlfriend is a no-show."

"Could you leave us for a moment I'd like to speak with her for a while."

"Sure, I'll be in the lobby for a while. I need to make a call after all." She smiles. "Miss Manoban, I will speak with you later."

As soon as the door closes, Lisa was the first one to speak. "What- what are you doing here?"

"Well... a little insy winsy bird told me that you were getting stressed from all the wedding preparations." Chaeyoung sits beside the latter. "And I was free so I decided to show up."

Lisa couldn't help but scoff. "Oh so now you want to get involve in my life is that it?"

"Lisa, you know too well what happened ."

"No Chaeyoung I don't know too well what happened. After the last time, we saw one another you kind of disappeared on me. No goodbye- no explanations- nothing..." Clicking her tongue she decides to continue to show her disappointment in her best friend. "All I ever heard was you were taking care of family things and it wasn't even from you Chae, I heard it from Jennie."

"And I am sorry, it was kind of urgent matter. My mom wanted me to fly to Australia immediately and who am I to decline? It was really urgent believe me Lisa I will never ever lie to you."

"Well then can you tell me why you suddenly went AWOL on me?"

"I'll tell you later I promise. You have me for the whole day but first- I should do my job as your best friend." She smiles. "And that is to help you with your wedding plans."

Lisa looks at Chaeyoung and wanted to demand the answers right away but she didn't want to push the latter away too. "Okay, let's do that first. But I will have my answers by the end of the day okay Park?"

"Agreed Manoban. Agreed."

Chaeyoung didn't waste any time and started to look over the things that needed Lisa's most attention and from there, she started organizing the themes and talked about what color would fit each venue up to the wedding gown that would look good on her for the very special day. Even though Lisa thought she could handle everything on her own, she had to admit that having Chaeyoung around really made things for today a little easier.

And as promised, Chaeyoung did stay after the meeting with the coordinator. They decided to eat by their favorite restaurant back in the college days and they ordered so many that the other people thought they were having a mukbang. They talked about the things they haven't been able to converse with and Lisa finally understood why Chaeyoung had to leave.

The night comes to a close and now Lisa and Chaeyoung were walking by the sidewalk towards Lisa's apartment as Chaeyoung insisted that she will walk Lisa home. With the heels of their shoes hitting the pavement they walked with slow strokes like they were taking their time with each step.

"Well, this is me." Lisa says as soon as they arrive in the lobby. "Thank for helping me out today."

"Thank you for allowing me to help you out."

"With all the stress this wedding has been giving me any kind of help is really appreciated." She chuckles. "Where are you staying by the way?"

"Oh, I think I'm going to crash at Jennie's first."

"Why? What happened to your apartment?"

"I sold it." She answers. "I thought my stay in Melbourne was going to be permanent but it seems like mom wanted me to continue to become an independent individual."

"Ohh... I see."

"I better get going, you need some rest." She smiles. "It was nice to see you, Lisa."

"You too Chaeyoung. Keep in touch okay?"

"I promise." With that, she turns around and started walking away when- "Hey Chae!"

The woman turns around and looks at her. "Did I forget something?"

"You forgot that as my best friend who hasn't been around for a while you're obliged to stay the night in my apartment and have a sleepover."


"Spend the night with me."


"Lisa you really don't have to."

"Hush Chaeyoung. Sorry, the apartment's a mess, it's been days since the last general clean up."

"I can see..."

"Aha, finally I found you one." Lisa hands her a pair of an oversized neon pink hoodie but then she noticed that Chaeyoung was silent. "Why? Isn't this your sleeping attire? Has it changed?"

"Oh no, no..." She chuckles nervously. "It's just that it's been a while since I last saw this hoodie."

Lisa looks down and remembers how and where she got that hoodie. It was a prize she won at their school fair where Chaeyoung continuously tried to make an effort to grab it as it was one of the limited edition of their department's merchandise. She remembered how she squealed and jumped around the hallway when Chaeyoung handed it to her.

"It's a surprise that you kept it."

"Of course I would. It's one of the things that I really treasured when we were in college."

"And what was your most treasured thing?"

"Our friendship." Lisa answers quickly and when she looks at Chaeyoung, she noticed that the latter was a bit surprised to hear that. "Why do you look so surprised? Isn't our friendship your most treasured thing in college?"

"Of course it is." She smiles.

"Well you know your way around the house, come back here once you've freshened up."

Chaeyoung looked like she wanted to argue about sleeping in one bed but Lisa was glad that the latter made no other objections.  "Okay."

Right after Chaeyoung, Lisa follows through her freshening up and she didn't know why but she ended up brushing her teeth five times that her gums start to bleed.

When she returns to her room she found Chaeyoung on the other side of the bed sitting with her hands on her lap. Furrowing her eyebrows she announces her arrival by closing the door.

"You look like you're in some foreign place."

"Sorry, it's been a while since the last time that I've been here."

"Are you uncomfortable? I can let you stay in the guest room if you like."

"No, it's fine." She says with a smile. "Let's sleep?"

With a nod, she goes on her side of the bed and the two of them wrap their bodies inside their comforter. The silence between them was deafening and all they could hear was the air condition and purifier. Lisa wanted to say something just to ease the tension. Something, anything just so she could hear the latter's voice once again.

Turning her body from the other side, she meets Chaeyoung's back moving in a steady motion. Lisa knew that the latter was just faking her sleep for she knows too well how her best friend's bodywork as if it were like the back of her hand.

She slides her arm across the distance between them and just as when she was just a few feet away from the latter's shoulder she stops herself.

What are you doing Lisa? What are you going to say? What will you ask?

And when Lisa didn't have an answer to the questions inside her mind she retreats her hand and closes her eyes which were the right decision because the last thing that she wants to do is to mess things up. But clearly Chaeyoung has some other plans as she was the one who calls out for Lisa's name.

"Yes, Chae?"

"Are you going to sleep?"

"In a minute or so why?"

"I don't know... I just don't feel like sleeping yet."

"Want to talk about something?"

"Lisa?" She hums in response and waits for Chaeyoung to continue. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For leaving." She says in her soft tone but the silence inside Lisa's room made her able to hear it. "I know that you probably blamed yourself and may have regretted a lot of things but trust me when I say you weren't a part of the reason why I had to leave."

"To be honest, I really thought the reason why you left because you were weirded out of the text messages I sent you. I thought that maybe it was just me assuming things between us and I... I placed meanings onto the actions that were meaningless in the first place and I got way too far and way above my head that-"

Lisa wasn't able to continue her explanation as she feels a pair of arms snaked their way onto her waist and Chaeyoung's chest was pressed against her back. The latter's nose settled on the crook of her neck giving her billions of electrifying watts flowing all throughout her body. Her mind was slowly saying farewell and she swears that if she was a supercomputer then this is the part where her system shuts down.


"I just needed to sort some things out so you can stop blaming yourself." She says. "This is all on me, and it isn't about you or anything you've done... it never was..."

Hearing that caused more questions for Lisa. What did she mean by sorting things out? If this isn't about me, then does this mean that she also feels the same way? Is that why she doesn't answer but clings to me instead?

She wanted answers, but she doesn't know if she will like the answer that will come. What if it's the total opposite of her expectations? What if Chaeyoung does feel the same? What would happen then? What will change?

"Lisa? Is everything alright?"

"Y-yeah... why?"

"Your heart is breathing pattern has changed. Is there something in your mind that you want to talk about?"

She wanted to say yes, she wanted to ask the questions but like the coward that she is she just intertwines her hand with Chaeyoung's a habit that she has formed way back when she and Chaeyoung were roommates. "I'm just happy that you're here now."

"Don't worry Lisa, I'm happy that I am here too."


Morning came and Lisa was surprised to find Chaeyoung's side of the bed empty. She furrows her eyebrows, squinting her eyes slowly trying to adjust herself in the light that her room brings.

Weird, I don't remember opening the curtains last night.

She hops down on her bed and as soon as she opens the door, Lisa was surprised to see her apartment sparkling clean. No cheap take-outs on the coffee table, her gaming console and CDs are intact. She also takes a look at her room and it was clean as well.

Walking towards the kitchen she sees Chaeyoung coming out from the laundry room and dusting her hands off. She watches as the latter continues to check every nook and corner of the area to see if there's something that she missed. Lisa smiles and is thankful that even after all these years, there's something about Chaeyoung that still hasn't changed.

"Oh good, you're awake." Chaeyoung smiles at her. "Did you like what I did to your lair?"

"Yeah, you didn't have to though."

"It's the least that I could do."

"Well if you're going to keep this one up then I might offer you to stay a little longer."

Chaeyoung chuckles as she fixes her bun. "So is there anything you want to do today? We can check the other things that need to be at your wedding."

"Hmmm... we could- hold on." She rushes towards the coffee table and picks up her phone. "Hello? Hi! Yeah, oh! Is it today? Yes, okay sure I'll meet you for lunch." Lisa smiles. "Alright, I'll see you."

"Looks like you already have plans."

"Yes, and that includes you." She widens her eyes when she realizes how wrong her statement sounds. "That's not what I mean! I mean yes, my plans include you but not that-" She sighs. "Dad's here and he wanted to see me before he leaves. Plus I have to pick up Leo and Luca on the way."

"He has Leo and Luca?"

"Well since you're late on the news, I'll update you. My dad favors my sons more than me nowadays." She says. "You should come."

"Oh no, I don't want to impose."

"You're not imposing anything Chae, I'm pretty sure my father will be thrilled to see you. Leo and Luca too."

"I don't know, that's a family event."

"Don't worry about it. Besides you're family"

"Maybe next time Lisa." She smiles.

"Well we are having Beijing duck." She throws her final bait and waits for Chaeyoung to grab it.

"But... I don't have my clothes with me."

"It's fine, you can borrow mine. It's not like we've never done it before."

Biting her lower lip she gives Lisa a nod. "Okay, I'll go with you."


"Daddy! Hello!"

"Hello!" He greets back in his Swiss accent. "Oh! Are you joining us?"

Chaeyoung nods her head in an adorable manner. "Is it alright if I joined you guys?"

"Of course! You're no different from my family Rosie."

Dinner with Mr. Manoban was easy as pie. Chaeyoung sees him as her second father and throughout the lunch, only he and Chaeyoung conversed consistently. Lisa would join from time to time but she would let the two of them talk knowing that they have a lot of catching up to do.

After lunch they decide to go to back to the hotel to pick up Leo and Luca who jumped at Chaeyoung's arms immediately. The latter laughs and continuously kisses the felines to show just how much she misses them. Lisa's father thought of going to a cat café to have his sons run around.

This time Chaeyoung volunteered to play with them along with the other cats so Lisa and her father can also have some alone time.

"I'm glad that Roseanne has come back." He starts the conversation. "Did she tell you why she had to leave all of a sudden?"

"She had to sort things out but she's okay now. We're okay."

"Well, I'm happy that she's around you. With her around, I am confident that you will get the wedding list done and since we're on that topic already, care to tell me the progress about the preparation?"

"Did mom ask you to ask that?"

"Maybe, but I am a little curious."

"It's a little rough given the fact that it's just me calling all the shots."

"And where is Jisoo?"

"She's currently in Shanghai doing her shoot for the drama she's been casted."

"You don't seem enthusiastic about it."

"I am dad, I am really happy for her it's just that-" She sighs. "It's just that I wish she's more involved in all of this chaos."

Mr. Manoban looks at her distressed daughter before telling her a short story. "When your mother and I were preparing for our wedding it's quite similar to your situation. She was back home and I was performing for different countries. It got so bad that she screamed at my face and tells me that there's no purpose in getting married if I won't be around for the preparations. It's was our wedding but it felt like it was only hers."

"So how did you manage to make it work and get married?"

"We talked." He answered simply. "I know other people make it impossible but I believe that any problem can be solved when the two of you talked. So we did, and we never hit that kind of huge rock ever since. Your mother wanted commitment and so I gave it to her, whenever I am in town, I make sure to be there for a few meetings and when I am not around, I make sure that she can call me and refer things. It doesn't matter if I talk to her personally or over the phone- what matters to her is that I try."

"Are you saying that Jisoo is not trying hard enough to participate in our wedding?"

"I'm saying that Jisoo should know by now where her heart lies." He says. "Don't get me, the wrong princess, I love Jisoo with all of my heart and hearing that she's been given the break that she deserves makes me really proud of her as a father to be but- me as your father also wants the best for you. I am only walking you down the aisle once, and I want someone who is certain in what she does."

"She is certain daddy, she's just busy."

"I hope so... every parent just wants their child to end up with the right person, just like Chaeyoung." Hearing her best friend's name made her choke. "Why do you act so surprised?"

"Ugh dad, you know why!"

"What?" He raises his voice in defense. "Chaeyoung is a girl of pure heart and intention, has the right amount of sass and she's someone who's very sweet. Remember how she visited Thailand with her family and had dinner with us? You weren't around because you wanted to hang out with your childhood friends and your mother and I were getting worried that she will be out of place but she totally surprised us when she was totally comfortable hanging out with us."

"And when we told her that she can hang out with you guys she told us that she didn't mind hanging around with us because she wanted to give you some space where you can enjoy your time with your friends and she was enjoying her time with us too so it was a win-win situation." Mr. Manoban takes a sip of his drink. "Nowadays, only a few women can respect their partner's personal time! She really acted as a very nice in-law at that time. From then on, she had my heart on her hand." He says. "She even promised us that she will tour us in Melbourne which she didn't disappoint too remember that Lis?"

"Dad, no matter how many times you compliment Chaeyoung, it doesn't change the fact that she and I are just friends. Best friends even and we will never be more than that plus I am getting married to someone else soon!" Her father looks at her weirdly. "Why?"

"I never said about you and Chaeyoung. What I am trying to say is the right person to anyone else and whoever she gets to end up with is a very lucky person."

Lisa blushes in embarrassment and looks away from her father who starts to observe her actions. She then diverts her attention to Chaeyoung who was busy playing with Leo and Luca. Her eyes darted at Chaeyoung's facial features and when the latter's puffy cheeks lift up as she giggles at the cats' action, she realized that her heart started to beat in a very unusual way.

Swallowing the lump in her throat she realizes that it wasn't just Jisoo who needs to check where her heart lies.

Days passed and as Chaeyoung continued to stay with Lisa she decides to help her best friend with the remaining decision-making tasks regarding her wedding preparations which were a blessing for Lisa who doesn't seem that more stressed because of the endless choices presented in front of her. With Chaeyoung around it was easier and she managed to decide on the venue, the theme and the cake along with the food and wine that's essential for her wedding and to be honest, she couldn't be more thankful than a time like this.

Now she was down to the last two steps, and that is choosing her own wedding gown which is currently the task at hand. Normally Chaeyoung would've tagged along and made this entire process easier than expected but Jennie had called a few days ago and demands for a catch-up date. Lisa didn't want to let Chaeyoung go but she didn't want to be overly too possessive of hers as well and Jennie was a good friend of Chaeyoung's, it would be too selfish of her to have Chaeyoung all for herself.

But she slowly starts to regret it since this was already the fifth wedding dress that she has tried but still she felt that it wasn't the one for her. Even though the stylists had complimented her multiple times, she still was unsure of the fit, the design or the trail. She was too focused on her thoughts that she was unable to notice the chiming of the doorbell or the footsteps that were approaching her.

"It's too shining for you." A voice pulls her out of her trance.


Her best friend smiles and turns to the designer. "Do you have something that would highlight her collarbones and one that would make her booty appear?"

"We have one that just arrived this morning. I think that maybe just it."

"Can we take a look at it?"

"Sure. I'll be back in a sec."

Lisa wanted to talk and to ask Chaeyoung about why she's here but then the wedding designer and her staff pulls her away and drags her back to the dressing room where she saw the most beautiful gown inside the store. After with her finishing touches, the doors opened once again and Lisa saw the look of 'awe' in Chaeyoung's face.

"This is it." Chaeyoung manages to say. "This is the dress for you."

"I don't know Chae isn't this a bit too much?"

"What do you mean too much? Everything about this dress screams about you." Chaeyoung disagrees. "You should get this one. This is it for you Lisa I can feel it in my pinky."

"She's right Miss Manoban, you really look stunning in that dress."

"But the price range is so out of my budget Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung gives her a look before turning her attention to the stylist. "Your shop accepts cards right?"

"Yes Miss we do."

"Here." Chaeyoung hands her credit card. "Charge it to me."

"What!?" Lisa tries to stop Chaeyoung from handing her card to the employee but then because of the design- she was a little too late for it. "Why did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Park Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung sighs. "Lisa, it's not much of a big deal, just take it as my wedding gift to you."

"But this is too much I can't accept it."

"Nothing is ever too much for you Lisa, you deserve the best and only the best for the wedding."

She was about to argue when the employee returns and hands Chaeyoung her card back. "This is your official receipt and thank you for purchasing the dress."

"Thanks." The chipmunk-like woman smiles.

"There are no regrets Miss Manoban, this dress is certainly the one for you and your partner agrees with it." The designer smiles. "You know, I would've said that it is in wedding traditions that the bride is not allowed to see her bride before the wedding but I'm glad your wife-to-be did."

Lisa was suddenly awkward so she bites her lower lip hesitantly. "Um."

"I'm not the one she's marrying." Chaeyoung answers and smiles timidly. "I'm just the best friend."


To say that the car ride back home was awkward is a total understatement. It was more than awkward and in the boundary of uncomfortable. Neither of them spoke a word and the weather forecast for tonight from the stereo is the only one making noise.

Arriving at the car park both of them entered the elevator without any exchange of words. It was starting to be deafening and Lisa couldn't handle it anymore.


"I was just-"

Both of them looked at one another for a moment before allowing their lips to break into a smile. "Thank you for buying me this dress."

"It's no biggie." She answers. "You look great in that outfit and it would be a shame to not buy it."

"Still, thank you."

"No problem."

They arrived at their floor and thankful that the awkwardness between them disappeared. Lisa was offering her various choices on what to have for dinner when all of a sudden a figure standing in front of her unit made everything awkward once again.


The actress looks back and forth between the two of them before forcing out a smile. "Hi."

"What are you doing here?" Lisa approaches her fiancé. "I-I thought you were busy and you were in Shanghai."

"I just came back. I ordered our favorite food just in case you don't feel like going out today."

"Um, Chaeyoung and I went out to do some of the needed kinds of stuff for the wedding."

"I see. Well, I hope you're up for some food." She says. "We also need to talk about things."

Lisa was about to say yes, but then she remembered the girl with a strawberry shade hair behind her. When she turns around she meets with Chaeyoung's soft face and understanding smile. She smiled back comfortingly, totally unaware that the other woman observed the action between them.

"I think I'll go ahead." She says. "Thank you for today Lis, I'll see you soon."

For some unknown reason, Lisa didn't want Chaeyoung to leave. "No, you're not leaving."


She holds onto Chaeyoung's hand, gripping it with much conviction such as her words. "No." She turns to Jisoo who was quite stunned with her actions. "I'm in the mood for food but Chaeyoung will be joining us today."


And just as when Lisa thought that the car ride home was awkward, the dinner with Chaeyoung and Jisoo outdone it. It was purely awkward and silent that she wasn't used to it. The atmosphere started to get heavy when Chaeyoung was busy preparing the meals and when it was time to eat, Lisa shared half of her food with Chaeyoung which didn't go unnoticed in Jisoo's eyes.

"I've talked to the wedding coordinator today and she told me that you already got everything covered."

"Yeah I did."

"Can I see the list of choices?"

"Sure I'll go grab it. It's in my room." Lisa leaves the table but then she comes back immediately. "Weird, it isn't in my room."

Jisoo sighs. "Have you double checked everything? Maybe you just misplaced it again."

"I remember pulling it out from my bag. I was double checking it and then I placed it somewhere else."

"You need to remember it. How can you be so forgetful?"

"It's in your office, the second drawer." Chaeyoung answers. "You were making a whole draft this morning."

"Oh yeah right! Thanks Chae." She hurries her way to the office and then comes back. "Here."

Jisoo scans the list on a quick glance. Lisa was pretty nervous because her facial expressions were blank and unreadable. "Is this it?"

"So far..." She trails off. "Why? Is there something that you don't like?"

"Something? More like some things."

"What do you mean some things? I think that the list fits us perfectly well?"

"Perfectly? Are you for real right now?" Jisoo says in disbelief. "What part of this list screams us?"

"Jisoo you're being unreasonable." She says in her defense. "I double-checked everything and it's fine." Lisa's voice was filled with conviction. "I don't get why you're being upset when I clearly-"

"If you double checked the list, then you would've realized that we can't do an outdoor wedding because of my nephew's skin asthma. You would've realized that we already decided to have Peonies and Calla lilies for our wedding bouquet but you probably forgot about it and chose Sunflowers instead."

"And wow- you said this wedding is on a tight budget but how did you manage to purchase a dress that costs five thousand dollars?" She scoffs. "Do you really have everything in check?"

"That dress isn't included in your costs Jisoo." Chaeyoung decides to butt in their conversation. "I bought it for Lisa."

"You bought it for Lisa?"

"I-it-it was my wedding gift for her." She tries to explain. "It really did look good on her, and it was a shame not to buy it."

Lisa's wife-to-be claps her hands dramatically. "As expected for Park Chaeyoung- she is always there to save the day."

Chaeyoung looks away, making Lisa protective of her. "Jisoo, don't even go there."

"What? I am just stating the truth." She mocks and then sarcastically smiles at Lisa then before turning to Chaeyoung. "She is always there to save you. When you were stressed about the wedding preparations, she comes right in. When you're having trouble in choosing the wedding dress, she buys you the best because you deserve it. She's the light at the end of your tunnel, the other end of your string and your knight in shining armor."

"Jisoo I didn't mean no harm, I was just buying her a dress. Lisa needed help and as her best friend-"

She laughs mockingly. "Really? Best friend?" Jisoo shakes her head. "And who would you expect to believe that crappy reasoning of yours huh?"

"Jisoo enough!"

"Who the hell are you kidding huh? Even a blind person would see how you look at my wife!"

Lisa slams her hand on the wooden table startling the two of them. "I said enough!" Silence surrounds them for a while until Chaeyoung's chair screeches. "Chaeyoung."

"I should go."

"Chae wait!" She rushes to get towards Chaeyoung who was already near the door. "You know Jisoo isn't usually like that. You know-"

"It's fine Lisa, you two need to sort things out."

"No, I'll tell her to leave. Just stay okay? Jisoo and I will talk some other time."

"Hey, hey- relax." She holds the latter's hands. "Don't be afraid okay? I will not disappear again."

"Just- just update me okay? At least let me know where you're staying for the night."

"I'm gonna crash at Jennie's for the meantime." She says. "Go, you two should talk."

As soon as the door closes, Lisa stomps her way back to the dining area. "Wow Jisoo that was really mature of you." She starts. "How could you lash out like that?"

"Who wouldn't lash out huh Lisa?"

"Well clearly someone who isn't as immature as you."

Jisoo scoffs and it was evident in her face that she couldn't believe the situation that they're in right now. "Really? I'm the immature? Why don't you look at the mirror to see the real immature one?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I can see right through you!"

"You're putting non-sense meaning to my actions."

"Non-sense? That's bullshit!" She spats. "You let her stay inside your home, you practically share the same bed, you let her borrow your clothes, cook meals and you guys are together 24/7. To top it off, you just had the audacity to shove to my face that you really didn't want her to leave because you insisted that she would stay for dinner when I clearly told you that we had things to talk about!"

"I never thought we would be talking about your jealousy!"

"Who wouldn't be jealous?! You shared your favorite food with her during dinner!" Jisoo tries to justify her actions. "Now tell me am I really putting non-sense meaning to your actions?"

"Are you accusing me of cheating on you with Chaeyoung?"

"Why? Are you?"

Lisa's jaw tightens. "I am not that type of person Jisoo you and I both know that cheating isn't my thing."

"I don't know Lisa, you tell me." She challenges. "Because between you and me, you're the one who ordered the mango flavored to be our official cake and you and I both know that I love strawberries the most."



"Hi." The latter waves awkwardly. "Good- good evening attorney Kim."

"Call me Jennie." She smiles formally at her. "I assume that you are looking for Chaeyoung?"

"Yeah." She chuckles nervously and scratches the back of her neck. "She promised that she'd update me but she hasn't been responding to any of my texts so I thought- I mean, I would understand if she still wants some time alone I get that, I just want to make sure that she's okay and she's still here."

"Lisa?" Chaeyoung approaches the door and looks at her confusingly. "What are you doing here?"

"Just checking if you were still around or a thousand miles away."

Both Chaeyoung and Jennie looked at one another before the Australian native breaks the staring conversation and looks back at Lisa. "Can you wait for me downstairs in ten minutes? I'll just get ready."

Lisa follows her request and waited for her to come down. Ten minutes later, Chaeyoung exits the elevator doors and spots Lisa who seems to be in the middle of a nervous breakdown. Like she always does, she approaches the latter ever silently and gives Lisa's thigh a subtle touch. Lisa stops midway and looks at her. She immediately offers her a comforting smile which the latter will reluctantly return. With a slight tug, the two of them made way for Lisa's car and head towards the place where they used to hang out.

The soon to be Mrs. Kim hit the brakes as soon as they arrived in an abandoned junk shop on the upper side of the city. They found it when Chaeyoung was helping Lisa to practice her skills in photography and so she shares the place where she usually practices her art and soon enough it became the place that holds their stories, failures, successes, and dreams.

"Do you think I am annoying?"


"I don't know I just feel like I am annoying and I am annoying you."

"You're anything but annoying. We both know we're passed that awkward stage."

"Are you still mad at me?"

"Lisa, why would I be mad at you in the first place?" Lisa shrugs and Chaeyoung just continue to observe the latter in hopes that she would have an idea why Lisa asked her that. "Is this about the dinner with Jisoo?"

"What she did was unacceptable. She shouldn't have insulted nor accused you of things like that."

"It was understandable Lisa, I can perfectly understand where she's coming from. Even if I was in her position I would be jealous too, really jealous."

"But there's completely nothing to be jealous about! We're just friends and it will never be more than that." As soon as those words left her lips, she suddenly felt the bitter aftertaste of it causing for her to wince a little.

"I know..." Chaeyoung says in a soft tone and Lisa looks at the girl who has her head down and started playing with the hem of her shirt. "But Lisa, you and Jisoo haven't seen each other in days, the last time you talked also didn't end in a good note and to see you being happy and unproblematic irked her. It's cool and I know she doesn't mean any of it."

"Still, I insist that what she did is immature and irrational. I will wait for her to realize her mistakes and apologize to you first then she and I can talk."

"Lisa, I think that's a very immature decision."

She turns to Chaeyoung like she didn't hear what the woman told her. "I'm immature?"

"You two need to stop pointing fingers and just stop with the fighting." She says. "Let me make it simpler to you okay? Do you love Jisoo?"

"Yes, I do."

"And you still want to marry her correct?"

"With all my heart."

"Then that's enough for you to set aside your pride and make up with her." She says, making Lisa look at her. "I know it's stupid and reckless but when we love someone so much we set aside a lot of things for them. Even when they don't deserve it, even when we don't need to, we end up doing it anyway because that's how much we love them." She smiles at her. "And now that you know that it's still her that you want to see on the other end of the aisle, I think it's enough reason for you to make the first move." Lisa looks at Chaeyoung in awe, still couldn't believe that a selfless person like her could ever exist. "Don't worry okay? I think I can do something about it."

"W-what are you going to do?"

"Trust me; I'll help you with this." She grins. "You will be okay, you two will be okay."

Chaeyoung decided to make a reservation for two in Jisoo's favorite restaurant and to make it even more touching, she scheduled a meeting with the head chef and made Lisa learn on how to cook some of Jisoo's favorite dishes which wasn't easy and Lisa was on the verge of giving up, but Chaeyoung was beside her all the time and reminded her why she was doing this. By the time the dinner happened and Jisoo posted a picture of her and Lisa with a romantic caption in her SNS account, Chaeyoung smiles in relief, knowing that she was able to fix the mess that she created in Lisa's life.

And ever since the dinner, Jisoo became more involved in the wedding preparations that re-doing almost everything in their wedding wish list was no longer a problem. Having Jisoo's commitment also made Lisa happier and that's all Chaeyoung wanted in the first place. Now that she was certain that her best friend's life is slowly getting back on the good track, she now needs to do her part- and that is to back off.

But before she decides to give Lisa one more gift, and she made sure that it will be very memorable for the soon to be Mrs. Lisa Kim.

"SURPRISE!" Lisa jumps at the sudden greeting as soon as she enters the private room that she was brought into. "CONGRATULATIONS FUTURE MRS. KIM!"

"What are you guys doing here?"

"Duh isn't it obvious already? We're here to throw you the most awesome bridal shower ever!"

"It would've been a bachelorette party but we all know that you got eyes like some CCTV wandering around so in order to continue with the wedding we decided to be wholesome."

"Ass!" Lisa laughs.

"Shall we celebrate your last remaining days as Miss Manoban properly?"


Lisa danced along with her friends, drank wine with them and enjoyed all the games and the little program they had for tonight, including the gift-giving which made everyone laugh and made Lisa the happiest girl that night. It may not be the same bachelorette party Jisoo's friends are probably going to throw for her, but this was the kind of party she wanted to have before she walks down that aisle 3 days from now.

"There's my superstar." Her childhood friend, Palisa joins her. "How are you enjoying your party?"

"I am enjoying it very well. It's so beautiful and I really appreciated it that you guys flew all the way here."

"Well, what can I say- she can be really persuasive when she wants to."

Lisa furrows her eyebrows. "She?"

Palisa nods her head. "Chaeyoung."

"Chaeyoung? What does this have to do with-"

"Oh, up until now you don't know?" She asks and Lisa shakes her head. "Chaeyoung organized this party for you."


"She told me that she wanted to do something for you. And I told her that maybe hosting a party for you would be great and it started off as a joke but then she calls me days later and informed me about the details." She says. "I wanted to help her out but she assured me and all of us that she got this and she really did. Imagine organizing an amazing party such as this and no single loophole from top to bottom. Literally Lali she is so on point. The only thing we needed to do was to fly here, even she handled our flight and booked us tickets... Chaeyoung is such an amazing person, and you're so lucky to have her by your side."

Lisa looks at where Chaeyoung is at and she was currently talking to her other childhood friends who became her friends too ever since her first visit in Bangkok, entertaining them like a good host would do. Seeing her act that way made Lisa's heart move in an irregular manner and it annoyed her because it was so disturbing- as if she could hear the beat banging against her ribcage that if she doesn't do anything anytime soon, it would be for everyone to hear and she doesn't know what to do if that time comes.

Drinking her wine in one full swing, she excuses herself and cuts her talk with her best friend to head out to the balcony, desperately needing some fresh air. That walk-out act didn't go unnoticed in Chaeyoung's eyes which is why she politely cuts her talk short to walk towards the balcony as well.

Arriving outside she could see Lisa mumbling incoherent words to herself, a habit that she had picked up whenever she feels tense and uneasy. Chaeyoung was kind of worried about what made her act this way and so to help out with her best friend's situation she stands beside Lisa, not saying anything for a moment and just waited for Lisa to notice her. Unknown to Chaeyoung- her natural scent made Lisa knew that it was her, the moment that glass door closed.

"Is this the part where I need to assure you that everything is going well in your life and that you don't need to think twice about getting married to the woman that you love for years?" Chaeyoung tries to make Lisa talk but then all she got was silence. "Or is this the part where I give you advice on something that's been bothering you."

"This is the part where you tell me why did you host this." Lisa spoke and catches Chaeyoung off guard. "Why give me this party?"

"Because you deserve a bridal shower Lisa." She says. "I know you've been busy from the last minute preparations and I know you've forgotten to-"

"Yeah but why you Chaeyoung? Why does it have to be you?" She turns to Chaeyoung and faces her. "Why are you always there whenever I need help, give me things when I don't deserve them and do things without asking for return?"

Chaeyoung was confused. "What are you talking about Lisa?"

"Answer me Chaeyoung! Are you doing this because you're my best friend or you're just making me confused!"

"Lisa, I am not doing this confuse you-"

"Then why does it feel like that!? Why do I feel like you have some kind of hidden motive?" She says. "Like- like- like you're making me choose you over Jisoo!"

Chaeyoung's eyes widen. "Lisa! What made you think like that?!"

"Your actions tell me that!"

"I am doing this as your best friend Lisa, I would do everything for you and the thought of ruining the best day of your life never crossed my mind!"

"Oh yeah? You'd do everything for me?" She challenges. "Then why do you always change the topic whenever I ask you to become the maid of honor in my wedding?"

"Really? Out of all the theories you have that's the top on your list?"

"So what? You said you'd do everything for me but then you don't want to play a part in my wedding so how would that make me feel?"

"Just because I don't want to be your maid of honor doesn't mean I want to destroy your wedding."

"Then tell me right now, in front of my face why won't you be my maid of honor?"

Chaeyoung's jaw tightens but swallows hard and looks away. "You're just drunk. I'll go back inside so you could clear your head."

Lisa catches her arms and forbids her from walking away. "Answer me Chaeyoung!"

"BECAUSE IT'S TOO MUCH!" She answers as she swats away Lisa's hold, surprising the latter. "I did what I had to do, I helped you out with your choices, I gave you the perfect dress, I gave you advice and sort things out with Jisoo, I backed off from your wedding preparations and I organized you a party that you deserve. I gave you too much already and now you demand me to be at your wedding as your maid of honor?!"

"What's wrong with having you as my maid of honor?!"

"Because your maid of honor should be someone who can be very happy for you and not someone who wishes they were the one you are marrying instead!" That confession catches Lisa off guard once again. "Isn't that what you want to hear huh Lisa? Isn't this what you wanted? For me- to scream at your face on how much I love you and how much it fucking hurts to see you getting married to someone else!"

"You... you love me?" She says in her surprised tone which made Chaeyoung scoff.

"You're right Lisa- I love you. I fucking love you!" She says as she tries to control her tears, slamming her fists against Lisa's chest... "I've loved you from the very beginning and there wasn't a night where I asked myself that if only I had the strength to tell you how I really feel- then maybe we wouldn't be here. Maybe we would've been happier- happiest even!"

"You don't know how many times my heart has been stabbed every time I wake up to the realization that I am your friend when all I ever wanted is to be more than that...You don't know how many times I've stopped myself from replying to your text messages because I know the moment that I do- everything about your life right now will be destroyed. I had my chance, but I chose to be a coward and run away and now, all I ever have is regrets Lisa, all I could do is to think about the possibilities but not even having the chance to do it."

"That's the reason why I can't be your maid of honor... I can't be your bridesmaid nor I can't play a role in your entourage... Because it would hurt too much and I can't stand there and pretend that everything's okay because it's not... I can't stand there- to look at you and watch you spend the rest of your life with someone else..." She bites her lower lip as the tears flow from her eyes. "Because you're my first love too."


"Lisa stop moving you're going to rip the dress out."

"But I can't help it."

"Well, you should because this is the day we've all been waiting for and the last thing we all want to happen is for the guests to talk about my daughter walking down the aisle wearing a torn down dress."

The woman sighs as her mother along with other stylists dresses her up. Today is the day they have all been waiting for, it was the day where Lisa will finally tell the world that she's the happiest person alive by marrying the woman that she loves and that is Kim Jisoo.

72 hours passed them quick and Lisa didn't even noticed that it was the day before her wedding, not until her mother shows up inside her apartment, telling her that she's here to help her finalize everything. Maybe because all she did for the remaining days is to binge watch a drama, go to the gym, manage her remaining classes before she goes for vacation or maybe because after Chaeyoung's confession, everything happened after was just a blur.

"Ow!" She winces in pain as her mother zips the dress. "Mommy not too harsh!"

"Oh hush you! Stop whining... there all done. " Mrs. Manoban checks her daughter one last time before smiling widely. "Oh my, look at my beautiful baby girl." Lisa looks at her reflection and an unreadable facial expression imprinted on her face. "Is there something wrong?"

Somehow Lisa manages to force out a smile. "No mom, it's fine."

"Can you excuse us for a while? I'd like to speak with my daughter alone." The staffs followed her orders and soon it was just the two of them left inside the room. "Honey can you come and sit with mommy for a moment?" Lisa complies with her mother's request and sits down beside her. "What's up?"

"Nothing mom, I am okay."

"Lisa, I kept you inside my womb for nine months and watched you grow up to the woman that you are today. I know you like a book I have with me for years. Why aren't you telling mommy the truth?"

Lisa looks down on her dress and waited out for a few seconds before telling her mom what's been bothering her. "Mommy, can I ask you a question?"


"How... how did you know that you wanted daddy to be that person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with?"

"I knew he was the one for me when he accepted me for who I was, he love me for who I am and promised to be with me, regardless of who I will be." She answers.

"And were there times in your relationship that you doubted that?" She asks. "Were there times when you look at him and ask yourself is this the life that I really wanted?"

"It might be too hard to believe but there was never a day that I doubted my belief that your daddy is the one I want to spend the rest of my life."


"This is going to sound really greasy; I hope you're prepared for it." She says and composes herself. "I knew it was him because whenever I am with him- my heart feels at peace. Whenever I look at his eyes, I know that those were meant to look at me and me alone, whenever he holds me in his arms I know that it was his hold that I would be needing for the long years ahead of me and the most important part- whenever I hold his hand, I know that I hold his heart as well." She smiles. "And that's when I knew that a life with him is the life I want, I need, and what I deserve."

Lisa smiles at her. "It wasn't greasy mommy; in fact I think it's really nice."

"Why'd you ask honey? Is there something about Jisoo that you're not sure of?"

"It's not about Jisoo." The bride says. "It's about me."

"Are you getting cold feet?"

"I- I just don't know what to do." She sighs and turning towards her mother, seeking for an advice. "What would you do if you were me mom?"

"If I were you Lisa, I would check if the one holding my hand is the one holding my heart too. Because what's the purpose of holding Jisoo's hand if she no longer holds your heart?"

Their talk was cut short when the wedding coordinator knocks and tells them that they need to depart towards the wedding hall. Lisa's mind was still remembering what her mother advised and instead of giving her content and calmness- what Mrs. Manoban said left her even more confused.

Maybe it's just the jitters. She says in her mind as she was being escorted towards her bridal car. No need to think about it Lisa, no need to worry so you don't need this energy as you are about to start a new chapter in your life.

"I'll see you in the hall okay?" Mrs. Manoban says leaving her daughter confused.

"I thought you were going with me inside the car?"

"The plans suddenly changed." Lisa's eyes widen. "Don't worry honey, it's not much- and you'll understand once you hop inside the car." She smiles. "I love you Lisa and all I want is for you to be happy."

She wanted to ask more explanation but she knew it would cost more time so she gives her mom a quick kiss on the cheek before she enters the bridal car until midway through entering she sees the person who's going to go with her. "Chae?"

Chaeyoung smiles. "Hi, Lisa."

"Wha-what are you doing here?"

"I'll explain to you while we're on our way now come along, we don't want you to be late for your own wedding right?"

Throughout the car ride, all Lisa's brain could do was to formulate a proper and logical explanation for this. She wanted to ask Chaeyoung why was she here, where did she go after the bridal shower and were they the same Chaeyoung and Lisa right before the confession happened and wanted to know if things will ever be back to the way they used to be but all she could do was to steal a few glances and be mad at herself and towards her heart for beating like a mad man.

Lost in her thoughts she was unable to realize that the car was already making a stop in front of the wedding hall where her wedding is about to take place. It was only until Chaeyoung's hand was placed on top of hers causing bolts of electricity to flow through her body once again making her instantly pull back. She looks at Chaeyoung who had this understanding smile plastered on her lips.

"We're here." Lisa looks through the window and realizes that they really had arrived.

"I thought you were going to explain things to me?"

"I thought I'd be able to- but I just couldn't find the words." She says. "But now I think I do. It's going to take a little while and I doubt you'd want to make your guests wait, especially Jisoo."

Lisa turns to the driver and the wedding staff seated in front. "Can you excuse us for a moment? I'd like to have a talk with her for a while. If they ask where I am- tell them that I am taking my time to pee." Both of them responded affirmatively before going outside the car.

Chaeyoung chuckles and shakes her head. "Smooth explanation."

"You better hope you have the same otherwise I'd be really pissed at you." She manages to say "Tell me- why are you here."

"I know I haven't been the best friend I should be for the past months... but it's kind of hard to play that part when you and I both know I want more than that." Chaeyoung chuckles dryly. "After the talk we had, I realized that it was too selfish of me to decline your request. I just told you that I love you but then I couldn't do the thing that would make you happy and for that I am so sorry." She says. "But even if I can't be there with you as you celebrate another milestone in your life and even if I can't play my roles today as your best friend- I can still do one thing that I promised to you a long time ago."

"W-what are you talking about?"

"Lisa do you recollect back in college when we didn't have any money left and our allowances were running short that we had to walk blocks away? Remember when we were walking from that favorite Vietnamese stalls an hour away from the university?"

"Yes, I do."

"Do you remember what did we talk about while walking?" Lisa furrows her eyebrows in concentration, trying to remember that memory.

"Oh my God, I am soooo full."

"Me too... such a shame that when we arrive back at the dorms we'll be hungry again because we have to walk." Lisa grumbles while massaging her belly. "But it's okay, we're walking together anyways."

"That compliment will get you nowhere Lisa. I won't carry you back home."

Lisa smiles and links her arms with her best friend. "But in all honesty Chaeng, I really don't mind walking with you. It's nice actually, we get to talk about things, catch-up, laugh about the memories of the past and just imagine what tomorrow could bring."

"I don't mind walking with you too. It makes me happy."

"But you know what would make me the happiest girl?" Chaeyoung looks at her. "Me walking towards happiness."

The latter was confused. "Walking towards what?"

"Walking towards happiness Chae. I would be the happiest girl if I get to walk towards my happiness."

"Girl you're only 20 and you're already thinking about getting married?"

"It's not just that!" Lisa blushes. "I mean like walking towards the things that make me happy. Like how I'll walk towards the dance room to practice, walking to the pet shop and view what breed of cats are up for adoption, walking to the nearest ATM because my mother messaged me that she sent my allowance."

"Ohh... that kind of happiness." Lisa nods. "But people say when you get married it'll be the happiest day of your life."

"That's not really true;  we can be the happiest version of ourselves even if we don't get to walk down the aisle. It's just how you see things. If you believe that you will only attain the happiest version of yourself because of one thing, you will get pressured to get it so I believe that a lot of thing can help us be the happiest and I will walk towards each of them." She smiles.

"Never took you for a poet or a philosopher but I'm surprised you made sense tonight." Chaeyoung says. "I think I like that too. We shouldn't settle for one thing- believing that it's the only way to be the happiest but we should believe that a lot of things that can make us happy."

"And I know it's a long shot but I hope that in my every attempt of walking towards happiness you're there with me." She says in a soft and shy tone. "I hope that you will be with me together with the other things that make me happy."

"Trust me, Lisa, we're in this for a very long time and believe me when I say that I will be there when you walk towards the things that make you the happiest."

Lisa looked like she was about to get hit by a big truck as she turns to Chaeyoung. "Chaeyoung are you..."

"This is the least that I could do Lisa... I may not be strong enough to fight for you- but I am willing to be strong enough to walk with you as you walk towards your happiness." She says as she fights through the tears. "This is me being there for you as you walk towards your happiness, this is me, Park Chaeyoung- your best friend."

Her heartache hearing that and she just wanted to cry right there. "Chae..."

Chaeyoung, who had tears flowing from her eyes immediately brushes them off and smiles brightly. "And I know I am months late, but this is my response to your text message you sent me months ago... no matter where my feet may take me- no matter how many times I walk towards my own happiness, the moments I've spent with you allowed me to see the best happiest version of myself...and I don't think something or someone else can outdo that.No matter what happens- I'm your yellow and you're my blue."

The bride suddenly bursts into tears as she melts in Chaeyoung's embrace. It was like an automatic response between them even from before, whenever Lisa saw Chaeyoung cry or vice versa they would end up crying as well and either they would laugh about how ugly they look like when they're crying or comfort each other in tight and warm hugs.

"Now, now..." Chaeyoung pulls away and checks Lisa's make up. "You don't want to cry before your big moment."

"It's your fault." Lisa sniffs. "Why did you have to say that?"

"Because I don't know if I can get another chance." She answers and that made Lisa cry even more. "Shhh... don't cry anymore okay?" Lisa was about to say something else until the staff knocked on the window- signaling for her that they need to get going. "Let's go."

Both of them exited the car and while Chaeyoung was doing last minute checks on Lisa's wedding dress the latter asks- "What about you?"

"I'll be right there. I'll just retouch my make-up."

Lisa suddenly felt like she wasn't telling the truth and wanted to demand it from her but decides not to. "Okay. Be there alright?"

"I'll be seating on the third to the last row." She smiles and caresses the latter's cheeks. "Now go." She says. "Walk towards your happiness."

And as Lisa was being assisted by the staffs walking towards the main hall of the building, Chaeyoung was standing there and watch the love of her life walk towards someone else's arms. As Lisa's make up was being retouched, Chaeyoung was trying to keep her heart from breaking further apart and as Lisa enters the hall, Chaeyoung turns around and hails a cab- ordering for him to take her to the airport.


"I still cannot believe you made her believe that you were going to sit there for her wedding."

"She knows I'm lying Jen, she just doesn't want to push it anymore."

Jennie closes her compartment door and helps with Chaeyoung's remaining luggage. "So you're really going to do it huh? Just disappear from her life."

"I am not going to disappear, I will always be there for her and she knows that one too."

"Damn, I wish I could meet someone who can understand me just by looking through my eyes. You two are indeed soul mates and I'm glad that you managed to say what you've always wanted to say before you leave." She says. "Now I have no regrets on sitting there awkwardly with Lisa for the entire drive."

"Thanks for that anyways. I never got the chance to say thanks to you." She pulls Jennie for a hug and squeezes the latter tight. "Visit me whenever you have the time okay?"

"I will." Jennie pulls away and smiles. "Go, you have a plane to catch."

"Okay, bye for now Jen." Chaeyoung turns away and starts to cross towards the departure area's entrance.

"Chae! Chae! Chaeyoung!!!"

She turns around and sees Jennie trying to catch her breath. "Why? Did I forgot something?"

"You forgot to check your phone." She says while still panting. "Here, it's Yeri."

Furrowing her eyebrows she accepts the hand phone. "Hello? Yeri?"

"Thank God you're still here!!!"

"What's wrong?"

"You have to come back to the wedding hall."

"What?" She asks. "Why?"

"The wedding got cancelled Chae." Hearing that made her widen her eyes. "Lisa's looking for you."


"Where is she?" Chaeyoung instantly asks as soon as she spots Yeri on the front entrance.

"She's still there inside."

"What happened?"

"I don't know it all happened too fast." She answers. "The staff announced that Lisa has arrived and then the wedding entourage started. Lisa walked towards Jisoo who was just smiling the entire time. We were already in tears but-"

"But what?"

Yeri sighs. "But when we thought that they were walking towards the front- Jisoo suddenly whispered something in Lisa's ear."

"And was Lisa confused? Surprised? Embarrassed even?"

"That's where things get interesting. It looked like Jisoo whispered something serious- but Lisa's face didn't show any signs of retaliation or being shocked."

"Then what was it?"

"It was somehow she knew this talk was happening. She was calm and composed."

"What happened next?"

"Jisoo announced that they needed to be excused for a moment. It was starting to cause a buzz but then the two of them left- thirty minutes later Jisoo appears and told everyone that the wedding is canceled. We wanted to ask why- but we were left hanging even their parents were just as confused as us."

"And where is Jisoo?"

"She left with her family. Lisa's parents are heading back to the hotel."

"How did you know Lisa was looking for me?"

"She texted me." Yeri says. "Now go, she's waiting for you inside."

Chaeyoung didn't say anything in return and just rushed towards the wedding hall despite the fact she was wearing heels. She looked around the room numbers and the labels attached to it until on the farthest corner she saw Manoban-Kim. She softly opens the door- and she was awestruck in the beauty of the place.

There were artificial trees surrounding the place, some parts of the window curtains were revealed, allowing the natural light to come in and flower petals were scattered everywhere. It was just the exact same thought that Lisa was telling her a few days ago and she already imagined Lisa walking down confidently and thought of how perfect it was.

But now Lisa was sitting on one of the rows, scrolling through her phone casually. She focuses on Lisa's face and there was no amount of sadness in her eyes. No tears, no messed up make up and no distressed face. If she wasn't in her bridal gown, Chaeyoung would've thought that it was just another ordinary day however this wasn't just an ordinary day- this was supposed to be Lisa's day.

"Lisa?" Chaeyoung announces her arrival, catching the latter's attention. "Lisa what's going on?"

"You came."

"Of course I came, Yeri told me what happened." She looks through Lisa's eyes as if she was looking through her soul. "Lisa, why was the wedding canceled?"

"Can you sit down?" Chaeyoung complies, eagerly wanting to know what happened. "Jisoo and I talked."

After the announcement, Jisoo drags Lisa away from the crowd towards the back door which leads to her waiting room. She tells her manager and other staff to leave the room for a while and complied with their artist's request. Now it was just the two of them- Jisoo sighs out loud and looks at Lisa who was surprisingly calm about what was happening.

"Hey." Jisoo starts and sits beside Lisa.

"Hey." She greets back and then waits for a few seconds. "So, you wanted to talk?" Jisoo nods. "About what?"

"About us."

The latter nods her head. "What about us would you like to talk about?"

"... I don't know how to start."

"It's okay Jisoo, you can be totally honest with me."

"When you..." Jisoo bites her lower lip. "Before I proposed to you- did you already had thoughts of spending the rest of your life with me?"

"Did you?"

The actress nods her head. "I imagined preparing snacks while you boot up the game and we'll be playing until the morning. I imagined you and I screaming loudly at each other while trying to kill the enemy, taking turns in paying for the pizza or chicken... I imagined going out for a quick grab of chocolate drink and then you'd come and we'd order two more."

"I imagined you sitting there in the seat I reserved for you clapping your hand as you watch my play or you booking an entire cinema just to help me to promote my movie. I imagined your social media feed boosting every gig that I have." She says. "I imagined a lot of things with you, Lisa."

Lisa smiles. "I did imagined almost the same things with you."

"The only problem is..." She trails off, starting to feel nervous once again. "I didn't imagine us cuddling throughout the entire night, not once did my mind allowed me to think about us making love numerous times a day, I wasn't able to imagine showing you off as my wife or doing all those things that a newly-wedded couple would do."

"I didn't want to entertain the thought at first because maybe I am just so into the new drama I've been casted so I tried to shake it off and that was until I saw you with Chaeyoung and then the dinner happened." Jisoo shares. "I looked at the two of you and then I got angry at myself..."

"I thought you were mad at the both of us."

She immediately waves her hands. "No, oh heavens no I can never be mad at you- especially at Chaeyoung." She confesses. "I was just too stubborn to believe what my brain was telling me so I just felt overwhelmed and just snapped. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel that way."

"But... why were you mad at yourself?" Lisa asks. "Were you mad because you were jealous?"

Jisoo shakes her head. "I was mad at myself because I was too blind to see everything from the very beginning."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Do you remember when you told me about your ultimate dream was to walk towards the things that made you happy?" The latter nods her head. "What if- what if your happiness isn't me? What if you didn't have to walk anywhere else because the person you've been looking for has been with you all along, you were just as blinded as I am?"

"That's not true Jisoo. Chaeyoung and I-" She swallows the lump on her throat. "We're better off as best friends and that's all we'll ever be."

"No, Lisa. You two are not just best friends. You're her yellow and she's your blue." She looks at Jisoo wide-eyed. "I never really understood what you two meant by that but I think now I do..."

"Jisoo I-" All of her words were stuck at the tip of her tongue. "I'm sorry."

"Lisa, there's nothing to be sorry for. We both tried so hard to make things work..." She holds onto Lisa's hand. "I really did love you, Lisa. I hope you know that. I will always be here whenever you need me and I can be your best friend. We will still be together."

The latter smiles and nods her head. "I really did love you too." Lisa could feel Jisoo leaning in and pair of warm lips touch her forehead.

Jisoo pulls away and smiles genuinely at her. "Now, let's cancel this wedding so she can walk towards you."

"And that's what happened."

"Lisa... why did you allow for that to happen?" She says as she still couldn't get a firm grasp on what just happened. "You still could've worked things out, all this preparation, your parents, her parents the guests-"

"I think our parents already had a hunch of what was about to happen. Mom and dad were calm and composed about it and told me they'd support me whatever happens."

"But still... now what will people think of me? That I am a homewrecker?" Chaeyoung shakes her head. "No, I can't let that happen, I can't be the person who's responsible why you can't be happy. I can't take this chance away from you."

"Chae, what are you-"

"You and Jisoo deserve one another okay? Maybe you two just got cold feet or wedding cringes or something else I mean, it can't be that bad right? Jisoo makes you laugh, she makes you food and you two have a great sense of humor together. You two look good and she makes you happy- I just know that you two-"

"Chaeyoung." Lisa cut her off. "You're right, Jisoo can make me happy."

"I know! This is why here I am wondering why-"

"But only you can make me the happiest." The Australian girl looks at her with doe-eyed eyes. "The happiest version of myself will always be the ones that I had spent with you."

"Lisa... I can't okay? I can't be that person who ruins your chance at being happy. I already had mine, and it would be totally unfair to Jisoo if I stole hers-"

"You are not stealing anyone else's chance Chaeyoung, you're trying yours." Lisa says, catching Chaeyoung off guard. "Do you want to know why I chose the blue color to represent you in my life?"


"Because that's who I am when you're gone, blue." She low-key cringed but went on with her confession. "But I am also blue whenever you're here with me... I am calm and relaxed. I know that when you're with me, things may get a little bumpy, but they can never go wrong."

"If I bring energy in your calming life, you bring calmness in my energetic life. We always balance each other out, that's how it always has been." She smiles. "I was so stupid before, looking at different things- finding love in different people when all I ever need and all I ever dreamed of is already standing in front of me."

"I was at fault too. I should've taken my chance when I had it, but I was too scared of what other people may think- what your parents might think if we did end up together. Only if we had the courage to ask we would've ended up earlier and not wasted a lot of time. But I don't want to dwell on that because that's in the past and I'm done with living inside it. I decide to live in the present and I am going to start it by choosing you."

"The person who has always been there for me, the person who made me feel what falling in love should feel like, the person who I've been waiting for." She slides down her hand and intertwines with Chaeyoung's. "This time I am walking towards my real happiness, and I decide to walk towards you Chae."

Chaeyoung's eyes were already filled with tears as Lisa's confession were music to her ears. "You're not kidding around are you?"

Lisa was already smiling hearing that familiar tone in the latter's voice. "No more jokes this time."

The Aussie girl looks down on her feet and then at their intertwined hands. "Then I decide to walk towards my happiness this time around too." She says looking at Lisa. "I will walk and I know this time- we will meet half way." She smiles.

She slowly leans in and cups her first love's cheek. "I'm your yellow and you're my blue?"

Chaeyoung nods cutely and with blushing cheeks, she meets Lisa's eyes. "You're my yellow and I'm your blue."

And that's when Lisa and Chaeyoung decide to meet halfway and shared their first kiss like two souls welcoming each other. No words could ever describe what their feeling right now, and as they went on with the kiss, they immediately melted in each other's arms as their hearts were beating in perfect sync.

For Chaeyoung, yellow used to be the color of her socks when she was in middle school or the color of her favorite snack until one day in college a girl with yellow shade of hair went up to her asking if they could be friends not knowing she would also be responsible by bringing brightness in her life.

For Lisa, blue used to be the color of her highlights in high school or the color of her father's favorite apron until one day she was going up to her class using the elevator when a girl wearing a fitted blue shirt comes and inside and not knowing that this girl would be the same girl whom she will love first in her life.

"Lisa, I have one more thing to say to you." She says as soon as they pull away from the kiss. "I have to come back home to Melbourne, my parents thought I was just fixing some things here in Seoul."

"Do they..." Chaeyoung nods her head. "Well then let me come with you."

"What? Are you serious?"

"Yes I am serious. As your girlfriend, I think I should properly introduce myself and if that means going to Melbourne with you then I'll do it. I'll bring my parents for back-up just in case they get mad at me for hurting you too much."

Chaeyoung blushes further as her heart does mini backflips. "You're really going to do that?"

"For you? I'd do anything." She smiles and lightly pinches the latter's cheeks. "I've wasted too much time when I could've to spend it by spoiling you."

"Well... my feet actually hurt from all the running I made so it's a little so-ah!!!" Lisa was already grinning as she carries Chaeyoung on her back. "YAH LALISA YOU REALLY SURPRISED ME THERE!"

Lisa just laughed at her girlfriend's cuteness. "Shall we go walk together now?"

And though it was a simple statement, Chaeyoung wraps her arms around Lisa tightly and snuggles closer to her. "Yeah, let's walk together now."

For them, walking was just a normal routine in a person's daily life until they placed direction to it and started dreaming of walking towards their happiness without any hint that after all those years of walking on separate ways, they would somehow end up walking towards each other and started what should've started a long time ago- their love story.


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