Juan Karlos- Buwan

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"And there you have it guys, hope y'all have a lit weekend. Again don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell, smash the like button and follow all of our social media, thank you, thank you for a million subs! I love you guys; bye for now not forever."

The girl gives a final kiss towards the camera before shutting it off. She grabs the memory card and starts to work on her magic on the computer. Her hands were quick in tapping and clicking. The hip hop track played around her apartment made her in a better mood as she bobs her head while continues with her edit.

Halfway through the editing, she hears faint footsteps tapping around the wooden floor and her nose was filled with fruity flavor and later on a pair of arms wrapped around her making her smile.

"What did you do today?"

"I tried to be a med student."

"You seriously pushed through with your plan? I'm amused you're still alive. Jennie can be a little easily irritated."

"Nah, I was nagging Jisoo most of the time. She rocks the purple hair by the way."

"You're just lucky Jennie unnie fell in love with her even more. Otherwise, your prank vlog would be your last one."

"Jennie's whipped for Jisoo that's a given fact. Like one of the ten commandments." She says.

"And your conclusion for today's vlog?"

"I think I'm going to stick with the vlogging." The woman laughs and moves her position to her girlfriend's lap.

"Sorry I wasn't able to come."

"It's fine babe, you need your rest." She smiles. "Ooh, what's this?" She sees the notification from her email. "Oh my God..."


"Rosie take a look at this."

"Holy- is this for real right now? I'm not the only one dreaming right?!"

"No poops, This is for real."

"We're going to the Philippines for our anniversary! Yay!" She hops off and Lisa wastes no time taking a video of her doing her happy dance. "OH MY GOD! I NEED TO GET READY! WE'RE LEAVING TOMORROW!"

Lisa chuckles and shakes her head. "Babe calm down okay? I would still have to text our parents that we're leaving out of the country."

"How can I calm down?! We're going to crush out another item in my bucket list woohoo!" She giggles. "We have to pack come on! I'll call them later, they can't say no to me anyways." Lisa ends up chuckling at the latter's rambling. "Help me choose my outfit for the weekend!"

"Okay but I have to see you without clothes first." The blonde haired girl immediately carries her girlfriend bridal style.

"AHHH! Lisa put me down!"

Lisa smirks as they enter their bedroom. "Oh believe me I will."


"What's up fam this is your homie Lisa Manoban and I am here with a new epic and awesome video today like we always do. Welcome to vlog 124."

A woman wearing a blonde shade of hair slumps in the car seat holding up her camera and even arranging her hair. She gives herself a good thumbs up before greeting her subscribers once again.

"Today we're on another episode of my mission, which is Rosie's bucket list. For those of you, who are new here, I am Lisa and my main goal is to spread positivity and good vibes so if you want that kind of vibe in your life be sure to subscribe."

"First things first, we want to give a big shout out to our fans from the Philippines because they've helped us crush out another item in my girl's bucket list which is-"

"To celebrate our anniversary in a tropical island!" Rosie beams as they were on their way to the airport.

"They chose to remain anonymous and we respect that but you guys know who you are and we want to express our deepest gratitude for paying for everything. That's right you guys, they paid for everything." She says and now turns the camera to her girlfriend. "Be a grateful woman and show them your deepest gratitude."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for helping us finish our bucket list. We're almost done and seriously I cannot wait to enjoy this trip! This means so much to me because I've always wanted to go there 'cause of the beach, the people and the food! Oh my God poops the food!" She then fidgets in her seat and Lisa laughs at her adorable act. "I know it's still too early to tell but I have a feeling that this is going to be the most memorable anniversary of our lives."

"And that ladies and gentlemen was the speech of the year." Rosie giggles and leans on Lisa's shoulder. "Okay you guys we're going to do the teleportation now so we'll see you on the plane in 3, 2, and 1-"Lisa stops the recording and looks at her girlfriend. "Are you alright?"

She nods and drinks her water. "Yeah, just a little excited."

"Don't get too excited though. That's not good for you."

"Yes, mom."


"Lali can we just enjoy this trip? We're going to celebrate our anniversary at my dream vacation place. I need my girlfriend with me not my mom."

Lisa sighs. "Okay, I'm sorry. You're right we should just make the most out of it."

That earns a quick peck on the cheek. "Thanks poops you're the best."

The couple didn't waste time and immediately got their day started by doing all the things that Rosie wanted to do. And like every trip, Lisa always took photos of her beloved girlfriend as she has mentioned in her previous vlogs- Rosie was her muse, she always was. She was even her muse even before this whole seven years of relationship happened.

Lisa was a photography major and they were assigned to take candid photos of a stranger, offer a compliment or an insult and capture it to have a sense of raw and immediate reaction framed. Though Lisa was associated with the term 'flirt' she was actually a nervous wreck when she was trapped with none other than Rosie Park, the dream girl of the Arts Department inside the elevator.

She remembered that day so perfect. It was May 7, 2012, and she remembers the initial reaction of Rosie when she told the latter that she was actually rude and unapproachable. That earned her a slap from the goddess herself, but at least she got an A on her final exam.

Ever since Lisa vowed to Rosie to take only great pictures of her as a way of getting back to the latter's good graces. Their friendship eventually blossomed into something more beautiful making Lisa the happiest in the world. (in her own opinion) and though not everything in their relationship was smooth sailing, every time the topic of the first meeting comes up, Lisa would always tell the latter that after years she didn't regret any of it because it got her the A score and her own muse in this lifetime.

"Poops what's with the caption hahaha." Lisa chuckles referring to her girlfriend's latest SNS post. "Are you rushing to get wrinkles or something?"

"Nothing, I just wondering that if we grow old together, we'll be like this." She says. "Just chilling around and enjoying the hotel's facilities."

"What are you talking about of course we'll grow old together."


"Poops." Lisa reaches out to hold onto her hand. "We'll grow old together."

"It's hard to believe when I'm easily tired and exhausted these days."

"You're just not used to tropical countries. Plus we haven't gotten any proper sleep so it's probably jet lag too."

"What about me throwing up everything I eat? Me not even having the guts to tolerate what I drink or-"

"You're just not used to the taste, don't overthink."

"But what about me spitting and coughing blood like-"

"Enough Rosie. We're not talking about this on our seventh anniversary. We should talk about other things like how amazing it is that we got here because a lot of people support us and love you or how blessed we are to reach this far. Maybe we could talk about why are we so reckless dying our hair into blonde shade or what's the next thing we're going to cross out from your bucket list."

"We've finished everything but one." She looks up and meets her in the eye. "The last thing on my bucket list is growing old together."

"Fine by me. It'll be the longest thing we'll be doing but it's fine. We're going to crush it." Rosie sighs but Lisa wasn't about to give up on her just yet. "Since we're going to do that- let's make a new bucket list while we're at it okay? Think of anything you want to do right now. Reckless or not, I'm down for it poops."

The now blonde girl thinks about it for a while. "I never got the chance to attend to my senior prom."

"What? You? No senior prom?" The latter nods her head. "Who the hell was even worthy for the crown if it wasn't you."

"Oh hush you."

"I'm serious!" She says with a smile. "Bet you were this smoking hot stuff since high school."

"Actually I was this half-bald girl who didn't want to enter school because I was being bullied for being the girl who's half-dead." Hearing that somehow angered Lisa immediately. "But I didn't pay them any attention and shifted my focus on my home school. Graduated with flying colors and-"

"Became the top 1 student in the Art Department. Beauty and brains are definitely my type." Lisa compliments. "I admire you for not paying attention."

"It wasn't worth my mental health anyway."

"Now that you've mentioned it-" She stands up and offers her hand. "May I have this dance?"

"But we don't have any music."

"I've got it covered." The shorter woman pulls out her phone plays a piece of local music.

"Ooh, it's got a nice beat." Rosie sways along with the slow beat of the music. "Where'd you get this?"

"I was casually browsing through and I liked the beat so I searched for a translation." The taller woman nods in understanding. "I fell in love with the lyrics too. It's romantic, demanding- desperate even."

"How so?"

"He's telling his lover that they only belong to one another and no one else... he talks about not liking living in sadness which also means he can't live without her because she's his happiness." She narrates. "He desperately demands to grow old together and he's willing to do whatever it takes- just to be able to do it."

"Added to the fact that that buwan means Moon is just the cherry on top for me." She pulls Rosie closer towards her and leans her chin on her shoulder. "Remember when I told you that I've always viewed you as my moon. I was going through a rough time at my life and somehow I saw you having a small jamming session at the coffee shops near uni. I think Jisoo pressured you into doing so because she wanted her mind to relax."

"And ever since, I became your fan. Your voice felt like the moon shining through the toughest time of my life. You're existence help me to move forward in this tragic game called life and I don't think I could ever survive the darkness without you. You're the only thing that's making sense in my life right now and I don't think I could go if you're not here with me."

"You sound like you can't really live without me."

"Because maybe it's the truth." She hugs the latter tighter. "Maybe I can't really live without you."

"Lali, while I feel flattered you may have forgotten the fact that you're my sun. And the moon would've never existed or would've been able to show its glow during the night if it weren't for the sun giving its glow for the moon." She explains. "Sometimes you compliment me too much that you forgot the fact that I cannot exist if you don't as well."

"Before you, I already accepted my fate and welcomed it with open arms. I told my parents to stop the treatment and just let me live a normal life. If a get a nosebleed during classes, I'll wipe it with tissue. Coughing in blood, I'll make a run for the comfort room. I just wanted a normal life, up until my very last day. To live without any regrets."

"But then you came with an insult and then a sincere explanation that it was just for a final exam and how you vowed to take nice pictures of me from that moment made me think about having nice photographs to be left behind too so I agreed, and the more pictures we took, the more I fell and when I acknowledged the fact that I was in love with you- I got scared- terrified."

"I was ready to leave everything Lali but you came inside that elevator and now I'm scared." She says. "I'm scared to die because now I have a reason to live- and I'm looking at it right now." She pulls away and looks at her in the eyes. "You make me so happy that I don't want to leave yet. I don't want to go because I want to spend another anniversary with you, be married to you and have a family with you."

"I want to take care of you when you're having a fever because I know you won't eat anything until I prepared it myself, I want to be stressed about organizing a wedding and have petty little fights with you that challenge and strengthen our relationship together. I want the long hour drives, more reckless adventures and more bucket list to be made in this lifetime." Rosie bites her lower lip. "I know it's too much to ask but I really want to live a little longer Lali... Because I'm hella scared to wake up and not see you, to see you but not being able to touch you. To be with you and to realize it's just a dream."

"You will live longer Rosie I promise you that. As long as I am here, you will be too."

"You will never leave me right?" Lisa's heart was clenching at how desperate the latter sounds and the tears forming in her eyes weren't helping too.

"If death comes for you I will gladly hold your hand and walk along with you."

"This is what you get when you fall in love with a dying girl." She sadly smiles. "I'm sorry Lisa, I would've prevented all of this from happening but-"

"But no, nothing." She says sternly. "Is it hard? Hell yeah. Is it worth it? Totally. Even if you pushed me away a thousand times, I will come back to you a million times more. I have no regrets so you shouldn't have one too."

They continued dancing until Rosie speaks up again. "I want to do another thing."

"Anything poops."

"I want to make a promise with you." She then pulls out a loose thread from her bathrobe and starts to tie it on her girlfriend's pinkie. "I, Rosie Park promise tonight to you Lisa Manoban that I will spend the rest of my breathing days loving you, taking care of you and spoiling you. I will be the most amazing girlfriend you'd ever had, and I promise to make every day of our days memorable."

"I promise to be your source of strength, your source of comfort and love. I promise to wake you up with kisses and hot chocolate and make you sleep with a good night bedtime story or a lullaby."

"You can add exhausting sex too." That comment earned a slap.

Rosie gives her a glare but continues on. "As I was saying, I promise to wait for you. If death comes for me, I will not go along with him. Instead, I will patiently wait, wander around this universe and watch over you. In that way, we'll still be able to crush out the last thing in my first bucket list. Growing old together."

"That's-" She bites her lip, trying to control her emotions. "Rosie..."

"Don't say anything and just make your promise too."

Lisa nods and starts tying up the other end of the thread on Rosie's adorable pinky. "I, Lisa Manoban promise tonight to you Rosie Park that you will be the only muse that will matter. I will spend the rest of my life fulfilling the promise I said to you seven years ago that I would take only great pictures of you to make up for the insult I made. So that when it's our child's parent's day he or she can proudly show off how beautiful her mother is... I promise that I will plan more vlogs for us to enjoy and we will have more episodes of fulfilling your bucket list because honestly, your smile is the best thing that has ever happened to me."

"I promise to love you unconditionally as I am right now, to never get tired of looking after you. To let you feel beautiful always, to spend my days and my nights thanking the gods for allowing to love and be loved by you. I promise to tell our kids our love story to help them realizes that love doesn't start with love at first sight or a slow-motion moment but sometimes it exists inside the elevator." She smiles.

"I promise to continue to shine so you can live. I promise that I would wait for you to pick me up and will not let go of you. I will forever hold onto our memories, your memories and I will keep them alive in my heart. I promise to love you and only you Rosie."

"I promise you that it'll always be you at the other end of the string." Rosie says, making Lisa smile and subtly nods.

"I promise that it'll always be you at the other end of the string."

"Happy anniversary poops."

"Happy anniversary." She gives her girlfriend a lingering kiss.

"Now you can wake up."

"What do you mean, I am up poops."

"No Lali, you're dreaming. Again."

Lisa's eyebrows furrowed at her muse's weirdness. "You're being weird so stop freaking me out."

"Look at our hands and tell me that I'm lying."

Lisa complies and her eyes immediately widen when she saw Rosie's hands were fading and now they were covered with glittering particles like billions of stars were covering her arms. She looks up and backs away a few steps when she sees her girlfriend's entire being is slowly fading away.

"Rosie! You're fading!" She tries to hold the latter but it felt like she was holding onto thin air. "WHY CAN'T I TOUCH YOU!?"

"Because this is a dream and you need to wake up."

"No, no, no! You're lying!"

"I'll visit you again okay poops? I love you."


Immediately Lisa jolts up and her immediate reaction was to look at her surroundings. She was totally confused, she was supposed to wake up at a hotel, not at this room filled with nothing but white walls.

She looks at her clothing and wondered why was she wearing a patient's dress and her door was somehow similar to the ones she sees in a-

"No." She says in uneven breaths. "No, I can't be here."

"This is all a dream, just like what poops said."

"A dream, this is just a dream. A nightmare."

The door opens and a group of nurses came in together with a very familiar face. "J-Jisoo?"

Jisoo gives her a timid smile. "Did she visit you again Lisa?"

"Jisoo why am I here? I shouldn't be here. Rosie- she-she needs me."

"Calm down okay, I have to tell you something."

"No! I have to leave! She- she was fading away! I have to get to her or else she will really leave!"

"Lisa we've talked about this-"

"Move!" Immediately the nurses came in and held her on both arms. "Jisoo! Why are they holding me? Tell them to let me go!"

"I'm sorry but I can't do that."

"Why?! Let me go!" Lisa starts kicking and thrashing around with all of her might. Jisoo watches the action for a few seconds before pulling out an injection which terrified Lisa. "What's that?! Jisoo! What's inside that stuff!?"

Jisoo approaches her and struck the injection in swift motion making subtly grunt. "Sorry buddy, let's talk later okay?"

And that was the last thing she hears before the darkness swallows her consciousness.



"Good evening Lisa."

Lisa takes a look at Jisoo sitting on the leather seat. "Jisoo."

"Sorry I had to give you a bigger dosage. The previous ones weren't as effective as they used to be."

"What are you talking about?" She tries to sit up but Jisoo stops her mid-way. "Why am I here in the first place?"

"What was your last memory before waking up?"

"Um, Rosie and I were dancing by the pool in our bathrobes."

"Did you guys talked as you danced?"

"Y-yeah, we were talking about how I was her sun and she was my moon and we made promises."

"And what were those promises?"

"We promised to make every day count and make the best out of it. That we will be at the end of each other's string."

"Seems to me it's the similar dream as last week."

Lisa was totally lost right now. "Jisoo, what are you talking about and why do you keep on writing what I say?"

"Lisa, I'm about to tell you something but first- I want you to promise me that you will believe me."

"And why would I do that?"

"Because I am your friend." Jisoo tells her. "And all I want is to help you."

"Go ahead and talk, doesn't mean I will believe you though."

"Lisa, days after you spent your seventh anniversary, Rosie died." She says in a soft tone, not wanting to startle the latter. "She died peacefully as you sang to her for the very first time. She told me that you've always been so shy about your singing but she had always believed in you."

"Poops seriously my singing can't be compared to your talent."

"Yeah because yours is high quality." Lisa groans and Rosie giggles before kissing her briefly. "Lisa, can I ask you a favor?"

"Anything poops."

"When the time comes, I want you to sing to me."

"Rosie I-"

"Shhh, let me finish." She plops her elbows. "I want you to sing me to sleep okay? Can't Help Falling In Love will be the song, you'll brush your hands through my hair, you won't crack your voice and you'll rub my cheek and pinch it from time to time okay?"

"Rosie that's too much, I-"

"Poops, don't you know that when you don't respect a dying girl's wish you'll be haunted?"

"It's fine. At least I still get to see you."

"Lisa I need you to do that for me okay? When the time comes I need you to sing to me."

With a heavy heart, Lisa reaches for Rosie's pinky and intertwines it with her own. "Promise."

"She died with a smile on her face Lisa, her parents even told you that it was the most peaceful state they had seen their daughter in after being diagnosed."


"Lisa, it's going to be hard but-"

"Poops is not dead." She mumbles. "You're just making things up."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are." She glares at her friend. "Look, I don't know if you're getting back at me but it's not funny anymore. I need my poops."

"When did you travel to the Philippines for your anniversary?"

"This year, 2019."

"Are you sure? Because my calendar says otherwise."

May 2026 she reads out. "No... no, that's- this is just a lie." She continuously shakes her head in denial. "All of this is just a figment of my imagination, a bad dream."

"No Lali, this is the reality. The reality that it's been seven years since that anniversary, seven years after Rosie died." Jisoo presses on. "It's been seven years since that day when you sang to her for the first and last time, seven years you've been here inside the facility!"

"What facility?"

"Melbourne Rehab Centre."

Lisa's eyes widen at the mention of the establishment. "Are you saying-"

"You're going through severe depression and minor lunacy Lisa. Do you know what that means?" She says. "It means you're going to be a crazy woman all because you cannot let go of that dead lover of yours!!!"


She launches herself at Jisoo and then she started screaming at her face before focusing her anger on the things around Jisoo's office. Books, documents, medicines- everything and she continues to do so as a series of flashback hit her mind like a tidal wave.

She remembers snippets of her crying in front of a grave, laying down beside it as she looked upon the stars, people gathering around even Jennie and Jisoo were there, faces were covered with tears. She remembers crying day in and day out and having dreams about the girl over and over again. She remembers seeing her parents along with Rosie's looking at her sadly as she was taken inside onto some room.

More importantly, she remembers having Rosie in her arms and just feeling everything about the latter slowdown. Her shifting, her sleeping mannerisms, her breathing, and her pulse. She remembered how she tried so hard not to let her voice crack that her lips start to bleed and lastly, she remembered seeing Rosie smile slowly before everything about her just stopped.

When her thrashing around became a bit more violent, Jisoo presses a button and immediately the nurses kept her on hold before injecting another substance on her neck once again. Jisoo looks away, tears were forming in her eyes, terribly heartbroken seeing her friend go through that stage.

Lisa was taken away and seconds after Jennie comes inside rushing. She looks at the entire place then back at her girlfriend who looked like all of her energy has been sucked out of her. She approaches the latter slowly and gives her a comforting back hug.

"She's getting worse Jen, Lisa I-"

"Shhh, Chu it's May 7th today. You said so yourself her dreams are getting intense during this time and it's the full moon too, you know how the moon affects your sleep."

"But her dreams are getting more real by the day, I'm scared that I can't save her. What kind of a friend am I if I can't save her?" She says in between sobs. "I promised her parents that she will get better, that she will be okay but- she's nowhere near that."

Jennie says nothing and just offers her girlfriend a tight embrace as Lisa's friend she too was heartbroken seeing her go through this phase but a lingering thought wanders around her mind. What if Lisa doesn't want to be saved? What if saving her also meant letting her go?

A sudden breeze causes Lisa to jerk up. She looks around and it was no surprise that she finds herself back at her room. Sighing to herself, she wondered how did she survive seven years in this prison. Lisa thought that since she had nothing else to do, she walked around her cage and thought that it was just an ordinary cell when a small button catches her eye.

Thinking that it would cause no harm, she presses the button causing for a part of her room to move to surprise her totally. The wall on the east side of her room disappeared and when she walks closer towards it, she couldn't help but gasp when she saw the view.

In front of her were thousands- even millions of stars were shining bright and the full moon was in total perfection as its glow reflects the lake surrounding the area. She reaches out for the moon and cupping it like it was her cheek. She rubs her thumb against the fibered glass and suddenly she finds herself erupting to tears as her knees weaken, making her fall on the ground.

"I knew you were the crybaby between us."

Lisa snaps her head and stared at the figure in front of her wide-eyed. "Ro-Rosie..."

She even felt her insides turn when she sees the latter smiling at her. "Hey, there poops."

"W-what are you doing here?"

"Visiting you like I always do." She answers. "Don't tell me you've forgotten what date is it today."

"Of course not, I know." She answers. "It's our anniversary."

"Good to know or else I would've haunted you to your sleep."

"You're not real... You- You're not my Rosie."

The figure tilts her head to the side. "How so?"

"B-because I remembered what happened. You- you died."

"You think I'm not real?" Lisa nods in approval. "Here, why don't you find out the truth yourself."

Lisa was doubting whether to reach out for the latter or not. The last time she saw her girlfriend's arms, they were shimmering like the night sky tonight. But the look on Rosie's face was daring her to do so, to find out the truth for herself.

And when she was able to hold her hand, Lisa wastes no time in jumping around Rosie's arms who was giggling and swaying them around much similar to the slow dance they did.

"You're here... you're really here."

"Of course I'm here, it's our day remember?" Lisa doesn't answer and just snuggles closer to her. "You've lost some weight."

"Your cooking is the only thing I eat when I'm sick remember." Rosie hums in response. "Jisoo told me I was sick... Do you think she's saying the truth?"

"Do you feel sick?" The latter shakes her head. "Then you're not sick. Maybe Jisoo's messing around."

"You're right. I mean, she diagnosed that I had severe depression and mild insanity." She chuckles. "Me? Being crazy? Over what?"

"Maybe because you're crazy over in love with me."

"If it's with you Jisoo should diagnose me with severe." She says and takes a look at one another. "I still can't believe that you're here... if this is a dream then I don't want to wake up."

"Maybe you don't have to wake up at all." Lisa wonders what was she talking about. "Remember this?"

It was a thread attached to her pinky. "Of course, we made a promise that night remember?"

"And do you remember that promise?"

"That we won't move on with one another. If death comes for you, you will wait for me. And I would continue to shine so that you will exist."

"And do you remember the last thing on the bucket list?"

"Grow old together."

Rosie smiles at her. "I think now's the time to crush that one out."

"You mean-"

The taller woman briefly nods. "Now's the time where you can come with me."


"In that place, no one will call you sick, no one will look at you with pity. No white walls and feeling like a prisoner. We can roam around freely, do whatever we want."

"Did that place healed you?"

"It did poops, and it could heal you too." Lisa was still having doubts about Rosie's offer. "You know what's the best part of going there Lali?" The latter looks at her. "You get to be with me, your poops."

And like the whipped Lisa that she is, she gives Rosie a huge smile. "I guess that seals the deal huh."

Rosie smiles back. "All you have to do is to tie that string to your pinky."

Lisa was looking back and forth between her girlfriend and the thread. After a few seconds- she grabs the thread and slowly ties it onto her pinky. But in reality, the thread was actually a bottle of anti-depressants she got from thrashing around Jisoo's office earlier. She didn't know how she got it, but somehow it ended up being in her pocket. As Lisa was tying the rope, she was actually opening the cap and as she tightens the loop, she was swallowing the entire content in one full swing.

Meanwhile, Jisoo was doing an inventory check on her office supplies when she notices that there was something off with her medicine cabinet. She pushes the doors and does the recount once again when she finally realizes that there was a bottle of anti-depressants missing. She starts to try and remember where did she use that bottle for and when she couldn't remember a thing, she goes immediately through her log book, briskly scanning the records of medicines handed out.

"Babe, you ready?" Jennie says as she enters the office. "What are you still doing?"

"Jen, do you remember if I gave a bottle of anti-depressant to any of my patient this week?"

"Why? What's going on?"

"My inventory lacks a bottle of it."

"Hun, you must've slipped. Don't worry too much okay? Now let's go and go to the hills. I want to see the Lunar eclipse up close."

"Lunar what?"

"Lunar eclipse. You know when the sun and the moon get to be together."

Jisoo widens her eyes. "Is it happening right now?"

"Of course! Now come on, I want to be with you underneath and talk about tragic love stories that somehow end up being happy like the sun and moon who were never allowed to be together but once in a while when the stars have aligned and the Gods gave their permission, they get to be together."

"Lisa." Jennie was curious at the sudden mention of their friend's name. "Oh my God Lisa."

"What's with Lisa?"

"Babe, Rosie was joking that once a solar or lunar eclipse happens, she will come down and fetch Lisa so they could be together in the afterlife knowing how needy she can be." She looks at Jennie like she was slowly solving the puzzle. "Isn't it bizarre to have missing anti-depressants on a Lunar eclipse and then remember what Rosie told me?"

"If what you're saying true then Lisa- oh my God babe LISA!"

Both of them decide to make a run for it leaving all of their belongings behind. They called in the staffs located at Lisa's ward and ask to check up on her. By the time they got there (in record-breaking time), it was all too late. When the staffs made room for them, Lisa's lifeless form was already down right beside an empty bottle of the medicine she had been looking for before.

Jennie gasped and immediately hides on Jisoo's arm and Jisoo closes her eyes for a brief second before taking a look at her friend's face. While the staffs were busy contacting the other needed employees, she tried to focus on Lisa's facial expression and it was one of the most creepy and yet comforting looks she has ever seen in her entire life.

Lisa was smiling. Not the forced or the dull smile she has been accustomed to for the past seven years of treating the patient but it was the kind of smile she saw when she first heard about Rosie through Lisa's gushing mouth. The smile she saw when Lisa told her that she was happy and the smile that only existed ever since Rosie came into Lisa's life picture.

And despite everything, she couldn't help but feel proud of her friend.

Lisa has finally done it. She was finally able to crush out and do everything in Rosie's bucket list and be able to grow old together. Now, she will live happily on the other side with her muse, her moon and-

The person on the other end of her string.


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