Melodic Chaos- Summer Fling

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"Chae wake-up."


"I will fry Joohwangie if you don't wake up seriously."


A teenage beauty instantly bolts up from her bed making the other woman smile. "Finally you're up."

"Who wouldn't be up with what you just said!?" She gasps. "Don't you know Parrot and Surgeonfishes are facing heightened extinction?!"

"Calm down, it's not like mom and dad would allow me to fry the fish in the first place... I did what I had to do. You haven't even packed yet and I'm sure when Jen-"

"Good morning to you Park- what the hell?" The woman in faded black hair looks at her with the 'I told you so' look. "Why are you not done with packing?"

"It's not like I have too much to pack Jennie. Besides, I'm only there to accompany you because there's going to be a fish expo."

"Nah-uh, you're there to be our nurse and to be our eyes and ears from the court." The third woman in the room scrunches her nose. "Yah, why do you have so many plants in your bedroom? It's turning into a jungle, to be honest."

"These plants help me to sleep." The Rosie girl says. "Snake plants, Peace lily, and Pothos really help."

Jennie rolls her eyes. "Okay smartass."

"Get out of my room please so that I can finish my packing."

"Alright, we're leaving in a few so we'll see you downstairs." The door closes and Rosie sighs looking over to the farther side of her room where a small baby pink luggage is waiting for her.

She stands up and walks over to her walk-in closet looking through her wide array of bright and vintage collection of clothes. Biting her lower lip and after what felt like an eternity, she decides to wear a NASA statement cropped shirt to match with her dad jeans and white sneakers.

Grabbing other essentials needed for the trip, she closes her luggage and takes a good look at herself in the mirror before putting on her specs and rushing downstairs to eat breakfast with her family.

"Are you girls excited?" Mason- their father asks through the rearview mirror.

"Definitely!" Jennie, Chaeyoung's best friend beams. "I can't wait to smash and grab the title again this year."

"Me too... Most especially this is going to be my last year." Alice, Chaeyoung's older sister says.

"Don't worry too much Alice, I'm sure Chaeyoung will find it in her heart to join the team once the term starts."

Chaeyoung rolls her eyes from the passenger seat. "Not you too dad."

"What?" He raises his voice subtly in defense. "It's not like you two haven't played some middle school volleyball together."

"Yeah, until you get hit hard on the face which causes you to have a blurry vision from then on."

"Don't worry dad, I'm sure Chaeyoung will miss being in the court after witnessing it from the courtside." Alice says. "Being a volleyball player is definitely in her blood."

"Alright, here we are." He pulls the car over to the departure area. "You girls have fun okay? But not too much fun, remember I will still call you three from time to time."

"Don't worry uncle, we will take care." The smallest girl releases her gummy smile which makes the man smile in return. "We'll send pictures from time to time. Bye!"

The girls wave at the fading SUV. "So shall we?"

"We shall!"

Chaeyoung looks over the two women who were skipping all the way through. "Oh boy..."

For the rest of the flight, Chaeyoung ignored her sister and her best friend's conversation about their expectation and game plays for the entire 12-hour flight. It was annoying and ear-sickening and she was glad she was on the other aisle otherwise she would really lose her mind.

But she definitely did once they successfully arrived at the hotel because of their constant teasing of finding someone Chaeyoung could enjoy Koh Samui with while they're busying competing.

"When will you two shut up?" She says as soon as they arrive at the hotel room.

Alice and Jennie giggle. "But wouldn't that be great though? You get to live the same plot with the book your reading."

Chaeyoung rolls her eyes. "Just because I'm reading about a summer love doesn't mean I'd want one."

"Even if it's a summer fling?"

"That's not even part of the equation. Flings are useless and are a waste of time."

"Chae you don't get to be lucky about finding love on the first try."

"Doesn't mean I'm going to give my heart in the open too." She says. "Don't you have to register or something?"

"Alright, alright." Alice raises her hands in defeat. "We'll register but head down after a few minutes so we can go and grab some lunch."

"Whatever." But deep down in her mind, she wondered what it would feel like to meet someone who she can really understand her and someone she could vibe with.


"Where are you?"

"I'm just exploring the area."

"Lisa I swear to God if you-"

"Relax sis."

"This is a tournament! Not a club where you can find a random stranger to fuck!"

"I'm just wondering where's our room is that's all."

"Get down here right now!"

A tall, blonde woman sighs and stops in the middle of the hallway. "Alright, alright. I'm heading down right now."

"It better be on the elevator Manoban."

"Sheesh, she really turns into a monster whenever she doesn't get to read." She presses a button on the elevator and waits for it to arrive on her floor. While she does, she randomly searches through her collection of cat videos.

Hearing the familiar ding she enters the without looking up from her phone and she plans to do it until they reached the ground only if the person beside her didn't wear such fruity flavor which was really a head-turner. And when she did, boy it was such a sight to see.

Beside her was a girl in her long and wavy curls colored in the faded old rose shade. Her milky white skin perfectly matches her see-through yellow cropped topped and ripped shorts never looked this damn good on any woman. And she never had a thing for a woman wearing eyeglasses but there's always a first time for everything. She eyes the woman up and down and a playful smirk was already dancing on her lips.

Just as when she was about to approach the oblivious girl, the elevator makes a sound, indicating that they have arrived on the ground level. She was about to catch after the girl when a hand pulls her back and a very familiar glare makes her swallow the lump on her throat.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"H-hey sis..."

"Don't hey sis me." She gets a firm grip of the latter. "Come on let's register."

"But Jisoo-"

"If you think I'm letting you out of my sight well think again."

She looks at the crowd and her muse immediately disappears. With a sigh, she went on with the registration and after that, she heads out to eat at a local restaurant nearby with her adoptive sister Kim Jisoo.

"I seriously cannot believe you disappeared just like that."

"I seriously cannot believe you let my dream girl get away."

Jisoo has this disbelief look on her face. "What do you mean dream girl you dumb dumb?"

Lisa sighs and plays with her food. "I saw a beautiful girl earlier. She was wearing these beautiful faded pink locks, she was holding onto a book while listening to her phone. She had this adorable specs on that was hanging on the bridge of her nose and her outfit was so on point you can easily tell she knows her body very well and her body-"

"Shut up, I don't want to go there." Her sister cuts her off.

"Anyway, thanks to you I won't be seeing her anymore."

"Well, I'm glad because she seems like a nice girl."

"How can you tell that she's a nice girl?"

Lisa furrows her eyebrows and when she follows where her sister was looking, her eyes went wide when she realizes that her dream girl was only a few tables away from her and if she thought that she was already beautiful just listening to music, hearing her laugh was a breath-taking sight.

"Whatever's going inside your head don't do it."

"There's nothing going on inside my head."

"Yeah, and I'm straight as a ruler." Her voice dripping with pure sarcasm.

"Wait, you are?"

Jisoo rolls her eyes at the latter's stupidity. "Why don't you try and settle down for once Lisa?"

"We've talked about this before. Relationships are useless and a waste of time and besides." She looks over to Chaeyoung holding onto her stomach from too much laughing. "It's not like she's going to move here anyway."

Later that day the organizers held an opening event to welcome the players all across the globe for the players to be able to socialize and embody camaraderie before they see each other on the other end of the court. Various foods from different nations were presented on the buffet table and both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks were also offered and as expected, Chaeyoung was drinking the latter option.

She really didn't want to join the festive dinner but one threat from Alice she was up and running towards her luggage to pick out her outfit for tonight. Finally going with a sleeveless Harley-Davidson top and her pair of black ripped shorts, she ties her Gladiator sandals and off to join the two Aussie volleyball players.

But soon enough she feels out of place as Alice and Jennie found socializing as easy as pie. She, on the other hand, finds it harder than Calculus. So she settles herself at her usual place, away from the crowd and just enjoys watching over them.

"Is this seat taken?" Chaeyoung jumps at the sudden intrusion of her private space. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that."

She eyes the woman with black hair and her own pair of pearl white smooth skin. "N-n-no worries." Chaeyoung says as she fixes her stand and her specs. "I- I just thought everyone would be busy socializing."

"Well, you can say that I'm different." The woman says as she lets out a small playful smile. "My name's Lisa by the way." Chaeyoung looks at the hand doubtfully. "Oh don't you do handshakes in your country?"

"Handshakes are practiced in our country." She smiles as she shakes the hand. "I'm just not used to people talking to me."

"A pretty face like yours should get used to it."

Chaeyoung looks down and instantly blushes at the compliment. "I-I don't have a pretty face."

"Sure you do. Lucky for me, nobody else has been able to notice it yet." She looks back at the woman who was still holding her hand. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of brown that would sometimes turn into black with subtle tilts she's making. "My name's Lisa by the way."

"N-nice to meet you, Lisa."

"Are you going to give me your name or would you rather be called beautiful for the rest of the night?"


"There you are." Jennie interrupts their conversation and from the moment she laid eyes on Lisa- an infamous glare was already shown. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh sorry didn't know you two are-"

"We're not in a relationship." Jennie clarifies. "But you don't need to know about that do you?"

"I'm just-"

"Save it." She intertwines her hand with a confused Chaeyoung. "Chae let's go. We have an early match tomorrow and you need some sleep too. We're all tired from the flight anyways."

Chaeyoung decides not to argue with Jennie especially when she's using that tone on her. "Okay, let's go and rest." She turns to Lisa. "We'll go ahead."

Lisa doesn't say anything in return and answers her with a curt nod and they were on their way out of the venue and back to their hotel rooms.


Jennie sighs fully knowing where this conversation is headed. "Chae, trust me she's no good for you."

"But why?"

"Because she places her fingers inside of every woman she lay her eyes on." She says with no absolute filter totally surprising the latter.

"How would you..." Chaeyoung widens her eyes. "Don't tell me-"

"God no." She immediately shakes her head. "My teammate did, back when I was still playing for New Zealand. God, I thought she was only playing for indoor volleyball but looks like she moved into a different audience."

"Oh." She answers. "But that was years ago Jen, I think-"

"Look I know that people change and change is constant but unfortunately that word doesn't exist in Lisa's language." She looks at her friend. "I'm trying to protect you from a big heartbreak Chae, you can flirt with everyone but not Lisa Manoban. Especially not her."


Chaeyoung didn't want to upset Jennie more or disappoint her for that matter so she decides to be a good friend and follow Jennie's orders and ignores every attempt of the Thai girl to make a conversation with her. She would luckily find excuses for her to escape the latter. It was a relief for Chaeyoung, but it was starting to annoy Lisa.

"Yow, what's with the cold demeanor out there huh?" Jisoo wipes herself with the face towel as they chill in their area after winning a match against their competitor. "Hold up, are you still going for that Chaeyoung girl?"

"Shut up."

"So you are still going for that Chaeyoung girl." She scoffs. "Can you tell your girlfriend to stop cock blocking me? She's basically the reason why I can't score." She sighs as she drinks from her water bottle and places her sunglasses on her crown head.

"Just so you know, Jennie and I are not a couple, we're simply enjoying each other's company that's all."

"Why can't she allow Chaeyoung and I to enjoy each other's company too?"

"Because you're an international playgirl and Chaeyoung's a pure soul." She says. "Just focus on another target Lisa, one that you can easily fool."

"Like I really would give her up." Lisa smirks. "She's a virgin for Pete's sake! Do you want to know how long have I been waiting to taste a pure soul?"

"You're a pig." She throws her used towel at her sister. "I'm lucky I ain't related to you."

"Well, you should be sorry because this irresistible charm will never be yours."

"Ha! You can't even get Chaeyoung's attention right now how dare you to call yourself having an irresistible charm?"

Lisa smirks as she sees Chaeyoung exiting the volleyball court. "You'll see."

Jisoo suddenly furrows her eyebrows. "Where are you going?"

Lisa ignores her sister's question and made a dash towards the exit in hopes that she would catch her dream girl outside. Turning left to right, she finally gets a glimpse of Chaeyoung calmly walking towards the other side of the beach. Smiling to herself, she immediately jogs and catches the latter by surprise.

Chaeyoung originally thought it was a bad guy so she uses her basic mixed martial arts skills and twisted Lisa's arm. Her scream was so loud that a lot of people were already looking at them. Chaeyoung who finally realizes that it was Lisa, immediately lets go and kneels down to help the athlete.

"Oh my gosh, Lisa I am so sorry I didn't know it was you!"

"Wow, you sure can handle yourself out here." She chuckles through the pain.

"Sorry, I really didn't mean to!" The innocence in her voice made Lisa just want her more.

"It's alright." But deep down inside Lisa was totally screaming for pain.

"No, it's not alright! I hurt your hand! You're going to use it for important matters!" Hearing that made Lisa's eyebrows rise up and as for Chaeyoung who realized what she just said snaps her eyes back at the Thai girl. "I meant for volleyball! Important matters like volleyball."

Lisa looks at her blushing dream girl and chuckles at her cuteness. "Yeah, important matters like volleyball."

"I'm really sorry though."

"Well if you're really sorry, dinner with you-"

"No." She immediately stands up and leaves Lisa there.

"Chaeyoung wait!"

"Goodbye Lisa." She tries to walk faster but Lisa's grip halts her. "Lisa we both-"

"I get that Jennie might have told you things and yes, there are things I've done in the past that I am not proud of." She says. "But that was years ago and I am trying to change now... All I need is a chance to prove to you that I am no longer that Lisa."

"I don't know..."

"I won't even ask much of you." She tries her best to convince the latter. "All I need is the rest of the day and if you're still not convinced, I'll leave you alone I promise."

Chaeyoung was now in conflict with her thoughts. Should she really listen to Jennie said to her and ignore this beauty right here or should she give Lisa the benefit of the doubt?

But wouldn't that be great though? You get to live the same plot with the book your reading.

She thinks about the girl living the dream and taking risks even if the future was unknown. Taking a look at Lisa who had this hopeful look on her face which made her adorable in her sight. Biting her lower lip and still unsure of what to choose, she closes her eyes and tries to come with a final decision.

Lisa, on the other hand, took this silence as a sign of withdrawal. She could feel the disappointment lurking in her system but she shrugs it off, thinking that it's good that she got rejected earlier, which means she has more time to look for another chick she could have fun this summer with.

"Okay, I guess-"

"One dinner." Lisa stops in her tracks as they made eye contact. "You only got one dinner, Lisa."

"Promise." She smiles. "I won't ruin this dinner."

And Lisa really didn't ruin the dinner. Instead, she made the dinner spectacular. After deciding that Chaeyoung should have the best view, she decides to take her to a rooftop restobar which was one of her favorite places every time she decides to come and hand out here in the island. Surprisingly though, Chaeyoung has a thing for heights.

"Lisa this is soooo beautiful!" Chaeyoung says for the nth time as she continues to take photos of the place.

"I like hanging out here, it's a complete 360 view of the island plus it's a private spot so not everyone can enjoy the view we're having now." She has this proud smile on her face. "Do you like it here?"

"It's going to be a random fact but I really love high places."

The Thai girl was surprised to hear that. "You don't get scared or something?"

"No, being on top means seeing the view on a better and wider view. Why would I be scared of something like that?"

"Nothing. I just assumed that you're-"

"Like the rest of the other girls?" She completes the sentence and shakes her head. "Sorry to say this but I'm way too far from the girls you usually meet."

Lisa shrugs. "I don't really care at all. In fact, I'd choose you over any other girl." She says making Chaeyoung blush.

"You plan on turning me into a tomato by the end of the night?"

"Nope, just planning to show you that I am a changed woman." By then, I'll take you to a higher height you have never been to before.

And after that night, Chaeyoung and Lisa haven't been seen separated ever since. When you want to talk with Lisa, there will always be a girl whose arm is interlocked with hers and when you want to eat with Chaeyoung, you will also find Lisa a few tables away. Even when the Australian babe went to the Fish Expo, Lisa ditched her friends who came to visit her to be with Chaeyoung. From then on some people think that they were already a couple a no one could really blame them.

The holding hands, the flirting, Lisa supporting Australia's games and Chaeyoung could be seen with Jennie on Thailand's plays too, and even both of them met their family members which was clearly a huge step on this so-called- summer fling. Though it wasn't a friendly meeting for Alice and Lisa, later on, Alice was able to trust Lisa and even welcomed her as a family even Jennie who was doubtful of her actions believed that she has changed and let bygones are bygones. Chaeyoung couldn't really believe that things are working out great but little did they know, it was all part of Lisa's plan to get what she wants.

Tonight it was Chaeyoung's turn to surprise Lisa into a very simple and yet romantic gesture for everything Lisa has done for her the entire time she was here. She was a nervous wreck preparing everything, but with Alice, Jennie and Jisoo's encouragement, she managed to be confident enough to think that she can pull this one off.

"Where are we heading?" Lisa answers while holding onto Chaeyoung. "Are we at the beach?"

"Shh, stop asking too many questions."

"Okay, okay. Sorry." She chuckles. "Are we there yet?"

"Stop right there." Chaeyoung removes herself from Lisa's hold. "Okay, you can take off the blindfold now."

"Chaeng you should-oh my..."

A mat filled with various snacks and a cold bottle of wine. A bouquet of roses were also seen alongside an acoustic guitar and everything about the place screams romantic. She looks at Chaeyoung with a nervous look on her face so she assures the latter by giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

"Don't be nervous, I like it." She smiles. "Now, let's go and enjoy your surprise okay?"


"I have one more surprise for you."

"What is it?"

"There's this song that really reminds me of you." Chaeyoung grabs the guitar and checks the tune of it. "But it's in Korean."

"It's okay, music's a universal language anyways." She smiles. "Go on."

Jigeum nae nun-e jeil aleumdaun geon

Neoya LADY

Neol hyanghan nae mam-i don-imyeon ama


Neol joh-ahae

As Chaeyoung sings her this song, Lisa couldn't help but feel a different rhythm in her heartbeat. Never in her life that a woman has done something for her let alone give her a romantic night like this. She was feeling kind of nervous, confused and annoyed at the same time.

Chaeyoung becomes a blushing mess after she finishes the song. "So-sorry I messed-"

"Babe that was beautiful, it was everything but a mess up."

"Did you like it?" Lisa nods her head making her smile too. "I'm glad you did."

"Tell me what does the song mean?"

"I thought music was a universal language?" She asks in her teasing tone before giggling like a teenage girl. "Don't worry, you'll find out soon."

"I'll wait."

"You're ready to get your ass kick?" Chaeyoung refers to their championship match tomorrow against Australia.

Lisa lets out her arrogant smirk. "Babe, you wish you could get my ass kick tomorrow but we all know who the superior hitter on the court right is." The latter let out a scoff. "Come on, you've seen my down the line hits and cross-court soft hits, added to the fact like Jisoo's defensive style is like no other."

"Sure you've got some strength but you've got no strategy." She argues. "You keep on hitting that baseline when you've been monitored there for a really long time. Just like what you did with China on the semis, you've allowed them to read you like an open book." Chaeyoung shakes her head with slight disappointment.

"If I was you, I would've varied my plays and let Jisoo take some good hits too, considering she's an above average hitter and I think her forte's those off-speed attacks, those really would've been good and they wouldn't be able to read your plays. In that way, you guys could've avoided being on the deciding set. Good thing you're strong and Jisoo's defense is really something otherwise, you could've been defeated and kiss your first beach volleyball title goodbye." Chaeyoung looks at her. "Not like you got any chance on beating my country tomorrow of course."

While Chaeyoung went back to munching, Lisa stares at her awestruck with what she just said. "Chaeyoung do you play volleyball as well?"

That comment made her mutter an internal shit. "I used to play with my sister in middle school until I got hit in the face real hard which caused me to blur my vision."

"It scared you ever since?" She nods her head in response. "Shame, I think you would've been a great player though, especially in beach volleyball."

Chaeyoung couldn't hold on her snicker and lets it out. "You just want to see me wearing a bikini."

Lisa shrugs. "I was trying to taking it in a subtle manner but yeah." Both of them share a laugh. "But jokes aside, I think you can really be a great player. Maybe if you play against me I might just let you win."

"Sure, like you can win against me."

"And since you're not, the chances of me winning just got higher." She smirks. "Or I could let your team win tomorrow."

"In exchange of...?"

"A quick kiss or something else you know." Chaeyoung smiles as both of them lean in towards each other.

"A quick kiss huh." The girl with the pink hair mumbles when their faces were inches apart.

And just like that, both of them shared a couple of kisses underneath the beautiful night sky of the island.


The match was totally neck and neck making everyone in the crowd loving every bit of action that these two teams offered. Lisa's powerful offense and Jisoo's impeccable style earned them a set, but Chaeyoung's strategical approach on the game made Australia take down the second set with a smashing gap in the score.

Lisa then decides to listen to what Chaeyoung suggested last night since Australia was already in the lead by the deciding set and once she did followed Chaeyoung's advice, it became a total destroyer for the opposing team, making them the champions of the league, ending the match with Jisoo's strong off-set hit, making Jennie dive onto the pile of sand.

The awards were given and the closing party was then opened for everyone who attended the successful beach volleyball tournament. Everyone was having a good time, joining in their own circle of friends and even Alice already found herself mingling with other seniors in the league who were playing in their last year. Jennie on the other hand suddenly disappeared with Jisoo while Chaeyoung was on her usual spot, admiring the crowd from afar.

"Is this seat taken?" Chaeyoung smiles as Lisa takes a seat right next to her. "Here you go."


"Cheers?" The Australian looks at her and clings her cup against hers.

"Congratulations on the win by the way." She says. "You guys deserve to win."

"Nah, I think we would've lost if I continued with my arrogant style of gameplay to be honest." Lisa answers and she drinks her cup. "Good thing there's an angel who whispered to me last night."

"At least now she knows you're a listener."

"What time do you leave for tomorrow?"

"Around past afternoon." Lisa nods her head, quite disappointed that she didn't get to fuck Chaeyoung.

"Well, we can make the most out of tonight." She immediately changes the subject into a lighter note. "What do you want to do?"

Lisa." Chaeyoung looks at her. "Remember when we talked about me giving you a quick kiss if you let my team win?"


"But your team won so..." Chaeyoung bites her lower lip. "I was thinking of giving you a reward."

Lisa's ears perked up hearing this from the latter. "W-what do you have in mind?"

"Something else."

"A-are you..." Holy shit, maybe I can still get laid after all. "I don't want to pressure you or-"

"No, you're not pressuring me." Chaeyoung looks at her. "I want you to be the first."

"Baby, I promise you-you will not regret any of this the next day." She leans in to kiss Chaeyoung before grabbing her hand and booked another hotel room along their way back.


The sun was shining against the huge glass window causing Chaeyoung to wake up from the sudden intrusion of brightness. She looks at her naked form before turning to the side where she sees another woman's back facing her, chest moving in a steady rhythm as her long locks fall all over the bed. Smiling to herself, actually satisfied the way she was pleasured last night.

Light fingertips trail over the latter's body causing for the latter to subtly shiver due to the cold contact. Lisa was a light sleeper and she immediately wakes up the moment Chaeyoung's fingertips touched hers. She just didn't move because she was loving the sensation.

She slowly turns around and greets Chaeyoung with a bright smile. "Good morning."

"Good morning." She says in her hoarse voice, making Lisa crave for her instantly.

"Did you sleep well?"

"I did." She smiles. "You?"

"Best sleep I ever had."

"You're such a smooth talker."

"I just say the right things at the right time." She fixes Chaeyoung's hair and takes her time to stare at the beauty in front of her. "So... Last night was amazing."

"If I had known it would be that good, I would've given in a little sooner."

"Last night was the right time for me to be honest." She answers. "But even if last night didn't happen, it still would've been the best night ever." Yeah right, Lisa.

"You're making me not want to leave."

"Then don't." She leans in again to capture those tempting lips. "Extend your stay for a few days."

"I wish I could but my dad would probably wonder about me and I don't think Alice and Jennie would allow me to extend too. I mean, Jennie might but my sister on the other hand-"

Lisa pouts making Chaeyoung pinch her cheeks before going in for a quick peck. "Do you want to roam around? We still have some time before we all head out to the airport."

Chaeyoung smiles in return. "That would be nice."

So Lisa gave Chaeyoung a tour around the city in a very fun way as both of them rode a scooter and went to the carnival located uphills. They ate good food, rode heart-screaming rides, and took good photos as well... they even made out in public a few times and all of them were initiated by Chaeyoung, completely surprising Lisa but she has no plans of complaining at all. Soon the time to separate comes as they were all in the hall in between international and domestic flights.

"You two say goodbye to your girlfriends. I'll head inside first to buy gifts for our families. Don't take too long okay?" Alice turns to the two other ladies. "It was nice meeting you two, I hope to see you soon."

"Bye Alice." The two girls wave the older one farewell.

With Alice gone, Jennie and Jisoo decided to spend their last moments together just by staring at one another while Chaeyoung was surprised when Lisa pulls her in for a hug. "Wow, who would've thought you're the clingy one."

"Shut up." The girl with the pink locks chuckles. "You take care when you get home okay?"

"You too." Silence surrounds them for a moment. "Lisa?"


"This will continue right?" She looks at the girl, a little hopeful that Lisa would say yes. "We'll still keep in touch?"

"Of course." Lisa smiles. "I really enjoyed spending summer with you, even though it was a short time. I want this to continue."

Hearing that make her heave out a sigh of relief. "Good, good." Her reaction causes Lisa to chuckle. "I'll talk to you soon okay?"

"Chae, it's time to go."

"I'll talk to you later angel."

They hugged once more before separating ways. Lisa made sure Chaeyoung was out of sight before proceeding to enter the domestic departure area. Noticing that her sister was dead silent, Jisoo decides to tease the younger girl.

"Miss her already?" Lisa shots her a questioning look to which she shrugs. "You looked like you've been abandoned... was she that good in bed that you keep thinking about it?"

"Stop hovering over my sex life, it's not like you'd tell me yours."

"Jennie is an amazing top. But you should hear the screams she makes when she's- ow!"

"Alright, alright you top." Lisa shakes her head and pulls out her phone to entertain herself.

"You're even stalking her on- what the fuck?" Jisoo shots her an angry look as she slaps her on the arm.


"Yah, why are you texting Diana already?"

"Because she texted me first."

"Lisa, are you seriously going to-" Lisa completely ignores her and the smirk on her face says it all. "What are you planning right now?"

"What I always do." The smirk still plastered on her face. "Hook up with other women."

And even though Lisa already enjoyed the company of various women, she decides to be an asshole and kept on contacting Chaeyoung even though most of the times it already annoyed her because the Australian tends to be a little bit clingy and needy which she never liked about her flings. The only reason that she's keeping the girl just so she could show off the babe she banged over her summer tournament to her friends and to have someone to talk to whenever she was bored.

Chaeyoung, on the other hand, was completely oblivious of Lisa's various hookups and thought that things were getting steady and serious between them. She would always find herself blushing whenever Lisa would swoon her with words or declaration of love without knowing that Lisa would just copy paste whatever it is that she found online. Other times, she would send the same apology text message to Chaeyoung along with three different women and knowing that the latter was a pure bean, she knew it was impossible for her to get caught.

But as the saying goes, no secret remains hidden and Chaeyoung finally knew about the cheating incidents when she randomly checked Lisa's tagged pictures on her social media account. The current photo shows Lisa enjoying the lap grinding of a random woman in from of her. Seconds later it was refreshed and lots of photos including snippets of videos show Lisa having the time of her life inside a club with different types of women. She decides to scroll down, and that's when everything became too much.

Immediately she dials Lisa's number and she even had to dial twice until Lisa finally answers. "Hey, beau-"

"Where are you."

"Babe, relax why the suddenly pissed tune?"

"Answer me, Lisa." Chaeyoung was on the verge of breaking down. "Where are you."

"I'm at home, goofing around with my friends." Hearing that made Chaeyoung's heartbreak into pieces, causing a few tears to escape from her eyes. "Chae?"

"How long have you been fooling me." She demands.

Lisa furrows her eyebrows. "Fooling you? I would-"

"How long have you been fooling me!?"

"Chaeyoung I don't understand."

"Shut up! Just shut up!" She screams. "I know okay? I already know the things you've been doing behind my back! I know everything!"

Instead of hearing Lisa's rambles of trying to explain things, she hears a loud sigh. "Then why are you still calling me?"

Chaeyoung was completely taken aback. "After everything that has happened between us, that's all you say to my face?!"

"We went on dates, we flirted and fucked." Lisa says so casually. "What's so special about it?"

"I gave my first to you!"

"Yeah, and you told me you didn't regret anything of it so why are you whining?"

With tears in her eyes, Chaeyoung shakes her head and scoffs. "I can't believe you!"

"Yeah, I can't even believe myself. I can't believe that even after getting what I want from you, I still kept you even though you always bore me to death."

"I thought what we had was real?" She bites her lower lip.

"Oh please, give me a break Chae." The Thai girl chuckles. "You have to realize that not everything in life ends the way your book does. What we had was indeed real but it doesn't mean it was permanent. Our 'thing' ended the moment we went our own ways at the airport." She says. "I can't even do relationships in the first place what makes you think I'm capable of being in a long-distance type?"

"Look, it was fun while it lasted but I am not in love with you and I will never be and I never was in the first place. I am just not type of person okay? Everything I did was for you to give me your V card and you gave me that. In return, I gave you a good fuck. It's practically a win-win situation."

"You're disgusting!" She screams. "I hate you!"

"It's just a summer fling Chae, it was all for fun." Lisa says on the other end. "Get over it."

The phone call ends and Chaeyoung drops her phone as she continues to wail and cry her heart out. "Chae, what's wrong?"


"Chaeyoung I'm coming in okay?" Alice turns the knob and enters her sister's room. "Chae-what happened?" She rushes to her sister and kneels beside her. "Baby girl what's wrong?"

"Lisa... she lied to me." She croaks out as tears slowly fall from her eyes. "I saw the photos from her social media account, she was with different women all this time..."

Alice's heart also broke hearing the news. "Oh, baby..." She pulls her in for a comforting hug.

"I- I should've listened to Jennie, I should've believed that she's still the same playgirl that she knew in the first place."

"Shhh, stop crying..." She says. "She's not worth your tears."

"But it hurts too much." Chaeyoung pouts as she continues to let out tears.

"It may hurt now, but it doesn't have to hurt forever."

"What do I do Ali?" She sniffs. "Tell me what I need to do."

"First you wipe those tears away." She cups her little sister's cheeks and helped her in wiping them out.

"And second?"

"You stand up and get back on your feet immediately."


"Mom didn't put up with your shit for nine months in her stomach for you to cry over a loser like Lisa Manoban. You get back up on your feet- because Mason and Claire Park didn't raise a weak bitch."

Somehow that encouraged Chaeyoung. Smiling at her sister she picks her phone up and dials Jennie's number. "Hey Jen, yeah I know sorry for calling this late I just want to know something." She says. "I just want to know when's the tryouts for the volleyball team."


"Whoo! We're going to be back-to-back champs!"

Jisoo smacks Lisa's head. "We aren't even registered yet and here you are ready to claim the title."

"Sorry, I am just too excited to get this thing going!" She grins.

"Are you really excited for the tournament or the fact that we're in another country?"

"Jisoo, it's South Korea. Do you know how many pretty faces exist in a place like this?"

"Well duh, I came here after all."

"Too bad you're not a member of the population I'm talking about." That insult resulted in a hard smack. "Hehe, you know I am just kidding."

"Not even a minute in this country and your hormones are soaring through the roof."

"You can't blame me, I'm just here to admire the beauty."

Jisoo rolls her eyes. "Let's go."


"So have you heard the news?" Jisoo asks as they arrive at their room. "Australia's got a new player."

Hearing that place brings a familiar girl with pink hair in Lisa's memory but she decides to play aloof about it. "So?"

"Aren't you interested in meeting this new player?"

"I don't really give a damn who she is. Nothing's going to stop me from getting that back-to-back title."

"I still think it's better if we scout ahead of time. I heard that she and Jennie went here a week ahead to train."

"Wow, you and Jennie are still a thing huh."

"Unlike you sis, I know how to keep my word."

"You two barely spoke to each other a year ago!"

"I'm flattered that you managed to get a glimpse of us. I thought your eyes were only focusing on Chaeyoung at that time. Oh wait- your eyes are literally on every woman who looks good enough to be with you for a night. You don't do relationships let alone a long-distance one right?"

Lisa rolls her eyes. "You're really not going to let that go huh." Jisoo shakes her head. Sighing to herself she jumps on the bed and looks at the ceiling. "What's the new player's name?"

"People here call her Rosé."

Similar to what happened last year, an opening bonfire event is currently happening to allow the players to relax and unwind before the game officially starts tomorrow. Lisa scans the place all alone because her sister decides to be an asshole to ditch her and hang out with her longtime 'thing' Jennie.

Deciding it would be best to just enjoy the night, she looks around trying to find herself a good fuck before being in her professional mode tomorrow.

Too thin. Too thick. Too much breasts. Too much junk in the trunk.

Lisa sighs again. Thinking that she may not be lucky enough to find a player that she would be enjoying the summer with. Guess she'd have to stick with having a one night stand with one of the audiences. Craving for a drink, she walks towards the bar where she stops half-way seeing a beautiful figure in front of her.

This woman has long, rich- honey-blonde wavy locks that goes all the way on her waist. Her body was something else that it felt like God took His time in perfecting this creature who seems to be enjoying her almost empty drink. Finally deciding on her target for tonight, she approaches the bar and orders two drinks before slowly closing in on this blondie babe starting with her usual intro.

"Is this seat taken?"

"My, my, my... still using the same introduction aren't we?"

Lisa had this confused look on her face but it turns into a surprised one when the woman turns around to meet her. "C-Chaeyoung?"

The now blonde woman smiles. "It's actually-"

"Rosé!" A beautiful woman with pearl white skin and pure black long hair links her arms with Chaeyoung. "Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere!"

She smiles sweetly at the latter. "Sorry, I got thirsty and you seem to enjoy the company of other players."

"Don't be jealous, you know my attention's all on you."

The whole conversation got Lisa's eyebrows to rise up. "Oh sorry, I didn't notice you were still there." 'Rosé' says. "Well since you're still there, I'd like you to meet Sooyoung. Soo this is-"

"Lisa Manoban." The third woman smiles.

"Oh, you know her. That's good." She says. "She feels insulted when people don't know her."

Sooyoung laughs. "Of course I'd know her, she has quite a reputation."

"Indeed she does."

"Well the pleasure is all mine Lisa, I hope we get to see each other on the court. Now, if you'll excuse us- Rosé and I have some mingling activity to do, don't we babe?"

"You know I'm in if you are." She spares Lisa a glance before letting out a smirk. "It was nice meeting you, Lisa." And just like that, they leave Lisa there frozen and unable to process what the hell just happened.


"I still cannot believe it."

"That was my expression too when I first saw her."

The sound of the whistle and soft applaud causes for them to spare the current match between Australia and Brazil a quick look where Australia was winning by a mile away.

"Wait, you already saw her?"



"When I ditched your ass to meet with Jennie."

"Okay, so why didn't you inform me about it?"

"Is there a need?"

Lisa's mind went blank for a moment before she successfully comes with an excuse. "You told me I needed to know something about the new player. Well, she's the new player so I needed to know."

"Oh, so you could avoid hitting on her again during the bonfire party?"

"How did you-"

"She told me." Jisoo laughs. "Jennie and I were laughing our asses off... actually, Rosé didn't plan on telling us, Sooyoung did."

"Her girlfriend did?"

"Hmm, girlfriend is not the right term for their current status?"

"What? Exclusively dating or something?"

Jisoo smirks. "Is it just me or are you eager to know about your ex-fling's love life?"

"Sure Jan, keep telling that to yourself and maybe one day you'd be able to believe it."

Over the past days, Lisa tries not to care about Chaeyoung or Rosé in all honesty. She tries to divert her attention to the women she left back home or to new people she meets during her free time. But it seems like her focus will always be brought back to the girl who's flirting with a different woman as of the moment.

And as if that wasn't enough to confuse her, Chaeyoung has been sending her mixed signals from time to time. She knows the latter was just being a tease but every time Chaeyoung flirts with her, she falls for it every single damn time that it annoys her.

Shaking her head, she was about to leave the club when a hand pulls her back in. "Where are you going?"

Lisa was surprised to find Chaeyoung right in front of her. "I'm not feeling the vibe tonight."

"Hush! You just haven't found the right woman to enjoy the night with." She smiles. "Come with me at our table. I'll introduce you to some of my friends."


When she sat down, she immediately regrets it as Chaeyoung's friends immediately interrogated her about her styles about getting a woman's attention. She knows that they were just curious but she couldn't help but feel that Chaeyoung wanted this to happen for Lisa to feel embarrassed about her actions. Well, truth to be told she did, most especially when some of her friends were also in that non-commitment lifestyle and they even laughed at her 'vintage and old tactics.'

By the end of the night, Lisa couldn't help but feel so exposed and a little wasted for that matter. She manages to get out of the bar herself, but then a familiar grip forces her to turn around and meet those familiar orbs.

"Hey, are you drunk yet?"

"Not really."

"Cool." Chaeyoung answers. "Let's go to a sauna then."


"A-a-are you sure about this?"

"Lisa, why are you being shy all of a sudden? It's so not like you." Chaeyoung lets out a chuckle. "Come on, we've already seen each others' bodies before and it's only been a year. I doubt a lot has changed."

Right there, Chaeyoung slowly strips out of her clothes allowing Lisa's throat to suddenly feel dry seeing the latter in her naked glory. Chaeyoung lied, a lot has changed in her body ever since the last time she saw it. There were firm abs, dimples right above her ass cheeks and everything about her body is firm and toned. Basically, it just screams perfection that Lisa was starting to feel insecure about herself.

"Ooh, Lisa Manoban is getting shy." She smirks. "Well, that's a first."

"Pft, who are you calling shy huh?"

"Clearly someone who still has clothes on." Her voice drips in sarcasm.

"Well, you're about to eat your words." Lisa removes every bit of fabric in her body before allowing herself to relax in the sauna. Letting out a sigh and subtly closes her eyes, she feels Chaeyoung's eyes lingering on her. "Cat caught your tongue there kitten?"

"Seeing that kind of view made me want to eat something else besides my words really."

Lisa laughs. "Look at you getting all smooth."

"What can I say, I learned from the best." That made her open her eyes and look at the Australian. "Anyway, I invited you here to talk about something."

"I'm listening."

"I'm offering you a business deal." She says. "Tomorrow's your semis match against Korea and we have a match against Taiwan later that day."

"And your point is?"

"I think that we should use our skills in swooning women to our advantage." She states. "Sooyoung is a very athletic player and a flexible one if I might add. She's a tough match."

"Are you saying that you'd fuck the hell out of Sooyoung tonight just so she wouldn't be able to perform well tomorrow?" Lisa couldn't help but scoff. "You're underestimating my skills aren't you?"

"If I am being honest," Chaeyoung says bluntly. "Wendy might be an angel but she can also be a destroyer on the court. Jisoo can keep up but Wendy would eventually gain an advantage later on."

"In exchange, I get to fuck Tyuzu so you could win the game."

"She was already eye-fucking you earlier all you had to do was lean in and she was all yours for the taking." She says. "Just think about it Lisa, I know you're all about winning on your skills and hard work but sometimes we gotta take the easy way out, especially when it's offered to us on a silver platter."

"Why do I get the feeling that it's not the first time you've done this?"

"Because it isn't." She chuckles. "I made a few deals with the players and it's a win-win situation. Well, it's just a win situation for me, because I get to spend a night with a pretty woman and manipulate this entire league."

Lisa couldn't believe what she just heard. "Chae... are you doing this because of what I did to you a year ago?"

There was an absolute silence in the place at first and all Chaeyoung could do was to stare back at Lisa's questioning stares. The silent moment lasted for a few more minutes before the latter's lips break into a grin and eventually into a laugh. The kind of laugh that you'd feel insulted or embarrassed because you just said something out in the public.

"Oh my God, you still haven't changed! You're still a joker!" She wipes a few tears from her cheeks as she continues to laugh. "Oh, Lisa..."

"Why? Isn't it the reason?"

"Of course not!" She laughs again. "The last thing I'd do is to relate my sudden change of lifestyle all because you think you got my heart broken." Chaeyoung shakes her head. "You did hurt me back then, but it's going to take a whole lot more to break someone like me."

Now Lisa wishes someone would dig her own grave and bury her already. "Y-yeah. Sorry, I didn't mean to put it that way."

"So? Do I have a deal with you?"

"Why do you want for us to meet at the championship?"

"Honestly?" She looks at Lisa with a blank stare. "I just want to beat your ass."

Chaeyoung's attempt to lighten up the mood was a success. "Still sour I beat your team last year?"

"A little. Only because I didn't get to play but now that I do..."


"I have one more deal with you though." She states. "If I win, I'd get a date with you."

"Still not over me, I see." She smiles. "What if I win?"

"You get to do whatever you want with me."

"The confidence is still shining through the roof."

"You bet." Lisa says as she extends her hand. "So? Deal?"

Chaeyoung looks at her hand then at her eyes once again. "Deal."

The next day, Sooyoung enters the court trying to walk properly as she was doing warm-up exercises with her partner. Seeing that made Lisa want to feel happy that their plan was working but her mind starts to play tricks on her, especially when Chaeyoung decided to seat on Korea's side of the bench together with Jennie. She knew she didn't mean any harm, but just imagining how hard the girl went down on her last night made her furious.

Which is why her team won in straight sets and Sooyoung was sent to the infirmary because of a minor concussion from not being able to avoid her hard hit.

Australia won by a grand slam too, seeing Tyuzu wasn't in her best shape. When dinner time came, they both made an excuse to strategize and give the couple some alone time before they become enemies the next day and had their own alone time. That meant going into an archery and trampoline park laughing their hearts out and running out of breath. Mostly it was Lisa, just because she had to carry the latter all the way home.

The next day, Lisa was fully confident that she would win this match and the deal as well. Jisoo could feel the same thing too but when they were faced with Chaeyoung and Jennie on the other side of the court, suddenly they weren't too sure about it.

"Ahhh fuck you Jendeuk..." Jisoo curses underneath her breath.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Dude, are you blind? They seriously changed their uniforms! Since when did beach volleyball panties become that thin?! And do you see my girl's top? It looks like her nipples are the only thing that's covered!" She annoyingly said as she fixes her visor along with her playing sunglasses. "When this match is done, I'm am so going to fuck the hell out of her you watch that." Lisa figured this could've been Chaeyoung's plan but as much as she wants to curse the latter, she couldn't help but enjoy the view too.

"Let's just destroy them Jisoo."

"Oh trust me I will." She smirks. "Both here and on the bed, I will destroy Jennie Kim."

Lisa turns to Chaeyoung with a familiar teasing smile on her lips. "Alright bud, it's show time."

The whistle blows and the official match finally starts. Lots of people were attending today and cheers were at a higher level. The first few plays were somehow give and take but when Chaeyoung calls time out all of a sudden, that's when everything slowly changed to their own advantage.

It seemed like they only used the few rallies so that they could analyze Lisa and Jisoo's play before strategizing on their own and to be honest, the Thailand representatives are having a hard time reading their plays. Both Chaeyoung and Jennie were perfect, hardcore servers and it seems like Jennie's defensive play has gotten better over a year.

Chaeyoung, on the other hand, was really something else. She was just unstoppable inside the court. Whenever Lisa felt like she was gaining the advantage of a rally, Chaeyoung would be able to think of something in the middle and use that play, to take the score. Her little side comments and flirtation on the court wasn't helping either. In the end, Australia team won and Lisa was slowly preparing herself what had Chaeyoung planned to do to her.


At the celebratory dinner party, Lisa was just waiting patiently for Chaeyoung to approach her which was a slow-burn actually. She had to witness the latter being hovered over different women which irked something inside of her. She was already shooting daggers at the women and it took a lot for her not to just approach Rosé there and drag her away from the mess to get their night started.

So she busies herself with drinking away time hoping that it would help her take her mind off things when a familiar scent lingers her nose. She turns to the side and sees the MVP of the league tilting her head to the side in a very adorable manner.

"Hey. Sorry took so long." She explains. "A lot of them congratulated me and wanted to have a small talk. I was in no position to decline. They were all pretty." Lisa still decides to ignore her. "I also got slapped by Sooyoung by the way."

"She what?" Lisa immediately examines Chaeyoung's face. "That bitch."

The latter chuckles and intertwines her hand with Lisa. "Who cares, she's old news now."

"And who's new?"


Lisa scoffs. "Until when?"

"Does it matter?" She retorts back. "We have tonight, and let's make the most out of it." Rosé smirks and leans in to whisper. "Why don't we go to the room I reserved to find out?"


It wasn't even the morning when Lisa heard some shuffling sounds that disturbed her sleep. She slowly turns around still feeling sore from all the activity they had done earlier when she sees Chaeyoung already half-way through getting dressed. Furrowing her eyebrows she immediately turns on the lamp, catching the latter's attention and she could even hear her cursing underneath her breath.

"Leaving already?"

Chaeyoung turns to her with a fake smile. "Sorry, Jennie was already looking for me."

"Yeah? What did she say? She wanted you to join her and Jisoo?" She couldn't help but feel sour about the situation. "Didn't know you had a thing for threesomes."

The other woman sighs out loud as she zips her shorts up. "We already fucked Lisa, what more do you want?"

"I don't know, cuddle?"

Hearing that word made the latter laugh. "Okay, I didn't know you do cuddles with your fuck hoes but sorry I don't."

"Well maybe we could do it again, I'm up for it if you want."

"Lisa, stop. You're starting to sound like a needy woman and it's so not like you."

"And what about you huh?" She spats. "You think that being a playgirl all of a sudden is something that you've always had been? Come on Chae, you don't have to lie anymore. I know you started playing other people's hearts because you got yours broken by me. You can't accept the fact the I don't love you as you wanted me back-"

"Lisa this was never about you."

"Then why do I feel like it's about me?" She tries to control her voice. "Chaeyoung I-"

"If you're going to say sorry then save it. I don't need your sorry, I don't need anything from you anymore. You mean nothing to me. Nothing."

"But Chaeyoung, the last few days we've spent together..."

"Oh come on Lisa, don't be stupid and naïve! We all know it was just for play!" She laughs. "Did you actually think I would fall for your tricks again? I spent time with you to get what I want. And that is the championship."

Lisa couldn't help but feel hurt at how blunt the latter was with her choice. "You know that's not true. Please listen to me, I need to tell you something really important okay? What happened between us- wasn't just a summer fling."

"Ha! Now that's another joke."

"No, I'm serious." Chaeyoung continues to not to listen to her. "Chae, please just-"

"Don't call me that. Don't you ever- ever call me that again." She hisses. "If you want me to believe that it was more than just a summer fling, then you'd have to move heaven and earth for that to happen. Until then- goodbye Lisa."

"No, no, don't go." Lisa runs and grabs Chaeyoung's hand. "Stay."

The latter looks at her. "This is just a summer fling Lisa." She spits out. "Get over it."


The university bell rings and Chaeyoung slams her locker shut. She mentally curses herself and Jennie included for not waking her up at the right time and now, she was about to miss her Minor class which was Art Appreciation. Mentally thanking for the professor coming up late, she settles herself on the far end of the room where she immediately pulls out her phone to contact Jennie.


"I am so going to kill you at practice today Jen! You almost made me late on my first class!"

"Psh, please... you're not late aren't you?"


"Then there's no reason to be mad at me." Chaeyoung rolls her eyes. "BUT! HEAR ME OUT! I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!"

"What is it? And can you keep your voice down? It's still early in the morning!" She hisses in annoyance.

"You wouldn't believe who's here. I'm telling you, Rosie, you really wouldn't believe me."

Chaeyoung rolls her eyes. "Ugh, just tell me already."

"It's J-"

"Good morning class! Shall we return to where we picked off the last meeting?" Students, including Chayeoung, started to grab her art materials. "But before we begin, I would like you all to welcome a new member in our little family." Chaeyoung was still busy with arranging her things and ignored the footsteps and the murmurs inside the class. "Go on child introduce yourself."

"Hey." She stops in her tracks and snaps her head towards the platform where she could see a blonde woman standing awkwardly in front. "My name's Lisa Manoban, I am a transferee from Thailand."

"You have a very good English accent Miss Manoban, a little Aussie if I could say." The professor compliments. "Anyways, what brings you here in Australia?"

"I'm moving heaven and earth to prove something to the girl that I love." Hearing her say that made Chaeyoung's heart beat faster and the rest of the class gush at her.

The professor smiles and taps her shoulder. "What do you want to prove to her child?"

Lisa shifts her attention to Chaeyoung, looking at her with much determination. "That she's more than a summer fling to me."


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