NIKI- I Like U (Part II of Summer Fling)

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"It's alright Lisa, it's alright. You can do this."

"Trust yourself okay, you can do this."

"Lisa we're on our way there."

"Okay Soo, thanks."

Lisa was mentally cheering herself on, trying to get everything together. After a few minutes, she finally hears a familiar voice laughing with two other voices. She was pursing her lips, and when the footsteps stop right behind her, she turns around and faces Jennie, Jisoo and now Rosé clearly surprised that she was up this early.

"Hi Chae." She hands her a box of crafted cookies. "I bought these for you, I know you tend to have a low sugar intake so I thought you might want to energize yourself."

Jennie scoffs in the background and that earned a pinch from the woman beside her. Lisa ignores that remark and just focuses on Chaeyoung who was staring at the cookies with a blank facial reaction.

After what felt like forever, Chaeyoung retrieves the box of cookies and that almost made Lisa smile, that is until the athlete hands it to a random college student, who was delighted that she received a compliment and cookies from one of the popular people in their campus.

"I'll head to class first, see you guys later for practice."

Lisa sighs after Chaeyoung leaves them and heads to class. "Forget it Lisa, just give up already."

"You know I cannot do that."

"Fine, I guess you can die trying or whatever." Jennie rolls her eyes. "Chu, I'm going to head to class first. See you there."

Jisoo receives Jennie's love peck before looking at Lisa with sympathy. "Cheer up buddy, I'm sure that she'll see how sincere you are."

Lisa who still feels down at the rejection forces a smile out from her face. "Thanks, Jis."

Soon enough Lisa finds herself in the campus' canteen where she sees Chaeyoung, Jennie, and Jisoo hanging out with other varsity players of their campus.

Despite the fact that Lisa's volley background is exemplary, she still got rejected to be a part of the team even after trying out multiple times. Other students would find it stupid, but when the captain of the women's volleyball team is Roseanne Park, there's clearly nothing you can do about it. Even Jisoo' multiple attempts all went to the drain and Jennie's one-time attempt was also ignored.

She looks back at them who were clearly having a good time. And though she tries to be happy, she couldn't help but feel jealous when Jisoo made the cut and now, she sees her sister laughing along to something Jennie shared at her while Chaeyoung was busy flirting with a random redhead.

Looking down, she tries to have an appetite but the thought of making absolutely no process despite being here nearing a term already puts her in a very, very down situation.

"Is this seat taken?" Lisa turns to three unfamiliar faces. "Sorry, we just thought that you might need some company?"

"Uh yeah sure." The Thai makes space for all four of them.

"I hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable though." A girl with doe-eyed features and warm aura smiles at her.

"No, I have all kinds of strangers approaching me all the time." She remarks, making the one in front of her laugh.

"Sorry, I have a low level of happiness." She beams, and Lisa couldn't help but compare her to a bear.

"I can tell." The newcomer turns to her left and sees a woman with unique charisma remarks. "Just bear with her for a moment this pep talk is going to be real quick."

"Pep talk?" She furrows her eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Well don't be weirded out but the three of us approached you all because we made a bet." Lisa now raises her eyebrows, quite taken aback by the latter's bluntness. "All of our clubs are needed of new members and though you're here for a limited time, we thought you should make the most out of it. Also, we really need your help otherwise our clubs will be terminated."

"Yeri, the word terminated sounds harsh." The first woman says. "What she's trying to say is that if we don't meet the necessary quota, our funds may be limited and any club wouldn't want that."

"Guys, no intent to be rude but I don't even have a clue with who you guys are."

"Well, then I'll do the honors." The bear-like girl smiles and extends her hand. "Hi, my name's Seulgi."

"My name is Yeri."

"And mine's Wendy." Lisa nods in understanding as she tries to immediately memorize the names given. "I know this has a lot to take in, but we do hope you can help us."

" I'm the President of the dance troupe in the campus. I only recruit the best of the best-"

"Now you know why her club's in jeopardy."

"Wendy's the Team captain of the soccer team."

"Your future team." Wendy winks, ending her greasy comment right there.

"And Yeri is the president of the producer's club."

"Producer's club?"

"I'm not surprised you haven't heard of that before, it's a very unique club and you're a unique person I must say so why don't we leave these two alone since we're the only ones who have a common denominator."

Lisa sighs. "Listen I don't mean to be rude or anything but I'm kind of not interested in joining in any of your offered clubs." She says. "I have other things in mind."

"By other things you mean trying to get Roseanne Park's attention right?" Yeri comments which gain Lisa's attention. "I've been observing you for some time now and I must say you do have some kind of unique taste in women going looking for love at someone who thinks everything about it is just a game."

"She-" She bites her lips and shakes it off. "Doesn't matter."

"Well tell you what lover boy, today just might be your lucky day." Yeri continues on with her persuasion. "Don't you know that the more clubs you join here, the more you have a higher chance on being popular?"


"Take your sister for example. Months ago people were just passing by her not giving attention to her pretty face but once she entered the volleyball squad suddenly she's the Literature department's sweetheart. If it wasn't for her girlfriend who's protecting her like some kind of Lion, suitors of both gender will be coming for her."

"Popularity is big here. And if you want to gain your baby girl's attention, you might want to secure a fans' club first." The latter says. "If you want to sit there with them, then you have to be one of them."

"So if I join any clubs, then there's a chance that I could sit there with them?" The three of them nods their heads in approval. "Hmm..." She taps her chin with the use of her index finger as she tries to come up with an idea, which happens to her a few minutes later. "Wait, what if I join all of your clubs?"

They all looked at Lisa as if she was having three heads looking at each one of them at the same time. "Loverboy you determination to get yourself a girlfriend is admirable but that would just basically be impossible."


"Well trainings are every morning and then we have afternoon practices by Wednesdays and Fridays."

"Dance troupe gathers around every Tuesday and Thursdays."

"And my club hangs out on Mondays." Yeri states. "Top that off, you have paperwork, deadlines and all sort of shitholes you'd have to endure before this term ends."

"That's just burning out yourself so if I were you, I think it's safe if you choose with just one of us."

Lisa wanted to brag how she was a master of multitasking things but she doesn't need to gloat, what she needs is to prove it. "Just think of this as me doing you all three a favor. Just let me in until the campus council approves all of your clubs' budget. If I don't make the cut then you can eject me anytime."

The three students look at one another before turning to the fresh meat. "Fine, let's see where your determination takes you lover boy."

And boy did Lisa surprised them all.

She was no foreigner to dancing as she too was a member and even called the Ace of their group back at home and she finally understood what producers' club means when she first attended the weekly meeting and she surprised Yeri when she shows up with a short film of her sister while they were on a vacation in Japan. Video, Music and even authors who were members of the club were surprised and amazed by her talent. Now while soccer was totally an entirely new thing for her, it was not of a big deal for Lisa as she thinks of the sport similar to dancing, with having lots of people running after you.

By the time Lisa scores another goal earning their campus another win, her popularity was already skyrocketing through the roof.


"Yo Lisa!" Lisa turns to the source of the voice and was surprised when it came from Chaeyoung's table. "Mind coming here for a second?"

"Go lover boy. Now's your chance."

Lisa nods at Yeri and makes her way towards the popular table. "Sorry, my name's Bobby by the way."


"Lisa! Come here and sit with us!" Jisoo beams while tapping the free space in between her and Chaeyoung.

"Doesn't she have other friends to attend to?" Chaeyoung remarks.

"No biggie, I'm sure they won't mind right?"

"Why don't you just tell her your compliment and let her leave Bobby."

"Sheesh Rosé are you on your period or something?"

Jisoo who was giving Jennie the puppy dog eyes making the latter groan. "Rosie, it's fine. It's just one lunch." Jennie states.

"Fine." Chaeyoung stubbornly says. "But she gets to sit beside you, Bobby."

"Fine by me." Lisa forcefully smiles and sits beside him. "Why can't she sit beside you though?"

Chaeyoung smirks. "Because Ronda is sitting here." As soon as it leaves her mouth different forms of teasing hover all around the table.

"Speaking of the devil."

"Hey, guys." This so-called 'Ronda' sits beside her dream girl. "Hey you."

"Hey you."

Soon enough the two of them locked themselves into a lip-locking session without giving a single fuck to anyone around them. While the others pay no attention, Lisa, on the other hand, found it rather super uncomfortable seeing and hearing unnecessary sounds during meal time.

After a few minutes, the girl drags Chaeyoung away and the volleyball star didn't even bid her group farewell as she wraps her arms around what people like to call 'flavor of the week'

"Sorry, I forgot you are new to her antics." Bobby says after noticing Lisa was just playing with her food. "She's normally not like that you know."

"Yeah I know."

"Well I still apologize in behalf of her. And maybe it's a bad time for you to join us."

"No problem." Lisa forces out a smile.

While Bobby was trying to cheer her up, Jisoo and Jennie silently observe Lisa and though Jennie would like to fool herself that she was just seeing things, all it took was a glance from her girlfriend to confirm everything.

Lisa was crying over Chaeyoung.


"Yo Lalisa."


Jennie looks around and tells her to come closer. "Look I'll make this quick and simple okay?"

"What's up?"

"So far all of your ideas are stupid, non-sense and just purely dumb." Jennie says frankly. "I admire the effort but waiting for Chaeyoung to come around is like waiting for her to like avocados."

"I don't understand-"

"The point is, you are not wanting her enough." She states. "There's no desperation, no hunger and absolutely firing desire that I sense from you."

"The last thing I want to do is to push her away Jennie."

"But you have to push yourself to step up your game. No more beating around the bush, make her understand that you fucked up, and now you are making up for it." She says. "Girls like Chaeyoung don't do a push and pull game. You pull her close, whatever it takes."

Lisa suddenly felt like Jennie's words start to make sense to her. "Okay, I understand what you're pointing out."

"Good, because I heard that your art department head has a little favor towards you after you won last time's game. Use that to your leverage and pull Chaeyoung towards you."

"Why... why the sudden help?"

"Because Jisoo won't stop annoying me and somehow I see a little truth in your feelings." She changes her stance and went back to glaring at her. "Now move heaven and earth because I really need my old hubby back. "


"Alright class before this session ends I am going to announce your term exams." He sits on the edge of the table as he looks at his dance class. "Since this class has even numbers, I am going to group you by 2's and you guys will be holding a dance performance exam."

"But I want you all to be doing it from scratch. I want to see new techniques, new choreographies, and new music. Don't try to fool me guys, I know if your styles are new or not and as for the music, you would have to submit 3 days before your performance."

"Now, for the selection of the partners..."

He starts to call out names and one by one, the students were already paired up together. Some students gave out positive reactions and some were just casual. No one really paid attention but when the professor calls out Park Chaeyoung and Lisa Manoban in one sentence, everyone in the room suddenly did. Everyone was looking at Chaeyoung who seemed to be surprised with the announcement.

However the campus bell rings, and the professor already calls it a day so some of the students were already on their way out including Lisa who gives the professor a subtle glance before leaving the room.

"Professor, correct me if I am wrong but did you just say I am partnered with Lisa?"

"Yes miss Park."

"Why?" She asks with a little demand. "Why the two of us?"

"What do you mean why Miss Park?" Tilting his head to the side as he tries the temper of his student. "Is there something wrong with partnering the two of you?"


"Do you not like being paired with the best student in class?"

"It's not that professor I just think there are other students who are in need of her assistance than I do."

"So you think you are a better judge than I am."

"Of course not professor I-"

"Then I don't see the need for this conversation Miss Park." He smiles. "Since you indirectly told me that you are slightly above average from the rest of the students I expect the best from your performance."

He walks out of the class and heads out to his next when Lisa was waiting for him by the hallway. She locks his eyes with him and approaches him with a smile and a face full of gratitude.

"Professor I can't thank you enough for this."

"You thank Mrs. Wilson for this Lisa." He smiles. "Though I have to say, your determination is really something else."

"I hope it's not too desperate."

"Well, there's no backing out now right?" He says. "But I do have to remind you that this is still an examination. Performance still matters."

"I know that professor and I won't let you down."

She smiles and bids him farewell as she heads back to the main hall where she decides to drop by her lockers and grabs the necessary things for her next class. As soon as her locker comes into view she couldn't help but feel giddy seeing Chaeyoung casually scrolling through her phone. Lisa tries her best to act normal, especially when the latter's eyes move towards her.

"You have time to talk?"

"Uh yeah sure."

"Can we meet tomorrow afternoon? It's about the exam because somehow the universe seems to be against me and decided for us to be partners." She rolls her eyes. "I hope you have some free time to conceptualize because I really don't have any."

"No problem, leave it all to me."

Chaeyoung looked like she wanted to say something but she decided to keep it to herself and just scoffs it off. "Fine, let's see for tomorrow."


Fuck I am so screwed.

Lisa was tapping her feet in a very nervous manner as she tries to come up with something, just something so that when Chaeyoung arrives at their meeting place she wouldn't end up looking like a dumb bitch.

For the first time, Lisa really hoped that Chaeyoung would be in her asshole self and decide not to show up because she would really be thankful for it.

But this is Park Chaeyoung we're talking about. She might be out there playing games and other people's hearts but she never plays aloof on campus, especially in academics.

This is why the girl shows up thirty minutes after the said meeting time.

"Would you like to order something?" She offers, hoping it would stall some time for her to think of a concept.

"No, I'm pretty sure this talk is going to be real quick." She crosses her arms. "So, the concept?"

Lisa swallows the small lump stuck in her throat. "Um, I was thinking..."

That's when the famous smirk appears. "You haven't thought of anything have you?"

"I have. It's just that I don't think you'd like it."

"Why? Because it's a romantic piece?" Lisa looks at her. "Of course it's romantic Lisa it's a duo and I'll be damned if not everyone decides to go for the safe decision."

"I... I just want your suggestion too."

"Oh here's my suggestion, let us try to be different and go into another dimension. I'll be the scientist and you'll be the thing that I created then in the end, you'll be the one controlling me. We should definitely go for that, people love predictable plots."


"Look Lisa, I know you're loving every minute of this but I don't because I hate you and I am pretty sure I've shown how much I do. Unlike you, I have other things, important things that I should be attending today but here you are completely wasting my time." She says. "If this is your way of forcing me into spending time with you then you better try harder because unless you have a concept, keep on dreaming."

Chaeyoung leaves Lisa all alone, sighing and all to herself and wondering what should she do just to be able to have Chaeyoung's attention towards her.

The weekend comes and Lisa wonders how the hell will she able to come up with a concept especially when she tries to reach Chaeyoung but the latter would always she 'she's busy' or 'some other time'. Stressed out of her mind, she was totally glad when Yeri calls her over the phone and calls for her to hang out.

"What's up?" Lisa says as soon as she arrives at Yeri's fancy condominium.

"Oh hey you're here."

"Seulgi?" The dance troupe president beams at her. "What are you also doing here?"

"Yeri told me to help you."

"Help?" Lisa's eyebrows furrowed. "With what?"

"With your dilemma lover boy." Yeri smirks as she presses the play button.

The living room speakers stars popping some hip beats with the piano starts and a voice that's so melodic accompanies as the song starts. Somehow she sees Seulgi already bobbing her heads and made some minimal dance movements while Yeri looks serious, as if she was still inspecting some loops from the song.

I like you

Sorry, I never meant to

But who're we kidding, it wasn't like I had a say

When I look at you I wouldn't have it any other way

By the time the song ends, Yeri turns to face her. "So? What do you think?"

"This song is a bop." She smiles. "I like it."

"Well that's good because this is your song for your exam."

"My what now?"

"Your exam stupid." The youngest inside the room rolls her eyes. "I know what you did with your dance class, a friend of mine told me that you guys were partners."


"Now, since you helped the three of us to maintain all of our budgets and well gain popularity, we hope to return the favor." She says. "Wendy and I already did our part by providing you with a song so Seulgi will be here to help you with the dance steps."


"Yes dumbass she's the one who sang the song and no, she couldn't be here because she has piano classes so thank her when you see her by Monday and no, I won't accept any hugs or kisses from you lover boy save it for your princess because the only thank you that I'd appreciate if you win back her heart." Yeri smiles. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I will be in my soundproof room because I still have to beat Jisoo's ass for bullying me from last night's game. If you plan on killing one another don't do it on the kitchen, the marble tiles are newly installed and I'll be damned if you spill any bit of blood in it." She looks at Lisa who still was unable to find the words. "Okay, since you're still processing all of this Seulgi you take care. Ciao."

As soon as the door closes Lisa turns to Seulgi who seems to be used to the endless talk the youngest one made. "Wow, she sure talks a lot huh."

"Yeah she does, but don't worry you'll get used to it over time. Now-" she clasps her hands together and turns to her co-member. "Shall we start the choreography for this song?"

Lisa and Seulgi didn't waste any second more and started going on with the choreography. Somehow, Lisa was kind of thankful that she had joined the clubs they offered because if it weren't for them, she would really have a hard time coming up with the concept.

"And bam!" Seulgi smiles and looks at Lisa's reflection. "We're done."

"Heol..." Lisa couldn't hold her smile. "We're really done huh."

"Yes!" The latter answers. "You sure you got them all covered?

"Don't worry." She taps onto her head. "I got it all covered."

"Alright then, I should probably head home now. Irene's already waiting for me and I cannot come home past dinner time or else I'll be eating the food cold."

"Hey Seul, thank you for helping me out."

She beams and Lisa swore she saw the sun inside this room. "No problem Lisa, anything to return the favor."

"Are you guys done?" Yeri emerges from her room and the two nodded at her question. "Irene just texted me and demand your presence at home or else you will be eating cold food in exactly 19 minutes and 39 seconds."

"SHIT!" The bear-like student grabs her coats and heads to the main door. "I'll see you guys on Tuesday!"

The door slams, leaving the two of them alone. "Lover boy do you have any plans left for today?"

"Not really..."

"Cool, come and help me beat Jennie and Jisoo. They're really biting my ass back out there."

Lisa shrugs and agrees without even noticing that Jisoo was in Jennie and Chaeyoung's shared dorm where the volleyball superstar furrowed her eyebrows upon knowing that she was in Yeri's condominium at eight o'clock in the evening.

She was also unaware of the fact that while she was out in the hallway with the very same girl, Chaeyoung was there just done with her Biology class and hanging out with her block mates and she fully heard Yeri's laughter to one of Lisa's lame attempts of making her laugh.

And Lisa wasn't paying attention to her surroundings one Saturday afternoon inside the grocery store which makes her cart collide with Jennie's who apparently was with Chaeyoung.


"Oh hi Jennie." Lisa gives the latter a brief glance. "Hi Chaeng."

Chaeyoung ignores her greeting so Jennie decides to speak up. "Where's Jisoo?"

"She's busy beating Seulgi and Yeri's ass back at Yeri's condo."

Hearing her girlfriend's habits made her groan. "Ugh, can you remind her not to be late on our date tonight? My mom would literally kill me if I introduced a lazy ass girl as my girlfriend."


"I see you're the maid tonight huh."

"Tell me about it. I'm just glad that I am here with-"

"Lisa I found-" Wendy stops midway especially when she noticed the way Chaeyoung's eye twitched. "I found the special sauce."

"Awesome now should we check out? I feel like we have everything."

"Wish we could be like you guys though." Jennie tries to lighten up the mood. "Looks like you two are going to have some baking going on."

"Lisa here is insisting that she would cook dinner tonight and Jisoo warned me already so I thought that I'd offer my help."

"Well, I'm glad you're finding some time to cook Lisa." Chaeyoung comments all of a sudden. "I just hope you also find time in creating a routine since our exams are fast approaching."

"I... I'm already on it."

"Good because the last thing I want is a red mark on my grade list." She spats. "Jen, if you're going to stay I'll just be in aisle 8, where I can find the pure black coffee."

"What, I thought you were craving for some sweets."

"I changed my mind." Turning her head she eyes up Wendy from head to foot. "I need something bitter."

But instead of making things better and going back to Chaeyoung's good graces, seeing how Jennie and Lisa had fun creating a mess on their kitchen after the so called peace offering just made everything worse instead.

Not only that, it worsened every time Chaeyoung saw Lisa hanging out with another woman. It also didn't help when the gossips inside the campus were flying around having Lisa as a so-called charmer and what Yeri would like to call her as lover boy.

It angered her to the core for some unknown reason and she wanted to get back to the latter just so she could even things up between them, so when Lisa asked if they could meet by the dance room after her practice, she decides that it would be the perfect venue for it.

"Hey, you're here."

Chaeyoung starts her comeback with a scoff. "Obviously."

"So shall we get started?"

"Unless you want to waste my time again."

Lisa purses her lips for the first time tonight. "Right so let me introduce the song first to you."

I want you

I want you to want me, too

I know that I signed up for this casually

But I fell for your tricks, I'm the casualty

"Did you like the music?"

"Did you make the music?"

"Yeri did and Wendy helped too."

Chaeyoung's mood dropped hearing that familiar name once again. "I could work with the music."

"Okay well that's cool." Lisa tries her best to smile. "So we'll start off with..."

Though Chaeyoung hates to admit it, Lisa was not just good, but she was pretty damn well in her craft. No wonder she's a dance major, she ain't even a sophomore yet but Chaeyoung could sense she'll be their department's class valedictorian.

Even if she was partnered with a person who has never danced a single day in their life, she could make it work, just how she was working the choreography right now.

But of course, she will never tell all those to Lisa, never in her life and she promised herself that she would get even so she did all her best just so Lisa would show her true colors once again and she could tell that she was this close into making the latter explode because she was messing the choreography a lot of times.

"No Chae, I told you- a lot of times, one two, three and drop, go back sway, two, three, four switch."

"I was totally doing the same thing."

Lisa purses her lips for the nth time today but tries to remain positive. "Okay let's do it from the top then."

"Wait for which part did we practice again?"

"The first part Chaeng, it's still the first part."

"So we still have a lot more to do? Sheesh Lisa, don't you think it's a little ambitious? How long do we have left until it's examination day? A week left?"

"I'm sorry but who was it that kept canceling because you had some other activities to do? Or was it other activities that you were doing?"

Chaeyoung scoffs. "Don't tell me you're affected with my casual hook-ups?" She decides to tease but Lisa doesn't bite the bait. "Because if you are then I'm going to tell you right now that you're a fucking hypocrite Manoban and don't just blame this on me only, you were busy hanging out with other women too right?"

"If you think that I am doing it again then you're wrong because I am not."

"Oh really? And who do you expect to believe that one, saints?" She says. "I am not blind, I can completely see what you are doing. I play your game now remember?"

"What game are you talking-"

"You lied." She hisses and this is the first genuine expression Lisa has seen from the latter. "You lied about coming here trying to win me, lied about not being too pushy and wait for me to come around and you lied- you lied when you said you'd move heaven and earth just so I can take you back."

"Chae I am not-"

"Shut up! I told you to stop calling me that!" Chaeyoung cuts her off. "If you think you can fool me about your changing ways well you can throw that bullshit to the side because I am not having any of it you hear me? And I don't know what Jennie sees in you but for some reason, she believes that somehow you are truly sorry for what you have done and you may have wooed women like Wendy, Yeri and other irrelevant women in your stay here but I am not one of them. I could see right through you."

"Do me a favor and just stop okay? I will never ever fall for you again. That 'Chaeng' you keep on calling is dead, long gone with the wind with no chance of coming back. So for fuck sake's Lisa, get off of my back and go back to Thailand. Go back there and go back to your old ways." She steps closer, height advantage is on her side. "It's not like you're not starting right now right?" Backing away she lets out a smirk. "So tell me Lisa, who's more delicious in bed? Wendy or Y-"

A small sound echoed throughout the room and Chaeyoung looks down at the small pocket notebook a few feet away from hers. She looks back up, and for the first time since Lisa got here, she showed a very angry disposition and she was actually nervous on what's about to happen after she hit one of Lisa's nerve.

Lisa starts as she tries to control her emotions. "You think that just because you don't pay attention to me, disregard every amount of effort I pour out for you and associate myself with some other people is me going back to my old ways. To being someone who played with people's hearts am I right?" Lisa looks at her with disbelief. "Wow, I must've really broken your heart huh? Sorry to burst your bubble Miss Park but I am not like that, I used to but one girl change my point of view about everything."

"One girl who was just tagging along with her sister and her best friend as they compete in Thailand, one girl who was just another target for me and one girl who only wanted to see different kinds of fish but somehow ends up falling for someone who doesn't appreciate her instead."

"One girl who I met only just for the summer but was able to make me feel a lot of emotions more than everyone else, one girl who's laughter is able to make me feel like butterflies are going to come out of my stomach and whose voice feels like a lullaby that I won't mind hearing for an entire day."

"One girl who believed too much in the books that she reads believed in happy endings and love at first sight... one girl who's heart was so pure and yet here I am, the villain decides to destroy every bit of her." She says. "One girl, who suddenly turned away from love and believed in happy never after's and promises are meant to be broken."

"But what that one girl didn't know was that I grew up in a home without love. I was brought into this world with the reality that my parents' marriage was falling apart and it just got worse to the point the word 'love' no longer exists in the walls I was growing up with. That one girl didn't realize that I played with people's hearts because my businessman of a father screamed at my mom that their marriage was nothing but a business deal."

"So I'm sorry, I'm sorry for breaking your trust towards love, I'm sorry if you think that I was just playing with your feelings but I wasn't." She says. "The entire summer with you in Thailand was the only thing that made me believe that love exists in this world... that no matter how far or how lonely you are right now- someone will come your way and change everything about you believed in."

"I'm sorry for not being brave enough to tell you that I love you before I could break your heart. I'm sorry for trying so hard right now, for moving heaven and earth just so you could see that I am desperately, hopelessly and inevitably in love with you." She looks down, heavy breaths were released from her mouth. "Most of all, I'm sorry for destroying you Rosé... you're right. Chaeyoung's long gone and there's no hope of bringing her back." She looks back into her eyes, and Lisa immediately wipes away her tears. "But just like you said it's just a summer fling." She bites her lower lip. "I'll get over it."


Chaeyoung puts down her phone and looks over her study table where the said notebook was placed. With small footsteps, she grabs it and trails the design with her tiny fingers. Slowly opening it up, she immediately sees the header of the page: Ways to win Rosie back.

She decides to put her reading into a stop and decides that she was invading Lisa's privacy and that she shouldn't add more to her sins towards the Thai native. Placing the notebook down and lying on her bed, she sighs to herself as she remembers the talk she had with the other girl.

"But just like you said it's just a summer fling. I'll get over it."

"What am I going to do now?"



"Lisa wait up!"


The girl stops in her tracks, turns around and sees Chaeyoung trying to catch her breath. "What do you want?"

"Can..." She bites her lower lip and grips onto her gym bag tighter. "Can we talk?"

"Sure... not." She then turns around and starts to walk away.

"Lisa just hear me out okay?" She says as soon as she catches up. "We need to talk one way or the other because we still haven't aced the choreography yet and as much as I know you don't want to do it anymore, I'm sure as hell you won't allow a failing grade appear on your sheet too so please, let's be civil and just talk."

The latter stops again and sighs. "Come by the football field at 3 o'clock. I'll be done for my practice after that."

"Okay, three o'clock sounds good."

Lisa leaves her once again and she immediately calls Jennie to cancel practice and ditches the rest of her after 3 pm classes just so they could finally talk with one another. And right at 3 o'clock sharp, Chaeyoung shows up and leaves together with Lisa to the local coffee shop just a few meters away from their university.

With drinks on their sides of the table, the Australian volleyball superstar was surprisingly silent and fidgety much to Lisa's surprise. She was used to seeing the confident, cocky and asshole 'Rosé' that seeing this whole side of her made her remember the shy and adorable Chaeyoung but she immediately remembers that she was no longer that woman so she hardens her face and toughens her composure.

"What do you want?"

Chaeyoung swallows the lump on her throat. "I want to start by returning this to you."

"Oh." She mentally scolds herself for being so stupid. "Well this doesn't matter now but I'm glad that you had the heart to return this."

"And now, I want to talk to you about... us." The two-letter word stops Lisa for a moment before continues to sip her drink. "I'd like to start with thanking you for the amount of effort you've put into making me realize things... the fact that you flew miles away and stayed in some foreign land just to show me that you are a changed woman says a lot and I apologize for not seeing it."

"I'm sorry that I let my hate and anger get the best of me and cloud my judgment towards you. What I said that night Lisa was just my emotions getting the best of me. I never meant those words because you are not going back to your old ways and you're definitely not a liar. If there's a liar in this room then that's me."

"I lied about not giving a shit, I lied about being heartless and I lied about not appreciating your efforts because I do Lisa I appreciate them a lot that I just wish all of this had happened sooner." She says and now Lisa's facial demeanor changes. "I wished that all of this effort showed up when I needed assurance about us and I wished that we were just honest about our feelings rather than just going with the flow... maybe then, we would've been able to save ourselves all the heartache and tears." She chuckles dryly.

"Are you..." Lisa didn't want to say it for herself but Chaeyoung doesn't sound like she would say it anytime soon. "Are you saying that this... this doesn't stand a chance?"

Chaeyoung looks up and meets her with a sad smile. "I just don't know if I could go through all of it again."

The Thai girl felt like all air inside her has been knocked out of her chest. "I... I understand."

"I'm sorry. I know you would've wanted another ending but this is it for us." She says. "In the end, we both lost."

"Yeah, I guess it's a tie then." She forces out a smile. "Thank you for telling me your answer."

"You deserved one from the very beginning."

Feeling her tears coming out any second now, Lisa chuckles and tries to change the atmosphere of their conversation. "Now the hard part's done and the elephant is out of the room, shall we work on the choreography?"

Chaeyoung was somehow disappointed that Lisa didn't even try to argue but she hides her disappointment by forcing out a smile as well. "Yeah, we should."

So for the rest of the days left, they somehow managed to send their professor the song that they would be using and decided less time arguing and more time coordinating with the entire choreography which was surprising going well and both of them didn't expect that they would agree on so many levels and somehow both of them were reminded back at the time when they were just having fun in Thailand, enjoying every bit of summer together. By the time they were done, they were ready to dance and ace their exam and their performance on examination day shows it.

A few days later, finals were over and their dance professor already announced their scores and it was no surprise that the Park-Manoban duo came out on top. Both of them stood up, enjoyed their block mates' cheers and their professor's congratulations to them before he cuts the classes short, a simple reward for a job well done.

"Hey." Lisa decides to approach her with a huge grin on her face. "Congratulations to us."

"Yeah I know right? I mean not to be cocky but I already was expecting it."

"Ah cocky as ever I see." That tease earns a playful slap from the other, making her chuckle. "You have anything left to do today?"

"Just volleyball practice why?"

"Ditch your practice."


"Come and hang out with me." She says. "Come on, I think we both deserve to give ourselves a treat for doing a job well done right?"

"Hmm... you sure are right about that." Chaeyoung acts as if she was still thinking things over.

"Oh c'mon Rosie, don't act like you don't want to celebrate." She smiles at her. "It's just missing one practice, come on."

"If coach punishes me I am not letting you off the hook okay?"


Pulling out her phone, she texts Jennie to give the latter a heads up for her absence later. "Okay, so where are we heading to?"

"I was thinking of beating your ass on arcade games."

Chaeyoung couldn't help but scoff. "There's a small carnival fair half an hour from here."

"Ooh, taking me somewhere remote, you sure don't want your ass to get publicly beaten huh."

"I just don't like the constant annoying sounds of arcade machines stupid don't get your hopes up just yet."

"Fine, loser gets to do what the winner wants?"

"You know me so well Lisa." She smiles. "Let's go."

So for the entire afternoon, Lisa and Chaeyoung spend their time well by trying all of the rides and games that the local carnival offered to them. From the roller coasters to Ferris wheels down to the gun shooting and archery game they were all up for it. And it's not just the rides and games that they were in for but the food as well and they both swear all attention where all on them when they probably ordered everything on every food cart that was there.

Though it was already obvious, Lisa still did try a lot of things just so the odds will be in her favor but Chaeyoung was just too good at the games that she somehow ends up being the loser and like the old times, Lisa was giving the latter a piggyback from the moment they reached the university towards the athletes' dormitories.

"Ugh, what the hell did you consumed in the fair?"

"Duh, obviously the same content you consumed dumbass." She chuckles as Lisa struggles to carry her all the way through.

"Yeah but I'm pretty sure we didn't eat the same amount."

"Lisa, we went halfsies on everything we ate." Lisa turns her head and Chaeyoung could see the latter giving her a knowing look. "Fine, I had an extra serving of nachos-"

"I knew it- ow!"

"Asshole." She snickers. "But thank you for taking me out today."

"Did I make ditching practice worth it?"

And since Lisa couldn't see her right now she lets out a shy smile. "Definitely."


"Alright, here we are princess." Chaeyoung hops off and Lisa immediately stretches her back. "Oh wow, you need to run at least 10 kilometers tomorrow to lose what you-"

"Yah!" She continuously hits the latter. "Stop teasing!"

"C'mon, I'm pretty sure even if you consumed every delicacy here in Melbourne everyone would still like to tap that ass." As soon as it left her mouth, Lisa snaps at Chaeyoung with wide eyes after realizing what she just said. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean-"

Surprisingly though Chaeyoung laughs it off. "I'll take that as a compliment."

"I'll be offended if you wouldn't." She smiles back.

"Lisa, I really appreciate what you did for me today. It was nice to slack off once in a while."

"I'm glad you had fun tonight."

Now they were in complete utter silence. "Well, I better go now. As you said, I need to lose the food I ate."

"Nah, you don't need to. I like you just the way you are."

"Even when I was the heartless, witch bitch Chaeyoung?"

Lisa chuckles at her question. "Even if you were the heartless, witch bitch Chaeyoung."

"Okay." She tries to hide her blushing by looking down on her feet. "Good night Lisa."

"Good night." The latter just nods and starts to walk away in a very slow manner. "Hey Rosie?"

"Yeah?" She turns a little too fast for her own liking.

"I forgot to do something."

"W-w-w-hat is it?" Suddenly Lisa starts making her way towards her, making her heartbeat go all haywire. "W-w-w-what are you-" She instantly froze as she felt warm pair of lips touch her forehead.

"I'm sorry... for everything."

"Lisa..." She mumbles as soon as she feels Lisa pulls away from her.

The Thai girl smiles and caresses her cheeks. "Good night Chae."

The next day, Chaeyoung wakes with a smile on her face as she starts her day with a morning stretch. She snaps out of her bed and looked at Jennie's side before looking at the clock, clearly saying it was already eight, which meant she was already late for their morning training.

As she hastily grabs her things while cursing herself from slacking too much, before rushing out to the gym where she hopes that their coach hasn't arrived yet.

"Calm your tits Park  coach is not here yet." Jennie says as she was sitting on the bench.

"Oh thank God." She exhales a huge sighs of reliefs. "I thought she was going to kill me."

"Why were you rushing anyways? It's still like 7 o'clock."

"What? But our clock says-"

"I made it to one hour advance for us not to be late remember?" Jennie shakes her head. "Sheesh, one date with Lisa and you already forgot a lot of things."

"It wasn't a date Jen, we were just celebrating because we got the highest scores in dance class."

"Yeah, sure whatever."

Placing her gym bag, she sits beside her best friend. "Why the bitchy aura babe? Did you and Jisoo fight? Speaking of Jisoo, where is she?"

"Since you were out yesterday I am going to fill you in with the details." Jennie pouts as she plays the ball with her feet. "It was her last day yesterday."

Chaeyoung furrows her eyebrows. "What do you mean last day?"

Her best friend sighs. "Their foreign exchange programs ended yesterday. Remember how they were supposed to stay for an entire term?" She looks at Chaeyoung who was still trying to process things. "Well, the term ended yesterday which makes-"

"Did Lisa know about this?"

"Duh? She would obviously know. I thought you know too since you ditched yesterday's practice."

I'm sorry... for everything.

"Oh God Jennie." She says. "Jennie she can't leave."

"Well you're too late because their flight time is 7 and I bet they're- hey! Where are you going?!"

"TO THE AIRPORT!" Chaeyoung screams as she starts to run towards the door. "COME WITH ME!"

"Ugh, why do people love chasing their lovers around!!!" Jennie groans as she decides to make a run for it too.


"Come on move!!!" Jennie honks their car horn once more. "Ugh! Why is this feeling like a movie!"

"Because it is a movie!!!" Chaeyoung shoves her phone of a public note that the main road towards the airport would be closed because they were shooting a movie. "FUCK!"


"I'm going to make a run for it."

"Chae..." Jennie gives her a warning tone. "We're almost there we can just- YAH PARK CHAEYOUNG!" She lets out a sigh as Chaeyoung was already making a run for it towards the building while Jennie pulls out her phone and calls her dad. "Dad are you having a flight today? Well, Chaeyoung heading for the airport and she's about to chase her girlfriend. I know, pretty cliché right?" She scoffs. "Can you let her in, please? Oh, and can you make her girlfriend's flight be slightly delayed? I'll send you the flight details. Thanks daddy, love you!"

Meanwhile, Lisa and Jisoo decided to have some breakfast because of their sudden delayed flight. Jisoo was trying to have a decent meal but with Lisa pouting in front of her made her really annoyed with everything.

"Lisa for the nth time, stop sulking you're making me lose my appetite." Jisoo remarks while she was still pouting. "Why do I have to be stuck with you."

"Just let me be will you? I am still dealing with my broken heart."

"Oh you mean you being friend-zoned by the only girl that you love?"

"Shut up!"

"Oh come on Lisa, I am pretty sure once we go back to Thailand, you're going to have a lot of girls waiting for you. Don't worry about it."

"Can't you see it Jisoo? I don't want other girls, I want Park Chaeyoung what's so hard to understand about that?" She annoyingly says. "I want her and her only because she's the only relevant woman in my life and she's the only one I will ever love."

"But what about the distance huh?"

"Fuck distance, I am not going to allow that ruin my chance with her. If it would make her feel better, I would stay here and continue my study in a heartbeat. I moved heaven and earth for her and I am not afraid to do it once more just so she could see that I deserve a second chance."

"Wow, you really love her that much huh."

"Of course I love her! She's the one for me!" Lisa was annoyed at how she felt like Jisoo was doubting her feeling towards the girl. "And why the hell are you smirking?"

"Maybe if you'd turn around you'd find out why."

"What are you-" Lisa's face turns into a meme-worthy reaction the moment she sees Chaeyoung a few feet away from her. "Chae?"

Though she was still catching her breath, Chaeyoung smiles at her. "Hey."

Lisa's heart couldn't help but double up their speed looking at her bare- morning face. "Hey."

"Okay, I'm just going to check with Jennie." Jisoo stands up and leaves them all alone.

"W-would you like to have some breakfast?"

Her comment somehow made the athlete laugh. "I think I'd like to have a talk with you first."

"O-okay." Lisa pulls a chair for her to sit in. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Why didn't you tell me that you were leaving today?"

"I... I thought it was just for the best." She says. "I think that last night ended on a good note and that it didn't need more drama of saying goodbye or some other sort of shit and besides, you made a decision even before I left, I didn't think that me without saying goodbye would have some bearing so I just went with it."

"You're right, your departure without proper closure wouldn't have a bearing because I already changed my decision the way before today." Lisa blinks and confusion was all over her face.

"Are you..." Lisa could feel that she would spit out rainbows any second now. "Are you trying to tell me that..." Chaeyoung smiles at her and that's all she needed to confirm her assumption. "B-b-but I'd still have to leave Chae, my visa expires today and as much as I would spend and move heaven and earth once again I can't be with you if I would be a juvenile so-" Lisa gets cuts off with a kiss. "Yeah sure awesome where's the prison sign me up..." She continues dreamily.

Chaeyoung giggles and leans in to peck her lover's lips once more. "Orange doesn't suit you babe."

"But you do." Both of them laugh at her greasy pickup line. "But seriously though, what now?"

"We work things out. Because something tells me that love is indeed sweeter the second time around." She says. "But don't fuck up this time Lisa... I swear if you do-"

"My fingers and my tongue will be cut off by you."

She stares at Lisa wide-eyed. "I was thinking of beating the crap out of you but yeah me cutting off your tools of pleasure will be enough."

Flight J2342 bound for Bangkok Thailand you're now boarding at gate 18 please proceed to immigration and to the gate immediately. Again...

"Well... that's your flight." Both of them stand up, fingers intertwined with one another. "You take care okay? I'll see you really soon."

"Like the summer volleyball tournament a few months away?"

"Yeah, that one. I can't wait to beat your ass on court."

"Sorry to hear this as early as now but I'm planning to give Jisoo a crown before she graduates."

"Too bad I have the same plan for Jennie too."

"Hmmm, now that we're tied, I wonder who will win the final set."

"Guess I have to do more ass workouts if I want that title."

"You're cute." She smiles as she hears Jisoo calling out her name. "I have to go."

"Promise to message me once you guys arrive?"

"I promise."

"Lisa?" Chaeyoung calls out as their pinky fingers were the only one remained intertwined. "This will work right?"

And instead of answering, Lisa kisses her once again. "I kissed you three times despite you having morning breath. I think that's enough assurance for you right?"

She lets go and runs towards Jisoo as Chaeyoung was there stunned with what she just said. "LALISA MANOBAN I'LL FUCK YOU UP THIS SUMMER I SWEAR!"


"And now shall we give Brazil a round of applause for winning this year's volleyball competition!"

Cheers could be heard from the athletes all across the globe as they cheer for the new champions of their league. The two females raised their trophies and medals once again as the league comes to an end where an after-league party commemorates.

Bodies were moving along with one another as the DJ plays hard-partying beats while others just enjoyed their drinks from their tables and with their friends. Others were already drunk and others were just about to get their fun started but one specific girl was just chilling by the bar, enjoying her martini.

Suddenly, her ass was being slightly tapped and she could feel someone leaning in. "Is this seat taken?"

The girl with dark locks smirks and continues her drink. "Sorry it is."

"Shame, it would've been nice for me to tap this ass though."

"Well why don't you go and give it a try?" And without any second wasted, her lips was devoured by the other woman. When they both needed air, they broke apart, dreamy smiles were plastered on both of their faces. "Hey.."

Lisa smiles at her girlfriend. "Hey."

"Can I get one more martini please?" Chaeyoung says over to the bartender before turning to her girlfriend. "I still can't believe you dyed your hair black."

"I still can't believe I am that whipped for you." That statement made Chaeyoung smile. "But I think I could work with black. I mean you're rocking that black hair too."

"We should rock our hairstyles because this caused us our chance at the championship."

Lisa rolls her eyes. "Don't make me remember it."

"What? I think it's cute though. We now have matching hair color."

"Consider yourself being lucky that Jennie and Jisoo decided to fuck each other's brains out too or else we would've gotten our ass kicked." She says.

"Don't mind them, I'm pretty sure even without the crown, they are having the time of their lives." Both of them turned to their senior team mates who were busy eating each other's faces on the dance floor.

"So I guess we both lost the final set?"

"Hmmm... I am not so sure about that, I mean we both kind of won in a way." She says as she takes a sip of her drink. "Who cares about titles when I have the girl?"

"Oooh... still got some moves I see." Lisa smiles as she takes a taste of the drink as well. "But you're right, fuck titles, I got the best girl in the world right here."


"Kiss." Lisa leans in and Chaeyoung doesn't disappoints and meets her halfway. "So... since Jennie will be busy the entire night so I will do the honors of telling you the news."


"We both know that Jisoo and Jennie will be graduating and can no longer compete with us right? That leaves us all alone and we now struggle of finding a partner that we could immediately connect with since they will be holding another competition in three months' time."

"And your point is?"

"My point is... why should we waste time and effort of finding another partner when we can obviously be the partners?" She states. "I mean, we know each other so well, we work well together and our chemistry is as solid as our relationship. I don't see the need of finding for other people to compete with."

"While I admire your suggestion one of us would have to move to either universities and I doubt my parents will allow me to move miles away."

"Who said you would be the one who gets to move?" Chaeyoung furrows her eyebrows as she was trying to decipher what her girlfriend was trying to say. "I talked with mom right after my foreign exchange program and-"

"No way... no freaking way Lisa." She still couldn't believe what was happening. "Are you trying to tell me that you're moving to my school? In Australia?"

"Well I did pass the entrance exam and all I am waiting for is-" she gets cut off once again by Chaeyoung's lips and some of her tongue inside her mouth. "Wow holy shit mama you're so hot."

"Do you really mean it? Are you really moving to Australia just so you could be with me?"

"I don't see why not?" She chuckles as looks at her girlfriend with full of love. "Like I said, I don't mind moving heaven and earth again just so you could see that I am serious with you. I love you Chaeng."

"And I love you too Lisa." She smiles as she pecks her once again. "I love you."

With a lopsided grin she wraps her arms around the latter's waist. "So does this mean I'm skipping audition and I am your official team mate?"

"Hmmm... I don't know..." She seductively say as she wraps her arms around Lisa's neck. "I mean I might hold a few auditions just so I can assure that you'd make the cut."

"When are we starting?"

"We could start right now." Chaeyoung leans in more and whispers in Lisa's ear. "What I need for a part is pure flexibility. I need someone who cover half of the court for me."

"I think I can do that audition right now."

"Then what are we waiting for lover boy?" She smirks at the latter. "Let's get this audition started."

And with a sudden pull, Lisa finds herself getting dragged by Chaeyoung as they head out to the bar and to their hotel room.

Maybe they both won the final set after all.


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