Sure Thing- Miguel (BLACKPINK COVER)

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"Babe! We'll be late for class hurry the fuck up!"


"Just hurry up God." The feline-like beauty groans. "What did you do back there?"

"I was going through my make-up."

"You don't need one cause you're fucking beautiful."

"One more cuss and I'll-"

If my feelings for you were money I'm a billionaire...

Jennie and Jisoo look at the living room where they see Chaeyoung, their friend and room mate in the apartment they rent singing along to one of the hit songs of the month in front of her laptop. Both of them seemed to be hypnotized by the heavenly voice of their friend and forgot what they were fighting about.

The pink-haired beauty giggles as she finishes the song. "How did I do guys? Sorry if I suck at playing guitar, it's been a while since I played." She turns around and sees her friends. "Yow Jensoo!!"

"Huh?" Jisoo was the first one to blink, and then snaps her fingers at Jennie who seemed to return to reality. "Chaeng! Your voice is amazing as always!"

"Isn't that why an Australian recording company wants to work with her?"

"Correction, they are going to work with her. Chaeng's gonna move after graduation." Jisoo smiles warmly at their friend. "Our chipmunk is going to be really famous!"

"Stop it you guys, graduation is not yet coming until a few weeks." She motions the two of them to stand right in front of the device. "Say hi to them."

"Hi everyone."

"Nyeongan Rosénators..." The duo waves cutely at the camera.

"This is Jennie and Jisoo but you probably know them already since they're more famous than I am. Be sure to check out their channel for awesome covers and relationship goals vlogs." She smiles.

"Waaa, so many fans and admirers." Jisoo continues to eye the comments. "As expected from Park Chaeyoung."

"Why the sudden live anyways?"

"I've reached 50,000 subs." The couple immediately cheer her. "And also, today's my 2000 days anniversary with Lisa." She says as she blushes and covers her cheeks.

"Chaeng look!"

Do you miss Lisa?

"Do I miss Lisa? Yes I miss Lisa." She smiles sadly and looks at the camera. "I miss you... Lisa I miss you. Come back home, safely please." She says with a tone of seriousness. "Come home safely."

Jennie and Jisoo cringes at the latter's confession. "Awee Chaeng you've become like Jennie a clingy-ass girlfriend."

"Hey!" She shoves the girl down to the couch. "I am not a clingy ass girlfriend, you are!"

"Bleh... Where is she anyway?"

"She's going to have a busy day in Australia today."

Jennie just rolls her eyes and focuses back on their friend. "Is she coming to see you?"

"No, she already used her last pass when I was sick and you guys were on a tour." She pouts. "I'll be celebrating on my own for today."

"Don't be sad, we'll celebrate it with you!" The girl looks at her friend. "Jennie and I will be having a gig tonight, you should go."

"You should come Chaeng, rather than spending it all alone tonight with your disney movies. Keep us company."

"Mmm, that does sound a better plan." She smiles cheekily. "Alright, I'll come tonight."

"Yay! Okay that's nice so we'll see you tonight okay?" Jennie waves at the camera. "Bye everyone! We still have a class."


"See you tonight!" She waves at the couple and turns back to her fans. "Guess I won't be celebrating my anniversary tonight after all."

"Um, Chaeyounggie?" Chaeyoung turns around and sees Jennie poking out her head.


"Doesn't your class starts in an hour?"

The chipmunk-looking girl widens her eyes. "FUDGE!"


"Hi Chaeyoung-sunbaenim."

"Chaeyoung-sshi I saw your latest video, you're amazing!"

"Chaeyoung-sunbae, these are for you."

"Hello Ms. Park, I hope these flowers will brighten up your day."

"Happy confession day sunbae, chocolates for you."

She smiles at the freshman who was super shy as she was handing out the chocolates and proceeds towards the main hall where she heads down to her locker and places all the gifts she has received inside then grabbing her needed books for her classes today. Settling herself on the right corner of the hall, she places her text book and some blank papers for her to write on later. She was in her own world when suddenly a rose was placed right beside her. She looks up and sees Jun-Hoe one of her classmates nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Umm..." He starts while she was just waiting for him to continue his sentence. "I-"

"Mr. Koo, seeing you being this shy and cute is romantic, but I think you should take your chivalry outside of my class."

"S-s-sorry maam." He immediately goes back to his seat.

"Just because it's confession day here inside the university doesn't mean you can take it anywhere." She eyes Jun one last time before beginning with her class. "Alright class we left off in..."

Chaeyoung continues to stare at the single rose as she shuts off what her professor was talking about. She carefully traces the petals and it reminded her of the time, the very first time she received a rose.

She was a sophomore in high school and it was Valentine's Day season. On this very day Chaeyoung would be usually on her own since her friends would be out for dates and her sister would be in late practice for the upcoming singing competition her group was participating. Since they always go home together, she decides to kill her time by doing song covers and this year was no exception. She places her hand phone on the table, currently she was doing a live video for her followers and though they weren't many, it was an annual thing for her to do.

So if you're out there I swear to be good to you

But I'm done looking, for my future someone

'Cause when the time is right you'll be here but for now

Dear no one, this is your love song

"Dear no one, this is your love song..." She strums the last chord of the song and smiles at the camera. "So guys that was-"


She almost dropped her guitar at the sudden call for her. She turns her head around and was surprised to see- "L-Lisa?"

She smiles as she walks towards the latter. "That's me!"

"W-w-what are you doing here?"

"Is there something wrong with me being here?"

"N-no." Chaeyoung wanted to curse herself for stuttering this hard. "I just thought you'd be out with your friends or with a date or something."

Lisa tilts her head to the side. "And why would you think I'd be out on a date?"

"Because it's Valentine's Day?" The latter answers in a matter-of-fact tone. "And because you're popular?"

"Why thank you for the compliment Park Chaeyoung."

The amateur singer couldn't help but furrow her eyebrows. "I wasn't-"

"I couldn't be out on a date all because the one I like is not available."

"Oh... Why wouldn't they be available."

"Because she would rather sing love song covers rather than go out with me."

Chaeyoung nods her head but then stops mid-way when she realizes what Lisa just told her. "Did you just-"

"This is for you." She hands the latter a single rose.

"You're giving me a rose?"


"O-on Valentine's Day?"

"Right you are."

"B-but why?"

"Because I like you."

Her eyes looked like they were going to fall out any second because of the confession. "YOU WHAT!?"

Lisa ignores her reaction and looks back at the camera. "What do you think guys? Think I could be Park Chaeyoung's Dear no one?"

And ever since that day, Chaeyoung's high school life was never the same. From the simple girl with the guitar in the far end corner of their classroom, she becomes the center of attention and all eyes were on her. She didn't like it one bit and would prefer to have the entire student body to not know she actually exist, but once your acquainted with someone like Lalisa Manoban it's kind of hard to go back to that simple high school life the girl with the heavenly voice wanted.

She also didn't like the amount of hate she was getting, just because the popular student has confessed her feelings. She kept on getting all of these insults, back-bites and the fake rumors spreaded like wild fire that she sometimes find herself crying in one of the bathroom stall. Sure, it felt nice to know you captured the attention of the most popular kid in school but she thinks that she didn't deserve the amount of dislike just because she was the popular kid's crush.

So one day, Chaeyoung decided to confront Lisa and told her to stop. To stop picking her up from the house and go to school together with her older sister, to stop sitting with her during lunch and hanging around her during Lisa's free time. To stop waiting for her when classes are done, to stop texting and calling her. To stop proving to her that it wasn't just a Valentine's Day prank and that her confession was true.


"No?" She asks Lisa with disbelief. "After everything I told you, you're still going to say no? Lisa, can't you see? I don't want any of this! I just want a normal high school life!"

"And I am going to give that to you. But I can't stop proving you how I really feel."

"Lisa, there are a lot of girls that are better than me why don't you shift your focus-"

"Because no matter what I do, they will never be you Park Chaeyoung." She looks at the latter who was close to tears. "No matter how hard it's going to be, I am not going to give you up." She walks closer to her and pulls her in for a tight hug. "Not liking you is the only thing I am not good at."

The hate did stop the next day. And after a year of courting- Park Chaeyoung said yes to Lalisa Manoban on May 7, 2012.

The two was immediately considered by the school as the perfect couple. Lisa is head over heels for her and Chaeyoung was no different, because Lisa could be standing there- simply existing and she'd probably have a thousand compliments to say to her girlfriend. They would be so sweet and romantic to one another, didn't know what the definition of space mean and public display of affection was always there. They gave zero fucks to haters and appreciated the people supported them. You can call it cliché and nothing out of the ordinary but in times of constant hook ups and unsaid feelings, their love story was a fairty tale.

Eventually, their fairytale love story comes to an end when Lisa got accepted to enlist in the Korean army. Chaeyoung cried for days and didn't even speak to her Thailand princess for days but when she realizes that it was always Lisa's dream to serve the greater good, she leaves their house at 3 AM, ran 6 blocks and rushes to her girlfriend's arms while saying that she'll support her no matter what because she loves Lisa. She will always love her Lalisa...

It was rough and there were multiple times where she thought things weren't working out. They were only limited to fifteen minute calls once a week, no physical contact for two years and Chaeyoung would always find herself celebrating milestones and anniversaries on her own. She would cry about it and would lose hope about their future together as a couple, but her mom would always tell her that loving Lisa also meant loving her dreams because they were a part of her and when you love someone, you would love them as a whole, not just a part of them.

Lisa still never fails to make sure she feels loved though because even though she would celebrate their anniversaries alone, she would always have a letter with her and read it while eating on their favorite diner just down the neighborhood they both live and though it was old school, Chaeyoung thought it was romantic. She would always visit whenever she'd get a free pass and they would have dinners together with their families where the topic would always drift onto Lisa's mom asking when will they get married and Chaeyoung's dad gushing at the thought of having little Chaelisa running around their big yard. They would always end up blushing, but it would be a complete lie if Chaeyoung didn't imagine the exact same thing.



"Hey, Chaeyoung."

"Huh?" She looks up and sees a man smiling at him. "Oh, hey Yonghwa-oppa."

The campus crush smiles at her. "You zoned out pretty hard there."

"S-sorry... I tend to do things like that these days." She tucks her hair behind her ear. "But thank you for waking me up."

"It's cool and I've got you these." He hands him his notes. "I figured that you're going to freak out once you've realized that you zoned out."

"Thank you so much!" She smiles widely at him. "I'll return this tomorrow I promise."

She starts to fix her things when suddenly, he holds her hand to stop her from leaving. "I know this is going to sound too sudden but I was wondering if you're doing something after class?"

"After class?" She furrows her eyebrows.

"I just thought that it's been a while since we jammed along to some songs and it sounds weird but I'd really be happy if we can jam and do a cover again after your class." He rubs the back of his neck as he chuckles nervously. "If you're not- not busy that is."

"Well you see..." She trails off and diverts her eyes anywhere besides him. "My friends are having a gig and I already said yes earlier."

Disappointment was written all over his face but he manages to hide it with another chuckle. "No worries uh- I'll see you around I guess?"

Chaeyoung gives him a timid smile and leaves the classroom with a little prayer that there will be no more incidents like that today.


Thankful enough she really doesn't experience it anymore and all she got were gifts and greetings which she accepted and replied to. Sighing to herself, she was happy that her class was done and now she could return to her home and rest there for a while before going out for her friends' gig. She drops by her locker and was even more surprised to see that the things she placed earlier was already doubled from her locker.

She successfully gathers everything the people have given her but the sudden noise coming from the other students from the hallway surprised her, causing everything she holds to fall from her grasp and completely embarrassing herself. She instantly bends down and starts to pile up the gifts before someone else would see it.

"Here, let me help you with that."

"Hello Joy-unnie." Chaeyoug gives her a smile. "Thank you for helping me out."

"No problem." She returns the smile back. "Are you sure you're going to carry all of those?"

"My hand just slipped earlier but I'm fine." She chuckles. "I'm just thankful you're the only one who saw that."

Joy stands up together with the latter. "Um, Chaeyoung I want to say and ask you something."

"What is it?"

"I just want to say thank you for listening to my rants last week. It's was a bit too much, but I'm glad you stayed and comforted me."

"Oh, no problem unnie. You were a great listener to my problems too."

"I was wondering if you were free today." Chaeyoung waits for her to continue what she was saying. "I was planning to treat you some ice cream, as a form of saying thank you to you."

"There's no need for that unnie, I'm just happy to be there to help you out. I also have a prior commitment sorry." She pouts cutely at her friend.

Joy instantly looks away with a faint blush imprinted on her cheeks. "I-I-It's alright, we could go there some time later. I just thought it was a good day to share an ice cream with someone." She gives the latter a small smile.

From afar, the pink-hair beauty could see someone hiding in one of the corners. "Unnie, I'm pretty sure you can still enjoy some ice cream with someone today."


"I heard Wendy-sunbae has an incredible sweet tooth. She actually likes the Kiwi flavor the most."

"Omo! I love Kiwi ice cream flavor as well!"

She gives the older one a light tap on the shoulder. "Which is why I think you should ask her to come with you."

She leaves the campus after receiving more gifts as she heads outside the main lobby. She was already struggling as the gifts were piled up and slightly covering her eyes but she was really determined to go home, have a little rest and then head back out to enjoy her friends' gig tonight.


Chaeyoung was just thankful that she was able to get a good hold of the things she was holding otherwise she would make a complete fool out of herself once again. She turns her head around and glares at the owner of the car.


"Sorry!" He pulls himself up from his convertible car. "I didn't mean to scare you like that."

She could only release a sigh. "It's fine. I'm sure you don't mean it." She smiles at him. "Just don't do it again okay? You're going to scare the life out of people when you do that."

"Sorry." He chuckles nervously. "I saw you and look like you were having a hard time. I was just wondering maybe I could give you a hand or something."

"I think I'm alright." She waves him off. Knowing what a little ride with him to her apartment would to to his (I)fangirls. "Thank you for the offer though."

"Seriously though." He follows her slowly still inside of his car. "I really feel bad for scaring you like that I feel like an asshole."

"I appreciate your concern Jungkook but really, I am okay."

"Just accept my help please? It'll be easier if you're inside my car. Your apartment is a few blocks away."

"It's just a short walk." She controls the urge to flip at him.

"Come on Chaeng, don't be too hard-"

Alright, that's it. "Like I said, I'll be fine and I can manage. My apartment is a few blocks away and my body is fully functioning so thank you for the concern but seriously-" She says with a hint of annoyance in the tone of her voice. "I'll be alright."

She doesn't wait for his reply and starts to walk away from him. Jungkook is a wonderful guy and he's nice but sometimes it's his fangirls and boys would always make big deals out of small things. She was a victim of it too because she received so much hate when some fan recorded his reaction during one of her performances in the campus and with minimal conversation with him on the hallways, people started to speculate that they were a couple and that she was totally in love with him and even Jungkook starts to believe it too but Chaeyoung was quick in avoiding him and flaunting her relationship with Lisa. Although it was a dead rumor, it was the worst 3 months of her life as a college student.

She arrives on their apartment tired and fifteen minutes later. She places all the gifts she received on her desk and jumps on her bed, releasing a sigh when she finally reached the comfort of her fluffy and cozy bed. She pulls out her phone and starts to view down her gallery choosing what picture of them she would post on her social media later. She smiles as she was scrolling through but then one specific video catches her attention and decides to play the video.

"A little bit of Black with a little bit of Pink got ain't a little 'bout this-"

"Been livin' this Big-"

It was an old video of her and Lisa jamming through a song called So Hot they once covered and one of her subscribers asked if they could do the rap verse. She lets out a smile looking at the video seeing how happy they were and remembers the event that happened like the back of her hand. They were celebrating their 1500 days as a couple and they were doing a live video for the fans who were super happy to see them together.

She wanted to cry because she misses her girlfriend so much and she hates it whenever she spends their anniversary all alone. The first one was when they reached their 1000 days together and she really didn't like the feeling but she was going to understand Lisa's situation because like what her mom would always tell- (I)Loving Lisa also means loving her dream.

She puts her phone down away from her, slumps back to the bed and was about to head back to sleep when a specific ringtone catches her attention that made her jolt away from the bed and grabs her phone back.

"Oh there she is! My baby's here come come come!" Chaeyoung couldn't help but smile and hides her blush behind the pillow. "Where's my little chipmunk?"

Chaeyoung couldn't help but smile at her girlfriend's aegyo voice. "Babe..."

"Rosie give me a kiss."

"No." She giggles. "Stop teasing..."

Lisa giggles on the other line. "You know I like it when you blush. Look at your plump cheeks!"

"Hajima..." She whines as she hides further more, feeling her cheeks getting redder by the second.

"Arrasso, arrasso I'll stop teasing you."

"I was so surprised to see you call. I thought you were going to have a busy day."

"Well just because I'm busy I can't make time for you." Hearing that made the butterflies in her stomach alive once again. "And I saw your live video earlier, I just want to say that I'll come home safely."

"Awee, I'm flattered."

"I'm really sorry I couldn't spend this milestone with you babe, I really feel bad."

"It's okay, you can have lots of free pass next year. You can make it up to me then."

"Thank you for being the most awesome girlfriend in the whole wide world." She looks at the girl. "I love you Chaeng."

Although she has heard this a lot of times, it never fails to feel like the first time. "Even though we fight sometimes, I love you a lot Lisa."

"Sergeant, your guests have arrived."

"Thanks private." She looks back at the camera. "Well, that's my cue."

She hums in response. "I'll take a nap and head down to Jennie and Jisoo's event."

"Okay, I'll call you later before this day ends. And please don't forget to send me a picture of what you're going to wear, I know the place so I don't want any human species to be near you within 10 feet." She says. "Unless it's Jisoo or Jennie."

"What if I know someone there?"

"Then they better be 10 feet further."

She couldn't help but chuckle at her girlfriend's jealousy issues. "Do you really want me to send what I'm gonna wear or-"

"That was one time. I was frustrated and I missed you."

"Well what about that one time where you asked me to have a facetime during show-"

"OKAY!" Lisa cuts her off, red tints could be found on her cheeks and ears. "I need to entertain my guests now so I got to have a clear mind."

"Hmmm, sure you have." She giggles. "You do well now sergeant."

"Bye babe, I love you!" Sending a flying kiss to one another, Chaeng ends the call and was off to dreamland in a matter of seconds.



Chaeyoung arrives at the bar just in time where she sees Jennie and Jisoo still having a talk with the band and doing some last minute check. As expected from the famous youtubers, a lot of people gathered around to see them perform and she really couldn't blame them. It was one thing to hear these two do a cover, but hearing them live was another level. She gives them two a fighting sign before settling herself on one of the bar stools and ordered some fresh lady drink.

"Hello everyone, we're double J." The couple bow down to the crowd who were happy to know that they were getting started. "We'll be playing for you guys tonight and we hope you will enjoy our set."

Jennie looks over to the band. "1, 2, 3-"

Tell me why you gotta look at me that way

You know what it does to me

So baby, what you tryna say? Ayy

Lately, all I want is you on top of me

She finds herself immediately bobbing her head to the first song and to the other songs as well. She really did like the set for tonight it was as if it was her go-to playlist. She would sing along, tap her foot and snap her fingers along to the melody of the song and jam along with the duo. She would really like to see some Disney movies but hanging out tonight is even more fun.

"Hey man, could you get me a beer?" The man besides her says. "And another cocktail drink for the lasy."

Chaeyoung couldn't help but turn to him. "Me?"

"Yeah you." He says. "You can't have a good time without drinking right? And you can't expect me to not buy you a drink."

"And why is that?"

"Because I want to have you a good time as well." He hands her the drink which she reluctantly accepts. "My name's Chanyeol. You're Rosé right? A famous youtuber."

"I wouldn't say famous but yeah that's me."

"Sorry I just couldn't help but notice that you're alone for tonight."

"How sure are you that I am alone for tonight?"

"I was waiting for someone else to come your way but so far no one came. I guess I am lucky tonight."


"Yeah, I mean you're alone, I'm alone and it would really be nice if we can each other company for tonight." He winks. "What do you think?"

Just as she was ready to snap at him- "May we call on this human to be on stage, Park Chaeyoung!"

She was stunned to hear name but was relieved nonetheless. "Well... I guess that answers your question." She fakely smiles.

"Well... I guess I'll see you later?"

She gives off an awkward smile before turning around. "Maybe never."

The crowd applauses for the girl. "You guys know her right? Her famous channel Roses are Rosie?"


"Chaeyoung here joined us tonight because she will be actually singing a song with us!" The crowd cheered for them.

"What?" The chipmunk-like girl whispers. "This isn't part of the invitation earlier."

"Well unless you want to sit there again with big foot." Jennie suggests. "You know this song I swear."

"We're singing a song that's really close to her heart. Actually, this song is dedicated for her and her long-time girlfriend Lisa who are celebrating their 2000 days together as a couple isn't that amazing?" Jisoo says and they all responded positively. "And since her sergeant Manoban couldn't be with her, we're all going to celebrate it tonight with this song."

"Hey Chaeng, just cover Lisa's part okay? Just like how we recorded it one time."

"Okay I got it."

"Alright, 5, 4, 3-"

Love you like a brother

Treat you like a friend

Respect you like a lover

Chaeyoung sways while she's in her seat and sang Lisa's line. She suddenly remembers the time where Lisa and her decided that this song would be their official theme song as a couple exactly a year ago while conversing through text messages as her military lover was on her way back to camp after their wonderful double date.

Even when we're down to the wire baby

Even when it's do or die

We could do it baby simple and plain

Cause this love is a sure thing

"You can bet that, never gonna sweat that..."

Chaeyoung's head instantly snaps upwards and couldn't believe what she's seeing right now. It was none other than Lisa, her Lisa in her military uniform singing her lines while walking towards them. She probably has this shook reaction right now but when Lisa shows her signature heart-warming smile, she jolts up from her seat and lunges herself at her girlfriend's arms who enveloped her in a very tight hug.

"What are you doing here?" Her voice, muffled against Lisa's neck. "I thought you were in Australia and you had guests coming over and meeting-"

"Shhh Chaeng, one question at a time."

"But I just don't get it!" She pulls away and looks at her face.

"Well I may have slipped and forgot to tell you that since I was just promoted to Sergeant, means I also had a free 3-day pass. So here I am though I already arrived last night but you get the point babe."

She whines adorably and pulls Lisa again for a hug. "You're so mean! I really thought I was going to celebrate it alone!"

"I already missed our 1000 days anniversary, there's no way I'm going to let that happen again."

"Stop being so sweet! I already miss you so much when we're this close, how much more when I need to move back to Australia." She pouts.

"Well, maybe you don't have to miss me that much." Chaeyoung was confused and so she faces Lisa again, waiting for her to continue. "There was an opening in the Melbourne station, for the Korean Ambassador's office. I volunteered myself since the others were too relunctant to move."

"SHUT. UP." Chaeyoung, being even more surprised- displays a meme-worthy reaction. "ARE YOU SERIOUS!?"

"I'm going to have to arrange some file and then we can only see one another two or three times a week. It's not much but-" She was cut off when her chipmunk hugs her again. "There, there chipmunk, don't cry..."

"HOW CAN YOU EXPECT ME NOT TO CRY!" Lisa chuckles again. "Is there anything else you want to tell me? Before I die out of your surprising revelations?"

"I do have one more thing to show you."

"What is it?" Lisa points her index fingers at a specific direction. "WHAT!?"

Chaeyoung covers her mouth as she sees her entire family along with Lisa's parents standing in the corner of the place. They were all smiling warmly at her and even Mrs. Manoban shed a few tears but still managed to blow a flying kiss to her. She turns back her attention to her girlfriend who has this huge grin on her face.

"Lisa, what are they doing here?"

"They were the guests I had to entertain earlier."

"Hold on... Wha-what's going on?"

"Chaeng, do you remember the time where I told you that if my parents didn't send me here on exile, I would've continued my studies in Australia and study photography?"

The latter smiles. "You even told me that even if we didn't meet here, we could've meet in Seoul. Like those soulmates people were talking about."

"That even if we weren't a couple now, we would eventually be someday because we were meant to be." Chaeyoung smiles and nods her head. "Well I want to add one more thing to that statement and fact that we are indeed soulmates."

"More?" Chaeyoung's eyebrows furrows. "What is it?"

"That it doesn't matter if we meet here or in Australia because we are really bound to meet. It doesn't matter if we meet as high-schoolers or as adults because I will always be sure that you're my love at first sight and- it doesn't matter if we're a couple 2000 days earlier or 2000 days later because in my heart I know, I would still be doing this- right in front of the people we love."

"Lisa, babe you're scaring-" She lets out a gasp and covers her mouth.

"The moment I saw you and heard you sing I won't give up on us during the talent show, I knew cupid hit me hard that day. Everything about you is beautiful that I scolded myself for not being able to see you earlier but by the Gods- the moment I saw you, I couldn't look anywhere else."

"Although I knew you were way too out of my league and there's no way you'd look at my direction, when I saw your live and you were in one of those classrooms, I encouraged myself that this was my only chance, and that it was going to be now or never. I had to tell you how I feel, even though I'm pretty sure in my imagination I would look cool." She laughs and the crowd goes with her, including the teary lady in front of her. "But hey, at least I was right. I was your Dear No One." She smiles.

"Our relationship was never a smooth-sailing one but like what they say, A smooth sea never mailed a skilled sailor though I wish in our 2000 days as a couple I would've spend more time with you, just being physically there but I can't wait to make it up to you, hear you scold about me burning simple things and I'd come back with you burning things like spam or something." Lisa could feel her tears on the edge of her eyes. "To be in one home, in one bed, to turn our good byes into good nights."

"Oh Lisa..." Chaeyoung says in such soft tone.

"Park Chaeyoung, since we're already a sure thing..." Lisa pulls out a black box, revealing a beautiful ring with a pink diamond. "Will you marry me?"

She looks at Lisa who was clearly on the verge of breaking down. There were already tears that were about to fall in any second but she was impressed at her girlfriend's skill to hold such emotions inside of her unlike her, who was a crying mess. She diverts her attentions to her friends in the stage, seeing them wiping a few tears and smiles that were encouraging her to say yes. 

She turns to her family who- even without use of words seem to approve of Lisa's confession and of course to Lisa's parents, especially to her dad who at first didn't really welcome the thought of them being as a couple at first but loved Chaeyoung endlessly when he finally accepted it, wiping his eyes while her girlfriend's mom was comforting him. She looks back at Lisa, who was starting to lose confidence and freak out.

"Babe?" She mumbles. "Please say something." Lisa requests as she swallows the lump on her throat.

"Who wouldn't want to marry their soulmate?"

Lisa hangs her head low, releasing the loudest sigh Chaeyoung probably heard in their entire time together before looking up and places the ring on her finger and sweeps her off of her feet, spinning her around as the latter giggles in the Sergeant's arms. She pulls away a little before leaning in and enjoying their first kiss together as an engaged couple.

"PARTY PEOPLE! Whoo!" Jisoo says and the band starts to play the song again. "Rock with me babe..."

"Let me hold you in my arms talk to me babe."

The crowd gathered together in the middle of the dance floor dancing to the beat, Chaeyoung wraps her arms around Lisa's neck while Lisa's hands found Chaeyoung's waist and they swayed slowly like a slow dance in homecoming dance while having this huge smiles on their faces.

"Hey Chaeng?"


"Happy 2000 days anniversary." They look at one another, smiles still in their faces. "What do you say after this we go on a date?"

"By date you mean like going through our favorite chicken restaurant, order one box, pizza, black bean noodles, rice noodles, chocolates, pudding?" She asks. "And watch Disney movies on your laptop while we lock ourselves in our fortress?"

"You forgot we're still getting ice cream though."

"Just like our first date?"

Lisa chuckles and kisses her again. "Just like our first date. What do you say?" The soon-to-be Mrs. Manoban smiles at her fiancé.

And like how she was certain that there was a reason why Lisa talked to her on Valentine's Day, a reason why she was able to endure every hardship that happened to them, how certain she is that Lalisa Manoban is her soulmate and that this is the real deal and she was going to be her partner in crime in this life- she pulls Lisa in for another kiss before saying-

"Sure thing Sergeant."


And that's that for Part 1! I already made this into a thread on my twitter but thought of sharing this more to the public. Happy Chaelisa Day everyone. 💙💛

I'm gonna post another one-shot probably tomorrow because I'm suppose to write on my other fic but rest assured I will be keeping this story updated from time to time. 

Tell me how much you like it and what do you think of this one-shot I made. I'll see you all real soon.

DonkeyASS is walkin' out! :)

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