The Chainsmokers- Wake Up Alone

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It was 7 o'clock in the morning on a Saturday in downtown Los Angeles and whenever it was Saturday, Los Angeles day life starts a little bit of late than usual. It was usually the time for the people who worked in form nine to five get to wake up a little bit late and enjoy the comfort of their bed. Some prefer to start earlier and take a quick jog by the beach or by the park. Others who found themselves inside the club last night were now finding themselves going home either from the craziest night of their life or just another Friday night.

But for Rosé, it was just another day waking up in an expensive hotel, bare-naked and hungry; nothing out of the ordinary.

Definitely had fun last night. Hope we can meet again.

She sighs to herself unable to count the times this already happened to her and how many times was she willing to go put her own self through this mess.

"Can you get your shit together Rosé?" Suddenly her phone rings inside her pouch bag so she grabs a hold of it after a few seconds of searching on the carpeted floor. The name 'Choo' was flashing its name on the screen. Sighing again she closes her eyes as she taps on the green button. "Hello?"

"Hello? Really is that how you greet me?"

"I- good morning?"

"What's so good about the morning Rosé? Give me one good reason."

"It's a weekend?"

"Yeah but poor me I work 24/7 right?"

"Chu calm do-"

"No, I won't calm down. Where are you this time?"

Rosé tries to search for something when her eyes caught the logo of the hotel. "Imperial."


"If you don't want-"

"Of course I don't want to pick you up on that place! You had a scandal on that exact building and I told you to stay away from it but what do you do huh?"

"Fine, I'll take-"

"Take a what huh? A cab? And then what? Have Mr. Taxi look over you and wonder why the fuck is Rosé inside my cab and then starts to call insiders and then have a scandal by late afternoon?"

"I think now is not the best-"

"I think this is the best time to give her a lecture. Meet me in the basement in five minutes. I mean it, FIVE."

"I'll wait by the basement in five minutes."


"Wow, I am so glad that you can make it." The woman in the driver's seat welcomes her with such sarcasm.

"Hey, honey." Rosé smiles timidly at her. "Want to grab some tea and something to eat first?"

"Yes please thank you."

"See, this is why she won't grow up! You're always tolerating her!"

"Babe, I am not tolerating her okay? She's had a rough night and she doesn't really need all your sermons. She's 22 already."

"Then she better act like her goddamn age." She looks through the back mirror to get a good look at the person in the backseat- thoughts way far ahead of the road that they were taking. "You're no longer Park Chaeyoung remember that. If you hated being her, then if you're going to hate being Rosé soon."

Deciding not to answer, she places her earphones in and starts to listen to her weekend morning playlist as she admires the sun going into full bloom waking up half of the population in the city. As the constant beats allowed her to pull away from reality- she was brought back to the starting point of her career. Her manager was right, she used to be Park Chaeyoung, and she hated every minute of it.

Park Chaeyoung was an eighteen year old idol from Korea who stole a lot of people's hearts and was even called the idol of the century and with each year passing, there was no other way for her but upward. But despite of having everything a girl could dream of, she wasn't exactly happy too. Sure, it was nice to be a singer and perform for the world but how could she encourage others about being honest and just being themselves when she cannot even do that herself. She has been hiding in the shadows of Park Chaeyoung: Nation's sweetheart wherein fact she was Park Chaeyoung: A lesbian.

She didn't want to admit it at first in fact; she was mortified when she entertained the thought. She tried to conceal her true identity by allowing herself to be linked with the male population as her career progresses. But after making making-out with one of her back up dancers and having an on and off fling with another female idol- she finally steps out in the shadow by picking and waving the pride flag at one of her concerts.

Long story short, she found herself in a very deep hole and was force to choose to be someone else and continue her career or to be someone who she really is but have no future in the entertainment industry. She chooses the latter and decides to write an apology letter- one that she absolutely find ridiculous so instead of an apology- she wrote on her personal account about how she was going to show to the world that not being part of the norm was okay rather than forcing her into an identity that she will never be proud of.

Her parents were devastated and some of her fans left her too when she confirmed it herself. But she pushed through all those rejections until a CEO from a very well known label in Los Angeles flew to Korea and offered her a business offer and now Park Chaeyoung was gone and this is where Rosé comes into the picture.

When she debuted in the States, everybody immediately fell for her. She was breaking through record after record, songs topping with every release and the best part of it all- she gets to be herself.

Of course, not everything was glitz and glamour because seeing her as the new gay girl in class, a lot of women took advantage of it and used her for them to gain profit. This is why Jisoo, her manager in Korea who also went with her and her main stylist Jennie were so concerned for her. She understood where they were coming from but how hard was it to find someone who was willing to stay with her until the morning?

"We're here." Jisoo stops the car. "Chae, please know that-"

"I know unnie." She smiles at the person in the driver's seat. "I get that you're looking out for me and all. You're right, I shouldn't involve myself in a scandal, not when I am about to go on tour after this song release."

Jisoo sighs. "Yes but you know there's more than that right?"

"Yeah, but I'd rather not talk about it and just focus on today's schedule."

"Okay, I can do that."

"Thank you."


"Okay so Rosé, you've gone so far from where you were used to be and now- you're going on your first ever solo tour how does that make you feel?"

"Honestly I am still a bit overwhelmed by everything. I used to open up for other artists before and now, I get to perform for hours with the songs I've really worked hard on in front of the people who have supported me from the very beginning and for the fans who have been supportive since I took a different path."

"I'm sure that they will be rooting for you in the upcoming tour." The host smiles. "Now, moving on, you are about to release a new single is that right?"

"Yes, yes that's absolutely right." Fans start to howl for her name, encouraging for her to sing a few lines.

"Alright, alright people let me have a bite first okay?" The audience laughs and Rosé too. "So can you give us a short introduction on what's this song is about?"

"Well this is about someone who already has everything anyone could every dream of but somehow she stills finds her life so empty. All because she has no one to wake up with."

The crowd gushes and released their coos and 'awes'. "That sounds so sad." The host pouts.

"It is but the beat is very modern and a lot of people can jam into it."

"Oh so they can jam into while having a drive?"

"Even in the shower they totally can do."

"MARRY ME ROSIE!" Someone in the audience screamed.

"I'll think about it!" She responds back.

"You sure can be a charmer when you want to." The host laughs along with the crowd. "How did you come up with the song?"

"I think it was just a personal experience for me, you know from my back story and to be who I am right now and the longing is there you know? Performing on stage and now- on road is something I've always wanted but I've always wanted to find that someone who's willing to stay with me until the morning." She smiles.

"Can we hear a few lines?"


"I'm kidding, why settle for a few lines when you can debut your full song here right?" The crowd began to react crazily and positively. "See? Everyone loves it already and you haven't even uttered a word yet! Ladies and gentlemen here is Rosé with her new single- Wake Up Alone!"

Now I got cars, now I got clothes, now I got money

Now I got crowds screamin' my name sayin' they love me

You got real close, say I'm not alone, you understand me

But late at night, when I close my eyes, the quiet scares me


"Before this night gets wild- I would like to propose a toast!"

"I would like to congratulate Rosé, for being able to do what she has always been dreaming of, to perform on the road for the very first time ever since she debuted here. All of the hard work, preparation and dedication of the team will officially start tomorrow, and I can't wait to just be with you guys for the next three months!"


"Tomorrow we work but for tonight- let's get wasted!!!!"


Glasses were clanked against each other as their took the shots all in one go before they officially start the night. Rosé finds herself being surprised by her entire team on one of the top bars in the city as a celebration for the successful launch of her US Tour.

"Can you believe it? You're officially going on tour starting tomorrow!"

"I know! It still sounds so crazy!" Rosé smiles.

"I'm so proud of you Chaeyoung-ah." Jisoo smiles warmly at her. "Seeing what you have become right now, I am so happy that you are now living your dream."

"And you're part of that dream unnie. I believe I wouldn't be able to continue if you and Jennie unnie weren't here to cheer me on. Especially you, English isn't your first language but you still took the job and now look at you."

"Hell yeah." She smirks and stands up. "ARE YOU GUYS HAVING FUN!?"


"I WANT TO HEAR YOU SCREAM!!!" All of the people in their table complied, including her artist. "WHOO!"

Rosé giggles as soon as Jisoo sits back. "Thank you for being here."

"Anything for you Chipmunk." She gives her a quick peck on the cheek. "Now go and have fun, but not too much fun okay? You have to wake up at eight. I need you to be sober once we go on tour."

"Yes mom."

"Good, now let's drink some more!!!" Their table erupts in cheers as shots were being offered to each one of them.

Rosé was having the time of her life that night. But, unknown to her, a woman in a table downstairs was having the time of her life too as she was being welcomed as one of the dancers in one of the top dancing crews located in Los Angeles.

"Everyone let's all welcome Lisa in the family!"


"Guys, come on- let's not embarrass ourselves now shall we?" A girl with blonde locks reminds them.

"Don't be a party pooper this is your welcoming party! Welcome it with open arms."

"I am, but I know how easily drunk your asses can get so let's try to enjoy this night without getting into trouble yeah?" Lisa turns into a specific guy. "Especially you."

"What? Why me?"

"Because you're a troublemaker and we all know it." The rest of the people nods in affirmation.

"Okay, drop the reminders and let's all let loose and have some fun!"


Lisa Manoban, a twenty one year old woman who started dancing for as long as she could remember. Born and raised in Thailand her parents acknowledged her talents which is why they've enrolled her into one of the top dancing academy back home and allowed her to compete in various places including allowing her to take extra classes just to perfect her forte which was the art of dancing.

By the age of 13, a lot of agencies were already after her but she made a promise to herself that she would prioritize her school first which is why she moved to Australia by the age of sixteen in order to major in dance while continuing her passion for dancing.

When she graduated, the first option was to go back home and start a career but an agent who has been courting her for years has finally persuaded her to give Los Angeles a try and now after two years of hard work and patience, she was finally given a break when she was welcomed by a famous dance company- a team which she has been eyeing to be a member even when she was still studying.

"So, how does it feel like being a member of the family now?" Kiel, one of the mentors and her close friend sits beside her. "Be more unique than saying it feels like a dream."

Lisa chuckles. "I guess I'm feeling everything that I've worked hard for ever since I found my passion in dancing is worth it." She looks at him. "I feel like I'm where I am meant to be."

"Awe, honey that sounds so flattering!" He hugs her sideways. "Don't worry, you won't regret being in the squad! We're the most lit here, I'm serious."

"Yeah, I mean you guys decided to throw me a party but then we have to work tomorrow."

"Well work hard, play harder right?" He winks. "Now, this place is full of pretty fishes why don't I help you out huh?"

The latter rolls her eyes. "No thanks, did you know LA is one of the highest people who have HIV? I think I want to be healthy and safe for the rest of my life."

"That's why I'm here to help you out hun! Don't worry, I can tell what shit they're on with just one look."

"Are you being serious right now?"

"No I'm joking Lisa can't you sense the sarcasm in my face?" He scoffs. "Of course I'm serious! This is your first hook up and I want to boast everyone that I am the best wingman any person could ask for."

"Or you just want me to return the favor to you someday."

"Hmm, could be. But that doesn't matter." He carefully scans the crowd. "How about that one?"

Lisa eyes the woman with curvaceous body who was busily laughing with her friends. "She's got a nice body but seriously? I might drown with her MILF boobs."

"Okay okay, how about... that one!"

A woman drinking a martini by the bar scans the crowd too. "No. She's okay but hello? Can you imagine us having sex?"

"Uh no."

"Well then imagine two matchsticks rubbing off one another." His face shows horrific expressions. "Yeah, I know."

"Fine, how about you tell me what's your type of a babe and I'll try to find someone who fits in your criteria. Just name three."

"First, she has got to be safe. I mean it."

He nods in agreement. "Let's be healthy and safe for the rest of our lives, I got it."

"I'm not much of a picky when it comes to body forms but little curves on the right places does the trick and more importantly-"

He waits for her to finish the last criteria on her hook up girl list when she stops midway. Kiel furrows his eyebrows, trying to find what was the reason of Lisa's sudden shut down so he follows where her eyes were looking and that's when he released a knowing smirk, one that Lisa would be so glad to rub off of his face soon.

"Damn girl- you sure got high standards."

"Huh?" She blinks and then turns to him. "What did you just say?"

"Lisa, I think you found your hook up girl for tonight."


He chuckles. "It's going to be a long shot, but it's worth a try."

"I- I don't understand what you're saying."

"She's no ordinary woman Lisa, the woman you were just checking out right now is Rosé."

Lisa widens her eyes. "Rosé? You mean-" He nods his head. "Oh... So she's Rosé huh."

"You definitely didn't pick the wrong woman though."

"What do you mean?"

"Word has it that she is an easy target. Very vulnerable since she's fresh blood."

"You mean she's never got a girlfriend before?"

"Exactly. She's been wanting to, but you know LA- we live for the fame."

"If she's an easy target then it's definitely a shame."

"So does this mean..."

Lisa looks at Rosé who was talking animatedly with Jennie. "Easy targets don't fall on my criteria Kiel, sorry."



"What's up?"

"Looks like someone's been eyeing you for some time now."

"Huh?" Rosé follows where Jennie's lips were pointing and she sees Lisa laughing with something Kiel has said. "What do you mean?"

"Blondie there has been giving you lingering looks ever since she locked her eyes on you."

"She has a boyfriend."

"Blondie doesn't. He's clearly gay and she is too, judging how she was probably undressing you in her mind."

"Unnie!" She blushes in embarrassment. "Don't say that!"

"I'm just being honest about my observation."

"Well no matter how honest your observation can be- I won't do it. I have a tour tomorrow and I don't want to disappoint Jisoo, who by the way is your girlfriend and who- can seriously kill you if she wants to."

Jennie rolls her eyes. "I am not afraid of her, just so you know I am the top-"

"Top of what?" Jisoo interrupts their discussion.

"Top of the world knowing you're my babe." Jennie pulls her close. "You look so edible tonight."

Rosé chuckles. "Actually unnie she said-"

"WASSUP EVERYBODY!" The DJ interrupts her confession. "Are you all having fun tonight!?"

"Oh forgot to tell you something." Jisoo smiles. "I have one more surprise for you to welcome your US Tour."

"What is that?"

"May I invite to come down here on stage and sing us her new single- Rosé!" The singer widens her eyes.

"I know you've been low key wanting to perform in a club so now you finally got an upbeat song- you can definitely bop to the beat." Jisoo smiles. "Go, they're waiting for you."

As Rosé descends, Jennie gives her girl a knowing look. "That's so sweet of you."

"She always thanked us for being there for her but I never got the chance to thank her for being there for us. Especially at the times where we need it the most."

Jennie looks at her girlfriend with admiration before giving her a quick kiss. "You have such a nice soul babe."

"I know." She smiles. "I know."

Lisa was looking at Rosé from the moment the spotlight was shifted on her. The way she walked downstairs felt like an angel coming down from heaven. Her faded pink locks were bouncing and the light helped her to admire the woman in her full form. That red dress was hugging her in all the right places and she was literally dressed up to kill for tonight.

And when she started singing, Lisa understood why a lot of people admire her music. It was so easy to understand and so relatable too. Her voice was very soothing and when she performs she totally goes all out which got thinking- why wouldn't someone be willing to stay up all night with her? She seems to be a nice woman and something tells her she's also fun to be with so why? Why would they use her just for fame?

"Hey Kiel." Lisa taps her friend, her eyes never leaving Rosé. "Do you know what her favorite drink is?"

"Who? Rosé?" Lisa nods her head. "I don't know."

"What do you think she does like?"

"Uh... A martini?"


"Hey where are you going?"

"To order her a martini."


"Thank you everybody!" She waves one more time at the crowd. "I'll see you guys on tour!"

Rosé gets off the stage with a bang and from then on lots of people, women rather try to get her attention but she keeps her promise not to mess around tonight and she's definitely done with the casual hook ups. Well, at least for tonight that is.

She ignores the countless attempts to flirt and heads to the bar where she badly needed a drink. She sits down on one of the stools and was about to order when the bartender hands her favorite drink. Rosé furrows her eyebrows in confusion wondering how could she-

"My friend told me to get you a martini but I'm glad that I checked with Brandon here." She turns to the side and was surprised to see Blondie- as Jennie would like to call her standing there. "Sorry, did that creep you out?"


"Ah, I should've guessed it. You're probably used to people buying you a drink."

"Not really. I can pay for myself."

This woman nods her head. "Of course you can."

"Who are you?" She was slowly running out of patience due to her slight drunk state. "And if you're here to flirt and try to have sex with me then sorry, not going to happen. I'm not in the mood for fucking strangers."

"I'm actually someone who just became your fan tonight." She answers. "But I guess you probably thought of me as a fame whore or a slut perhaps?."

"Sorry I didn't-"

"I know, I know. It's probably my hair." She points to her head. "Blondes do have more fun right?"

Rosé finds herself chuckling too. "I've tried blonde before and it's nothing out of the ordinary."

"Hmm, I'm going to have to try another shade then."

"Grey shade would look good on you." She suddenly comments. "It highlights your beauty."

"What happened to not having sex tonight and not being in the mood for fucking strangers?" The singer widens her eyes until Lisa laughs. "I'm messing with you."

The latter sighs in relief. "Thank God."

"But I'll take that as a compliment." She smiles. "Nice song you had there, I can tell it's very personal."

"It is."

"I bet everything can be a bit tiring too."

"Once in a while but I am no position to complain. I love this life too."

She nods in agreement. "But you don't have to do it you know..." Rosé looks at her. "You don't have to offer yourself just because you want to find that someone. Waiting for the right person to be there can make you a little impatient I know- but wouldn't you prefer to wait than to be disappointed every time?"


"Just think about it okay? I know it won't mean much but you deserve more than the label of 'easy target'." She smiles.

"And what kind of label do I deserve?"

"We can talk about this somewhere else." She says. "I'm getting drunk and I can say that you are too. So why don't we head someplace else? Let's grab coffee or ice cream."

Rosé had to laugh. "Is that your code for sex or something?"

Lisa furrows her eyebrows. "It's a code of me craving a hot chocolate or a triple chocolate flavor but yeah- eating chocolate makes me feel like I'm having sex too."

"You're funny, you know that?"

"I mean I try so thank you for the appreciation."

The taller woman bites her lower lip. "Let me get my bag upstairs and meet me at the back exit."



"Where are you going?" Jennie eyes as Rosé was checking herself on the phone. "Chaeng you're kidding me right now are you?"

"What flavor of ice cream should I get?"


"Something that goes along with Triple chocolate. Or something that I really like."

"Uhh... Mango?"

"Right! I like mangoes." She smiles.

"What on earth are you talking about?"

"I have to go, I'll see you in the morning."

"Where are you going?"

"To eat ice cream."

"And what would I tell Jisoo?"

"Unnie?" Rosé looks at her cutely. "Distract her for me okay?"


"So where do you want to go?"

"I was thinking it was nice to have a triple scoop of triple chocolate ice cream." She looks at the singer as they continue to walk the deserted street. "But you're going to have to preserve your voice so... Earl Grey Tea it is?"

"How did you know?"

"Google. It works every time."

Rosé chuckles. "Why settle for Google when you have me?"

"Will you allow me to know something that isn't found on the internet?"

"If you'd allow me to have a triple scoop mango ice cream then yes."

"Tone it down to a double."


From there they started talking and got to know one another better. From Rosé's first heart break down to what inspires her to write songs. Rosé told Lisa that she really didn't like to talk because once she goes, there's no point of stopping her. Rosé didn't want to leave a bad impression towards the latter but Lisa encouragingly says-

"Whoever doesn't like to hear you talk is a complete dumbass." She says as she takes a big scoop. "Talk more, I like listening to your voice."

That made her blush and complies to what Lisa request and continued to ask whatever topic that she wanted to know about the top singer. Rosé taught she was bluffing about her liking hearing her voice but whenever she looks at Lisa, all she could see was Lisa's interest in her. She was so into getting to know the singer that she disregards the calling of the staff because she was focused on listening to Rosé's story.

"Hold up-" Rosé was still laughing at Lisa' expression. "You didn't settle for a dog but you settle for a mouse."

"Two mice." She corrects. "Mom was allergic to dog fur so I had to compromise but I really love those two."

"No, you loved the one with the cow pattern more." She shakes her head in disapproval. "You can't play favoritism."

"Says the woman who prefers her first son rather than the second."

Lisa gasps. "Leo is my alarm clock!"

The staff stands in between them. "Ma'am-"

"Okay, okay let's move on to the next topic."

"Ask away."

"How the hell is a fish that talented?"

"Uhm excuse me-"

"My dad trains him."

"Tell me how he does it."

"We're about to-"

"Shh, can you stop interrupting our talk? I'm trying to focus on her story here." Lisa looks at Rosé as if she's the best thing that has ever happened to her life. "Continue."

"Well I'm sorry to interrupt your cute little date but the shop's closing." She announces making the two blushes in embarrassment. "You two look cute together though, keep it up."

From there they went to a diner and this time Rosé took this opportunity to know the latter more and realized that she was definitely a daredevil, having no shame in standing up in their table and twerking her non-existent ass to an ad campaign which Rosé has dared her to do. She also found out how supporting her parents was with everything and how she wished she had Lisa's life only for Lisa make her realize that the life she's living now is the life that she's meant to live which was very touching since no one has ever said that to her before.

Lisa has never met someone like Rosé and Rosé has never met someone like her too and now, it was one of the night that Rosé would always remember.

"I think it's kind of amazing."

"What is?"

"We could've met in Korea, when I was seventeen and you're sixteen and even end up in the same group together. Or- we could've met in Australia, me as a dance major and you in fine arts."

"And yet somehow we manage to meet one another here in Los Angeles."


"So what are you saying?" Rosé turns to her. "That we're soul mates and that we're bound to meet?"

Lisa chuckles. "I was just trying to say that maybe third time's a charm." She looks at Rosé who was busy blushing in embarrassment. "But yeah, let's go with that soul mates thing too. I kind of like the ring of it."

After leaving the diner the two decided to go for a drive around the city jamming to their favorite songs. Singing their hearts out, both of them were really having the time of their lives as they shared laughter, tears and a whole lot more of feelings in just a couple of hours. It was Rosé's first time to pull her head out of the window and scream along to the Song 'Love Is An Open Door' in the wee hours of the morning only to scream for her life when she looked at Lisa and realize she too was doing the same thing and her hands weren't even at the steering wheel any longer.

Now, she was chilling with Lisa by the beach watching the waves crash around the shore multiple times, birds' sounds creating a new kind of environment of Los Angeles for Rosé one that she has never witnessed despite of living in the state for so long.

"Sometimes we're so focused on things that we forget to stop and appreciate what we have around us."

And so Rosé did stopped and appreciate what was in front of her- and that was Lisa. The way her hair falls way back into the same space after laughing so hard, how adorable she can be when she squints her eyes every time she smiles... She was so focused on Lisa's attributions that she wasn't able to notice that she accidentally sat on her phone and pressed the speaker. Jisoo was about to speak when she heard some muffling sounds making her furrow her eyebrows.

"No, that's not how you do it."

"Okay so which finger do I use?"

"This finger goes here."

"And this one?"

"You use it here and apply pressure. Yup, push it."

"Ouch, it's hard already!"

"Duh? We've been doing this for hours now of course it would harden!"


"Shit!" Rosé immediately grabs her phone. "Unnie!"

"Don't unnie me! What the hell!? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?"

"Unnie wait first I'm going to need you to calm down. It's- it's not what you think!"

"I specifically told you yesterday stop this already! You keep on doing it again and again! How am I suppose to treat you like your age when you're acting like a complete child right now?!"

"Unnie! I am not inside a hotel room! I'm at the beach okay?"

"You're at a what now?"

"I'm at the beach."

"Don't bullshit me, I know-"

"Good morning Miss Kim." Lisa interrupts their talk. "Um, I know I shouldn't interfere but if you want to check out, feel free to face time your artist. She's actually telling the truth."

"Oh I will."

"Sorry. I'll just take this real quick okay?"

"No problem."


"Unnie! How could you do that you totally embarrassed me!" Her cheeks were still flushed with shades of pink. "It was totally unnecessary!"

"You can't blame me! You're the one with the constant hook-ups with blondies!"

"I know, but can you stop doubting that every decision I make is a stupid decision."

"Well it's kind of been like that for the past days Chae." Rosé sighs and rolls her eyes on the other end of the screen. "Fine, I'm sorry okay? But what did you guys do that you had to leave the bar early?"

"We kind of did some things against the rules." She bites her lower lip, trying to hide the smile on her face. "She took me out to eat ice cream, only because I've been craving it for days already. I wanted a triple scoop but then she made a deal to make it to a double so I did and yeah we talked."

"Talked about what?"

"It was more of like I talked and she just listened. She listened to every word I said and when I try to test her memory- unnie she remembered all of the things I said to her. Even when we were at the diner she kept on encouraging me to speak and just be comfortable. We talked about a lot of things about her too and if I didn't believe in perfection before well now, seeing her I kind of believe that it does exist after all."

"And now she took me by the beach where she asked me to teach her how to play my song. She told me she's been getting to guitar classes lately and she wanted an opportunity to learn for free which was funny yet it made sense at the same time. It was..."


"No, nice actually." She smiles. "It was nice to know that someone was willing to know me without even having the intention to take my clothes off."

"I'm sure it was nice to know that she's different and I am also happy too but I still don't think you should easily give your trust. This is why you get your hopes up too many times because you keep on insisting that there's a good deed behind every bad intention. I'm sorry but just because she didn't fuck you on the first night doesn't mean she's off my watch list because she's the number one now."

"Don't you think she's the one unnie?" She looks at the latter not as her manager but as her friend. "Don't you think she's the one who can stay with me until the morning?"

"I... I don't know. It's still too early to predict things. If she'll stick around even when you're far away from her or even if she remembers every single thing about your little date tonight after your tour then maybe I can take her into reconsideration." Jisoo sighs. "You know I'm doing this because I am looking out for you right?"

Rosé sighs back. "You're right. I shouldn't be excited at the thought that she's different. She could still be that same asshole or bitch who just used me."

"Atta girl." Her voice was filled with relief when Rosé agreed with her. "So I'll be seeing you here in thirty minutes?"

She looks at Lisa who was still trying her best to strum the chords out. "Yeah. See you."



"Sorry that was intense."

"It's fine." She assures the latter. "I get that you two are close but damn I thought she was going to teleport herself through the phone and beat you up."

Rosé smiles. "She's that protective of me."

"I'm glad she's around you. With your lifestyle, you don't really know who you can trust."

"Does that mean I can't trust you?"

"I've exposed myself to you waaaayy too many times. I think we're beyond that doubting stage."

"You're right." Silence was first heard at the very moment since they were together. "Thank you for being with me tonight and this morning. I really appreciate the effort."

"I told you, you can have fun without the alcohol or the sex." She answers. "Best part is, you get to remember every bit of it."


"Well I guess you finally know what it feels like." Both of them looked at one another at the same time. "To have someone be there for you when you wake up."

"I wasn't even asleep and with your cute annoying ass, I doubt I would get some."

"Are you implying that we should sleep together for you to find out the answer?"

"The lyrics does go that way..." She bites her lower lip before shaking her head. "But I'll be on tour today and by the time I get back, you'll have someone else to annoy."

"Ooh, look at you being jealous and we're not even a couple yet." The singer playfully pushes her off causing for her to laugh. "Admit it Rosie, you just can't get enough of my cute annoying ass."

"Whatever." She rolls her eyes. "We should go."


"Thanks by the way, I really did had fun tonight."

"First non-sexual kind of fun?"

Rosé chuckles. "Yeah... I really do hope we can meet after my tour. It's going to be a while but- it'll be nice to hang out with you again."

"Maybe you won't have to wait that long."


Lisa just smiles. "Get in I'm going to drop you off."


"FINALLY!" Jisoo welcomes her as soon as she left the car. "We were about to leave without you!"

"Sorry, I just-" She spares Lisa a glance. "I lost track of time."

Jisoo eyes the latter. "Sure."

"Good morning maam." The greeting only receives a glare from the latter.

"We have to go."

"Can you give me just a minute? I'll be there right away I promise."

"Be quick, the first stop is in seven hours and you need your sleep." And with that Jisoo finally leaves them alone.

"So... This is me." Lisa nods in understanding. "Thank you for giving me the best night of my life Lisa."

"You haven't started your concert yet, I'm sure they will be your best night from then on."

"No." She shakes her head. "The night I spent with you made me realize a whole lot of things. About myself, you, the world..." She smiles. "I know this won't mean much but I really hope-"

"YOW LISA!" Rosé snaps her head and Kiel waving at her. "Let's go! It's show time!"

"I'll be right up there!" She screams in response and he gives her an 'okay' hand signal.

"Wait- what-"

"Well I forgot to tell you that my dance crew is going to be an opening act for your US Tour." She smiles as Rosé widens her eyes in realization. "Which means-"

"You're going on tour with me for the next three months."



"So..." Lisa's smile was teasing as she takes a step closer to the latter.

"Did you plan all of this since last night because you know you were going on tour with me?"

She shows the text message from her phone. "You're not the only one who received great news."

"Sorry, I'm still trying to get a grip of everything."

"It's alright we all have trust issues but we'll work that one out." She smiles encouragingly.

"Does this mean..."

"It means that you still get to see more of this cute annoying ass for a whole three-month time." The smile was still plastered in her face. "Things can be a little crazy and unusual but it will never be boring."

"With you? I doubt I'm going to have a dull moment on this trip."

"So what do you say Miss Park?" She extends her hand. "Ready to find out if we're really soul mates or not?"

She smiles before reaching out and intertwining their hands. "Only if we get to do it together."

Lisa grins. "Together."

All Rosé wanted was for someone to stay until the morning, but when she met Lisa Manoban that night- she knew she found way better than what she was searching for. Lisa was someone who was more than the person she wanted to stay until the morning, Lisa was someone who can be her soul mate.

And she can't wait to find that part out.


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