The One That Got Away- Katy Perry

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Short A/N:

This is the part two of Look This Way, Enjoy guys!

" Lisa and Chaeyoung sees each other again at their department's reunion where everyone congratulated them on being finally together."


"Okay, give me two more."

"Look this way, this way!"

"And that's a wrap! Thanks everybody, good job."

The staffs slowly turned off the lights and started to pack things up as the shoot finally comes to an end. The model, wearing her very sexy outfits thanked everyone whom she worked with for today and congratulated them for a job well done.

She finally notices that the photographer in charge was still busy handing out final instructions to her staff so she waits by the side, waiting for their conversation to finish and when it did, she gleefully approaches the person behind the lens.


"Momo, hey... You were totally great out there."

"Thank you. But, I'd like to thank you even further when you accepted the request on such short notice. I know your schedule is packed within this season."

"Well, I've got to hand it to your agency; they do have some persuasive skills I'll hand them that."

"Maybe because I've got stronger convincing skills since I told them I wouldn't be doing any shoot until you're the photographer." She smiles.

"I'm flattered but we've already talked about this right?" She eyes the blazing hot model right in front of her. "I don't mix business with sex, it's just not going to work and it's not me."

"Then why don't you try it for once?" The Japanese top-paid model trails her index finger around her arms. "You do know what they say- there's a first time for everything."

Lisa immediately felt the goosebumps coming through. "I'm sorry but I think I'm done with all these first experiences thanks." She awkwardly stood in front of the latter as she slings over her camera and bag. "Thank you for coming all the way to Bangkok. I'll see you around yeah?"

"Chaeyoung-ah why are you so happy?"

"Who wouldn't be? You just told me that I'm your first friend here in Korea! Who wouldn't want that?"

"Uhh... I don't know? I mean- I'm practically an outsider."

"Well to me you're not." Chaeyoung giggles as she linked arms with the new kid in their department. "Imagine all the things we could be doing together! I'm going to be your companion to all of your firsts here I'm so excited!"

"Wow, it's already late and yet you have this kind of energy?"

"It's because I ate too much sweets and what you just said really made my day. Speaking of sweets! Let's get you to try something spicy now!"

Lisa looks at the brunette weirdly. "How is sweet related to spicy? Isn't that like two opposite tastes?"

"But they are both taste nonetheless! Come, I'll treat you to your very first instant Korean noodles!"

Yep. Lisa was done with all those first experiences for sure.


Lisa finds herself waking in the middle of the night due to soft animal hisses only to find out that her two cats, Leo and Luca have been arguing again. She announces her annoyance to her two sons before trying herself to go back to sleep only failing to do so because of her pretty damaged body clock.

She sits up and decides to use this time productively and thought about the things she wasn't able to do today. Lisa walks past the living room of her apartment within the heart of the city and goes to the open kitchen (which she never uses by the way) to open the fridge and grabbed some sparkling water.

Huffing onto her working area she taps in her password and tries to check in with her emails to see if there was something important worth replying for other than credit card offers, insurance, and deals that she really doesn't need at the moment. Finally after some scrolling done, she sees an email coming from her college university and wondered what would be its content.

If Lisa wouldn't have seen the invitation, it wouldn't occur to her mind that it has been five years since she graduated. It's been five years since she left the country to go back to her homeland once an offer was handed to her in the middle of her internship year. She thought about all of her friends and the memories they've shared together, the classes she took and all those deadlines that she actually made through despite of her being the lazy ball- at least that's what Chaeyoung says.

Oh God. Chaeyoung.

Lisa widens her eyes in the realization of what she just thought of. Chaeyoung was a music major too; she was one the top students of her course and what department does the music major fall? Bingo! Art Department, which only means one thing- she will most probably meet Chaeyoung at the reunion.

And so instead of replying to the sent invitation, she shoves it at the back of her head as she heads on another busy day at her career being of being a photographer. Then the saga continues on and on; whether it was just a small request or an urgent command from the influential people in her country, she accepted it without second thoughts in hopes that she would drown that freaking invitation inside her head.

But of course, even after a week of trying and slightly feeling positive about her plan- nothing ever goes in Lisa's way when she decides to play with fate because one eventful afternoon, as she returns to her office, she gets an international call and it was none other than-

"Howdy partner!" Lisa groans from the other line. "Oh come on, you don't even miss me just once?"

"We saw each other 2 weeks ago."

"And it was only for fifteen minutes because I got a connecting flight!"

"Wow who knew Kim Jisoo a music major could be an actress and one of the highest paid model in Asia. I remember the days where you'd whine to me about you being jobless but damn ma- look at you now."

"I know right? What do you expect? I'm Jisoo, I'm okay." The younger woman chuckles and shakes her head at the humor of the heart-shaped lip girl. "But I guess you do know what I called you for?"

"I'm afraid so, I think the time has come for me to tolerate your annoying, immature ass."

"Hey! That was mean and coming from you?" Jisoo snorts. "I'd just like to know if you still take the offer of being our official photographer for the reunion! Don't you know you're big here too? Lisa Manoban, Asia's pride for being in the top ten photographers around the world." The latter imitates. "So?"

"I've got too much in my plate right now."


"I'm dead serious; I've been hired for the New York Fashion Week."

"Listen as I count to how many fucks I give for your recent gig." The line was silent for a moment. "Hear that? That means none and besides, I'm the member of the reunion committee! I've already boasted that you're coming so don't embarrass me."

"Well you might've contacted me first before you started making promises you know."

"So you're really not attending, no matter how I'll try to convince you?"

"Sorry honey, but we can catch up sometime."

"Or I could just catch up with Chaeyoung at the reunion since she's my real friend you know."

Hearing Chaeyoung's name sparked interest in Lisa. "What did you just say?"

"Not my fault your connection there is very weak but just because I'm a good person- Chaeyoung is coming to the event."

"Is she like coming- coming or like coming- I'm just making another false promise please fall for my trap kind of coming?"

"The first one." Jisoo answers, heightening Lisa's feelings. "I've talked with her and she told me that she'll sort things out with her schedule, given her profession and she called me earlier to say that she'll be coming and couldn't wait to see me."

"You guys work under the same agency."

"We were supposed to be, until I got a better offer and my offer went to Jennie so they're closer than us because this is what my unfaithful ass gets for when I side with your Manoban."

"Okay, I'll think about it."

"When you mean that you'll think about it does it mean-"

"It means that I'll be checking my schedule and weigh things out. You'll hear from me after a few days."


That night Lisa spent all day in her thinking chair as she weighs out the pro's and con's of her attending the reunion. The cons are: Being awkward with a lot of them since she doesn't remember even a quarter of their department so she'll be expecting a lot of awkward conversations. She will also be very busy since she's the official photographer and will not even enjoy the party because she's still working and last- she might be able to make a complete fool out of herself once she sees Chaeyoung and that is not good.

The pros: She'll reunite with the whole dance club, since she already verified that all of them will be attending the event and they're going to get literally crazy, she'll meet Jisoo again and even though that person is a crack head she loves that girl incredibly and lastly- she'll get to meet Chaeyoung and maybe not make a complete fool out of herself and that is good.

Sighing to herself as she slumps in the huge seat, she hears the faint sounds of the radio ads coming from the radio she has turned on for her to think more. Who even uses radio these days?

"And now, let's hit it with a legendary throwback hit song- Bao Bao!"



"What song did you sang at the café? I heard tad of it and I really like the melody can you teach me?"

"You can definitely search it on the internet and it's not a Korean song."

"This is why I want to learn it because it's Thai! You know how I am bragging to Jennie and Jisoo unnie that I've got mad Thai speaking skills! Knowing a Thai song would definitely blow their amazement through the roof!"

"Well... I can teach you if you like, but I don't know the guitar chords."

"It's fine; just teach me the pronunciations and I'll do the rest."


"Yay!" Chaeyoung hugs Lisa sideways. "I'm going to sing it to you one day and I hope you're going to be proud of me."

Lisa smiles as the memory flashes back through her mind. She continues to hum to the song until the very end, slowly realizing that maybe- just maybe the pros outweighed the cons this time.


"Hey Jis, it's me Lisa." She says as she plays with her fingers. "How many staffs do I have to bring with me for the reunion?"


"Okay so fitting is check."

"Make-up check."

"Shoes? Damn, I really hate heels but check."

"Okay Manoban, you're good to go." But then the second she takes a sexy step, her footwear immediately betrays her, letting her stumble a little as she got out from the hotel room. "Dammit that hurts!"

She does a little few leg stretching skills she got up from her sleeves before blasting on that full goddess vibe she's been planning to have the entire night. She goes out of the hotel and into the car service she rented for the night and off they go to the very familiar road leading to her place once she called home.

Lisa checks in with her staffs who were already at the venue taking pictures of unfamiliar faces and told the blonde haired woman that everything was going smoothly and that there was nothing to worry about which was good, because Lisa had a lot of things to worry about.

The car comes to a red light stop and as she turns around, a very familiar place comes to view and she couldn't help but reminisce the memories that happened inside that restaurant.

"Never have I ever slept with my roommate."

Lisa was zoning out for a moment before she realizes that everyone in the group was looking at her. "What?"

"You know what it is Lis."

After a few seconds she was able to recognize what was going on. "Ah you guys suck! No I haven't done that!"

All of the groaned in annoyance. "Not hooking up with a stranger is okay but with your roommate? Lisa have you seen Park Chaeyoung?"

Lisa tilts her head to the side and wondered what would've happened if she was able to realize her feelings for roommate a little bit earlier. Would she be able to confess on what she really feels? Would she be able to beat Joy into asking Chaeyoung out? Would things worked out in her favor? What would've happened after graduation? Would she still leave Seoul? Ask her parents to let her stay here for good? And how would their relationship be given the fact that Chaeyoung was about to debut as a solo artist?

"Ma'am we're here."

"Oh." She snaps out of her reverie. "Thank you."

"Would you still be needing my assistance later?"

"No thank you, just charge this to my room."

"Understood. Have a great evening ma'am."

She goes out of the car and as she walks towards their department's building, she made sure that everything about her existence that night was purely perfection. Feeling slightly confident, she continues to strut her way towards the registration when all of a sudden- She shows up.

A few feet away from Lisa was Park Chaeyoung in her wavy pink-blonde mixture hair color that went all the way down to her waist as she checks onto her dress, making sure everything was on point too. The latter brings her phone out, checking herself in the mirror camera only for her to snap her head to where Lisa was currently standing.

"Lisa?" Chaeyoung questions her own eye capacity, knowing that she was nearing blind for that matter. "Lisa is that you?"


"It is you!" The solo artist rushes to her side and hugs her tightly, making for her hard to breathe. "Oh my God it's been too long!"


"I didn't know you were coming."

"Me too!" She faked the enthusiasm too much that she worried that Chaeyoung might see through her. "S-shall we go inside?"

Instead of being awkward after not talking to one another for years, the singer does the complete opposite and linked their arms together. "Let's go!"

"Hi welcome to batch- Oh. My. God."

Lisa couldn't believe her luck, out of all the people entertaining the registration area, it just had to be Nayeon, the department's gossip girl. "Hi Nayeon!"

"Well hello to you too hot stuff." The latter wiggles her eyebrows at the pink haired beauty. "I see you have a date now and not just a date, it's Lisa Manoban."

"We're not-"

"It's about time you dense duo finally start cooking and stirring the pot! Gosh, we all thought you guys weren't going to realize how you truly feel for one another!"

Lisa continues to blush in embarrassment. "But we're not-"

"No need to be shy Lisa, we know the rules of dating an idol." She playfully winks. "Don't worry, I won't tell a soul and besides- we're going to be too drunk to remember anything tomorrow!" She giggles as she hands out the name tags. "Enjoy the party love birds!"

"Again we're not-"

"Chaeyoung, it's okay. You're human too... You're allowed to fall in love." Since there was not absolute chance of explaining things to her, both of them just smiled awkwardly and went inside. "Oh this shit is about to go down!!!"

And just as when they both thought that Nayeon's nickname was left behind college, they were absolutely wrong. Because now- almost everyone they passed by or talked with assumed that they were a couple. And when Lisa asked where this came from, Seokjin shows the message the gossip girl sent on the group chat. She was about to snap at everyone but Chaeyoung pulls her closer and apologizes for Lisa- her girlfriend's odd behavior because apparently- she's having a red flag.

"Chaeng, what are you doing?" Lisa asks without opening her mouth.

"I'm no longer stressing myself explaining to five hundred people that we're not actually a couple. They're going to insist it anyways so might as well go with the flow."

"I don't think that's-"

"Why? Just because you're like one of top photographers in Asia I'm not qualified to be your girlfriend?"

"What? No! I just don't-" She was cut off by the latter's adorable giggles.

"Relax alright? Just like what Nayeon said- they won't remember any of this tomorrow."

Oh but I'll be. "I'll- just go over to my friends is that okay?"

Chaeyoung smirks and wraps their bodies closer. "Of course honey, but be sure to pick me up at Jennie's table okay?"

She instantly walks away towards her group looking like a mad man for blushing too hard. "Yow, yow, yow! Lisa Manoban in the house y'all!"

"Shut up you guys."

"Well, I know we're five years late but bro- we told you so!" All of them did high fives to one another.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Duh? What else are we talking about? Of course your relationship with Park Chaeyoung a.k.a. one of the hottest and most wanted woman in the country!"

"She is?"

"Pffft! Look at her trying to fool us with her innocence!" Seulgi laughs her heart out. "Oh come on buddy, it's not like you don't know? Don't tell us you didn't get the booty shake!"

Lisa blushes as soon as she realizes what her friend was implying. "Ass! Shut up!"

"She's not even denying it! Gahhh, you're so fucking whipped man it's cute."

"I'm glad you guys are actually together now. Took you long enough, you know."

"Everyone in the room was delighted to hear that you guys are officially a couple. Damn, you two were that cute back in college I swear."

"Wait, what are you guys talking about?"

"Uh Lisa, maybe you've forgotten but didn't you remember one time at Sehun's house where all if the Arts Department were there and the kissing game happened and you just happen to kiss Chaeyoung?"

"It was accidental! I've already lost her by the time the lights went off but then the countdown started and I didn't want to run the entire Arts hallway naked so I pulled a hand and just kissed the person! I didn't know it was her."

"Well yeah until your drunken ass got the alcohol do the talk and you practically made out with her!" Soojin also adds another memory. "Since then people have been shipping you guys."

"I think it's sweet that somehow your kiss that night represented who you guys are today. Y'all like two separated souls and whatever happens, you always come back to one another no matter how far you guys drifted apart."

"Awe! Isn't that like a soul mate or something?"

"Yeah, definitely a soul mate."

"Lisa! There you are I've been looking everywhere for you!"

"JISOO!" Lisa puts down her drink and engulfs the shorter woman into a tight hug. "I missed you!"

"Well I missed you too but can you put me down? My dress is short and by the way you're carrying me- half of the batch has already seen my panties so drop me gigantic."

"Sorry." She nervously chuckles. "How are you?"

"I'm Jisoo, I'm okay." That somehow eased Lisa's stress for tonight. "And you?"

"I'm okay, a little stressed but I'm glad I'm talking to you right now."

"Which reminds me, what is this rumor going around about you and Chaeyoung being a couple? Is there something you're not telling me Manoban?"

"Blame Nayeon, she basically told everyone that we're together just because she assumed us to be when she saw us at the registration. God, how can you let gossip girl take over the first line of defense?"

"Because imagine what mayhem would she bring inside as soon as she starts to spread gossip about other people once she's assigned here?"

"Fine, fine you're right. You owe me big time though, I'm the one who's at a losing cause."

"Really? Because it's seems like you're enjoying calling Chaeyoung your own." Jisoo smirk and Lisa knew she was caught red-handed. "This brings me to my conclusion that you my friend are still in love with her."

"I never said that I wasn't. I mean, I was trying to forget her but it just doesn't feel right whenever I'm with someone else."

"Maybe because you're not trying hard enough or is it because you still believe in that slight chance that somehow fate will bring you guys together and poof- Chaelisa ship is sailing. Is that what you're trying to say?"

"Of course not, I don't know okay?" She was starting to be stressed again. "I thought I forgot about her but then I saw her earlier and the way she hugs me, clings onto me, says sweet things and even made up a cute little lie on how we became as a couple just-"

"Just brings you back to those days where you wished you had the courage to tell her or found out about your feelings earlier am I right?" The Thai native sighs out. "Hey, it's okay Lisa. I can't blame you from not being able to let go of someone whom who wanted to have so badly. She's the one that got away after all."

Lisa looks at Chaeyoung who was animatedly talking to Jennie and another company friend of them Junhoe, while they were laughing to something that was probably an inside joke. She focuses her attention on the pink-haired tall woman and feels all the butterflies slowly being alive with everything that she does. She feels her cheeks heating up; her heart rate is starting to get faster than usual. She sighs to herself, feeling a complete fool for up until now, she's still in love with the girl who first broke her heart.

"But let me tell you a nice story Lisa." Jisoo smiles. "People usually abbreviate T.O.T.G.A. as the one that got away but I don't believe it because I have found a new meaning for the shortcut term."

"And what would that be?"

"The One That God Allowed." She breaks into a cheeky grin. "Isn't that romantic? I'm a genius am I?"

"Don't believe her she just got it from the internet." A woman with undeniable beauty chirps into their conversation. "She's that jobless sometimes I tell you."

Lisa looks at Jisoo for an explanation. "Oh, totally forgot. She's Soojoo by the way, she's my girlfriend."

"SHE'S YOUR WHAT!?" All of the crowd's attention was suddenly turned to them.

"Ah! Sorry everyone, Lisa is just being dramatic because I introduced my girlfriend. Sorry!" Jisoo bows down and meets Lisa's eyes cold-blooded. "What the hell?!"

"Well what kind of reaction do you want me to have? Last time we talked you were still not over Jennie!"

"Change of plans. I'm falling for someone better, ain't that right babe?" Instead of being flustered, Soojoo just chuckles and shakes her head. "See? She gets my humor unlike anybody else."

"Jisoo, tell me what happened with Jennie."

"I kept on the flirting game and decided to be courageous unlike you but she insisted that she was straight and even dated Kai- who by the way now is a certified gay rights activist." She rolls her eyes. "If she was planning on dating someone who isn't straight then why didn't she go for me? Like hello? Have you seen this gloriousness?"

Soojoo and Lisa shared a brief eye contact. "Jisoo, tell me honestly and one hundred percent. Is Soojoo really your girlfriend?"

"No." She admits. "But just like you I'm pretending for the night just to make that feline-like bitch think what she just lost."

"Did you just-" Lisa eyes Soojoo, asking for some confirmation.

"I'm her best friend ever since. I just got dragged here because she wants to make her wife jealous. No feelings attached honestly."

"Awe babe, don't be like that. You know I love you right? You're my wife remember?"

"Jisoo seriously you're being abnormal as hell."

"Come wife, give me a kiss."

Lisa's eyes widened when she noticed that someone was approaching them. "Uh Jisoo-"

"Come here my wife, give me a quick kiss-"

"What the hell did you just say Kim Jisoo?" Jisoo could feel her body frozen as she turns around and sees a very fuming and livid Jennie Kim. "Well?"

"Uhhh, hey Jen um-"

Jennie scans Soojoo from head to toe before turning her attention back to Jisoo. "I'm your wife. You already gave me that title years ago and I'm not going to let some hoe snatch that from me." All of them gasped to what Jennie just said. "You and I will talk right now."

Lisa and Chaeyoung watched as Jisoo gets dragged away from the venue. "Well, job here is done. Now off to arrange a mass for Jisoo's death bye everyone."

The two tall women looked at one another before running out to chase Jennie and Jisoo. They looked at the either end of the hallway before running towards the sound of Jisoo's screams for help. Usually they won't overreact like this but Lisa has seen Jennie be jealous while Jisoo is with someone else and as much complicated Jensoo's relationship was- she knew that Jennie feels something for Jisoo, she just doesn't act on it.

By the time they got outside, both completely running out of breaths, Lisa decides that it's better for Jennie and Jisoo to have some alone time and talk things out between them. She looks at Chaeyoung, who's surprisingly even hotter after having beads of sweat covering her forehead. She shakes those thoughts out of her head and taps her lightly on the shoulder.

"I think we should give up, they both need to sort things out between their relationship after all."

"I... Guess you're right."

"We should head back and get some cold air."

"Ugh, I'd rather not to. I'm done lying that I'm in love with you." She chuckles and even though it was a joke, Lisa couldn't help but feel a stab right through the chest. "I know, let's hit the library."


Using the same old entrance they knew back in the days, they've successfully sneaked into the facility without any cameras sneaking up on them. Both of them did the ninja walks throughout corridors and hallways, until they've successfully reached the farthest end of the section.

"You ready?"

"Huh, I should ask you that."

Lisa snorts. "Ready- Go!"

"But we have to make a bet this time around."

"Hmmm... How about this- whoever runs slower than the other one would have to read the book this time."

Chaeyoung thinks about it for a while. "Okay, call."

"Assa! Prepare to get your ass kicked."

"Ha, not if I beat you first."

"Ready- Go!"


Lisa grins as she looks at Chaeyoung who was short-breathed. "Well, looks like we have a winner."

"Tch, classic move from a classic cheater."

"Whatever, I'm still the winner though which means-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know." She rolls her eyes and walks straight to the bookshelf a few feet away from her.

She removes a few thick encyclopedias out of the way before pulling out a very dusty, rugged and tattered book. Chaeyoung brushes off the dust before sitting down of the carpeted floor, legs stretched out and tap on her thighs. Lisa smiles before laying down on Chaeyoung's legs as the pink-blonde haired girl opens the book neither of them has seen for years.

"Chaeyoung! I found the book! Here it is!" Lisa hands her a ripped page.

"Assa, nice one Lali, hold on while I continue to pile this up." She arranges the papers before sewing them into a very thick cloth.

Lisa watches her best friend in utter concentration. "Are we even allowed to do this?"

Chaeyoung chuckles. "Of course we're not allowed, but we're going to do it anyways."


"Well... When we graduate, we leave with degrees, partners or a brighter future. But for me, I'd like to live this place without any regrets. Which is why, for the very first time in my twenty two years of living, I'm going to break a school rule."

"It's my first time breaking a school rule too."

Lisa and Chaeyoung looked at one another for a few seconds before the brunette chipmunk looks away, a smile evident on her face as she focuses back on stitching the page altogether. "Guess we're both trying this for the first time."

"... No matter what you do, you can't teach someone to put you first." Chaeyoung ends. "Hey, your turn in choosing what page to read."

"Don't ask what you already know Chaeyoung." She sighs, getting comfortable and lazy hearing the soothing sound of the latter.

Chaeyoung chuckles as she flips through the pages. "Ah, found it."

I saw her today.

It was autumn and even from the thousands of people walking around, I spotted her just a few meters away from me, thanking the lady for giving her an extra mango, the fruit she would forever adore.

There were a lot of things that I've been familiar of. The way how her eyes would disappear when she was too happy, the little adorable scrunch in the nose as she giggles, the perfect complexion of her skin with the mixture of the sun, and her favorite little sunflower rubber band that she's been using since we were teens.

She turns around and sees me as well. Our eyes locked for a moment and I was sure- I was desperately sure that she wanted to say something- I wanted to say something too.

I wanted to tell her that I was pathetic, thinking I could move on without her only to realize that she's the one for me. My end game, like what the kids use to say nowadays. I couldn't tell what she was thinking, but I'm hoping she was feeling the same.

As we walked closer towards each other I gather up the courage to tell her. I'm going to tell her today what I've been harboring inside my chest for so long. I'm going to say it out loud, and then I'll lean in, finally being able to describe what would her lips feel like against mine.

But somewhere afar from us, someone calls out her name. And she smiles- oh God, I am so familiar with that smile. That's the smile she has whenever she sees something she really likes, talk about things that make her feel happy or whenever she sees her favorite pet whenever she goes back home.

She walks past by me, allowing me to inhale her all-time favorite vanilla fruity scent, one that I have not allowed myself to be intoxicated in for years. I turn around to where she was headed and I saw her wrapping her arms around another human, pressing their lips together for a small moment before smiling at one another.

I turn my head back, stood there and didn't mind people bumping into me and I wondered- what would've happened if I didn't let my denseness get in the way to get the girl.

But that's life, people don't get what they always want. For every person in the world- they all have one they called the one that got away.

"Ah, it still doesn't fail to bring an ache in my heart whenever you tell me to read this." Chaeyoung looks at Lisa who was blankly staring at the ceiling. "Hmm, you're unusually quiet today."

"Chaeyoung." She calls out. "Do you have that?"

"That what?"

"The one that got away."

"Well... I did." She confesses honestly. "But I guess things just never worked out the way I wanted it to be you know? She wasn't interested in me as much as I thought she would be."

"And does it still hurt you? Up 'til this point?"

"Sometimes... I look up and think about what would've happened if I just told her instead of giving her indirect signs. She could be a little dense you know." She chuckles.



She sits up, swallowing the lump on her throat. "I've got something to say to you. One that I've been meaning to tell you ever since I saw you tonight but never found the courage to do so until now."

"Lisa, you're making me feel nervous what's up?"


Suddenly, Chaeyoung's phone started to buzz and although it was just three seconds, it was enough to get Lisa's attention. She swiftly looks at the latter's phone and sees Joy's name with a green heart flashing on the screen. As if it wasn't enough- Chaeyoung's wallpaper seemed to be like an old picture of them.

Chaeyoung excuses herself and Lisa couldn't help but feel drained. She closes her eyes, and feels the very familiar pattern once again... She breathes in and out- telling herself over and over again-just quit getting your hopes up Lisa, you had your chance, you fucked it up. Now, you suffer the consequence by watching the person you love fall for someone else. This is what you deserve.

"Sorry." The taller woman immediately says after the end of the call. "What were you planning to say to me?"

Lisa looks up and gives the best smile she could give, hoping that was enough to fool the latter. "It was nice to see you tonight."

The One That Got Allowed. I'm going to kill Jisoo for putting these onto my head.


"Helllooooooo earth to Lalisa Manoban!!!!" Lisa jumps in her stand as she looks at the model who was looking very weirdly at her. "Oh thank goodness you're back on earth. Thought you went to the moon or the sun all of a sudden."

"Whatever." Lisa rolls her eyes at her new found friend, Momo. "We're here."

"Remind me why are we in Korea, and out of all the places in my alumni university?"

"Because you didn't want to be my girlfriend so you have to accompany me all the way here to pick my niece. Now, while I'm looking for her, why don't you take a road down memory lane where I'll meet up with you later for dinner."

Momo doesn't say anything else and just kisses Lisa briefly on the lips, a habit that Lisa has been accustomed to over the months being the model's companion most of the time. She doesn't mind it though, she was single anyways, she will probably be for the rest of her life but not that it matters.

She decided that she will just walk wherever her feet may take her and just admire the surroundings. It's been months since the last time she went here and of course, it's been months since that awkward moment with Chaeyoung.

After saying it was nice seeing you. She stands up and tells Chaeyoung that it was time for her to leave because she's got a plane to catch tomorrow morning back home. The latter insisted that she would drive her back to the hotel but she rejects the offer, telling her that she should stay and find out if Jisoo was still alive.

So they went on separate ways, and Lisa never bothered to check up on Chaeyoung's life ever again.

"Miss Manoban is that you?"

Lisa looks up and smiles at the familiar face. "Mrs. Lee, wow it's great to see you!" She gives the woman a hug. "I haven't seen you in ages!"

"Well, you did left the country child. But I'm glad you came to visit here."

"Oh, I was just accompanying a friend to fetch her niece up but it was nice to be here now that I saw you."

"What brings you here to the library?"

"Huh?" Lisa looks at the huge sign that says library. Oh great, so much for forgetting about things. "Well-"

"Tell you what, I know you love being here so I'm going to grant you a pass. Just because you and Chaeyoung used to help me with all those books before."

Lisa thanks the woman and sighs inwardly, mentally cursing her feet because out of all the places they would've brought her to, they bring her here- the place that she desperately wants to avoid. She shakes her head and just went with the flow and walked to her favorite spot in the library.

As she reaches her destination, she could her two feminine voices conversing with one another. She furrows her eyebrows, wondering whose were the voices behind it. She tiptoes her way, careful with not getting caught as she was getting nearer to the source. Slowly, she peeks her head out and was surprised on the sight.

It was two college girls, obviously in their freshman year sitting together, knees touching one another with their book.

"Wow, whoever made these were totally bad asses."

"I know right? I mean, they probably tore some pages on this gigantic library and made a book of their own."

"I think it's cute though, especially with the title- Sunflowers and Lilies."

"You think these two were best friends?"

"Pfft! Best friends? Have you seen the excerpts that they have been tearing? It's obvious! They're in love with one another." The girl with the plaid top shakes her head. "If you look closely, it's like their replies with each other's torn page. Maybe they were friends and had feelings with one another but never said a word."

"Now that you've pointed it out, I think you're right." The one with black hair and plain white shirt looked at the latter without knowing. "Do you think that these two ended up together?"

"I mean, I don't know. I'd like to think that they did- but their book ends with the excerpt of knowing the meaning of having the one that got away so-" She shrugs. "Who knows."

The black haired girl looked at the latter and Lisa knew that looks well. Uh-oh she thinks, knowing that somehow one of them related to how her and Chaeyoung story ended. She looks at the girl with a sad smile, praying that she will never end up like her. Go and find the courage you've been dreaming to have. And when you do, go and tell her. Because if you don't- someone else will.

She shakes her head and was about to leave but from her peripheral view, she sees a very familiar shade of hair. Lisa furrows her eyebrows for a moment before looking back and suddenly felt all of the air inside her lungs has been devoured. The now ash-blonde girl holds back a gasp as she sees Chaeyoung who was looking at the two girls with that unexplainable facial expression and a sad smile lingering on her lips.

Chaeyoung looks up unexpectedly and catches Lisa's figure which makes them surprised at the same time. Lisa froze to her stance as her ex-best friend tried to examine her with squinted eyes. Lisa chuckles in her mind, still the forgetful Chaeyoung I see. When the taller woman finally registered to herself that it was indeed Lisa, she motions with her head telling her indirectly to talk which Lisa couldn't really disagree.


They both walked on the road filled with beautiful Cherry Blossom trees behind the Library's emergency exit. No one dared to speak a word and Lisa was internally panicking. She shouldn't have agreed to what Mrs. Lee offered, she shouldn't have allowed herself to fall for Momo's persuasive skills to accompany her in Korea. I mean, she practically left her all alone right after she zooms off to pick up her niece anyways.

Lisa was still lost in her thoughts when Chaeyoung calls her name out. "Lisa!"


"I've been calling your name for a few times now."

"Oh." She blinks in realization that she did just zoomed out. "S-sorry I didn't mean-"

Just like what she expected, Chaeyoung smiles. "It's alright."

"What brings you here Chaeng?"

"I was thinking an inspiration for my next album. It's going to be out later this year and I want to put in a song on my own." Lisa nods her head in understanding. "You?"

"I accompanied Momo to fetch her niece."

"Oh." Chaeyoung's face fell a little dull after that. "So, I guess the news is real huh? You and Momo are officially dating?"

"What?" Lisa chuckles. "No, that's not true. Those are just rumors."

"Well, seeing you here just to accompany her really says otherwise." She argues. "But it's fine Lisa, it's not like I'm still your best friend where you can openly talk about everything to me."

The Thai native connects her eyebrows. "What do you mean by that? Why are you being so sour?"

"Because you're not telling the truth!" She snaps. "I know you guys are dating and I'm mad that you just can't tell it to my face!"

"Because we're not really dating!" She argues. "You want to know the truth? The truth is I can't be dating Momo because I'm still hung up on one girl, one girl who never fails to make me feel things after all these years. One girl who is my sunshine, my first love, my first in everything." She looks at the latter in the eyes. "I'm still not over her, because up until now, I am pent up with thoughts inside my head, making up scenarios of what could've happened if only I realized my feelings for her sooner!"

"Yeah, you should've told her Lisa. That way, she might've told you that she feels absolutely the same.


"You heard me." Chaeyoung walks closer to her. "Did you really think that I go around and kiss my best friend? Make out with her just because I felt like doing it?"

"B-b-but I thought-"

"That what? That I was just being nice because I'm your first friend? Lisa, has it ever occur to your mind that I was doing all those couple-y things with you because maybe, I also want to be your first girlfriend?" Chaeyoung states in a matter-of-fact tone. "God! You are so annoying and dense what am I going to do with you?!"

"So that time- when you were so needy and escalated things between us-"

"YES! I wanted to give you the ultimatum, to say it to my face on what you really feel because I know you do feel the same way, but I wanted it to come out from your mouth."

"That's why Jennie was so pissed at me when I fetched you up... When Jisoo was encouraging me to tell you and helped me realized on what I really feel..."

"Finally your brain has caught up."

"But what about Joy? Did you-"

"Of course not." She immediately answers. "I went out with Joy because I didn't want to wait on you forever. She was a nice person and I did love her for a moment-"

"Wait, hold up. For a moment?" Lisa asks confusingly. "But I thought you guys were still together?"

Chaeyoung, known for meme-worthy reactions had one imprinted on her face as she looks the latter with disbelief. "What are you talking about? Joy and I broke off right after graduation when we realized it was too complicated to continue."

"B-b-b-ut at the reunion... When we were at the library I was about to tell you but then your phone lighted up and I saw Joy's name... Your wallpaper too, it had two girls so-"

"So you just assumed that I was still with her." Chaeyoung sighs. "Lisa, you've got to stop with all these assumptions. Because if you didn't let things get away ahead, you've would told me that night and you would've seen that my wallpaper was actually us, when we went to the park together and did a vlog."

"I..." Lisa was totally lost for words as she looks at Chaeyoung who had this soft expression on her face. "Is it too late if I tell you now?"

"How can you be late when I've always waited for you?" She smiles sadly. "You're always going to be on time Lisa, I just want you to say it."

"What if I never did? Were you still going to wait for me?"

"I probably would've given myself an ultimatum, but it would be until I reached forty." Lisa couldn't help but chuckle at Chaeyoung's statement. "But if you never did told me, we were going to be each other's the one that got away. And I don't want that."

"I don't want that either." She says, taking a step forward to hold her hand. "Which is why, I'm telling you that I love you Park Chaeyoung. I've always had and as cliché as it sounds, I'll always be. It'll be my happiness if you could be my girlfriend." Now it was Chaeyoung's turn to laugh. "W-what's funny?"

"Girlfriend? Right away?" She continues to fill their surrounding with her warm laughter. "Take me to a date first pabo."

This time, Lisa joins in the laughter. "Right."

"Our favorite place just a few blocks away from here?"

"Pho and Spring rolls it is." Lisa looks at their intertwined hands. "Hey Chae?"


"Have you ever kissed someone in the middle of the road filled with Cherry Blossoms?"

Chaeyoung smiles, knowing where this talk was leading to. "No, I haven't."

"Me neither."

"Guess we're both trying this for the first time." And with that, Lisa smiles before leaning in to close the distance between them.


"TOTGA?" Chaeyoung looks at her, asking what Jisoo meant in her tweet about them.

Lisa smiles as she puts her phone back. "Well it's one of the things that Jisoo unnie said which actually made sense."

"What does this mean?"

"I'll tell you over lunch."

"My feet hurt." The chipmunk cheek-like woman whines. "Piggyback!"

"Wait my back-Arghhhh..." She groans out loud while the latter, who succeeds jumping on her back giggled. "I thought idols were supposed to be light-weighted-OW!"

"Go, go, and go! You still have to treat me lunch."

"After that can you be my girlfriend?"

"I'll think about it." She smiles and wraps her arms around the Thai girl. "Lisa?"


"Whatever TOTGA means, I'm pretty sure you're my definition of it."

Lisa smiles. "Don't worry Chaeng, you're mine too."



Well here's the part 2 I've been talking to you guys about. I hope you like it! :D

This was suppose to be a sad ending but Chaelisa moments in Thailand just came the fuck thru! 

Happy Chaelisa Day everyone!

DonkeyASS is walkin' out! :P

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