Chapter 1

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Star stomped her foot as her spell barely grazed the apple. She had been doing this since 9 in the morning and she couldn't even use her magic to summon an apple not 5 feet away from her! It frustrated her too no end.

Glosaryck floated next to her, running his hand through his beard. "Hmm. Interesting. Perhaps you should try again."

Star lifted her arms in a surrender motion. "I can't do it! It's already 3 in the afternoon and so far, I couldn't even do basic magic!"

Rolling his eyes, the old tutor said. "Well that's because you stress too much. Once the stress is released, air is released. And thus floating is released."

Star scratched her head, trying to avoid her headband. "Great. Just what I need. Riddles. Couldn't you just be direct. That's how you trained mom."

Glosaryck stood. Or at least, stood on air. He looked at the Mewman princess before he sighed. "I never thought I would see the day. The daughter complains about her training being different from her mother's!"

Offended, Star crossed her arms. "Sorry." She said sarcastically.

Glosaryck clapped his hands, "look, I don't have time for this conversation. Just try to levitate the apple towards you again."

Star took in a deep breath, "levatato!" She cried, aiming at the red fruit.

A purple beam shot out from the Butterfly heirloom and surrounded the apple. Star focused on the apple, never taking her eyes of it nor did she think of anything else aside from the apple being brought to her.


"Star! I brought you nachos!" Shouted her earthling friend and crush for the past few months since she had been on Earth, Marco Diaz.

As quick as the sound was made, Star's focused was lost, causing the apple to fall and roll towards her feet. Glosaryck floated down and picked it up. "Eh, 6/10."

Star gave a breath of relief before turning to the Spanish boy.

"Oh, hey Marco. Thanks for the nachos. But maybe next time, could you knock first?"

Marco scratched his neck, "sorry, I was just a bit excited."

"How come?" Star inquired, taking a nacho off the small bowl.

"Jackie asked me out!"

Heartbreak and shock was clogging her throat. Oh wait, that's just the nacho. Star quickly grabbed the glass of water Marco handed her. Chugging down the liquid, Marco looked her with a smile.

"Can you believe it?! I mean, I never knew that she saw of me like that, but still! We're going to the skateboard park later and I have to look cool. Should I do my hair differently? Or maybe my clothes?"

Star look at her friend-slash- crush with a blank face. Marco, still busy talking, didn't realize it. From the corner of her eye, she could see her reflection from her wall mirror. Her signature heart shaped Butterfly mark had what seems to be cracks. She smiled and covered her cheeks, trying to fake a happy look at Marco who was now looking at her strangely.

"You okay Star?"

"Mhm. Yeah, sure am. I'm just so happy for you! This is such a big deal!" She gushed.

Marco laughed, "yeah it is. But still, what do you think I should do?"

"Just be yourself. Jackie asked you out because she likes you, not someone you're not."

"You sure?"

Star nodded. Which looked weird since she still held her cheeks. "I'm sure. Now, can you get out of my room? Not that I don't want you here, but I have this upcoming test about my magic and I need to concentrate or whatever."

"Sure Star. And thanks for being supportive of me and Jackie." Marco smiled at his alien-princess friend.

Star smiled as believable as she could, "duh, that's what friends are for."

Marco hugged her. To him, it felt just like any other hug to give a family member or friend, but to Star, it felt like hugging a stranger. She didn't even know if she should hug back or not. Luckily, it was just a quick hug and Marco quickly left the room. Most likely to get ready.

Glosaryck took one last bite of the apple before shooting it down the trash can. "I think I've seen this before. Mhm, yes. Your great great great great great great great great great grandmother, Polly Butterfly. Loved someone who loved someone else. A domino motion if I could put it."

9xgreat grandma Polly?

The princess of Mewni turned to her immortal tutor. "Glosaryck, can you tell me more about greatx9 grandma Polly?"


Star sighed, "it's just to tiring to say great again."

"Mhm, well. I could.....but I won't. We still have to polish your magic."

Star groaned, "fine. But you will have to tell me about her one day."

"Time will tell. Now, based from previous tests from today and yesterday, your magic seems to work better when you're in danger."

Star crossed her arms, "so I always have to be in danger for my magic to work then?" She asked sarcastically.

"If I may continue, princess. When you're in danger, your instincts are linked with your emotions. And as a princess of Mewni, you must always be linked with your emotions. It helps run your magic."

"But I am always linked to my emotions!"

"Different spells require different emotions. For example, I want to use a spell that requires fire, but I am on air. That won't work no matter how hard you try. To use the element, you must be the element."

Star looked at Glossaryck hard before walking towards the mirror on the wall.

"Mirror mirror on the wall, call mom."

Calling Tom...

"Ugh! I swear this things broken!"

Tom's face appeared and though Star knew it had been only days since they last saw each other, but Tom looked a bit more...mature....for the better word. Gone was the red ripped shirt. It was replaced with his royal attire. Tom's expression softened at the sight of his Starship, but it was hardly evident.

"Princess Butterfly, to what do I owe this pleasure?"

Star blinked rapidly, trying to make sure she wasn't seeing things. She even checked her ears to see if anything was in there. Nope nothing. She heard right.

"Princess Butterfly?"

"T-Tom?" Star found her voice, "what happened to you?"

Tom's face remained stoic, "I just grew up thats all."

Star gave a nervous laugh, "seriously Tom, what's going on?"

"I should ask you that. Weren't you the one that called?"

Star but her lip, "true.....but I was actually trying to call my mom when the mirror -"

"-called for Tom instead of mom. I suggest buying a new mirror. I have to go. I'm very busy. Goodbye Princess Butterfly."

With that, Tom ended the call. Star stood shocked. What happened to him? What's going on? Star cleared her throat.

"Mirror mirror on the wall, call dad."

Calling dad...


"Star! How are you my little pumpkin?" River asked.

If Star was shocked at Tom's changed of appearance, she was flabbergasted at her father's. King River looked as if he had aged 3 times. Gray hair was showing in his blonde and unkept hair. His royal attire was wrinkled and dirty. To sum it up, he looked like a mess.

"Dad! Are you okay?! What happened to you?!" Star cried.

"Oh, what? Oh, this! This nothing Star. But how are you? Are you okay? Why are you calling?"

Star paused, "I wanted to talk to mom but end up calling Tom-"

"Tom? Tom Lucitor?"

"Yeah, and he was and looked so weird-"

"Star. Did he say anything to you?"

"Well, he did say that I have to get a new mirror. This ones broken, but I think it's fine."

King River still looked worried, "nothing else?"

Star shook her head slowly, still a bit skeptic about her father's behavior.

"That's good. It would've been too early."

"Dad, what's going on? Where's mom? I need to talk to her about Glossaryck."

King River held back tears.


"Star. Just....just tell Glossaryck this. Code 945688."

"Code what?"

"Code 945688." King River repeated.


"Yes. Now I have to go. Love you sweetie."

Call ended.

"Love you too?" Star looked at her reflection. Her dad acted weird. And when she asked for her mom, she didn't see her. That was weird. Her mom would always jump at the chance to see her.


No answer.

Star grabbed a cup of pudding from her drawer.


There he was.

"Glossaryck. Dad said something about Code 945688 or something."

The blue man stopped his actions. He looked at Star with unblinking eyes. "Excuse me? Code 945688?"

Star nodded.

"Glossaryck? What's going on?"

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