Chapter 11

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Star woke up with dread piled up in her stomach. Today was the day. The day she leaves Earth and becomes Queen of Mewni. Not to mention marry her demon ex-boyfriend. With a yawn/groan, she grabbed her wand from her bedside and had magic herself clean with her royal dress.

Maybe I really had taken advantage of being a princess. Star thought, well, I did had fun. But it's obviously going to end today.

Knock Knock.

"Come in."

Janna's head pooped up along with Jackie and PonyHead. Starfan just walked directly into the room. Star smiled sadly at her friends. She'll miss them dearly. But she refused to believe that this day would be the last day they would meet again. Save for PonyHead because she's also a princess.

"Heya Star. Marco laid down the situation for us." Janna said.

Star nodded. She had expected Marco would tell someone and no doubt from their circle of friends. But did he mention the arranged marriage or did he wait until she mentions it to their friends.

"Look B-fly. As a fellow princess, I know how hard it is knowing the weight of an entire planet rests on your dainty little shoulders, or head in my case, but that aside, we royals stick together. You don't have to fight alone." PonyHead said to her friend.

Star smiled and reached out to hug them. "You guys, I'm so glad you all mean that."

"Of course we do. We're friends Star." Jackie smiled.

Star smiled back. It was hard for her to smile at the person who is dating her crush, but then again, she doesn't know. Jackie and Marco are her friends. If they're happy, then she's happy.

"I know there's nothing we can do to help, but if you ever need us, just call."

The princess nodded.

"So, how long do you have before you take off?" Janna asked.

"Well, if I'm correct, about an hour or two." Star said in a whisper as she realized how little time she has left.

The girls looked at each other and back at Star. At the same time, they grabbed the princess and dragged her out. Star's screams and the girls giggles were the only thing Marco heard before being almost stampeded to the ground. By the looks of it, the mall is where they were dragging her of to.

Marco smiled sadly at them and closed the door. He figured he should let them enjoy their last girl time. He would always be there if they would need him. The Mexican boy looked at the stairs and began to ascend tot he second floor.

As he stood at the front of Star's room, he wondered just how long Star has left before everything is stripped away. If only they had a little more time. Marco opened the door and took a good look at the room.

It had gotten a little cleaner than the last time he saw it. Maybe Star cleaned up after a while? Or maybe she just bombed a magical cleaning spell. Marco laughed quietly at the thought and mental image. Yes, that would be like Star. The old Star. 

Incoming Call from Tom

Marco's head whipped to the direction of the mirror so fast, he was surprised it didn't snap. Tom. The person Star was going to marry. He knew it was ridiculous, but he blamed Tom immediately. All his anger and sadness was aimed at the unsuspecting demon.

"Star? Are you there? Look, I know you're not totally on board with this marriage thing. And I don't blame you. But honestly Star, I'm not your enemy here. I just want to protect you."

Voicemail. Marco didn't knew how long he was ragging until it was already on voicemail. Tom kept saying more things that Marco slipped from one ear out the other. As soon as the mail ended, Marco grabbed a battle axe from somewhere and slammed it to the mirror.

The shards flew around him, barely missing his skin. Marco looked up at the broken mirror. Hopefully Star won't mind the damage.

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