Chapter 17

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     Queen Galaxy smiled as she hang up on the phone. Everything was going according to plan. Soon, Moon will be entrusted into the care of one of the three suitors she handpicked from and that monster problem will be no more. As long as she is there to rule, that monster will not be a problem.

     Oh great, now she's starting to sound like Blue Diamond from the planet of Home-world. Though she had to agree with her. Pink Diamond and Moon are somewhat the same. Reckless, unpredictable, uncontrollable, and will always do whatever they want. The sole reason the two are never to meet each other.

A knock on the door brought her out of her thoughts.

"Come in."

"Your Highness, Princess Moon's educator ask a bit of your time." Called a butler.

Queen Galaxy suppressed a sigh. She straightened herself and nodded, "very well. I shall deal with her momentarily."

"Very well, my queen."

And with that, he was off.

     Again, alone. Queen Galaxy closed her eyes and relaxed back on the chair. Honestly, what number must be this educator be? The 17th? Moon must realize that as a princess, she is only supposed to be educated by the best scholars there are on the planet. And so far she either made them quit or drove to the brink of insanity. Which was not good for the reputation of her daughter.

     The Purple haired queen rubbed her wedding ring. Her late husband was murdered after the day of Moon's birth. He was on his journey to grab a flower that would guarantee the safety of a baby up until their golden years. It was dangerous, yes, but her husband was a skilled man. And he would have returned to them. Would've gotten to know Moon and vice versa. And would've helped her raise her properly.

If it were not for those monsters.

     Oh she could remember it as clear as day. She was sitting on her bed as her doctor checked her and Moon when two guards appeared on the door carrying a badly beaten man. Who, upon further inspection, was one of the men who were supposed to help guard her husband.

"Forgive me your highness. I did my best. But in the end, I had failed." He wept.

She could feel her blood turn cold. As too, her cheek marks. "What has happened? Where is my husband? Where are the rest of your men? I shall send more soldiers immediately." She Sid frantically and almost shouted.

     Her doctor and nurses pulled her back unto her bed when she couldn't even remember how she got up. She tried to fight against them but she was still too weak from bringing Moon to the world and whatever she wanted to say, wouldn't leave her throat. What did leave however, was a trail of tears.

"Your highness, please calm down. You are still in a very vulnerable condition. Don't worry, the guards have immediately closed the town's gate and had border every corner with soldiers and guards. No one will go in or out. You are safe. And so is Princess Moon."

Queen Galaxy took a deep breath and uttered her daughter's name.

     No soon as she did, Moon was brought to her. The queen gently but quickly to her into her arms. Her bitter tears were trapped in the cloth of Moon's blue cotton blanket but Moon paid no heed to it and focused on her grieving mother. As if attempting to calm her, reached out to her with one hand and with her fist, tried to wipe her tears.

Queen Galaxy brought Moon closer to her and kissed the babe's forehead. "I'm right here. Mommy is right here. With me, no awful and foul creature shall ever lay a finger on a strand of your hair. Let alone breath the same air as you do." She gently said to her.

     And look how good she kept that promise. Moon had befriended a monster. Such acts will not be left unpunished. Moon must erase all memories of the repulsive thing. She is of high status and he is no more of worth than the dirt on the ground. Moon may hate her for this, but she is only trying to do what she has to do. She is doing this for her.

For her only daughter. Surely the fates wouldn't be so cruel to take her daughter too? Ever since Victor died, her only purpose was to be a mom for Moon. And even when Moon is obviously in her rebel phase, it will eventually pass away. Children are fickle like that.

She loves her. Her daughter is the center of her world. No monster is welcomed.

     Eclipsa may made a mistake and her daughter Festivia paid the price. She was forced to marry a man who did not love her and used her. She had little trust from the populace and was constantly reminded of her disgrace of a mother who ran away with a monster, leaving her alone with her father. Her daughter tried to cheer her up, but it was not enough. On the day of Eclipsa's birthday, she took her own life.

Her daughter quickly took the throne and evicted her father to the prison cell. Everyone quickly found out that those who even dared to utter Eclipsa's name in front of her found themselves by the guillotine by the next hour. She was capable yes, but it was obvious she was masking her pain. Her lady in waiting could hear her cries every night.

These stories are held trapped in the castle. Especially in the Tapestry Room. Where every single one of the previous rulers of Mewni are praised. While deep inside, they know full well the story hidden behind the signature Butterfly charming smile. It was a bit strange, though. Festivia seemed to have lost the touch and so did the generation from her. But Galaxy waved it off.

With a mother like Eclipsa, no one even thought of questioning it.

What would a mother not do for her child?
What lengths would a mother not go?
There's a bond that exists between mother and child
With no end to how strong it can grow
It's a promise for life between mother and child
It begins from the moment of birth
And you're shaken to your soul
With an ache you've never known
And you look into their eyes
And find you're looking in your own

And there's a pain you can't imagine
A special kind of torture you can feel
A cut that bleeds from somewhere deep inside you
A past regret you can not heal
And no one guesses all the while you're praying
The screaming little stranger in your arms
Might just grow up and save you after all
Might just grow up and save you after all
And save you after all

What would a mother not do for her child?
What lengths would a mother not go?
There's a bond that exists between mother and child
Ah, but then again,
How would you know?

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