Chapter 18

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     Moon smiled brightly as she passed by some of the people of Mewni. She was in a good mood today. For today, her mother granted her to go to the town square. Alone. A rare chance and so with out a doubt, she will use it to its full potential.

"Ah! Princess Moon, a pleasure to make your acquaintance.", a lady of high status curtsied.

"Oh Lady Tassel, greetings. Such a fine day, won't you agree?" Moon greeted.

"Very much so my princess. A fine day to be out hunting for potential husbands, too." She said not so discreetly.

Moon tried not to let her smile falter nor seem annoyed, "I think I'm far too young to think of such things."

"Oh nonsense dear princess! Why, word has it that Queen Galaxy already has handpicked suitors waiting for your hand.", Lady Tassel said.

Moon nodded, "well, mother has the tendency to plan ahead. But if that were the case, then what is the point of husband searching? In the end, I'll have to marry one of them."

"True, but there are exceptions. Like, when the son is of great importance like another prince from a different planet greater than the suitor you chose, or perhaps a man of high status here in Mewni."

There it was.

     Lady Tassel was a good woman. However, it seemed as if money and power turned her into the woman she is now. She was raised in a middle class household and was married off when her husband saw her beauty. They got married and she adjusted well and was trained to befit the bringing of Lord Tassel's wife. But soon, simple gifts and gestures weren't enough for her. She found herself wanting more. Something of greater power and of higher status. Like the throne.

     If Moon could recall correctly, the Tassels had two sons. Twins, of which are near her age. She could faintly remember the images of the two as she sometimes see them at yearly banquets at the castle, but a vague outline is all she could remember.

"I suppose you are right",Moon chose her words carefully. "Though I suppose only time will tell."

Lady Tassel nodded, seeming to accept Moon's answer.

"While I hate to cut our conversation short," no she doesn't. "I promised mother that I'll have my gown fitted for the banquet next week."

"Well then, I hate to be the reason of your tardiness. Good day Princess Moon."

"As to you Lady Tassel."

With that, the two parted.

     There were those who were like Lady Tassel. Power hungry and greedy (though Lady Tassel was more of the former than the latter). But to point it out and/or gossip about it would put shame into her upbringing as a princess of Mewni. All she could do is smile and try to be as polite as she could be.

"Princess Moon!", came a familiar voice.

"Oh! Prince River, greetings."

     River was one of her closest friends. There was something about the Johansen heir that gained Moon's favor. Though one things certain, River was one of the three persons on whom she can tell her darkest secrets too. The others being Toffee and her mother.

"Queen Galaxy wanted me to remind you of your responsibilities for the banquet."

Moon's face was blank, "What? But mother never lets me help around with such an important event such as these."

River scratched his head, "she said something about you nearing the age to rule and wanted to let you have a taste on what it's like."

So that's the reason for the trip to the town square.

"Did mother hand you a list?"

River gave her a piece of paper.

"Oh, well that's not too bad."

As soon as she touched it, the paper grew by length.

"Don't worry Moon, I'm here to help!" River declared.

Moon smiled, grateful to have such a friend.


      Toffee crumpled on the ground, eyes not leaving the spot in front of him. Black. That's the only color he can see. Ash black. Though black is not a color but a shade, he didn't have time for such thoughts.

They were gone.

His childhood.

His home.

His nest.

His heart.

His parents.

They were all gone.

     Toffee rushed back home as soon as he caught word that his house was on fire. The first thought he had was of his parents. How old and helpless they were. Their neighbors tried to put out the fire, but it wall for naught. It was an enchanted fire. And they all learned it too late. They tried breaking in the house to get his parents, but even then, the fire prevented them.

     They tried getting a witch, sorcerer, alchemist, anyone with ties to magic. But they all refused to help the monsters, saying that their business would fail as the Mewmans would take their helping of the fire as a threat. They can do nothing else, but watch it burn. How the fire started? No one knows.

But Toffee knew who.

And they were going to pay.

With their lives.

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