Chapter 10: The 7 Trials of the Spirit King

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- 1 month Later -

"Kimi.....what the hell happened to you...." Caria looked over at me.
My eyes had black circles and I looked like I went to a war.
"Blame my djiin, Kurumi......
She put me through hell in mental training..." I said as sat down.

My new djiin......Kurumi...has chosen to put me through torturous mental training and even if it wasn't all really, I feel like my body is in pain. This has been going on for a month. Save me from this nightmare......
I took a apple and begun munching on it. Suddenly the door opens and in comes the King of Kina. He walked over to Caria and smacked her on the head.
"What the hell was that for!" She rubbed her head.
"I told you were forbidden to go to a dungeon and you were gone for three months!" Yamato yells at her.
"I'm not gonna sit around here and be a goody two shoes! I'm the princess of this country, and it is my duty to protect it!" She argued back.
She unsheathed her sword and showed it to him.
"I am now a dungeon capturer like you and I have mastered my djiin equip!" She growled.
"Yato, you should be proud of your sister. She's been working hard to prove herself. She's no longer a little girl. It's time for her to make her life." Yuzuru said.
Yamato looked back and forth between his wife and sister. He sighs.
" win. And wipe that smirk off your face!" Yamato yells at Caria, who has a smirk of triumph.
He then looks over at me and at Alphonse. And then at my two kids, and Ka Koubun.
"Who are they?" He asked.
"Brother, these are my two friends I told you about. Kimi and Alphonse. The kids are Kimi's children, Crow and Kanna. The man next to Crow is Ka Koubun, Kimi's household." Caria smiles.
He looked over at us with narrowed eyes. Crow and Kanna hid behind me.


"Yamato enough! You're scaring the children!" His wife scolded him.
She hit him with her fan. He rubbed his head and looks back at his sister. He sits down on the table.
"We just word from one of our spies in Kou. The 8th Imperial Princess of the Kou Empire, Ren Kougyoku, has been declared a traitor by the Empress. The princesses is a wanted fugitive, also for her brave declaration on war with the Organization. Also, cause she escaped from Sindria. King Sinbad is looking for her." Yamato said.
Caria and Alphonse look over at me with a worried look. Why is the King of Sindria looking for me? True I went to Sindria, but I never met him there. Yet.....Somehow I feel like I have.

"Kimi, you idiot. Be more careful next time."

"Shut up! It's was your fault I fell in the mud Perverted Eggplant!"

"How many times have I told you to stop calling me that?!"


My head began to throb and I winced a bit.
"Why is the King after the princess?" Kaguya asked.

"I'll answer that question if you don't mind!" A cheerful voice spoke.
It was right behind me and I fell of my chair from shock.
A Woman with the right side of her hair is white with a small section of black, and colors are opposite to her left. She has a large chest and her clothes mimic the black and white scheme of her hair. She has a katana that all of the Kina servants, plus their king, have. Thus far, she has never been seen without her eye mask on.


She came out in chapter 261! Next to her is a boy. Nashime, I believe his name was. He came out in chapter 273. Both turn to look at me and Nanaumi grins, allowing me to see her black teeth. I swear I felt a shiver go up my spine.
"Apparently the King had his memory erased. The princess is a childhood friend of his and" she smiled cheerfully and points at me "he wants her brought to him alive and safe. Isn't that right, Ren Kougyoku?" Nanaumi grins.
Yamato, Yuzuru and Kaguya looked at me in shock.
"My name is Kimi Garcia, not Ren Kougyoku." I said as I stood up.
"You are yet you are not lying." Nashime said.
"What is someone from the Kou Empire here?" Yamato glares at me.
Caria and Alphonse stood in front of me along with Ka Koubun.
"Don't you dare attack my friend. You'll have face me." Caria growled.

Kurumi looked troubled. She took out a watch and her eyes widened in shock. She gritted her teeth. The other djiins looked at her confused.
"Daaaammmnnnn yyyooouuuu OREGAMIIIII!!!" She screamed in rage and destroyed a wall.
"What happened?" Sitri said.
Kurumi glares murderously at them and they all backed away. She looked at her watch again.
"To think they would interfere! What's more, Sinbad is his reincarnation. And to think he would also interfere!" She paced back and forth angrily.

In Sindria.....

A girl with pure short white snow hair, blue eyes, she wore a Halo crown with a gold and sliver dress. In her hands, floated a bullet, it admitting an unknown magic.

She looked calmly at the King of Sindria, who was breathing and panting heavily. Yamraiha began using healing magic, hoping to ease the agonizing pain he went through from the bullet that was extracted from his heart.

"The extraction is done. You'll start gaining back the memories that were sealed." The girl stated calmly.
Kotori, Nia and Natsumi hid in the shadows, watching.
"Thank you, Oregami. ARGH!!" Sinbad clutched his head in pain.
Natsumi looked over looked over at Kotori who also had a worried look.
"I don't understand why Kurumi would seal away your memories. I hope she's not doing it for fun again. Instead of calling me, you could of called Natsumi." Oregami stated calmly as she watched Sinbad in pain. His household surrounded him, trying to help their King.

She the protector of the land of Sasan. Why on earth would they call her here? The only reason she came was because Ja'far asked her. She has a small crush on the ex-assassin. She looked over to the left wall and could see her friends making hand signs to not say anymore about Natsumi at all. And Natsumi doing a X-sign by crossing her arms. She raised an eyebrow. Her friends are invisible and only she could see them.

Based on all the signs they are doing, and Sharrkan and Pisti stiffen, Masrur with a blank face, and the other generals who had a questioning look of who was she talking about and same with Sinbad, who is now no longer in pain, she came to conclusion that only three generals knew, and everyone else did not know about her friend that has lived in Sindria for thousands of years. And she thinks they are stupid. Do that not pay attention to the myths, folksongs , stories about the Goddess that has protected their lands? Load of bullshit  she calls it.

Oregami sighs. She looks back at the King.
"King Sinbad, I will take my leave now." She bowed and with the bullet in get hand.
Sinbad looked over at her with narrowed eyes.
"What was the purpose of the bullet and who is Natsumi? And do you know where Kimi is?" Sinbad was barley able to stand up, but Ja'far helped him.
Oregami looked back at the wall, her friends making signs to Not say anything, and put on a blank face that made them shut up. She looked back at the king and sighs.
"I am not at liberty to speak any of the answers you seek. However, the bullet  is made up of ancient magic. The person that design it, made it so it would be utter hell if the person tried to extract it. That is all I can say. Excuse me." And with that, Oregami left.

Sinbad, now that he has regained his memories(even if he went to utter hell of pain) needs to find Kimi. He remembers the dream. She was falling into depravity. And it was his fault.....
He sent out an order to bring and find Kimi. Ja'far looked over at his friend and nodded his head. Sinbad walked to his window and took out the lotus blossom necklace, and held it in the palm of his hand.

Back in Kina, Kimi told the king her story and cleared any misunderstanding that happened. He understood and allowed her to stay. Ka Koubun went to Heliohapt and will be training there. Four three months, Kimi trained in Kina along with her friends and children. Kanna and Crow awakened their household vessels. Kimi mastered Kurumi's powers even if it was utter hell. She still doesn't remember Sinbad but she still questions who he was.

- 4 months Later: The Boarder of Reim -

Kimi, Alphonse, and Caria stood in front of a dungeon near the boarder of Reim. It was different and gave off....a kind vibe....
Kurumi smirked. From far away, she can feel the other spirits gathering and all in the sky, looking down. They will stay and see if she will be able to pass the Spirit Kings Trails.

A girl with golden eyes, flowing long blonde hair that reaches up to her knees even when braided. She ties her hair together in a partial Odango hairstyle, in addition to dark blue and purple hair extensions which resemble bunny ears. She wears a lilac and white Astral Dress. The ends of her skirt, which are adorned with constellation patterns, are divided at the edge. Additionally, she wears transparent purple gloves that are also engraved with constellation patterns. Lastly, she wears high heel shoes that are attached to metallic greaves. These greaves resemble the leg armor used by medieval knights.

She looked down at Kimi and her friends. This is Muruko. The Constellations and Harvest Goddess of Reim. Her temple is far deep in the Mountain. She has live in Reim for Thousands of years like the other spirits in the lands they live in.
Muroku held a gem in her hand. She then looked back to where the others were. Suddenly, her bunny ears stand up and she looks to the east. She narrowed her eyes slightly and sees it is Muu and the Fanalis Corps. Along with another one of Scheherazade king candidates. She scoffed. The noble is a complete stuck up and only wishes power. Indeed, her and her sisters chose a more worthy candidate for their king. She summons out her staff and creates a barrier, stopping the them. They were in shock and she quickly made herself invisible. She floated nearby. Another thing, goddess have no scent, so that means they could not detect her. The people of Reim still leave offerings at her temple. As a thank you to the people, every year, she makes the plum blossoms bloom rainbow.
She watched Muu djiin equip to Barbartos and tried to break the barrier but failed, shocking everyone else but her. She remembers Muu. She saved him once, but one day he stopped coming to Visit her home.

As she was about to turn to leave, her eyes widened when she saw Muu looking her direction and smirking.

"Found you."

And she quickly disappear into a space rift before he made a move.

Kimi looked at the gate and touched it. A light engulfed her and the others and in they went.
Kimi opened her eyes and was amazed. Hundreds, if not thousands of different crystals floated all in the air.

"Welcome, chosen one."

Everyone turned around and their jaws dropped open. A boy who looked about there age, he had blue hair and deep blue eyes. In his hands, floated small crystals, that glowed multiple colors.

"My name is Shido. Spirit of Protection and Trust. For you may also know me as the Spirit King. I know I don't look like a djiin right now. This is my human form. I'll be testing you. You will go through 7 trials. Each a dark part of yourself." Shiro said and then turned to the others.
He waves his hand and they all fell asleep. He turned to Kimi, who narrowed her eyes at her.

7 crystals float towards her. A red one first heads to her. It turns to a mirror.
"Do not worry. Your friends are safe. Enter the mirror and the trials will begin." Shiro said.

Kimi looked at the mirror and nodded. She we t in and was engulfed by a red light. She opened her eyes and saw a symbol on the floor. The symbol of a fox. It veeeerrryyy familiar to her but she couldn't figure out where.

"A girl huh? I guess that means I won't get board."

Now she remembers where she heard the voice and where she saw that symbol. She paled. a tall, muscular man with pale skin, who possesses a set of well-developed abdominal muscles. He has short, spiky, pale blue hair and thin black eyebrows, as well as a pair of scarlet-red eyes. On the left side of his neck, he has a large scar. He is wearing a red leather jacket and pants with metal studs sewn into both, alongside shoes of a similar, yet darker color. She turned towards him with a crooked smile and a blue face.

Ban, the fox Sin of Greed.

He smirked at her and took out his weapon. A ornate four section-staff with the ends being spikes. Kimi took off her hair pin and djiin equips to Vinea. Her hair turns blue and goes to her shoulders, her bangs turn braided and loop. She had her sword in her hands ready to fight.

Ban smirked.
"Before we actually start fighting, here a question for you. The world we live in is filled with greed. Is it wrong for a human to desire more than what they have, more than what they need?  In this world where greed can take over, who is the one we truly must trust?!" Ban yells and charges at her.
"GUAWH?!" Kimi yells at the force of his attack.
She jumped back but....

"Too slow!"

He grabbed her foot and slammed her down, knocking all the air out of and coughed out blood. She stood up shakily and glared at him. He smirked.
"Greed is something that lives inside of us naturally. It can blind ous of our ideals if we are not careful...." Kimi said as she wipes the blood from her lips. Ban raised an eyebrow at her.
"So my sin is my greed. I wanted a better life. I wanted to get of of the hell hole I was living in my previous life." She spit out blood and smirked.
"But at that same time, my greed saved me. So to answer your question, THE ONE I MUST TRULY TRUST IS MYSELF AND MY FRIENDS!!" Kimi yells as she charged at him and stabbed him.
Ban smirked down at the girl and ruffles her hair and grins.
"Nice job. Though I was expecting for you to say yourself and no one else. You pass. Enter the mirror. And by the way, you remind me of Eline in a way." Ban grins and he disappeared.
A fox symbol appears on her back. She smiles and undjiin equips. She then turns to the next mirror.

Color green.

She had a pretty good idea who was the next person. She entered and was in a land filled with green gems. The world between the living and the dead.
A young boy with short brown hair, a high forehead, thin eyebrows, and brown eyes. He wears a long orange and aqua sweatshirt with a hood and navy blue sleeves, quarter-length navy blue pants, and short boots wieth large buttons matching his hoodie. He also carries a green leopard pattern pillow which is actually a transformation of his spear Chastiefol. He layed lazily on the green pillow and looked down at her.

King, the Grizzly Sin of Sloth

"Shido has his way of things. So here here is the trial. There are things we must do , yet we feel like not doing it. We want to ran away from it all and leave it all behind. Because sometimes we fear our will damage all. So, will you keep running away from reality and not face truth, or will you move forward and face the consequences? And my name is King." King gives her a small smile.

Kimi thought and sweat drops. She'll admit, she can be a lazy ass when she wants to and not ducks given. And she remembers the consequences she faced when she was lazy and didn't do her projects till last minute. The hell she went through. She looks back at King.
"Uuummmm.....I'll admit, I can be a lazy ass when I want to but annnnndddd I do face the consequences.....but for the question, hopefully, when the day comes I must truly face reality, I'll hope to face it alone. Because only I can face my inner demons and defeat them to move forward." Kimi smiled warmly.
King hummed and summons a orange mirror.
"Correct. You're the first human to actually answer truthfully. The other ones that came before you, all tried to lie never ment it. Now go in." He smirks and disappears to her back.

She walks to the mirror and is met by a dead forest. Trees died and dead, fog surrounding the place.
A giant Woman with medium length brown hair which is tied up into large twin tails. She has a particularly well-developed and curvaceous body.

Diane, the Serpent Sin of Envy

Diane puffed her cheeks and looked down at her. Kimi was crying anime tears because she knows how Diane is. Why.......?
"I'll fight you if I want to put I don't want to keep the captain waiting, and Shido owes me big time for this. Here is the question. Envy lives all around us. We are envy yet we are not. I see others and I envy them for what they have and for what I don't have. Is it really okay to envy the people around you?" Diane said as she sat down.
Kimi sighs.
" isn't right. We shouldn't envy the people around us because they have something we don't. But envy is something that cannot be stopped. It's natural in all living beings nature. I'll say this, sometimes I envy my own friends because of the better life they have, or if they have friends. That they can open up more to others and don't carry a heavy weight on their shoulders. But, even if I do envy them, I am proud of them. Because they achieved more than ever." Kimi said and Diane looked at her with wide eyes.

A blue mirror opens and Kimi paled, knowing who was next. Four more to go. The next one, you really  need to be careful. Try not to become her test subject." Diane giggles and disappears to her left thigh.

Kimi paled once she went through the mirror. She was in a lab room.....

A Woman with a slim, attractive, tall woman with three beauty marks below her right eye. Her outfit consists of a highly revealing and open fur collared long coat, with heart shaped buttons, short shorts with a heart on it, and thigh high boots. Her hair is at shoulder length and black. She smirked at Kimi as she walked towards her.

Merlin...Boar's Sin of Gluttony...

Kimi wanted to cry so bad right now. The woman is a knowledge hungry person for gods sake! And all the power and knowledge she knows,  her fighting completely unfair because every single thing she will do will be negated.
"So your Kimi? You have strange rukh around you. Mind if I experiment on you?" Merlin smiled and Kimi ran.
"You are hungry for knowledge and power, yet you yearn for it unconsciously. You wrap yourself in the fingers of "fate"! Will you let your hunger for more take over or will you challenge it?!" Merlin grins as she raised her hands and sent an attack at Kimi.

Kimi did a partial djiin equip and summon out Beleth weapon. Her arm covered in pearls. A lance, similar to Zagan. It was back and purple, decorated with red rubies and emeralds. She began spinning it and creates a powerful wind force to push back Merlin's attack.
"So what if I'm hungry for power?! And yes, I have let my lust for power take over me before and because of that, my friends got hurt! And because of that, I always challenge it. I fear myself and because of that, I won't let it take over me again! I'll challenge fate!" Kimi screamed as she jumped in the air and threw her spear at Merlin.
Merlin raised her hand and stopped her attack in mid air. Kimi growled and she smirked her.
"Challenge fate? Now that is something I haven't heard in a long time. Only one person has said that to me and she lives in a different world. The rouge magi she is. So you answer is you won't follow fate, but you won't reject or curse it either. You will create you own path." Merlin grins.
Kimi nodded.
"Splendid! What an interesting way to see the world and fate itself! Continue onto the next trial!" She grins and disappears onto Kimi's stomach.
A pink mirror opens and she goes in. A forest old and sinister, filled with the skeletons of people. Kimi grimace as she walked. She quickly dodges down, before a pink light arrow hit her. It wasn't going to harm her, just put her under an illusion.

"There was a 42% that you would be able to dodge my attack. You may exceed my calculations."
A man that has amber eyes and dark red hair (sometimes depicted as magenta) that reaches just past his jaw. His usual attire consists of a gray long-sleeved shirt underneath a white sleeveless top as well as a pair of dark pants and short boots. He has a very feminine face and as such can be mistaken for a girl. He also wears a pair of glasses with light frames and apparently cannot see without them. 

Gowther Goat's Sin of Lust.

He looked at her with no emotion. Kimi touched her gun, ready to fight, but her face turned to confusion when he raised his hand and fixed his glasses.
"Kimi correct?(sees her nod) as you already know, I am a the sin of lust. And what I lust after is a "heart". I want to know human emotions. Will I learn what emotions are if I take your heart?  " He said and instantly, she created a anime magic barrier around her.
"What are human emotions? What is the human heart? I want to know what that is. In this world where the heart is mostly known forts rich emotions, if it were to be taken away from you, how would you see the world? Will you try to gain it back, or remain emotionless?" Gowther asked as he summoned a pink bow and arrow made of of glowing light.

Kimi hesitated to answer. All her life she's lived as a human with emotions. She doesn't know what it's likely have none. At same time, she can't come up with an answer. If her "heart" is taken away, she doesn't know how she'll react. Gowther keeps searching for a heart because his was taken away. She knows his history from the manga she read. She sighs and looks over at him.
"Unfortunately, I do not have answer." Kimi said.
Gowther looked at her confused.
"You do not have an answer? A rare choice. But, you must answer if you wish to continue. Or, I could give you a different option." He lowered his bow.
He walked towards her and has her take off her eye patch. She does and it revels her eye. A small vine going down it, her pupil is a butterfly. Her eye no longer pink but gold.
"So this is the contract to your djiin. Then here is a different question. If you can rid yourself of your past, would you do it?" Gowther said and Kimi looked at him in shock.

"My....past..." Kimi mumbled.
The shadows covered her eyes. If she could rid herself of her past, she would gladly take it, but eventually, it would catch up to her. She looked at him with dead eyes.
"Such a thing is not possible because it will always come and get you back in the future. So no. I won't do it. That is my answer." Kimi spoke monotone.
Gowther nodded and opened a yellow mirror.
"Memories are merely information. Creating or erasing them is not difficult. What I want to the "emotion" that reaches beyond them.  After him, you will have one trial left. My calculations that you many survive are 50.6666666666669999800000000%. Good Luck!" He said and gave her a thumbs up.
Kimi rolls her eyes and he disappeared onto her neck.

She walks do the mirror and comes....
Inside a bar? She looked around and saw it was quite nice. And the scent of her favorite liquor, made her grin. She walked in and saw a man with  attire is a suit commonly worn by bartenders and although slightly baggy, does appear to fit his non-sunshine form far better than his previous attire. He has brown hair, a mustache and glasses.

Escanor Lion's Sin of Pride

"Sakura sake or cherry peach alcohol, if you have any." Kimi said as she sat down on a chair.
Escanor chuckles and served her her drink.
"You're a crazy one, you know that. Aren't you a little to young to be drinking?" He sweat drops as he watched her drink from the mug.
"Blame.....blame.....ugh....I know I should blame someone but I can't remember who......The name perverted Eggplant pops up....but I can't remember." Kimi said as she tapped her chin.
Escanor sighs and takes out a eye of Rukh, the size of a soccer ball. Kimi looked at him confused.
"You, who has suffered much and died young, you take pride in your actions, but sometimes your ego blinds you.
(Djiins: She's not Sinbad!
Kurumi: I worry for her virginity
Djiins: She isn't going to loose it on our watch.
Kurumi: Highly doubt that.)
What do you truly take pride of? Yourself or something else?" Escanor said.
The eye of rukh began to play different achievements she did. She smiled at them. She touched it.
"My friends and family are my pride. Because, without them, I would never be where I am right now. It is because of them, I keep going. They are my pride, and I'm proud to have them." Kimi grins.
Escanor smiles and the final mirror opens.
"The last trial, is done you must face. Because it has taken you over many times. You must have control or it will be your downfall. Good luck." He smiles and disappears onto her hand.
The mark of the lion.

Kimi walks to the black mirror and enters. Once she gets out, her eyes widened. A endless field of grass, pure blue sky.

"Yo! Hmmm....small but soft."

Kimi instantly turned red as she felt someone groops her chest. She instantly grabbed the persons head and smashed them to the ground.
A boy who is exceptionally short compared to others, with messy blond hair and a pair of emerald eyes. He also lacks facial hair, further accentuating his adolescent appearance. Regardless of his stature and youthful looks, he is relatively muscular, possessing an array of well-developed abdominal muscles. He is often shown wearing an ordinary, clean white button-front shirt and a black sleeveless vest on top with a loosely worn tie. His Broken Sword's scabbard is held on by a green leather belt with gold-colored buckles. Without any socks, he wears a pair of black boots. His most distinctive trait is his Dragon symbol carved at the top of his left bicep, just below his shoulder.

"DON'T EVER TOUCH ME LIKE THAT AGAIN MELIODAS, DRAGON SIN OF WRATH!!!!" Kimi screeched as she jumped back.
The boy, now known as Meliodas, grins as he gets up and dust himself.
"Hahaha!! Sorry, couldn't help myself.
(Sitri and Beleth: I'll kill him!
Kurumi: He's kind of cute but not my type.
Vinea: that damn pervert hasn't changed one bit!)
But time to get serious." He said and sat down on the grass.
Kimi sat down in front of him.
"This final trail is yourself. You will go through your worst hellish memory where your own wrath took over you. Control your wrath, or you will die and each time you fail, you will Fall more into darkness." Meliodas looked at her seriously.
Kimi was scared but nodded. Meliodas smiled and ruffled her hair. He touched her forehead and everything went black.

Kimi saw she was back at her home. When she was little.

"Kimi, be careful sweety."

She looked up and smiled. A Woman with brown curly hair, brown chocolate eyes, she wore a brown T-shirt with some shorts, and sandles.
"Okay mama!" Kimi smiled as she held onto her mother's hand.
Both walked around the beach shore and her mother talking her stories of the ocean.

"Mama, what did my real papa look like?" She asked and her mother smiled.
"Your father was quite the man. He had tan skin like you but had  purple hair. He was friends with his brothers and others. I remember our friends. Solomon, Sheba, Ugo, Ithan, Arba, Wahid, Falan, and your papa Setta. We were magicians. We protected people." Her mother smiled.
"I remember how I first met him. I was here in this very beach. I was walking Into the water to swim. It was the middle of the night. Suddenly there was a bright light in the ocean. I went to check it out. When I got to it, it felt like arms pulled me down and everything went black. I woke up in a strange place. It was no longer California, but a completely new place. I honestly thought I was in Mexico again when I saw Aztec buildings. I was so scared. Worse I didn't understand the language at all. " her mom giggled and began day dreaming.
"I was 19. I ran around the whole place. I was so scared, and people were chasing after me. I remember I out ran your fathers brother, and when I saw people flying I was shocked. It was so funny how Ithan turned blue when he couldn't run anymore. I kept running and I was suddenly trapped in some sort of force field. I saw who the culprit was. A  a tall, slim yet muscular man, with dark skin. He has yellow eyes and medium-length purple hair with strands hanging over both sides of his face. The hair standing on the top sides of his head has the appearance of cat ears. His forehead also has a third eye, as well as wearing a pair of glasses.

He tried to talk to me but I didn't understand anything not to mention, somehow I manged to break the force field, with my punch and and socked him in the face. Made him a bloody nose and ran for my life, but was caught again by Ugo. But got away by socking him where the sun doesn't shine! Ahhahahaha!!" Kimi's mother grins proudly while her daughter looks at her in horror.
"I feel sorry for papa....." Kimi sweat drops.

She remembers, doctors saying her mother was mentally ill. Kimi didn't understand what they ment back then.
"I want to meet him. Papa sounds awesome!" Kimi giggled as she played with her toy staff.
Her mother's eyes sadden.
"Maybe one day...."

As the years went by, Kimi was with her mother. both endured abuse from her step father. He would beat her and her mother. But even after all that, Kimi stayed strong for her mother to make smile.

Then.....the day when her life change came.

She was 13. She came home, only to find her step father had killed her mother out of rage. He choked her to death. He turned around and charged at Kimi, but Kimi screamed in anger and sadness and grabbed the gun she found and shot his arms and legs.


Kimi screamed. Meliodas and her djiins, all watched. Each one wanted to help her, heck even Kurumi. Each time, the scene played, thousands if not millions of times, she let her wrath take over and nearly Kill her step father. And each time, falling more and more into depravity.
Meliodas closed his eyes in regret, hearing Kimi scream in every time, made him want to stop the trial but she has to control it.

Kimi once again stood with the gun in her hands, ready to pull the trigger once again but, warm hands were place on hers and her shoulders. Her eyes widened, and she looked up to see who it was.

"That's enough Kimi. You don't have to be angry anymore. We're here for you."

Her eyes widened and tears began to fall from her eyes.
"Mom....Dad....Sheba...Solomon...Kougyoku...." she dropped the gun.
They all smiled at her. Kimi began to cry and hugged all of them. Her mother kissed her forehead.

"My sweet daughter, I missed you so much...."

Meliodas eyes widened as he saw the black rukh disappearing and the white rukh began to surround her. Her face no longer in pain, but in peace. A smile on her face and tears falling from her eyes.
"Papa...mama...Sheba....Kougyoku...Solomon.....thank you...." she mumbled in her sleep and tears of happiness fell from her eyes.
The sin markings glowed and they all appear, standing next to the djiins. They watched as Kimi was sleeping peacefully. Her breathing softly. They smiled and the grass land changed to a room. Kimi was on a pure white bed, and her children and friends were all also asleep in different beds.

"Well Shido," Meliodas grins as he turns to his djiin friend, "she did it. She passed!" He grins and Shiro nodded.
He walked towards her and and touched the small crown on her forehead.
"My metal vessel will be her crown. She is blessed by the Rukh and can make as many contracts as she wants. But knowing her, she is happy with what she has. Thank you Kimi. But I'm sorry to ask you this from you. It is almost time to head to Magnostadt. Please, help Nora and her sister. The 7 Sins will lend you their power when you need it. Their crystals will be embedded on your left arm. Touch them, and they will be summon." Shido as he touched the crown.

"The power of the spirits is now under your name. Thank you, Kimi."

- Outside the Dungeon -

All the spirits began cheering and celebrating that their King has found a worthy Master. Mukoro smiled as she saw the dungeon disappear and on the ground, was Kimi, her friends, and children all asleep peacefully. She flew down, but .......

"Don't move."

Her head snapped back and saw she was they were surounded by the Fanalis Corps. She quickly created a borg around the ones that were sleeping and looked back at Muu, who was smirking. He looked down and his eyes widened when he saw Alphonse.
"Alphonse! What have you done to my brother!?" Myron growled.
Muroku back way and spread her arms.
"I won't let you hurt them!" She yells and their eyes widened.
"Who are you?" Myron said.
"My name is Muroku, I am a friend of Lord Alphonse. The two girls are also her friends along with the children. Please, they are no harm!" She said.

Muu was entranced by the woman's beauty. Sadly, this didn't go unnoticed by the Fanalis Corps. Muu snapped out of it.
"Why should we believe you?" He said.
"If you do not believe me, speak with lady Scheherazade. For I am her master that she's spoken of. My guess you are Muu, and that is your sister Myron?" She said and everyone looked at her shocked.
Muu narrowed his eyes but sighs.
"Alright, I believe you. But we still must confirm this. I will take my brother back to Reim along with the other people. You will come with me." Muu said and Muroku nodded.

The Fanalis Corps helped carry the sleeping people. Muu made Muroku ride on his horse with her back to Reim. She blushed because she'll admit in her mind, puberty hit him like a truck. As for Muu, he was trying to keep his face from turning red, as he felt her wrap her small arms around his waist.

Muroku looked back at a sleeping Kimi, who was being carries by Myron.

"Kimi, I'm sorry to get you in this mess...."

(To be Continued......)

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