Birdie and Kaius

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* =optional

Name: Birdie Viotto
*Nickname: she doesn't really have any nicknames
Age: depends on rp but range 16-19
Height: 5'6
Gender: female
Sexuality: Demi
Species; depends. Either human or a fallen angel
Likes: the night, reading, art, being left alone, meeting people, animals
Dislikes: being left alone,spiders,people assuming things about her
Personality: Birdie is a quiet girl yet she has her loud moments. She has selective people she seems ok to hang around but she usually is too cautious to make much of a move on people to become friends or get a relationship. She also will beat anyone up who messes with her friends or family but she will take hits herself as she doesn't see herself as much.
Power(if any): if she is human none but if she's a fallen angel she can see auras and she can fly.

Fallen Angel:
Exactly the same only with light grey wings Other:
-has a twin brother (Kaius)
-has slight anxiety
-has slight trust issues
-has never been in a relationship

Name: Kaius Viotto
Nickname: Kai
Age: depends on rp. But range is 16-19
Height: 5'10-6'0
Gender: male
Sexuality: Bi
Species: human or demon
Likes: watching videos, reading, bugging his sister, pranks, flirting
Dislikes: family, aholes, animals, super bright days, forced things
Personality:  Kaius is a bit bitter, he sees the world in a very black and white way. He usually keeps to himself but he's actually extremely extroverted and flirty. He gets protective of those he loves and truly cares about but he never shows his soft side in case someone tries to use him. He has high walls established that people have to try to break through in order to get to know the real him.
Power (if any): if human none. If a demon he simply has pyrokenisis


-has a twin sister (Birdie)
-slight anger issues

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